1 It has been proposed that ~
3.4 billion years ago an ocea
2 capability have not yet been identified, and
it has been proposed that 5hmC may only be a reaction in
3 It has been proposed that a conserved glutamine residue
4 e expression of HIV non-structural proteins,
it has been proposed that a constitutive production of H
5 It has been proposed that a decreasing pressure of volca
6 It has been proposed that a large fraction of the initia
7 omutase and ornithine 4,5 aminomutase (OAM),
it has been proposed that a large scale domain reorienta
8 It has been proposed that a population of cells exists i
9 Recently,
it has been proposed that a significant proportion of th
10 It has been proposed that a single active site residue (
11 To be truly high-throughput,
it has been proposed that a technique that can analyse a
12 Recently,
it has been proposed that a vascular niche also regulate
13 It has been proposed that aberrant salience attribution
14 It has been proposed that Abeta can bind APP and promote
15 Thus,
it has been proposed that abnormal ASL secretion in resp
16 It has been proposed that abnormalities of arterial circ
17 ing clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME), and
it has been proposed that actin polymerization may promo
18 It has been proposed that activation of dendritic cells
19 It has been proposed that AdPLA mediates its antilipolyt
20 It has been proposed that alpha reflects sensory inhibit
21 Recently
it has been proposed that alpha-Syn is able to form lipi
22 Hence,
it has been proposed that alpha10 might serve as a struc
23 More recently,
it has been proposed that also temporal properties of ac
24 It has been proposed that alternative NADH:ubiquinone ox
25 It has been proposed that an "oxygen overshoot" occurred
26 ted with high angiotensin II (AngII) levels,
it has been proposed that AngII signaling might affect W
27 Specifically,
it has been proposed that antibodies targeting broadly n
28 It has been proposed that APPL1 vesicles are transport i
29 It has been proposed that B. burgdorferi can accomplish
30 r membrane-permeabilizing activity in vitro,
it has been proposed that Bax-like proteins induce cytoc
31 g both vFLIP and the IKKalpha/beta subunits,
it has been proposed that binding of vFLIP could trigger
32 It has been proposed that birds may use a similar algori
33 stromal cells rather than cancer cells, and
it has been proposed that both contribute to cancer prog
34 Consequently,
it has been proposed that BWE could be used in combinati
35 It has been proposed that category-related signals in pa
36 It has been proposed that CCR9 antagonism represents a m
37 Recently,
it has been proposed that CD4(+) T-cell subsets may also
38 Based on an explant reactivation model,
it has been proposed that CD8(+) T cells maintain latenc
39 It has been proposed that cell motility is a self-organi
40 Based on animal studies,
it has been proposed that central sensitization associat
41 It has been proposed that ceramide forms large and stabl
42 It has been proposed that changes in phosphorylation of
43 ification studies in multiple actinomycetes,
it has been proposed that cholesterol side chain metabol
44 Furthermore,
it has been proposed that cholesterol-induced regulation
45 It has been proposed that circulating fibrocytes mediate
46 It has been proposed that cis-acting effects of non-codi
47 ATP hydrolysis depends on MalE and maltose,
it has been proposed that closed liganded MalE facilitat
48 Although
it has been proposed that ClpXP is required for the mito
49 ) since CMI and CTDs frequently co-occur and
it has been proposed that CMI patients with CTDs represe
50 It has been proposed that coating the inner wall of an S
51 It has been proposed that cohesin forms TADs and loops b
52 at are thought to function by entrapping DNA
It has been proposed that cohesin is recruited to specif
53 It has been proposed that common mechanisms of signaling
54 However,
it has been proposed that complex nonspherical colloidal
55 It has been proposed that cortical dynein-generated pull
56 It has been proposed that cyclosporin A (CsA) may induce
57 ion of the photoreceptor, but interestingly,
it has been proposed that cytosolic phyA promotes photot
58 through the use of computed tomography (CT),
it has been proposed that D-shaped versus saddle-shaped
59 he similar efficacies of the two treatments,
it has been proposed that DBS acts by creating an "infor
60 Recently, however,
it has been proposed that differential epigenetic variab
61 It has been proposed that differential kinetics of CD4/C
62 NS5A is a phosphoprotein, and
it has been proposed that differential phosphorylation c
63 It has been proposed that differential phosphorylation c
64 It has been proposed that differential physical interact
65 It has been proposed that disruption of these events, du
66 In the retina,
it has been proposed that distinct OFF cone bipolar cell
67 It has been proposed that distinct pocket protein activi
68 It has been proposed that divergent phasic DA transmissi
69 It has been proposed that dopamine deficiency exacerbate
70 Furthermore,
it has been proposed that drug resistance develops due t
71 Recently,
it has been proposed that during the Hadean-Archean heav
72 It has been proposed that EHD dimers bind and bend membr
73 Furthermore, although
it has been proposed that endogenous lipid presentation
74 It has been proposed that endogenous opioid release afte
75 It has been proposed that endothelial cells have a prefe
76 It has been proposed that entry of mother cells into sen
77 Recently,
it has been proposed that exciton delocalization reduces
