


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                        For instance, whereas it has been hypothesized that a common disease is associ
2                                              It has been hypothesized that a common set of spinal int
3 lation by ABCC6 in vivo remain unidentified, it has been hypothesized that a critical vitamin K deriv
4                                              It has been hypothesized that a DCoH homolog, DCoH2, par
5                                              It has been hypothesized that a disturbed early lung dev
6                                              It has been hypothesized that a gradient of Slit from th
7                                              It has been hypothesized that a greater decline in circu
8                                              It has been hypothesized that a highly regulated pattern
9                                        While it has been hypothesized that a single intramolecular di
10                                              It has been hypothesized that abnormal encoding of neura
11                                              It has been hypothesized that acid pH promotes local inv
12                                              It has been hypothesized that addiction is associated wi
13                           In recent studies, it has been hypothesized that Agrobacterium species use
14                                              It has been hypothesized that alpha-synuclein (alphaS) m
15                                              It has been hypothesized that altered Ag processing by t
16                                              It has been hypothesized that altered homeostasis of phy
17                                              It has been hypothesized that anastomotic leak predispos
18                                              It has been hypothesized that animals could take advanta
19                                              It has been hypothesized that anthracycline metabolites
20  gal epitope is found on gut enterobacteria, it has been hypothesized that anti-gal antibodies are ge
21 e the extracellular levels of 5-HT, and thus it has been hypothesized that antidepressant responses r
22 ip between astrocytes and endothelial cells, it has been hypothesized that astrocytes induce this cri
23                                              It has been hypothesized that AtPeps are involved in enh
24 eral blood mononuclear cells of AA patients, it has been hypothesized that autoreactive T lymphocytes
25                                              It has been hypothesized that B cell precursors that und
26                                              It has been hypothesized that B. hermsii evades compleme
27                                              It has been hypothesized that, because of such reactivit
28                                              It has been hypothesized that before the emergence of mo
29                                              It has been hypothesized that, before irreversibly commi
30                                              It has been hypothesized that body weight predicts the n
31                               In particular, it has been hypothesized that bone curvature results in
32                                              It has been hypothesized that by excluding duodenum and
33                                              It has been hypothesized that cancer cells increase gluc
34                                Consequently, it has been hypothesized that cardiac denervation can be
35                                              It has been hypothesized that carnosine may exert its ne
36 rgy induction over effector differentiation, it has been hypothesized that Cbl-b(-/-) T cells are res
37                                              It has been hypothesized that changes in DNA methylation
38                                 For example, it has been hypothesized that changes to proteins expres
39                                              It has been hypothesized that climate-driven increases i
40                                              It has been hypothesized that complex A is required for
41 s tend to overlap more than dissimilar ones, it has been hypothesized that component pattern overlap
42 perativity between the two protein subunits, it has been hypothesized that conformational changes in
43                                              It has been hypothesized that conformational rearrangeme
44                                              It has been hypothesized that constitutive reduction in
45 r1-Delta) mutants with very short telomeres, it has been hypothesized that copying a tiny telomeric c
46                                              It has been hypothesized that CPs are cross-linked to ot
47                                              It has been hypothesized that cytoplasmic dopamine has s
48                                              It has been hypothesized that cytoskeletal tension preve
49 e of the D2DR system is less clear, although it has been hypothesized that D2DRs make a specific cont
50                                              It has been hypothesized that d3tx breaks tolerance by d
51                                              It has been hypothesized that DA neurons receive RPE sig
52 herapeutically effective concentrations, and it has been hypothesized that depletion of brain inosito
53                                              It has been hypothesized that depressive symptoms and de
54 ere are six intermediate chain isoforms, and it has been hypothesized that different isoforms may reg
55                                              It has been hypothesized that doxorubicin-dependent card
56                                              It has been hypothesized that dual TCR T cells pose an a
57                                              It has been hypothesized that due to their ability to un
58                                              It has been hypothesized that during high frequency stim
59  of whale fall communities in modern oceans, it has been hypothesized that during the Mesozoic the ca
60                                              It has been hypothesized that E7 induces polyploidy in r
