


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 On the basis of the results from this study, it is concluded that (1) mTPP (tris(4-methoxyphenyl)phos
2                                              It is concluded that 15% of the decrease can be attribut
3                                              It is concluded that 2 subsites, D187-R193 and D252-P256
4                                   Therefore, it is concluded that 5-HT(2C) receptors freely diffusing
5                                              It is concluded that a functional and molecular interact
6 BT-DO3A) = 4.3 +/- 0.2 x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1)), it is concluded that a reaction in wastewater via (*)OH
7                                              It is concluded that a sample preparation strategy that
8                                              It is concluded that Abeta weakens synaptic inhibition v
9                                              It is concluded that ACE2 is localized in the podocyte a
10                                              It is concluded that achieved SBP approaching 120 mmHg a
11                                              It is concluded that activation of alpha2A-adrenergic si
12                                              It is concluded that activity in inferior parietal and m
13                                              It is concluded that activity of the indirect pathway is
14 perimental data and the theoretical results, it is concluded that addition to the C5 and C8 positions
15                                              It is concluded that adenosine A(2A)Rs expressed by GABA
16                                              It is concluded that administrative databases may be a p
17                      Through this comparison it is concluded that AFM force measurements are sensitiv
18                                  As a result it is concluded that agglomeration rather than irreversi
19                                              It is concluded that albumin induces apoptosis in human
20                                              It is concluded that all the studied clones/varieties ha
21                                              It is concluded that alternative back contacts will be i
22                                              It is concluded that, although high potency for inhibiti
23                                              It is concluded that, although the preparatory processes
24  reviewing available morphological evidence, it is concluded that Amphionides is a larval form, but w
25                                              It is concluded that an explanation based on heterogenei
26                                              It is concluded that androgens potentiate renal cell pro
27                                              It is concluded that angiotensin inhibition mediates reg
28             From the systems studied herein, it is concluded that anion-pi interactions play an impor
29                                              It is concluded that any such processes may be as import
30                                              It is concluded that ARs play a more important role than
31                                              It is concluded that ArsR2 is most likely the major arse
32                                              It is concluded that at the currently achievable level o
33                                              It is concluded that AtMAP65-1 plays a role in the centr
34                                              It is concluded that ATP hydrolysis is essential for SOS
35                                              It is concluded that BdkrB2 is a downstream target of th
36                                              It is concluded that besides the dense structure of comp
37                                              It is concluded that beta-catenin signaling is activated
38                                              It is concluded that beta-lactam is formed from the diaz
39                                              It is concluded that beta2-AR signal-mediated subchondra
40 adjacent hydroxyl and carboxylate functions, it is concluded that borate preservation is "fit-for-pur
41                                    Moreover, it is concluded that both the mechanism and the site of
42 llerenes with C(72) cages are discussed, and it is concluded that both the transfer of four electrons
43                                              It is concluded that calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosu
44                                              It is concluded that CaSR may function in the colon to r
45                                              It is concluded that CAV-1 is endemic in free-ranging re
46                                              It is concluded that change to LW was a poor indicator o
47                                              It is concluded that children and adults have the same s
48                                              It is concluded that circulating C3 is a critical factor
49                                              It is concluded that cisplatin cytotoxicity depends on c
50                                              It is concluded that conserved Ile-100 and Ile-94 are no
51                                              It is concluded that CR2 does not detectably change conf
52                                              It is concluded that CXCR3 plays an important role in or
53                                              It is concluded that D550Y/Q917H reduced inward Ca(2+) c
54                                              It is concluded that dc breakdown initializes in the bul
55                                              It is concluded that defined differentiation of ES cells
56                                              It is concluded that diffuse DRPs are mediated through p
57                                              It is concluded that ECR predicts disease progression of
58                                              It is concluded that effective gene vector delivery from
59                                              It is concluded that efficient Arc translation requires
60                                              It is concluded that efficient light harvesting by PSII
