


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                     Although it is difficult to accomplish in the human host, longitu
2  because memory cannot be measured directly, it is difficult to account for.
3 rapy is underexplored, in large part because it is difficult to accurately and reproducibly measure t
4  major limitation of short-read data is that it is difficult to accurately predict full-length splice
5                                     However, it is difficult to achieve ballistic transport in a soli
6                                              It is difficult to achieve controlled cutting of elastic
7 ritical to maintaining glycemic control, yet it is difficult to achieve due to the high individual di
8         However, even when injected locally, it is difficult to achieve efficient distribution of che
9 with designed transition-metal catalysts but it is difficult to achieve exceptionally high levels of
10                                              It is difficult to achieve minimally invasive injectable
11                                     However, it is difficult to achieve selectivity when multiple ine
12                                     However, it is difficult to achieve the therapeutic concentration
13                                     However, it is difficult to achieve the two goals simultaneously
14                          Too often, however, it is difficult to acquire antibodies that specifically
15 k of analyzing population-based data is that it is difficult to adequately control for population sub
16                                        Also, it is difficult to alleviate the effect of noisy sequenc
17  was excluded as a potential marker, because it is difficult to amplify in fungi, often includes larg
18 ication bias in directed acyclic graphs, but it is difficult to anticipate the magnitude of bias.
19                                          But it is difficult to anticipate their effect on the migrat
20 the secretory machinery in eukaryotic cells, it is difficult to apply rational engineering for constr
21 within a small, single population means that it is difficult to argue that circadian rhythmicity form
22 -linked to enhance their physical integrity, it is difficult to ascertain and compare the local stiff
23 lifestyles promote horizontal gene transfer, it is difficult to ascertain given the nonrandom samplin
24                                     However, it is difficult to ascertain if these areas constitute a
25                                Consequently, it is difficult to ascertain the mechanism underlying th
26                                     However, it is difficult to assess damage inflicted exclusively b
27            Due to the lack of external data, it is difficult to assess how this compares with patient
28                                     However, it is difficult to assess the accuracy of the folding me
29                                     However, it is difficult to assess the additional cost in terms o
30                                              It is difficult to assess the entire contained self-reac
31                                     However, it is difficult to assess the fraction of all genomic re
32                                 As a result, it is difficult to assess the performance of orthology i
33 atures that may increase expression, however it is difficult to assess the relative influence of thes
34                   In a novel situation where it is difficult to assess the risks associated with high
35 ons has received considerable attention, but it is difficult to assess the significance of this issue
36                                     However, it is difficult to assess the tertiary packing of transi
37 re also more likely to be promoter-proximal, it is difficult to assess whether motifs identified in t
38 ding studies involve many TFs, consequently, it is difficult to assign nucleosome reorganization to t
39                                     Although it is difficult to associate a precise date to its found
40                   For many zoonotic diseases it is difficult to attribute human cases to sources of i
41 the ensuing mechanisms for their production, it is difficult to attribute specific functions as drive
42 e PE/PPEs are very challenging to study, and it is difficult to be certain what role(s) they have in
43 s >8 degree heating weeks); a point at which it is difficult to believe reefs can persist as we know
44                                     However, it is difficult to calculate the impairment of metabolic
45                                     However, it is difficult to capture rare dynamic processes, such
46                                     However, it is difficult to characterize samples pulled from the
47                                     However, it is difficult to check for any bias in the peer-review
48 terdependence of these contributing factors, it is difficult to circumvent problems and achieve ratio
49                                     However, it is difficult to combine these approaches due to facto
50 ack of commonly accepted validation methods, it is difficult to compare clustering results between st
51 d skills needed to process and analyze data, it is difficult to compare datasets in an intuitive and
52                                           As it is difficult to conclude the null, it is also difficu
53 utcome (de novo CKD versus CKD progression), it is difficult to conclude with certainty that AKI is t
54     In these less severely injured patients, it is difficult to connect disorders of arousal with mot
55 any diversification shifts occur after WGDs, it is difficult to consider diversification and duplicat
56 omposition and dynamics of this compartment, it is difficult to construct mechanistic hypotheses or e
57 mining particle properties and behavior, but it is difficult to control and characterize.
58 on are not well understood, however, because it is difficult to control for confounding factors such
59 n, especially in environmental samples where it is difficult to culture phage-host systems.