61                                              It has been hypothesized that early exposure to thimeros
62                                              It has been hypothesized that early sensitization to foo
63 n has been implicated in heat tolerance, and it has been hypothesized that EF-Tu confers heat toleran
64                                              It has been hypothesized that El Nino events facilitate
65                                              It has been hypothesized that electrically pacing the di
66                                Consequently, it has been hypothesized that emulsifiers, detergent-lik
67                                              It has been hypothesized that encephalitis develops when
68                                              It has been hypothesized that endothelial-specific gene
69                                              It has been hypothesized that enzyme motions on the femt
70  that regulate protein synthesis in neurons, it has been hypothesized that excessive protein synthesi
71                                              It has been hypothesized that excitatory and inhibitory
72                                              It has been hypothesized that expanded polyQ domains ado
73                    For nearly half a century it has been hypothesized that extension and shear fractu
74                                              It has been hypothesized that FCE across multiple trophi
75                                              It has been hypothesized that FLG deficiency leads to en
76                                              It has been hypothesized that force applied to formin ma
77                                              It has been hypothesized that four intermolecular base p
78 s are prevalent in gene promoter regions and it has been hypothesized that G-quadruplex structure for
79                                              It has been hypothesized that gain of the MYC protooncog
80 cytoplasmic domain have been identified, and it has been hypothesized that gating mechanisms involve
81                                              It has been hypothesized that gene duplication occurred
82                                 For decades, it has been hypothesized that gene regulation has had a
83                                              It has been hypothesized that GONST1 provides precursors
84                                              It has been hypothesized that grafted MGE precursors cou
85                                              It has been hypothesized that greater large artery stiff
86                                              It has been hypothesized that habenular input to midbrai
87                                              It has been hypothesized that herbivores host tannin-deg
88                                              It has been hypothesized that heterogeneity is an effici
89                                              It has been hypothesized that high environmental exposur
90                                              It has been hypothesized that high fluid intake may redu
91 because it results in nonviable individuals, it has been hypothesized that high mutation rates create
92                                              It has been hypothesized that highly hydrophobic substan
93                                              It has been hypothesized that hip-fracture rates are hig
94                                     Although it has been hypothesized that hyperglycemia, hyperinsuli
95                                              It has been hypothesized that Ikaros controls gene expre
96                                              It has been hypothesized that immune hyperactivation dur
97                                              It has been hypothesized that immune responses evoked by
98                                              It has been hypothesized that impairment of mitochondria
99                                              It has been hypothesized that in order to retain stable
100                                              It has been hypothesized that, in addition to X-linked r
101                                              It has been hypothesized that, in aggregate, rare varian
102                                              It has been hypothesized that, in the developing rodent
103                                              It has been hypothesized that inadequate control of comp
104                               In CF airways, it has been hypothesized that increased ENaC-dependent N
105                                              It has been hypothesized that individual differences in
106                                              It has been hypothesized that ingestion of microplastic
107 ssed throughout the mammalian brain [4], and it has been hypothesized that inhibition of BPNT-1 could
108                                              It has been hypothesized that inhibitory interneurons co
109                                              It has been hypothesized that intrinsic cortical dynamic
110                                     Although it has been hypothesized that ISG15 functions as an anti
111                                              It has been hypothesized that leukocyte-produced growth
112                                              It has been hypothesized that Lewy pathology initiates i
113 ry targets of incoming synaptic information, it has been hypothesized that local synaptic input could
114                                              It has been hypothesized that low frequency (1-5% minor
115                                              It has been hypothesized that low-fidelity repair polyme
116 rom peripheral blood, tonsil, and spleen and it has been hypothesized that lymphocytes may be one sit
117                                              It has been hypothesized that macrophages play a key rol
118                                              It has been hypothesized that mammals likewise upregulat
119                                              It has been hypothesized that MAPK-interacting kinase 1
120                   Because of their location, it has been hypothesized that MCs can act as sentinel ce
121 er-mediated protein-protein-interactions and it has been hypothesized that metallochaperones thereby