61                                              It is concluded that EGF regulates pax2 and GAPDH abunda
62                                              It is concluded that either propionate-A of heme a(3) or
63                                              It is concluded that electrical stimulation of the SSC p
64                                   Therefore, it is concluded that electron transfer through PS I is i
65                                              It is concluded that elevated concentration of MGo in HF
66                                              It is concluded that EMT is involved in human diabetic c
67                                              It is concluded that energetic or nitrogen use considera
68 on-processed n-type polymer is achieved; and it is concluded that engineering polymerdopant miscibili
69                                              It is concluded that evaporation of organic pollutants c
70                                              It is concluded that exendin-4 protects the CNS from dam
71                                              It is concluded that exposure of astrocytes to low conce
72                                              It is concluded that F12-46C/T carriage acts as an indep
73                                              It is concluded that favoring discrete models is based o
74                     Based on these findings, it is concluded that Fbln1 is required for the directed
75                                              It is concluded that Fc-CHO first reduces the concentrat
76                                              It is concluded that FFAs can shift insulin-induced hepa
77                                              It is concluded that FGF-23 levels increase early in CKD
78                                              It is concluded that firmness of salmon muscle was not r
79                      In view of these facts, it is concluded that flaxseed hulls may be a beneficial
80                                              It is concluded that fluctuation induced tunnelling, an
81                                              It is concluded that for human muscle working at a norma
82 ent with 3 microm of the PKA inhibitor H-89, it is concluded that for INS-1 cells, it is PKA that act
83                                              It is concluded that for lighter metal ions with smaller
84                                              It is concluded that formation of the lactone-lactam is
85                                              It is concluded that forskolin may have a role in promot
86                                              It is concluded that free energy for colicin unfolding i
87                                              It is concluded that functional data analysis does provi
88                                              It is concluded that genetic manipulation of plant statu
89                                              It is concluded that Gln(817) is a positive determinant
90                                              It is concluded that glomerular damage in adults with SC
91                                              It is concluded that grounds analogous to those on which
92                                              It is concluded that: H has NH(2) bound to FeMo-co and c
93                                              It is concluded that HA crystal formation, which only oc
94                                              It is concluded that high-speed CE has the potential for
95                                              It is concluded that higher I.Q. is related to increased
96                               On this basis, it is concluded that homolytic substitution at sulfonyl
97                                              It is concluded that human S-COMT may play a critical ro
98                                              It is concluded that hydrogen bonding and ligand charge
99                                              It is concluded that hydrogen bonding and local electros
100                                              It is concluded that IL-10 blocks inflammation and impro
101                                              It is concluded that illuminated rhodopsin is involved i
102                                              It is concluded that imitation in a communicative paradi
103                                              It is concluded that impairment of PHD3 enzyme function
104                                              It is concluded that in addition to the established role
105                                              It is concluded that in CKD, acidosis and an increase in
106                                              It is concluded that in the absence of fetal arterial hy
107                                              It is concluded that in the field, melanin may protect c
108                                              It is concluded that in the ligand-induced activation of
109                                              It is concluded that in vertebrates, especially mammals,
110                                              It is concluded that, in chronic kidney disease, hyperph
111                                              It is concluded that, in the preparation of 2, the proba
112                                              It is concluded that, in the rat, electrical stimulation
113                                              It is concluded that, in these beta-cells, depolarizing
114                                              It is concluded that inattention in near space in comple
115                                              It is concluded that inhibition of aldosterone by SP not
116                                              It is concluded that Ins(1,4,5)P3 facilitates SOC openin
117                                              It is concluded that insertion kinetics underlies the ex
118                                              It is concluded that integrated MIEX and coagulation is
119  located in the vicinity of the matrix gate, it is concluded that it is a key residue in the opening
120                                              It is concluded that it is advisable to consume cv. Chan
