


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                   Looking toward the future, it is clear that a better understanding of the role of S
2 ion in meeting the demand for surgical care, it is clear that a cross-nationally coordinated strategy
3                                              It is clear that a crowded environment influences the st
4                                              It is clear that a dose-response relationship exists fol
5 cently approved acrylamide-containing drugs, it is clear that a good understanding of the hetero-Mich
6                                     However, it is clear that a number of other B cell functions are
7                                              It is clear that a precise choreography of gene expressi
8                                        While it is clear that A. actinomycetemcomitans responds to pr
9                                              It is clear that AAG patients respond to immunomodulator
10               On the basis of these studies, it is clear that ablative technologies can be effective
11                                              It is clear that accelerated synthetic approaches are of
12                                              It is clear that acid reflux as identified by a conventi
13                                              It is clear that activated macrophages and dendritic cel
14                                              It is clear that additional information is required.
15 elta/epsilon) are essential PER kinases, but it is clear that additional, unknown mechanisms are also
16 se-body granules to the extracellular space, it is clear that, although platelet chemical messenger s
17  the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease, it is clear that amyloid precursor protein is expressed
18 proximal cause of AD is not well understood, it is clear that amyloid-beta (Abeta) plays a critical r
19                                 Furthermore, it is clear that an array of chemokines produced in susc
20                                              It is clear that an interdisciplinary team of surgeons,
21 ng prevalence of the heart failure epidemic, it is clear that an understanding of PDD is essential to
22                                        Thus, it is clear that anti elimination does not depend solely
23                                              It is clear that antibodies can play a pivotal role in p
24                                              It is clear that antibodies targeting other B-cell-speci
25                                     Although it is clear that antigen presentation in lymph nodes pla
26  for APC's effects on cells remains unclear, it is clear that APC's structural features mediating ant
27                                              It is clear that axon pathfinding requires a growth cone
28                                   Therefore, it is clear that b-AP15, and possibly its derivatives, c
29            From an evolutionary perspective, it is clear that basic motor functions such as locomotio
30                                        While it is clear that biochar can alter soil N2O emissions, d
31                                              It is clear that biofilm formation is a carefully orches
32                                              It is clear that biotas of Burgess Shale type persisted
33                                              It is clear that both pathogen and host characteristics
34 nitiates skeletal EC coupling is unresolved, it is clear that both the alpha1 and beta subunits of DH
35 ecular mechanisms have yet to be elucidated, it is clear that Ca(2+) provides a balanced activation o
36                                     Although it is clear that Ca(2+)-bound CaM can play a role in the
37                                     Although it is clear that CABG surgery in octogenarians can be ac
38 tionship between CCL28 and asthma pathology, it is clear that CCL28 presents a novel target for the d
39                                     Although it is clear that CD4(+) T cells play a major role in med
40                                        While it is clear that cell signaling elicited by inflammatory
41                                              It is clear that cell-substrate and cell-cell interactio
42                                     Overall, it is clear that cells in the oligodendrocyte lineage ex
43 lly in the United States over the past 30 y, it is clear that certain individuals are more susceptibl
44                                     Although it is clear that changes in gene expression accompany ax
45                                              It is clear that charged residues exert significant infl
46 -host interactions important to CMV latency, it is clear that checkpoints composed of viral and cellu
47                                              It is clear that climate variability and climate change
48                                              It is clear that climate-driven evolution has molded pla
49                                              It is clear that clinicians need to consider specific sy
50                                     Although it is clear that coadministration of poly(I:C) with anti
51 line after psychosis onset is still debated, it is clear that cognitive function in schizophrenia is
52                                              It is clear that coloration has much to teach us about t
53              On the basis of these findings, it is clear that considerable scope exists for careful o
54 tions is fixed in independent lineages, then it is clear that constraint in the production or functio
55                                     However, it is clear that copper does not catalyze significant ox
56                                              It is clear that CT scan use should be as safe and limit
57                                     Although it is clear that CTLA-4 is a critical regulator of T cel