122                                              It has been hypothesized that MIB reflects an antagonist
123                                              It has been hypothesized that microbial processes are re
124                                              It has been hypothesized that miR-221 may act as a tumor
125                                              It has been hypothesized that mitochondrial respiratory
126                                              It has been hypothesized that monosodium glutamate (MSG)
127 atic hypermutation is potentially dangerous, it has been hypothesized that mutations do not occur thr
128                                              It has been hypothesized that n-3 PUFA in breast milk ma
129                                              It has been hypothesized that N-GlcNAc modifications are
130                                              It has been hypothesized that narrowly tuned ORNs projec
131 ident with the close of the critical period, it has been hypothesized that nets could play uniquely i
132                                              It has been hypothesized that neural activities in the p
133                                              It has been hypothesized that neuropathic pain results f
134 acological and immuno-depletion experiments, it has been hypothesized that NGF plays an important rol
135                                              It has been hypothesized that oncogenesis and neurodegen
136                                              It has been hypothesized that oncogenesis in the absence
137                                              It has been hypothesized that one of the functions of th
138                                              It has been hypothesized that optimal vaccine immunity a
139                                              It has been hypothesized that origin function or oriC se
140             In recent biogeochemical studies it has been hypothesized that oxygen deficiency was wide
141                                              It has been hypothesized that p97 extracts proteins from
142 ce diverse debilitating neglect symptoms and it has been hypothesized that PA's effects are so genera
143                                              It has been hypothesized that pauses in PC activity trig
144                                              It has been hypothesized that persistent CD4+ T-cell pro
145                                              It has been hypothesized that persistent organic polluta
146                                   Therefore, it has been hypothesized that perturbing bone homeostasi
147                                              It has been hypothesized that photoexcitation derepresse
148 are topographically organized and divergent, it has been hypothesized that place fields are generated
149                                              It has been hypothesized that plant underground storage
150                                              It has been hypothesized that PN bursts, as a population
151                                              It has been hypothesized that predecessors of today's br
152 ions before bone marrow transplantation, and it has been hypothesized that preimmunization to antigen
153                                              It has been hypothesized that present day inflammatory d
154                                              It has been hypothesized that proteasomal degradation of
155 s may act as 'knots' within genomic DNA, and it has been hypothesized that proteins may have evolved
156 n the neutral to mildly acidic pH range, and it has been hypothesized that protonation of one or more
157                                   Therefore, it has been hypothesized that providing stable intake of
158                                              It has been hypothesized that rAd5 vaccination of baseli
159                                              It has been hypothesized that rapidly dividing tumor cel
160                                 Classically, it has been hypothesized that reach-to-grasp movements a
161                                              It has been hypothesized that reproductive isolation sho
162                                              It has been hypothesized that resealing occurs due to fo
163                                              It has been hypothesized that retroviruses utilize the e
164                                              It has been hypothesized that robust neural reactivity t
165 ortant implications for heart failure, where it has been hypothesized that RyR hyperphosphorylation,
166                                              It has been hypothesized that scaffold proteins promote
167                                              It has been hypothesized that secondary symbionts form a
168                                     However, it has been hypothesized that seizure activity may resul
169                                              It has been hypothesized that sequential exposure of hum
170                                              It has been hypothesized that severe psoriasis is an ind
171 s of sequence are shared between GP and sGP, it has been hypothesized that sGP may potentially subver
172                                              It has been hypothesized that signature whistles can be
173                                              It has been hypothesized that site-specific reduction of
174                                              It has been hypothesized that slow rs-fMRI oscillations
175                                              It has been hypothesized that social developmental disor
176                                              It has been hypothesized that somatic mosaic mutations d
177                               Finally, since it has been hypothesized that some animals utilize level
178                                              It has been hypothesized that some CO-RMs require a CO a
179                                              It has been hypothesized that some fornical fibres may i
180  involves misfolding and autophagy, although it has been hypothesized that some mutations interfere w
181                                     Although it has been hypothesized that some of the somatic mutati