60 ore toxic than their fibrillar counterparts, it is difficult to decouple the origin of their dissimil
61                                     Although it is difficult to define quantitatively, the activity o
62 ns a challenge in cancer precision medicine; it is difficult to deliver a targeted therapy to cancer
63 ver, because PEL is highly multi-dimensional it is difficult to describe how the system moves around
64 In complex condensed-phase systems, however, it is difficult to design Monte Carlo moves with high ac
65                             Given their size it is difficult to detect and visualize the presence of
66                                              It is difficult to detect engraftment of donor cells in
67 c compounds in individual aerosol particles, it is difficult to detect PAHs at relevant concentration
68 orescence background of many tissue samples, it is difficult to detect single-molecule fluorescence i
69                                  Importance: It is difficult to determine disease activity in vitilig
70 Y-STR haplotypes have a few mismatched loci, it is difficult to determine if they are from the same m
71                                     However, it is difficult to determine the exact position of d-ami
72                               Experimentally it is difficult to determine the ionic mechanisms of dep
73 on observations of forming systems, however, it is difficult to determine the true initial multiplici
74 ue locations of nucleosomes are unknown, and it is difficult to determine their exact locations using
75       As with many large predators, however, it is difficult to determine to what extent predators li
76 gion Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveal that it is difficult to determine what is up and down, even i
77                                              It is difficult to determine whether a specific constell
78                                              It is difficult to determine whether early tuberculosis
79                                              It is difficult to determine whether research and develo
80 ndia and China compared to the USA, although it is difficult to determine whether this effect is the
81                                     However, it is difficult to determine whether this review is exha
82 r relative frequencies have been identified, it is difficult to determine which mechanisms of resista
83                                     However, it is difficult to develop a selective ligand if the poi
84                                              It is difficult to develop appropriate treatment guideli
85                                         When it is difficult to develop selective ligands within a fa
86                                              It is difficult to diagnose metastases in local lymph no
87 Because it is a disease of unknown etiology, it is difficult to diagnose, to predict disease course a
88  the variety of clinical symptoms and signs, it is difficult to diagnose.
89          Without longitudinal clinical data, it is difficult to differentiate some cases of chronic p
90 sed on traditional morphological characters, it is difficult to differentiate these two genera.
91 a general property of globular proteins, but it is difficult to directly characterize because the tra
92                                     However, it is difficult to directly detect those states because
93 ry systems of infants, children, and adults, it is difficult to directly extrapolate clinical practic
94                                     However, it is difficult to directly measure a fitness landscape
95                                 Yet, because it is difficult to directly measure mechanical stress in
96 ture models of alpha-syn-seeded aggregation, it is difficult to discern intracellular from extracellu
97                                              It is difficult to discern the proportion of blood lead
98                          Using these methods it is difficult to discriminate the contribution of each
99 efly bioluminescence remains elusive because it is difficult to disentangle different enzyme-lumophor
100                                      Because it is difficult to disentangle period effects from cohor
101 ion of Ca(2+) homeostasis contributes to AD, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of familial A
102                    However, in such studies, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of nutrient s
103 ts may be associated with weight status, but it is difficult to disentangle the effects of strongly c
104 d substantially over the last 3 decades, but it is difficult to disentangle what effects individual i
105 ver, due to the small size of the mouse eye, it is difficult to dissect mouse trabecular meshwork (MT
106 ion and function of these synapses; however, it is difficult to dissect the contribution of intrinsic
107 s between various cells in AD inflamed skin, it is difficult to dissect the precise and multiple role
108 ause DNA shape is a consequence of sequence, it is difficult to dissociate these modes of recognition
109                                              It is difficult to distinguish at preschool age whether
110 fluences offspring metabolism is unclear, as it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of th
111                                              It is difficult to distinguish clinically invasive Salmo
112                                   Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish different incoming waves
113 ver, with limited long-term direct measures, it is difficult to distinguish direct drying effects fro
114  with anecdotal historical reports, although it is difficult to distinguish smallpox from other pustu
115                                              It is difficult to distinguish the contribution of cardi
116 ogates for many thousands of other SNPs, and it is difficult to distinguish those that may play a fun
117 ology induces astrocytes to become reactive, it is difficult to distinguish whether astrogliosis is a
118                                   Therefore, it is difficult to draw a conclusion about the performan
119 xpression of GPR56 in the developing cortex, it is difficult to draw a specific conclusion as to whic
120 e studies included in this review means that it is difficult to draw strong conclusions as to the tru
121                                   Currently, it is difficult to efficiently diagnose and monitor earl
122                                     However, it is difficult to ensure that the atomic models retain
123 rmoury of virulence factors it produces, and it is difficult to eradicate because of its intrinsic re
124 rgery has been extended to neonatal surgery, it is difficult to establish its role for neonatal disor
125  contain a small quantity of unbound iodine, it is difficult to establish the degree to which thyroid
126 tients with cardiovascular disease, although it is difficult to establish the detailed release kineti
127                                              It is difficult to establish when people started to use
128  rare, and even rarer following vaccination, it is difficult to estimate precise risk.