58 er, despite the limitations in data quality, it is clear that current capacity to treat trauma and or
59                                              It is clear that delayed afterdepolarization resulting f
60                                     Although it is clear that differential selection of poly(A) sites
61                                              It is clear that differential signaling pathways are ope
62                                              It is clear that discretization, when implemented proper
63 o more traditional neutral and ionic H-bonds it is clear that doubly ionic H-bonds cover the full ran
64                         Based on these data, it is clear that Drosophila contain putative CPuORFs at
65 more widely available in developing nations, it is clear that drug resistance will continue to be a m
66                                              It is clear that dynamic processes are essential to the
67                                              It is clear that E refolding drives membrane fusion, but
68 zed biochemical and biological interactions, it is clear that eEF1A, of all the translation factors,
69               In a review of the literature, it is clear that emergency bedside ultrasound has a role
70 , when considering a life-cycle perspective, it is clear that ENM released from genuine products duri
71 ular processes are just beginning to emerge, it is clear that environmental factors may alter epigene
72                                     Although it is clear that environmental stimuli can predispose so
73 sms behind metastasis are poorly understood, it is clear that epigenetic dysregulation at the level o
74                                     Although it is clear that epithelial cells possess an intrinsic a
75 long-range dispersal is unresolved: Although it is clear that even rare long-range jumps can lead to
76                                              It is clear that evidence of dysfunctional remodeling ev
77                                     Although it is clear that excessive iodine intake can cause alter
78                                              It is clear that exosomes (endosome derived vesicles) se
79            In the wake of this displacement, it is clear that farmland can support biodiversity throu
80                                     Although it is clear that Fis1p.Mdv1p complexes on mitochondria a
81                                     Finally, it is clear that formal sharing of experience, and defin
82                                              It is clear that FOXP3 expression is not restricted to T
83              Referring to the CAZy database, it is clear that fungal SUN proteins represent a new fam
84 at both the cognitive and neural levels, and it is clear that further developments in TMS methodology
85                              For HIF-1alpha, it is clear that further transcriptional, translational,
86 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in mouse it is clear that FUS is dosage-sensitive and effects ari
87                                              It is clear that future assessments of algal cultivation
88 sed on analysis of Gene Ontology categories, it is clear that genes in OGs that expanded via tandem d
89                                              It is clear that genes with no mapped reads are not expr
90                                     Although it is clear that glia contribute to the development of m
91                                              It is clear that global change factors (e.g., increasing
92                                     Although it is clear that high-quality CPR is the primary compone
93 PET results is not yet established, although it is clear that high-risk patient subsets can be reliab
94                                        While it is clear that Hsp90 can exist in symmetrical conforma
95                                              It is clear that hydrogen bonds are able to markedly low
96                                              It is clear that IL-10 plays an essential role in mainta
97 luenza viruses throughout their lifetime and it is clear that immune history influences the magnitude
98                                     Although it is clear that immunity is suppressed in times of nutr
99              In addition to host protection, it is clear that immunoregulatory processes are common i
100                                              It is clear that imprinted lenses are very promising com
101                              In either case, it is clear that in both the Cretaceous and Cenozoic, le
102                                              It is clear that, in addition to Rb itself, essential co
103                                       Hence, it is clear that inhibition of mTORC2 enhances Mcl-1 deg
104                 The etiology is complex, but it is clear that innate pathways may play an important r
105                                     Although it is clear that insulin resistance plays a major role i
106 ensities obtained with all three porphyrins, it is clear that internalization into the RNA host occur
107                                              It is clear that intestinal microbiota actively modulate
108                                              It is clear that investigators developing PET methodolog
109                                     Although it is clear that IP(3) receptors are polyubiquitinated u
110 y-a reduction in subcutaneous adipose tissue-it is clear that it is adipose dysfunction that causes s
111  RNA degradation is ubiquitous in all cells, it is clear that it must be carefully controlled to accu
112                                    Nowadays, it is clear that its minor components have a key role in
113                                Nevertheless, it is clear that L55P TTR is substantially less stable t
114                                     However, it is clear that larger brains are not simply scaled up