182                                              It has been hypothesized that species-specific susceptib
183                                              It has been hypothesized that spread of current to nonmo
184                             In many studies, it has been hypothesized that stress and its biologic co
185                                      Indeed, it has been hypothesized that stromal ablation is critic
186                                              It has been hypothesized that subjects with higher basel
187                                              It has been hypothesized that subtle variations in TSG e
188                                              It has been hypothesized that such affective responses s
189                                     However, it has been hypothesized that such an event could oblite
190                                              It has been hypothesized that such reward-related modula
191                                              It has been hypothesized that suppressed nocturnal melat
192                                   Therefore, it has been hypothesized that sweet beverages may increa
193 rdings of calcium channel function in vitro, it has been hypothesized that syntaxin 1A-calcium channe
194                                              It has been hypothesized that targeting glucose metaboli
195 oth cognitive decline and neurodegeneration, it has been hypothesized that tau aggregation may be dir
196 volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs), and it has been hypothesized that taurine released from glia
197                     In the clinical setting, it has been hypothesized that TDP2 may mediate drug resi
198                                              It has been hypothesized that the ability of PML-RARalph
199 n the regulation of the alternative pathway, it has been hypothesized that the absence of these genes
200                                              It has been hypothesized that the acquisition of germ pl
201 , and M protein from Streptococcus pyogenes, it has been hypothesized that the AMD-associated polymor
202                                              It has been hypothesized that the analysis of dynamic fa
203                                              It has been hypothesized that the ApoE isoforms may cont
204 rence is important in receptor activation as it has been hypothesized that the aromatic ring of catec
205                                   Therefore, it has been hypothesized that the B-repeat may bind a co
206                                              It has been hypothesized that the bifunctional enzyme Dm
207                              For many years, it has been hypothesized that the biological precipitati
208                                              It has been hypothesized that the brain organizes concep
209                                              It has been hypothesized that the breakdown of cellular
210 teract with partially folded substrates, and it has been hypothesized that the chaperone can signific
211 ontrolling cell death and lysis are unknown, it has been hypothesized that the cidA and lrgA genes en
212                                              It has been hypothesized that the cord colitis syndrome,
213 nital interatrial shunts in mitral stenosis, it has been hypothesized that the creation of a left-to-
214 tor clustering often triggers signaling, and it has been hypothesized that the cytoplasmic domain lin
215                                              It has been hypothesized that the deeply forked tongue o
216              Both for H. pylori and H. suis, it has been hypothesized that the degradation of Gln and
217 is not complemented in somatic-cell hybrids, it has been hypothesized that the disorders are allelic.
218                                              It has been hypothesized that the dorsolateral prefronta
219                                              It has been hypothesized that the ER-resident molecular
220  the basis of fossil and archaeological data it has been hypothesized that the exodus of Homo sapiens
221                                              It has been hypothesized that the formation of G-quadrup
222                                              It has been hypothesized that the formation of the lpH s
223                                              It has been hypothesized that the fragments originate fr
224                                              It has been hypothesized that the generalization pattern
225                                              It has been hypothesized that the greater proportion of
226                                              It has been hypothesized that the high metabolic flux in
227                                              It has been hypothesized that the interferon system migh
228                                              It has been hypothesized that the late-developing prefro
229                                              It has been hypothesized that the loop to beta-hairpin t
230                                     Further, it has been hypothesized that the lower nasal region of
231                                              It has been hypothesized that the n-6:n-3 (omega-6:omega
232                                              It has been hypothesized that the observed excess risk o
233                                              It has been hypothesized that the open and closed confor
234                                              It has been hypothesized that the pathogenesis in DM1 is
235                                              It has been hypothesized that the pathophysiology of the
236                                              It has been hypothesized that the Pdx-induced shift towa
237                                              It has been hypothesized that the peripheral taste syste
238                                              It has been hypothesized that the popularization of prov
239                                              It has been hypothesized that the presence of two low-af
240                                              It has been hypothesized that the PROP phenotype is a ma