121                                              It is concluded that K21-coated surgical sutures have an
122                                              It is concluded that ketyl radicals react, in part, with
123                                              It is concluded that King Philip II, his wife Cleopatra,
124                                              It is concluded that koose is a potential functional foo
125 al alterations and protein denaturation, and it is concluded that LF NMR relaxometry is sensitive to
126                                              It is concluded that long-range potentials are small and
127                                              It is concluded that loss of neurons resulted in reduced
128                                              It is concluded that low K intake-induced increases in s
129                                              It is concluded that LSPR is a powerful tool for providi
130                                              It is concluded that macrophages infiltrate the area of
131                                              It is concluded that magnetically driven plasmid DNA del
132                                              It is concluded that maintenance of renal BMP-7 during t
133                                              It is concluded that Matrine possesses activity against
134                                              It is concluded that mechanosensory transmission that un
135                                              It is concluded that medium and long chain FFAs have a d
136                                              It is concluded that members of the alphabet have a room
137                                              It is concluded that most of the observed tear thinning
138                                              It is concluded, that multi-isotopic analysis has the po
139 iname and Madagascar are also presented, and it is concluded that natural products chemistry will con
140                                              It is concluded that netrin-1 plays an important dual ro
141                                              It is concluded that NETs entrap but do not kill microbe
142                                              It is concluded that Ni binding to the A-cluster induces
143                                              It is concluded that nitrate exerts rapid and manifold e
144                                              It is concluded that nitronyl nitroxide is readily reduc
145               From the results of the study, it is concluded that ocean and climate patterns are usef
146 align gauche rather than anti to each other, it is concluded that on binding of free 3-F-GABA to GABA
147                                              It is concluded that only animals homozygous for asparag
148 n these data and evidence in the literature, it is concluded that opening the a gate requires S4 acti
149                         Based on these data, it is concluded that orexins acting at OX(1) do not cont
150                                              It is concluded that OTA is very sensitive to irradiatio
151  theories of habituation are considered, and it is concluded that others' demonstrations of the sensi
152                                              It is concluded that ouabain stimulates proliferation in
153                                              It is concluded that patients with CKD have poorer funct
154                                              It is concluded that PDK-1, whose structure has been det
155                                              It is concluded that peptide-based inhibitors can yield
156                                              It is concluded that PheVI:09 constitutes an aromatic mi
157                                              It is concluded that photolysis of 8-azidoadenosine in a
158                                              It is concluded that photolysis of p-azidoacetophenone (
159                                              It is concluded that plasma [PPi] is reduced in hemodial
160                                              It is concluded that ploidy gave less variation than tem
161                                              It is concluded that prenatal, organizational effects of
162                                              It is concluded that prevention of progression to ESRD s
163                                              It is concluded that prior reports documenting the failu
164               On the basis of this evidence, it is concluded that proposed mechanisms lack validity,
165                                 In addition, it is concluded that proton transfer in the K channel is
166                                              It is concluded that PSI does not undergo NPQ in biologi
167                                              It is concluded that PTH stimulates ERK1/2 through sever
168                                              It is concluded that RA induces KOR gene suppression, as
169                                              It is concluded that Rac1 and AMPK together account for
170                                              It is concluded that red V. labrusca L. grape juices pro
171                                              It is concluded that, regardless of the type of corona a
172                                              It is concluded that regions within TM4 and TM10-11 cont
173                                              It is concluded that regulated changes in the degree of
174                                              It is concluded that regulation of excitability of activ
175                                              It is concluded that renal dysfunction is associated wit
176                                              It is concluded that residual H remains even after high-
177                                              It is concluded that residue Asp95 within EGF1 is critic
178                          From these studies, it is concluded that rho(2) provides a useful metric for
179                                              It is concluded that S138A increased binding of HR2/ENF
180 S characteristics of cupredoxins, from which it is concluded that Sco does not contain highly covalen