115                                     Although it is clear that LAT is essential in thymocyte developme
116                                     Although it is clear that limiting or accelerating autophagic flu
117 erminants of barrier function are important, it is clear that local acquired effects are also involve
118 sms of pathogenesis does not exist, although it is clear that M. hyopneumoniae adheres to porcine cil
119                          During Lyme disease it is clear that macrophages are capable of clearing Bor
120                                              It is clear that male and female animals behave differen
121                                 In addition, it is clear that many acute and late effects of therapy,
122 h the field of research continues to expand, it is clear that many barriers remain to broad implement
123                                              It is clear that many caspases have shared substrates; h
124                                              It is clear that many human atopic diseases are initiate
125 features of the cranium and postcranium, and it is clear that many of the cranial differences-althoug
126 how much value these studies really provide, it is clear that many of the strongest results have come
127                                              It is clear that mapping of variations to sequence funct
128                          From these studies, it is clear that mass-spectrometry-based proteomics is n
129                                     Although it is clear that mast cells have a key role in the patho
130                          From these studies, it is clear that MCI is neuropathologically complex and
131 ing of the full diversity of microbial life, it is clear that microbes have become integral component
132                                     Although it is clear that microRNAs function by suppressing prote
133                                     Although it is clear that miRNAs and Dicer, an RNase III enzyme t
134                                     Although it is clear that mitochondrial morphogenesis is a comple
135  details of the NF-kappaB pathway are known, it is clear that modulators of this pathway can act at s
136                                              It is clear that most otitis media cases involve simulta
137                                     Although it is clear that movement of the C-term must occur to pe
138 rough the potentiation of the MC4R, however, it is clear that MRAP2 is expressed in tissues that do n
139                                     However, it is clear that mTERF6 is required for the maturation o
140                                     Although it is clear that MtrD delivers drugs to the channel of M
141                                              It is clear that much more work needs to be done to impr
142 on has been focused on embryonic stem cells, it is clear that much remains to be learned about how so
143 mice with laminin mutations are unknown, but it is clear that multiple laminin isoforms are crucial f
144                                              It is clear that multitasking behaviour has become ubiqu
145                                              It is clear that MVECs dysfunction is a key element in t
146                                        While it is clear that neural activity is instructive for topo
147                                     Although it is clear that newcomers to high altitude have reduced
148 ignaling, and integration remain mysterious, it is clear that NK receptors are key components of a sy
149                          From this overview, it is clear that NMR plays a central role not only in ex
150 s in the setting of intestinal inflammation, it is clear that no single animal model will be able to
151                                              It is clear that not one but a multitude of molecular pa
152                                              It is clear that NPM1 also contributes to the DNA damage
153                  From disaccharide analysis, it is clear that NS domains do not always occupy HS NREs
154 icity are commencing in humans, and although it is clear that only a fraction of Alzheimer's disease
155                                              It is clear that other regions within the tail must also
156 t of rapamycin complex 1 in these responses, it is clear that other signals are also required for max
157 ochondrial function (apoptosis, metabolism), it is clear that our current understanding of this prote
158                                              It is clear that pathogenic bacteria use different strat
159                                              It is clear that patients with this condition have a mal
160 complex appears different in photoreceptors, it is clear that PDZD7 plays an essential role in organi
161 ough we lack a precise definition of "item," it is clear that people do parse their visual environmen
162                                              It is clear that people often make unwarranted inherence
163                                        While it is clear that pigment deposits lead to joint destruct
164                                     Although it is clear that plasma cell survival requires cell extr
165        Through a discussion of these topics, it is clear that plasticity in tumor metabolic programs,
166 her meat products (beef, mutton and chicken) it is clear that pork is a good source of B vitamins, es
167                                     Although it is clear that prenylation increases membrane affinity
168                                              It is clear that progress in the field of pharmacogeneti
169                                     Although it is clear that proper functioning of both the IGF-1R a
170 lly emphasized by the current investigation, it is clear that protein complexes influence promoter ac
171 antiparallel DNA double crossover molecules, it is clear that PX-DNA is a more dynamic structure.
