


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             It has been shown that Akt activation in breast cancer cells
2                                                             It has been shown that alpha-actinin competes with talin for
3                                                             It has been shown that ants estimate local population density
4                                                             It has been shown that chaperones or karyopherins responsible
5                                                             It has been shown that CKS protein overexpression overrides t
6                                                             It has been shown that correlations between single algal spec
7                                                             It has been shown that dominant tolerance, namely in transpla
8                                                             It has been shown that EPA Method 3060A does not adequately e
9                                                             It has been shown that gammadelta T cells protect against the
10                                                             It has been shown that HIV-1 utilizes rhesus CD4 less efficie
11                                                             It has been shown that induction of DNA DSBs at two defined l
12                                                             It has been shown that inter-individual variation in host res
13                                                             It has been shown that JMJD6 interacts with and hydroxylates
14                                                             It has been shown that lncRNA AK017368 competes with trinucle
15                                                             It has been shown that MAGT1 was involved in the disorder in
16                                                             It has been shown that nucleation from methanesulfonic acid (
17                                                             It has been shown that photoexcitation of plasmonic metal nan
18                                                             It has been shown that platelets can support normal and malig
19                                                             It has been shown that short-term freezing of semen has no ef
20                                                             It has been shown that such situations can be analyzed by add
21                                                             It has been shown that the proportion of natural killer T cel
22                                                             It has been shown that tonic activation of the central and pe
23                                                             It has been shown that TRAF2 plays a role in CD40L-mediated p
24                                                             It has been shown that tyrosine 18 phosphorylated Tau regulat
25                                                    Although it has been shown that fish oil supplementation enhances EPA
26                                                    Although it has been shown that microtubules are essential for cone my
27                                                    Although it has been shown that posttranscriptional regulatory mechani
28 tion generally occurs at AUG codons in eukaryotes, although it has been shown that non-AUG or noncanonical translation in
29  stimulus for MT1-MMP expression is fibrillar collagen, and it has been shown that it up-regulates both MT1-MMP gene and
30  the binding of plasminogen (Plg) to bacterial surfaces, as it has been shown that this interaction contributes to bacter
31 enic regions of the adult brain is not fully understood but it has been shown that vascular niche signals regulate neural
32                                         In migrating cells, it has been shown that the locations of vinculin activation c
33         At conditions relevant for sub-surface environments it has been shown that classic thermodynamics favour the prod
34                                                    However, it has been shown that liquid-culture-grown Arabidopsis can t
35 ugh TRM are often concentrated at sites of prior infection, it has been shown that TRM can disseminate throughout the bod
36                                                   Moreover, it has been shown that PIN1 stabilizes and increases the leve
37                                                  Otherwise, it has been shown that the gastroprotective effect of alginat
38                     In the case of visuospatial perception, it has been shown that the sense of ownership causes external
39                                                 Previously, it has been shown that Cx43 localization and expression is al
40                                                    Recently it has been shown that the control energy required to control
41                                                   Recently, it has been shown that cryptochromes also synthesize reactive
42                                                   Recently, it has been shown that MftC catalyzes the oxidative decarboxy
43                                                   Recently, it has been shown that the bifurcation properties of second-o
44                                                   Recently, it has been shown that the waveform features of oscillatory b
45                                             In this regard, it has been shown that protonation is required for binding.
46 potential holds, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy it has been shown that P. fluorescens increases the rate of c
47                                                  Therefore, it has been shown that the interneurons of the hilus and stra
48 w the signal transmission takes place is poorly understood, it has been shown that flagella play an important role in sur
49                                                       While it has been shown that EDCs can predispose individuals toward
50                                                        Yet, it has been shown that some plant-pollinator networks may be

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