181                                              It is concluded that SCPs do not alter the stability of
182                                              It is concluded that selective breeding has resulted in
183                                              It is concluded that SID may contribute to NSC, but that
184 fferences were observed between SIT and MICT it is concluded that SIT is a time efficient alternative
185                                              It is concluded that SLC26A7 is present in endosomes, an
186                                              It is concluded that specific blockade of CXCL9
187                                              It is concluded that SpoIIIE is required during spore fo
188                          From these results, it is concluded that stable intact helical linker region
189                                              It is concluded that subthreshold superexcitability in h
190                                              It is concluded that superoxide anions play a key role i
191 n spectra and HRTEM images of the composite, it is concluded that SWNTs survive this process and a co
192                                              It is concluded that TATS electrical remodeling is a maj
193                                              It is concluded that tea leaves could be widely used as
194                                              It is concluded that the activation of layered structure
195                                              It is concluded that the apparent insertion free energy
196                                              It is concluded that the beta-oligomer is not preceded b
197                                              It is concluded that the c-kit87 tertiary structure may
198 dant than either Ca(v)3.1 or Ca(v)3.3 mRNAs, it is concluded that the Ca(v)3.2 gene encodes the bulk
199 ically active acid-base sites and reactants, it is concluded that the catalytic cooperativity of the
200                                              It is concluded that the chemistry proceeds by rate limi
201                                              It is concluded that the components of the carbon catabo
202                                              It is concluded that the DOC does not modify the size or
203                                              It is concluded that the downregulation of TonEBP in the
204                                              It is concluded that the dpms ligand facilitates Pt(II)
205                                              It is concluded that the effect of utilizing the strateg
206                            Within the study, it is concluded that the EMSC algorithm cannot be applie
207 lated or embedded in a poly-L-lysine matrix, it is concluded that the encapsulation has significantly
208                                              It is concluded that the enol form is overwhelmingly pre
209                                              It is concluded that the enzymatic susceptibility of ric
210 odel for membrane diffusion is discussed and it is concluded that the erroneous diffusion constants a
211                                              It is concluded that the flow physics and its physiologi
212 large zeta values which quench fluorescence, it is concluded that the fluorophore should be tethered
213                                              It is concluded that the four soil amendments had variab
214                                              It is concluded that the fuzzy classification approach i
215                                              It is concluded that the hierarchical structuring is an
216                                              It is concluded that the high constitutive activity of t
217                                              It is concluded that the histologic and functional respo
218                                              It is concluded that the holistic approach, including ch
219                                              It is concluded that the hyper-osmotic conditions tested
220                                              It is concluded that the improvements in fitness that ar
221                                        Thus, it is concluded that the insertion process is most likel
222                                              It is concluded that the interaction between small molec
223                                              It is concluded that the interface between position II:1
224                                              It is concluded that the introduction of distributed del
225 free-energy relationships are discussed, and it is concluded that the ionic-strength-dependent studie
226                                              It is concluded that the lag does not represent inhibiti
227                                              It is concluded that the ligand tether and the stereoche
228                                              It is concluded that the lipolysis in fat body adipocyte
229                                              It is concluded that the long-range dendritic delivery o
230                                              It is concluded that the long-term accumulation trends i
231 arison of kinetic and spectral pK(a) values, it is concluded that the loss of catalytic activity at a
232                                              It is concluded that the magnetic structure, hence the f
233 he fact that the lung cells only produce M1, it is concluded that the major isoform that can intercep
234                                     Finally, it is concluded that the method standardized for the det
235                     Based on these analyses, it is concluded that the mitochondrial NCE is electrogen
236 vations and supporting mechanistic analyses, it is concluded that the modified benzil system 7 is a p
237                                   Therefore, it is concluded that the monoanion exists as an equilibr
238                                              It is concluded that the MSDB can be used as alternative
239                                              It is concluded that the Na(+) affinity of the Na(+),K(+
240 ve interactions does not accelerate folding, it is concluded that the native and non-native structure