172 nce the discovery of recombination hotspots, it is clear that recombination rates can vary over many
173 f regulation are relatively well understood, it is clear that regulation at a translational level als
174                                     Although it is clear that regulatory lymphocytes (Treg) play a cr
175                                              It is clear that renal cancer remains one of the most im
176                                              It is clear that RNA has a diverse set of functions and
177 defense against oxidative stress, from which it is clear that RSSH are much more reactive to two-elec
178                                     Although it is clear that RyR2 is among the first proteins in the
179                                     However, it is clear that secondary structure propensities cannot
180 hemical nature of the constituent blocks and it is clear that selective CO(2) sorption must strongly
181                                              It is clear that sensitive and interference-free quantif
182                                              It is clear that several component processes are needed;
183                                     However, it is clear that several members of this family are mult
184                                     Although it is clear that Shigella requires N-WASP for this proce
185 dering the issues involved in communication, it is clear that simple dyadic considerations leave out
186                                     Although it is clear that SMA is a neurodegenerative disease, the
187 ssion in other cooperative breeders to date, it is clear that social stress alone cannot account for
188                                        While it is clear that some human gut bacterial pathogens come
189                                              It is clear that some patients with similar clinical fea
190 igand interaction has become better defined, it is clear that some T cells can recognize multiple dis
191 zed to the tumor will inhibit cancer growth, it is clear that some types of inflammation induced in a
192                                     Although it is clear that spatial navigation is impaired during a
193                                     However, it is clear that specialists in child abuse should also
194 hniques and quantum mechanical calculations, it is clear that spin-orbit coupling contributes signifi
195 in the regulation of stem cell function, and it is clear that stem cell-niche adhesion is crucial for
196                                     Although it is clear that stem cells have a distinct transcriptio
197                                Nevertheless, it is clear that studies aiming to predict ecological an
198                                        While it is clear that such oligosaccharides may have potentia
199                                     Although it is clear that sustainably reducing the warming influe
200                                     Although it is clear that T helper (Th)17 cells play a pathologic
201         Based upon recent genome sequencing, it is clear that T2S is largely restricted to the Proteo
202                                              It is clear that the aberrant expression of miRNAs promo
203 On the basis of the resonance Raman spectra, it is clear that the actual heme conformation for Tt H-N
204 s well as differential scanning calorimetry, it is clear that the air-exposed reaction proceeds via s
205                                     Although it is clear that the band heterotopia and the overlying
206                                              It is clear that the beta-catenin pathway acts as an ess
207                                Nevertheless, it is clear that the changes in efflux rate reflect the
208   Observing its impact on his life and work, it is clear that the condition formed the foundation of
209 vian H10 haemagglutinin with human receptor, it is clear that the conformation of the bound receptor
210                                     Equally, it is clear that the consequences of hygiene, indoor ent
211                                              It is clear that the core conserved signalling pathways
212                                              It is clear that the D2 ATPase domain hydrolyzes ATP in
213                                        While it is clear that the decision between alphabeta and gamm
214                                              It is clear that the definition of 'rare' varies from co
215 arbon-fiber microelectrode and the platelet, it is clear that the detected charge likely represents c
216                                     Although it is clear that the dimerization arm of subdomain II is
217 people throughout the world are at risk, but it is clear that the disease encompasses more than just
218 lzheimer's disease (AD) are still not known, it is clear that the disease in its sporadic form result
219                                 Furthermore, it is clear that the diversity of bacterial pathogens fo
220                                              It is clear that the diversity of phenotypes displayed b
221 rchaeological layer upon which it collapsed, it is clear that the Early Aurignacian occupants of the
222                                              It is clear that the effects of histamine on mucosal imm
223                                     Although it is clear that the Emu plays a unique role in V gene a
224                                              It is clear that the epigenetic state is a central regul
225                                              It is clear that the evolution of infectious disease may
226 e certain chemical and physical differences, it is clear that the full advantage of HVO cannot be rea
227  of gene-based biology has greatly improved, it is clear that the function of the genome and most dis
228                                              It is clear that the genome alone cannot provide answers
229                                       Hence, it is clear that the germinal mutation rates are a funct
230                                              It is clear that the gut microbiota has a strong influen
231 e with an increase in MgCl(2) concentration, it is clear that the hammerhead structure in the transit
232                                     Although it is clear that the heterodimer formed by the T1R2 and
233 the proposed model with those in literature, it is clear that the hVOR system with impaired time-dela
234 s on lipid abnormalities in atherosclerosis, it is clear that the immune system also has important pr
235                                      Overall it is clear that the increasing age demographic of most
236                                              It is clear that the initiation and control of type-2 re