78 It has been proposed that expanded transcripts adopt G-q
79 It has been proposed that expectations lead to prestimul
80 Recently
it has been proposed that expression of Helios, an Ikaro
81 It has been proposed that factors necessary for providin
82 It has been proposed that fallopian tube cancers may be
83 o activity on glucuronoxylan, and therefore,
it has been proposed that family GH115 may be a poly-spe
84 It has been proposed that fast, reactive behavioral inhi
85 Although
it has been proposed that Fdx supplies electrons to redu
86 It has been proposed that FKRP, a ribitol-5-phosphate tr
87 It has been proposed that flow of interstitial fluid thr
88 It has been proposed that forces resulting from the phys
89 It has been proposed that four different types of tumor
90 Although
it has been proposed that FOXA1-targeting agents may be
91 Interestingly,
it has been proposed that FQHE can also emerge in time-r
92 It has been proposed that fragments of an asteroid or co
93 Alternatively,
it has been proposed that functional selectivity for upp
94 For three decades,
it has been proposed that fusion is mediated by fusion b
95 In recent years,
it has been proposed that gas phase glyoxal could signif
96 It has been proposed that gemcitabine inhibits RNR activ
97 It has been proposed that genomic instability is essenti
98 s have been identified in many PNH patients,
it has been proposed that germline mutations are lethal.
99 It has been proposed that glucose regulates glucagon sec
100 It has been proposed that gluten-reactive T cells in chi
101 It has been proposed that guanine-rich DNA forms four-st
102 It has been proposed that hepatitis B virus (HBV) sub-ge
103 It has been proposed that herpes simplex virus 1 with VP
104 Although
it has been proposed that high-affinity FcgammaRs are oc
105 Using an in vitro assembly assay,
it has been proposed that HIV-1 Gag undergoes a conforma
106 Recently,
it has been proposed that horizontal cells can also act
107 It has been proposed that Hox and ParaHox genes originat
108 Whereas
it has been proposed that Hsp47 and FKBP65 interact in t
109 It has been proposed that human males have a biological
110 It has been proposed that humans are positively biased w
111 Even though
it has been proposed that IFN type I is required for adj
112 It has been proposed that improved hygiene and reduced e
113 Recently,
it has been proposed that in addition to matrix stiffnes
114 In particular,
it has been proposed that in humans, stress exposure in
115 It has been proposed that,
in humans, post-reactivation
116 It has been proposed that increased sympathetic nerve ac
117 It has been proposed that increased tissue stiffness can
118 It has been proposed that individuals with ASD may rely
119 It has been proposed that intermediate phenotypes have s
120 It has been proposed that ipsilateral motor pathways pla
121 It has been proposed that iron influences the satiety ho
122 old protein for cluster assembly (IscU), and
it has been proposed that IscX functions either as an ir
123 basis for echophenomena is unknown; however,
it has been proposed that it is linked to disinhibition
124 ciency in BER activity results in DNA damage
it has been proposed that it may trigger the development
125 Although
it has been proposed that LCMV infection induces an immu
126 While
it has been proposed that leaf expansion and movement ar
127 It has been proposed that learning from movement errors
128 However,
it has been proposed that LFPC activity during RI could
129 It has been proposed that lipid translocation may occur
130 It has been proposed that livestock production effluents
131 It has been proposed that long-distance dispersal of mos
132 It has been proposed that long-range electron transport
133 It has been proposed that low-frequency or rare variants
134 It has been proposed that low-level proviral reservoirs
135 It has been proposed that macrophages (MO) retain the ca
136 , does not generally follow Hund's rule, and
it has been proposed that magnetic superatoms can be sta
137 cyclases, a result that is of interest since
it has been proposed that many plant terpene cyclases ma
138 It has been proposed that many yeast promoters are not n
139 It has been proposed that mechanically gated ion channel
140 er the male germ line to female gametes, and
it has been proposed that mechanosensitive ion channels
141 It has been proposed that membrane rafts, which are ster
142 It has been proposed that memories are encoded by modifi
143 enols such as anthocyanins is generally low,
it has been proposed that metabolites resulting during c
144 In this context,
it has been proposed that methylation of K9 and phosphor
145 It has been proposed that MG132 treatment reduces growth
146 It has been proposed that most drug-resistant mutants, r
147 First,
it has been proposed that mutation and natural selection
148 It has been proposed that mutations in the alpha chain o
149 It has been proposed that myelination is part of a glia-
150 It has been proposed that myosin heads in this state are
151 It has been proposed that N2O is produced by reduction o
152 It has been proposed that nanoRNA-mediated priming of tr
153 It has been proposed that neuronal Kv4 channels are tern
154 It has been proposed that neuronal subtype fate is deter
155 It has been proposed that neurons in the thalamic reticu
156 It has been proposed that new transcription modulations
157 It has been proposed that nitrogen (N) availability will
158 It has been proposed that Nod factor perception might ha
159 Of these, GCR2 is not a GPCR; more recently,
it has been proposed that none are, not even GCR1.