129                           Without these data it is difficult to evaluate perturbations of CPC signali
130 t assay (ELISA)-based ligand-binding assays, it is difficult to evaluate the residual drug, which is
131 area with multiple sources of air pollution, it is difficult to evaluate the spatial impact of a mino
132                                              It is difficult to evaluate these methods because there
133  abortion have a lower risk of preeclampsia, it is difficult to evaluate whether the observed associa
134                                              It is difficult to evaluate, however, because most avail
135                                              It is difficult to explain the differential rates of pro
136                                     However, it is difficult to explore the structural features under
137 jor challenge to studying LRP1 has been that it is difficult to express such a large, highly glycosyl
138 S. health care system is complex and because it is difficult to find accurate data elsewhere, most co
139 has been harder to decipher, in part because it is difficult to find appropriate metrics to character
140 onduction electrons at room temperature, but it is difficult to find other spin-polarized oxides with
141 act of these effects remains unclear because it is difficult to follow free-living individuals throug
142 m remains poorly understood, in part because it is difficult to gain information about the dimer-scal
143 cause, unlike in other technosocial systems, it is difficult to gather large-scale data about user be
144  to use one class of model or the other, and it is difficult to generalize statements about their rel
145 ould be used to study cancer cells for which it is difficult to generate tumour spheroids.
146                                              It is difficult to genetically manipulate many gene clus
147                                     However, it is difficult to hold one pi-conjugated molecular ring
148 geographic arrangement of continental crust, it is difficult to identify a specific causal mechanism.
149 ycans can substitute one mucin molecule, and it is difficult to identify biologically accessible glyc
150                                 In addition, it is difficult to identify critical cellular and molecu
151                                Nevertheless, it is difficult to identify or distinguish various carbo
152 ad through face-to-face social networks, but it is difficult to identify social influence effects in
153 y powerful, but complicates learning because it is difficult to identify the responsible neurons when
154    Treatment is futile in some patients, but it is difficult to identify these patients a priori.
155 nation and respiratory mechanics are linked, it is difficult to identify which variables, pressure or
156                                              It is difficult to imagine how mammalian hosts have kept
157 s extremely difficult to map and ablate when it is difficult to induce and nonsustained.
158                                 As a result, it is difficult to infer cause or predict future traject
159 ospeciated with their gut-resident microbes, it is difficult to infer features of our ancestral micro
160  in the primate occipitotemporal cortex, but it is difficult to infer the stimulus selectivities of t
161   The TFs mostly function via repression and it is difficult to integrate multiple inputs in promoter
162                                     However, it is difficult to integrate these diverse data to recon
163 Despite the apparent simplicity of the test, it is difficult to interpret or rely on.
164 particular, during flow chamber experiments, it is difficult to interpret the interplay of the above-
165                                     However, it is difficult to interpret the results at the early st
166                                              It is difficult to isolate cognitive outcomes from motor
167 se two isoforms has not been defined because it is difficult to isolate or purify the alpha.beta dime
168                                 As a result, it is difficult to isolate the effects of language on th
169 ng what such a model can and cannot explain, it is difficult to justify more complex mechanisms, or u
170                                              It is difficult to justify preferentially waiting for an
171 binding sites, methylation peaks, etc.), and it is difficult to know a priori which features would be
172                                              It is difficult to know how the children with Japanese c
173 een limited to experimental systems, because it is difficult to know what happened in the deep past a
174 ubiquitously expressed throughout the brain, it is difficult to know which cell types might mediate t
175                                     However, it is difficult to link individual networks to specific
176 e to coal-fired utility boilers (CFUBs), but it is difficult to link specific point sources with loca
177 opposite construct of a 'unified whole', but it is difficult to locate proponents of the idea of a DM
178 ntly contribute to background scattering and it is difficult to locate the crystals, making them inco
179             Whereas previous studies suggest it is difficult to maintain attention and vigilance over
180 wing: 1) if the number of RyRs is too small, it is difficult to maintain consecutive openings and sto
181 nonlinear effects of the compliant elements, it is difficult to make generalizations about speed and
182                                     However, it is difficult to make inferences from these data becau
183                          Without these data, it is difficult to make informed regional or national po
184  nucleic acids and proteins, largely because it is difficult to manipulate cellular membrane lipid co
185 ace gravity is a basic stellar property, but it is difficult to measure accurately, with typical unce
186                                              It is difficult to measure electron transfer in these en
187 edox signaling is poorly understood, because it is difficult to measure H(2)O(2) in vivo.
