


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             It is likely that 1 in every 3 invasive tumors and cases of D
2                                                             It is likely that a majority of patients and wards do not nee
3                                                             It is likely that aberrant splicing of genes expressed in mot
4                                                             It is likely that anthropogenic sediment trapping in upstream
5                                                             It is likely that combinatorial approaches with targeted immu
6                                                             It is likely that high-throughput experimentation will enable
7                                                             It is likely that many biological processes similarly have an
8                                                             It is likely that many more remain to be discovered, given th
9                                                             It is likely that members of the large CCT family participate
10                                                             It is likely that PGE is widespread in Psocodea, including hu
11                                                             It is likely that shared neurobiological mechanisms between t
12                                                             It is likely that TAVR will play an increasingly important ro
13                                                             It is likely that the inoculum contains multiple genetic vari
14                                                             It is likely that the mutations directly affect the transcrip
15                                                             It is likely that the role of Polycomb repressive complex is
16                                                             It is likely that this activity could be improved through evo
17                                                             It is likely that viroids hijack critical host RNA pathways f
18                                                             It is likely that YKL-40 is interacting with these alternativ
19                Infection in men is usually asymptomatic and it is likely that most men resolve infection without developi
20 elevated in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and it is likely that FGF23 directly contributes to the high rate
21 l plasticity might be more of a rule than an exception, and it is likely that different injuries elicit different faculta
22 propriate disinfection method remains unclear, however, and it is likely that replacement of colonized water reservoirs m
23 most closely paralleled the transient clinical outcome, and it is likely that recurrence of the T-cell drivers of allergi
24  not well supported by genome-wide association studies, and it is likely that this will be the case for other complex tra
25  far are largely restricted to organic solvent systems, and it is likely that the move to aqueous conditions will prove c
26  However, the exact functions of the N-Srcs are unknown and it is likely that N-Src signalling events have been misattrib
27  Cys residues are highly conserved in Meteorin and Cometin, it is likely that the disulfide linkages are also conserved.
28 activation and subsequent interaction with actin filaments, it is likely that in its absence, contraction of smooth muscl
29                                                Furthermore, it is likely that a redox-active precipitate formed in the ZV
30 icides do not reliably kill homozygous sensitive genotypes, it is likely that sequential deployment will be a more robust
31                                                      Hence, it is likely that silicate melt above and below the mantle tr
32                                                    However, it is likely that at least some of the observed alterations r
33                                                    However, it is likely that water was also used as a hydrogen source be
34 sequent cell death are the early signs of cartilage injury, it is likely that cartilage cell apoptosis can be used to pre
35 As control of ICP is the central purpose of TBI management, it is likely that some of the information that is reflected i
36  As the hypothalamus regulates multiple functional outputs, it is likely that additional behaviors may be affected by pos
37 portant molecular components of the TGFB signaling pathway, it is likely that interactions remain to be elucidated betwee
38                           As discussed in this Perspective, it is likely that cells that produce virus are strongly selec
39      Given the semidiscontinuous nature of DNA replication, it is likely that TLS on the leading and lagging strand templ
40        Given the proven safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib, it is likely that ruxolitinib-based combinations will be a ma
41                           This is an important issue, since it is likely that optimal immunity induced by a vaccine requi
42                                               Specifically, it is likely that animal diversification expanded not only te
43                                                    As such, it is likely that effective interventions to stop transmissio
44                          However, even using these targets, it is likely that many children will require additional refra
45      Due to ongoing global warming and rising temperatures, it is likely that severer droughts with a higher frequency wi
46                                                        Thus it is likely that host switching of Plasmodium from birds to
47                                                       Thus, it is likely that ACP is not simply an obligate subunit but a
48                                                       Thus, it is likely that mutation of THAP11 also results in biochemi
49            While mechanisms of resistance remain undefined, it is likely that acquired resistance to anti-angiogenic ther
50 mporal dynamics of the four gases and ROS is basal, whereas it is likely that they form a signature readout of prevailing

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