160 It has been proposed that numerical and temporal informa
161 For the bacterial rhomboid GlpG,
it has been proposed that one of the transmembrane helic
162 Colicin expression is a costly trait, and
it has been proposed that only a small fraction of the p
163 The effects of OT are context dependent, and
it has been proposed that OT increases the salience of b
164 It has been proposed that overeating and concomitant opi
165 It has been proposed that OX(1) orexin receptors and CB(
166 It has been proposed that oxidative stress, driven by ut
167 proximity with their homologous allele, and
it has been proposed that pairing might be involved in t
168 It has been proposed that PC collaterals transiently con
169 It has been proposed that peptides having propensity to
170 period of high risk for mood disorders, and
it has been proposed that perimenopause is also a window
171 For instance,
it has been proposed that perirhinal cortex (PRC), parah
172 It has been proposed that pheromone perception in ants e
173 It has been proposed that plants engineered to express n
174 It has been proposed that premature translational termin
175 However,
it has been proposed that procyanidins may break down in
176 It has been proposed that prolonged microglial activatio
177 It has been proposed that protein kinase A (PKA) hyperph
178 It has been proposed that proteins utilize disordered re
179 It has been proposed that PSs are constitutively active,
180 It has been proposed that pupil-linked neuromodulatory s
181 It has been proposed that regions with a high degree of
182 It has been proposed that release of vasoactive substanc
183 It has been proposed that riboflavin absorption occurs t
184 It has been proposed that SAMHD1 is a dGTP-dependent deo
185 It has been proposed that schizophrenia results, in part
186 Within objectification theory,
it has been proposed that self-objectification accounts
187 It has been proposed that sequestration on lipid droplet
188 It has been proposed that Ser282 phosphorylation may ser
189 It has been proposed that SERCA forms homooligomers that
190 While
it has been proposed that Shc family of adaptor proteins
191 ed for long-range Hh movement and signaling;
it has been proposed that Shf promotes long-range Hh sig
192 basis of model studies with short peptides,
it has been proposed that singlet oxygen reacts with the
193 It has been proposed that size-based segregation of LSMs
194 Specifically,
it has been proposed that sncRNAs might contribute to th
195 It has been proposed that some bacterial P(1B)-type ATPa
196 imental, clinical, and epidemiological work,
it has been proposed that some food contaminants may exe
197 It has been proposed that some may be initiated or susta
198 For example,
it has been proposed that some ornithischians could run,
199 It has been proposed that SPEs with shear moduli of the
200 It has been proposed that SREBP signaling regulates cell
201 It has been proposed that statistical-optimality often o
202 llowed by a polyuridine [poly(U)] tract, and
it has been proposed that steric clash of the stem-loop
203 It has been proposed that such quantum phases (and other
204 Recently,
it has been proposed that surfactants, ubiquitous in flo
205 While
it has been proposed that T-cell-effector responses are
206 lear depletion and cytoplasmic accumulation,
it has been proposed that TDP-43 proteinopathies origina
207 It has been proposed that the 5'-3' helicase XPD (xerode
208 It has been proposed that the amino acid aspartate serve
209 It has been proposed that the antidepressant effect of k
210 ubsequently activates the complement system,
it has been proposed that the antipneumococcal function
211 It has been proposed that the canonical 30 nucleotide si
212 It has been proposed that the cellular prion protein (Pr
213 It has been proposed that the central cellular pathway d
214 It has been proposed that the cerebellum acquires intern
215 Based primarily on anatomical data,
it has been proposed that the claustrum integrates activ
216 It has been proposed that the clinical efficacy of fleca
217 It has been proposed that the clocks of neighbouring cel
218 It has been proposed that the closed state of RCIIs is r
219 It has been proposed that the dimeric structure is requi
220 Since 1957,
it has been proposed that the dissemination of inhalatio
221 Recently
it has been proposed that the distance of an exemplar re
222 nsition of the catalytic cycle (A --> P(R)),
it has been proposed that the electron transfer to the b
223 It has been proposed that the enhanced excitability of a
224 It has been proposed that the essential amino acid trypt
225 It has been proposed that the expansion might have occur
226 mic actin cytoskeleton and active secretion,
it has been proposed that the F-actin-associated motor m
227 It has been proposed that the formation of metabolic cur
228 It has been proposed that the frequent ingestion of bake
229 Therefore,
it has been proposed that the H1 helix must be expelled
230 It has been proposed that the host genetic background is
231 It has been proposed that the hypothalamus helps to cont