188                                     However, it is difficult to measure on the within-trial time scal
189                                     However, it is difficult to measure strain hardening via nanoinde
190                                     However, it is difficult to measure the activities of all possibl
191 fying organisms is poorly understood because it is difficult to measure the chemistry of in vivo biom
192 ging because, even in isolated mitochondria, it is difficult to measure the proton motive force while
193                                     However, it is difficult to measure the volume of the hard or sof
194     As the spheroids are comparably sizable, it is difficult to monitor larger numbers of them by opt
195                                      Because it is difficult to objectively measure population-level
196                                     However, it is difficult to observe these dynamics directly over
197 s of action of all BCL2 family proteins, but it is difficult to obtain a precise view of how BCL2 fam
198 n imaging on a conventional SPECT camera, as it is difficult to obtain diagnostic image quality on a
199                                      Because it is difficult to obtain enough field observations on d
200 ed by RhP2 complexes, the typical catalysts, it is difficult to obtain high conversions using the alt
201 a high heart rate and arrhythmia which makes it is difficult to obtain images.
202                                              It is difficult to obtain insight into the mechanisms oc
203 hanism of transport of P-gp, in part because it is difficult to obtain purified protein in well defin
204                                     However, it is difficult to obtain quantitative data from microsc
205           Because of cell to cell variation, it is difficult to obtain statistically significant data
206                                              It is difficult to overstate the cultural and biological
207 oxyanion holes for substrate activation, but it is difficult to parse out the independent contributio
208 rn in fraud verification, especially because it is difficult to percept adulterations with the naked
209                                     However, it is difficult to perform this technique on frozen samp
210 ssenger mutations in the human tumor genome, it is difficult to pinpoint causative driver genes.
211  the gold standard for anastomosing vessels, it is difficult to place sutures correctly through colla
212 wever, because graphene is chemically inert, it is difficult to precisely assemble inorganic nanomate
213      This smoothness is also the reason that it is difficult to precisely determine the transition po
214 botanical record or phylogeographic pattern, it is difficult to precisely identify the time and place
215  nanoparticle delivery is controversial, and it is difficult to predict how a targeted nanoparticle d
216                                              It is difficult to predict hydro-volcanic eruptions beca
217                                Consequently, it is difficult to predict on an individual basis the ri
218 icity of CYP2D family members among species, it is difficult to predict pathways of human CYP2D6-depe
219 equence motifs, such as G-boxes (CACGTG), so it is difficult to predict regulatory relationships.
220                                              It is difficult to predict risk for behavioral inhibitio
221 xylic acid metabolism and storage means that it is difficult to predict the best way to engineer alte
222                                              It is difficult to predict the rate of the transition be
223                                     However, it is difficult to predict their properties based on mac
224 les behind proteasomal splicing are unknown, it is difficult to predict these spliced Ags.
225              Given this apparent complexity, it is difficult to predict where, when, or even whether
226                                        Since it is difficult to predict which influenza virus subtype
227                                              It is difficult to predict, diagnose and manage.
228 ntigen but as there is antigenic drift in HA it is difficult to prepare a vaccine in advance against
229 f current membrane materials and techniques, it is difficult to prepare microporous membranes thinner
230 icant cognitive deficits in humans; however, it is difficult to probe the function of TH in early bra