241 in inclusion bodies is poorly understood but it has been hypothesized that the protein may form misfo
242 activity is controlled by cyclic AMP (cAMP), it has been hypothesized that the putative cAMP binding
243 he prolactin receptor in the choroid plexus, it has been hypothesized that the receptor may bind to p
244                                              It has been hypothesized that the redox rhythm is linked
245                                              It has been hypothesized that the response of holo-trans
246                                        While it has been hypothesized that the sheath may allow these
247 ilable structures of transcription complexes it has been hypothesized that the ssDNA cofactor is obta
248                                              It has been hypothesized that the syndrome is caused by
249                                              It has been hypothesized that the two catalytic centers
250                                     Although it has been hypothesized that the two regions should hav
251                                              It has been hypothesized that the vascular nature of the
252                                              It has been hypothesized that the WWD domain binds heme
253                                              It has been hypothesized that their formation could be f
254                                              It has been hypothesized that their mechanical robustnes
255                                              It has been hypothesized that their unusually long conse
256                                              It has been hypothesized that there is a common set of s
257                                              It has been hypothesized that these changes are conferre
258                                              It has been hypothesized that these changes in spine den
259                                              It has been hypothesized that these clusters convert an
260                                              It has been hypothesized that these focal deficits are d
261                                              It has been hypothesized that these increases are due to
262                                              It has been hypothesized that these movements occur by f
263  forms oligomers and ultimately plaques, and it has been hypothesized that these oligomeric species a
264             Breast milk is rich in PUFA, and it has been hypothesized that these PUFAs may be importa
265                                              It has been hypothesized that these receptors may play a
266                                              It has been hypothesized that these symptoms may be caus
267          On the basis of behavioral evidence it has been hypothesized that these two forms of attenti
268                                              It has been hypothesized that this "deficiency" of mitoc
269                                              It has been hypothesized that this abnormality represent
270 h the precise neural substrates are unknown, it has been hypothesized that this behavior involves coc
271                                              It has been hypothesized that this change is mediated by
272                                              It has been hypothesized that this checkpoint response p
273                                              It has been hypothesized that this may relate to the dev
274 P1 is essential for receptor activation, and it has been hypothesized that this module is the true "l
275  will often rapidly move their flippers, and it has been hypothesized that this movement is used to c
276                                              It has been hypothesized that this phenotype is a marker
277                                              It has been hypothesized that this process may be implem
278                                              It has been hypothesized that this process, termed RNA e
279                                              It has been hypothesized that this secondarily simplifie
280                                              It has been hypothesized that this selection is accompli
281                                              It has been hypothesized that this similarity, which res
282 of the optical activity of chiral molecules, it has been hypothesized that this unique characteristic
283                                              It has been hypothesized that this water is vectored to
284                                              It has been hypothesized that transient membrane-bound a
285                                              It has been hypothesized that translational efficiency i
286                                              It has been hypothesized that transmembrane allostery is
287                                              It has been hypothesized that treatment with the calcimi
288                                              It has been hypothesized that tumors with high interstit
289                                              It has been hypothesized that two antiparallel structure
290                                              It has been hypothesized that understanding the differen
291                                              It has been hypothesized that US, a mechanical stimulus,
292                 HR is a VDR corepressor, and it has been hypothesized that VDR.HR suppress gene expre
293                                              It has been hypothesized that VECs facilitate paracellul
294                                              It has been hypothesized that visceral adipose tissue li
295                                       Hence, it has been hypothesized that VX-770 modifies one or mor
296                                              It has been hypothesized that waking leads to higher-fir
297                                              It has been hypothesized that wide excision alone with m
298                                              It has been hypothesized that women are more susceptible
299                                              It has been hypothesized that women present with more ad
300                                              It has been hypothesized that zirconia might have a redu

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