232 It has been proposed that the IFT complexes originated f
233 It has been proposed that the increasing nuclear to cyto
234 CR repertoire during thymic development, and
it has been proposed that the interaction of the Lck kin
235 Alternatively,
it has been proposed that the introduction of microbial
236 It has been proposed that the inverted DNA sequences at
237 It has been proposed that the isolation, ex vivo culture
238 It has been proposed that the L-shaped ligand is essenti
239 It has been proposed that the local segregation of kinas
240 Recently,
it has been proposed that the lymphatic system has an ac
241 t diverse topology and domain structure, and
it has been proposed that the more complex members of th
242 It has been proposed that the native S. aureus PBPs can
243 It has been proposed that the observed gamma-ray, X-ray
244 It has been proposed that the palmitoylation reaction oc
245 It has been proposed that the pore is associated with th
246 It has been proposed that the powerful jets of relativis
247 It has been proposed that the protein component of a DPC
248 protein UHRF1 is essential for this process;
it has been proposed that the protein targets newly repl
249 transcriptional degradation into siRNAs, and
it has been proposed that the purpose of this TE reactiv
250 It has been proposed that the reaction occurs by formati
251 out the catalytic mechanism of OxDC although
it has been proposed that the reaction proceeds via subs
252 artle responses in the neck and eye muscles,
it has been proposed that the release of planned movemen
253 More recently,
it has been proposed that the response of aortic SMCs to
254 gray matter structures after SCI; therefore,
it has been proposed that the reticulospinal tract is on
255 FzD CRD binds to the endogenous Wnt ligand,
it has been proposed that the Smo CRD may bind its own e
256 It has been proposed that the subaerial phases of Cretac
257 It has been proposed that the superconducting phase is b
258 It has been proposed that the synthesis of the primer pr
259 It has been proposed that the three enzymes encoded with
260 these TLRs, also leads to DC maturation, and
it has been proposed that the type I IFNs act in cis to
261 SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs) and
it has been proposed that the ubiquitin-selective chaper
262 It has been proposed that the uniqueness of human cumula
263 Thus,
it has been proposed that Themis2 may transduce BCR sign
264 It has been proposed that therapeutic responses to naltr
265 for an adenine (A38) and a guanine (G8), and
it has been proposed that these act in general acid-base
266 It has been proposed that these changes could be generat
267 It has been proposed that these changes result from subs
268 It has been proposed that these circulating tumor-derive
269 It has been proposed that these effects result from inte
270 Although
it has been proposed that these excitatory synapses are
271 nknown; each can bind both Hh and Ptc and so
it has been proposed that they are essential for both Hh
272 uscarinic activation in the hippocampus, and
it has been proposed that they modulate glutamatergic sy
273 s are found in a wide range of organisms and
it has been proposed that they perform disparate functio
274 It has been proposed that this accumulation occurs becau
275 re often clustered in bacterial genomes, and
it has been proposed that this clustering may affect gen
276 Recently,
it has been proposed that this compound or related bigua
277 rbates the harmful effects of inbreeding and
it has been proposed that this could be exploited in pur
278 It has been proposed that this could facilitate the sele
279 It has been proposed that this distribution of surface n
280 It has been proposed that this even-specific positioning
281 It has been proposed that this is due to 'cortical recyc
282 It has been proposed that this is due to its role in dis
283 However,
it has been proposed that this model cannot explain resp
284 In the fungus Neurospora tetrasperma,
it has been proposed that this molecular degeneration is
285 It has been proposed that this separation supports an en
286 While
it has been proposed that this synaptic-depression contr
287 EPSCs last for hundreds of milliseconds, and
it has been proposed that this time course reflects slow
288 stgeniculate lesions is termed "blindsight."
It has been proposed that those with blindsight are more
289 It has been proposed that tooth agenesis and cancer deve
290 It has been proposed that Toxoplasma gondii can cross bi
291 It has been proposed that transient radical pairs are fo
292 It has been proposed that treatment goals be revised to
293 It has been proposed that tumor cells compete with and k
294 It has been proposed that V-ATPases participate in invas
295 It has been proposed that vegetation growth may have bee
296 It has been proposed that viral cell-to-cell transmissio
297 It has been proposed that viruses can be divided into a
298 It has been proposed that when HCs are irreversibly dama
299 It has been proposed that XCI is a dosage-compensation m
300 It has been proposed that young but functionally integra