237 ell and innate lymphoid cell (ILC) lineages, it is clear that the innate and adaptive immune systems
238                                              It is clear that the intellectual property model challen
239      From intensity and lifetime histograms, it is clear that the intensities as well as lifetimes of
240                                        While it is clear that the late phases of adipocyte maturation
241 ance of liver size are not completely known, it is clear that the liver delicately balances regenerat
242                                     Although it is clear that the loss of CD4(+) T cells is a predisp
243 enon that occurs in many regions of the CNS, it is clear that the mechanisms recruited in its inducti
244                                              It is clear that the milk supply may be more suited to t
245                                        While it is clear that the minus-end-directed motor dynein is
246 rdized assays with external quality control, it is clear that the molecular heterogeneity of AML coup
247                                         Now, it is clear that the molecular questions cannot be answe
248                                              It is clear that the molecular structure of these compon
249                                        While it is clear that the Notch-Hes1-mediated signals control
250 ion of the chromosomal contact map, however, it is clear that the organization of the domains is not
251                                              It is clear that the overall standard for cleaning must
252 em parallel fragmentation mass spectrometry, it is clear that the phosphate-specific marker ions auth
253 its (17)O signal throughout the experiments, it is clear that the polyoxoanion remains intact during
254  this intricate network of cross-reactivity, it is clear that the presence of IAPP can accelerate aS
255               According to the observations, it is clear that the proposed hybrid method is a powerfu
256 breaks is profuse and unequivocal; moreover, it is clear that the RAG complex itself cooperates (in a
257                                              It is clear that the second or 1alpha-hydroxylation step
258                                     However, it is clear that the small RNA SgrS is required for adap
259                                        While it is clear that the structural aberrations and the tran
260                                     However, it is clear that the success of antibiotics might only h
261                                     Although it is clear that the transcription factor T-bet plays an
262                                        While it is clear that the tumor microenvironment (TME) contri
263                                      Rather, it is clear that the two nonlamellar lipids affect VDAC
264                                              It is clear that the use of CIDTs for enteric pathogen d
265                                        While it is clear that the viral kinase encoded by the U(S)3 g
266 m studies conducted on the peripheral blood, it is clear that the virus is most active and most damag
267 ibited some efficacy in clinical trials, but it is clear that their most effective applications have
268 ions of these GABA-ir neurons are not known, it is clear that their presence has been strongly conser
269 origin and modulation of postoperative pain, it is clear that there are a variety of peripheral targe
270                                     However, it is clear that there are additional mechanisms related
271  identified in disparate biological systems, it is clear that there are additional uncharacterized me
272                  While this is broadly true, it is clear that there are also unexpected crosstalk eff
273 ions of sleep remain to be fully elucidated, it is clear that there are far-reaching effects of its d
274                               Taken together it is clear that there are multiple pathways involved in
275 ic contributions to illicit drug use, though it is clear that there is a strong genetic component inv
276                                     Although it is clear that there is an association between altered
277 ade toward universal education of providers, it is clear that there is still a reluctance to report a
278 in the functional assessment of the urethra, it is clear that these diagnostic techniques can provide
279 le in lymphocytes is still being determined, it is clear that these factors influence processes as va
280                                        While it is clear that these interactions are instrumental for
281                                              It is clear that these millennia of impacts need to be t
282                                     Although it is clear that these symptoms are prevalent among FMS
283 lect these aspects of gas exchange, although it is clear that they play a vital role in the balance o
284                                     Although it is clear that this complex influences AMPK and other
285                                     Although it is clear that this interaction is required for viral
286 t the use of cytoreductive conditioning, but it is clear that this is only successful for specific SC
287                                        Thus, it is clear that tPA promoted M1 macrophage survival thr
288                                     Although it is clear that transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-b
289                                     Although it is clear that trisomy 21 causes Down syndrome, the mo
290                                              It is clear that tumor cells do not act alone but in clo
291  levels of protein kinases and phosphatases, it is clear that ubiquitination is an important biologic
292                                              It is clear that UC active site recovery does not revert
293                                Nevertheless, it is clear that UL16 must have two distinct binding sit
294                 With such a range of effects it is clear that understanding the factors that contribu
295                                     However, it is clear that unique factors stored in the oocyte cyt
296                                     However, it is clear that virally induced metabolic reprogramming
297                              For this reason it is clear that we need a better understanding of adipo
298                         From these findings, it is clear that while imidazoles can prevent binding of
299                                              It is clear that without an appropriate structured test
300 ith DNA is not inhibited by DNA methylation, it is clear that Zta uses two routes to overcome epigene

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