241                                              It is concluded that the nature and origins of the AMS C
242                                              It is concluded that the neural network is constrained b
243                                              It is concluded that the new method facilitates studies
244                                              It is concluded that the novel 3DP fullerene-type bio-ca
245                                              It is concluded that the observed exchange reaction is b
246                                    Although, it is concluded that the on-line NIRS prediction results
247                                              It is concluded that the organization of the longissimus
248                       Combining all results, it is concluded that the origin of the thermal degradati
249                                              It is concluded that the overall pattern of change has b
250                                              It is concluded that the oxide ion diffuses anisotropica
251                                              It is concluded that the P. furiosus genome contains at
252                                              It is concluded that the partial substitution of the pro
253 e basis of these proton uptake measurements, it is concluded that the pK(a) of the group is independe
254                                              It is concluded that the pressor effect due to a vasoact
255                                              It is concluded that the pretreatment protocol substanti
256                                              It is concluded that the proposed method avoids many pot
257                                              It is concluded that the proposed methodology can be use
258                                              It is concluded that the proximal tubule secretes ATP in
259                                        Thus, it is concluded that the qSD12 underlying gene promotes
260                                              It is concluded that the quantum chemistry calculations
261 sponding bulk and microdroplet reactions and it is concluded that the rate-limiting step at steady st
262                                   Therefore, it is concluded that the Reissert anions are either plan
263 S), and isothermal calorimetry measurements, it is concluded that the same four residues, His96, His9
264                                              It is concluded that the self-administration paradigm is
265 e heterogeneity of the cation solvation, and it is concluded that the solvated electron itself acts a
266 m to alphaB-crystallin molar subunit ratios, it is concluded that the structured beta-sheet core and
267                                              It is concluded that the T6P/SnRK1 signaling pathway res
268                                              It is concluded that the uncertainties from this source
269                                              It is concluded that the use of the WHO three-step analg
270                                              It is concluded that the weakness of the N-H donor, coup
271                                     Overall, it is concluded that there are many new materials that c
272  coupled to isotope ratio mass spectrometry, it is concluded that there are two distinguishable group
273 ICR in the absence of cAMP-elevating agents, it is concluded that there exists in beta cells a proces
274                On the basis of such findings it is concluded that there exists in human beta-cells an
275                                              It is concluded that there is no convincing evidence for
276                                              It is concluded that there is no evidence for any specia
277 ation on promoter DNA lacking the -11A base, it is concluded that these amino acid residues have othe
278                                              It is concluded that these attractive properties of wild
279                                   Therefore, it is concluded that these exocyclic lesions act by acce
280                                              It is concluded that these highly water-soluble phthaloc
281                                              It is concluded that these sympathetic nerve fibres are
282                                              It is concluded that thioesterases II and III and at lea
283                                              It is concluded that this alternate binding site and res
284 directed against human herpesviruses 1 to 5, it is concluded that this animal herpesvirus has enormou
285                                    Therefore it is concluded that this monoanion is a mixture of taut
286                                              It is concluded that TonEBP permits the disc cells to ad
287                                              It is concluded that toxic gases or oil mists in cabin a
288          Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that Treg cells do not appear to play a
289                        For the adaxial side, it is concluded that trichomes and the scars after trich
290                                              It is concluded that vagally evoked 5-HT release is unde
291                                              It is concluded that variation of the ligand structure c
292                                              It is concluded that vascular abnormalities are already
293                                              It is concluded that vasopressin and forskolin increase
294                                              It is concluded that VB will continue to be a major driv
295                                              It is concluded that venous and arterial thrombosis may
296                                              It is concluded that vinyl singlet carbene ((1)2) underg
297                                              It is concluded that whereas 10-day PCA alters the perip
298                                              It is concluded that, while catalyzed chain growth (CCG)
299 n agreed initial average period of 10 years, it is concluded that wind could accommodate all of the d
300                                              It is concluded that ZO-1 regulates the rate of undocked

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