231                                     Although it is difficult to prospectively identify those patients
232                        It is suggestive that it is difficult to protect against aerosol challenge.
233                                      However it is difficult to prove deep biosphere activity in the
234 educes photosynthetic productivity; however, it is difficult to quantify accurately in complex canopi
235  explain this "paradox of the plankton," but it is difficult to quantify and track variation in phyto
236                                     However, it is difficult to quantify both the FRET efficiency (E)
237                                              It is difficult to quantify the probability of common so
238  detrimental to health than others; however, it is difficult to quantify the uncertainty associated w
239 te to the signal in a single pixel, however, it is difficult to quantify their individual contributio
240                                     However, it is difficult to quantitatively compare the efficacy o
241                Despite harmful consequences, it is difficult to quit smoking because of its positive
242                                              It is difficult to reach this threshold with patient-tol
243  and sequence homology among family members, it is difficult to realize sensitive and selective detec
244                                     However, it is difficult to recapitulate high levels of diversity
245  mutations in four or more driver genes, but it is difficult to recapitulate this degree of genetic c
246  of normal growth is not well characterized, it is difficult to recognize lesions growing at an abnor
247 he population structure of K. pneumoniae, so it is difficult to recognize or understand the emergence
248                                     However, it is difficult to reconcile network complexities with a
249                    This result suggests that it is difficult to reconcile the looping probability wit
250                                     However, it is difficult to reconcile the reproductive tract's ma
251                                              It is difficult to reconcile this FliM remodelling with
252 n input" problem presents a major roadblock: it is difficult to reliably distinguish causal connectio
253                                              It is difficult to reproduce TAI in animal models of clo
254 e human memory is intertwined with language, it is difficult to resist the conclusion that language i
255 ion structure between geographic localities, it is difficult to resolve markers that segregate entire
256               In addition, we show here that it is difficult to resolve subcortical sources because d
257 the analysis of receptor function, such that it is difficult to resolve the molecular basis for compo
258 nsory feedback entrains the stepping rhythm, it is difficult to reveal central pattern generator (CPG
259 lity aptamers have been previously reported, it is difficult to routinely generate aptamers that poss
260 for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), for which it is difficult to rule out environmental influences as
261                                     However, it is difficult to scale down the size of these instrume
262  conventional targeted analytical assays, as it is difficult to screen for "unknown" compounds.
263 mber of possible incorrect folds and because it is difficult to search the fold space for an optimal
264 ing their DNA only during a brief period and it is difficult to select injection doses that would exh
265 ily be cleaved by enzymes such as proteases, it is difficult to selectively break the carbon-nitrogen
266 Some facets are more active than others, but it is difficult to selectively isolate particular facets
267  However, due to the subtlety of DNA damage, it is difficult to sense the presence of damage repair w
268         Such studies are challenging because it is difficult to separate electronic effects from supr
269 cumstances, largely because of the fact that it is difficult to separate out myopia-related structura
270   This finding shows that in some scenarios, it is difficult to simulate the intended contact of mate
271                                              It is difficult to simultaneously examine division and f
272 n mice and higher mammalian species in which it is difficult to specifically target and manipulate ge
273   This is especially useful in species where it is difficult to study social traits in natural popula
274                                              It is difficult to study the beginnings of intermodal vi
275    Additionally, in the absence of orthologs it is difficult to study the processes and mechanisms un
276                For the practicing clinician, it is difficult to summarize the prognostic information
277 ture probe stably co-exist in a solution, as it is difficult to sustain an interaction between both t
278                                      Indeed, it is difficult to synthesize amorphous calcium carbonat
279                               Unfortunately, it is difficult to synthesize such colloids because surf
280                                        While it is difficult to synthesize them, they are also prone
281 However, as FOXC2 is a transcription factor, it is difficult to target by conventional means such as
282 ulated in the majority of colorectal tumors, it is difficult to target directly.
283  of function and lead therapeutics; however, it is difficult to target with small molecules.
284                                     However, it is difficult to tease apart whether changes in neural
285 of htt N-terminal fragments is so rapid that it is difficult to tease out mechanistic details.
286                           Because at present it is difficult to tell where sign stops and gesture beg
287                                     However, it is difficult to test the validity of this assumption
288                                     However, it is difficult to test these ideas in natural ecosystem
289                                              It is difficult to test this idea in human populations,
290                                     However, it is difficult to uncouple the functions of retrograde
291 nitial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier, it is difficult to uncouple their roles in maintaining a
292 es are differentially temperature dependent, it is difficult to understand how physiological processe
293 characteristics affect cooperation; however, it is difficult to understand how this occurs based on g
294                                              It is difficult to understand such behavior in terms of
295  to rain, I will take an umbrella-therefore, it is difficult to understand their interplay.
296                                     However, it is difficult to use any of the packages to analyze ge
297 ory, be used to reproduce results in papers, it is difficult to use in practice.
298                                     However, it is difficult to vary only the biochemical cues withou
299 stic phenomena, such as Klein tunneling, but it is difficult to visualize directly.
300                                      Because it is difficult to visualize sacral crest cells independ

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