


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             It is possible that additional intellectual disability-associ
2                                                             It is possible that diminished cell-mediated immunity during
3                                                             It is possible that in Barrett's patients bile acids may acti
4                                                             It is possible that incompatibilities at one or more of these
5                                                             It is possible that individual neuronal cell types are not sp
6                                                             It is possible that large somatic CNVs are tolerated or even
7                                                             It is possible that many classes of pathogens specifically ta
8                                                             It is possible that one of the essential functions of sleep i
9                                                             It is possible that patients' perceptions of their physicians
10                                                             It is possible that reliance on a single intracellular second
11                                                             It is possible that RPE may continue to form a preserved phot
12                                                             It is possible that such effects are a result of increased su
13                                                             It is possible that the bacterium recruits lyases with highly
14                                                             It is possible that the conditions of ecological collapse inc
15                                                             It is possible that the numerous proteins encoded by these my
16                                                             It is possible that the z-score underestimates AL severity in
17                                                             It is possible that their selective expression pattern can he
18                                                             It is possible that this phenotypic diversity of FAD associat
19 ar in both years (36% in 2008 melt runoff and 34% in 2009), it is possible that record low precipitation in the summer of
20 logical tremor are known to depend on muscle afferentation, it is possible that the mechanical properties of muscle-tendo
21                                              Alternatively, it is possible that actin-based transport is necessary to ove
22                                              Alternatively, it is possible that on a given virion either all the spikes a
23 onpathogenic protective immunity may soon be available, and it is possible that different vaccines will be optimal for in
24 e magnitude of the difference was clinically important, and it is possible that the study was underpowered to establish s
25  significant reduction in cardiovascular events on average, it is possible that some subpopulations might have derived be
26  demonstrating the presence of a microbiome-gut-brain axis, it is possible that gut microbiome perturbation may also cont
27 itro transport of indospicine across an intestinal barrier, it is possible that similar ill effects could be seen in huma
28 lds can more accurately estimate body fatness than can BMI, it is possible that skinfolds could be useful in monitoring s
29 nson's disease (PD) after traumatic brain injury (TBI), but it is possible that the risk of TBI is greater in the prodrom
30                                           As a consequence, it is possible that collagen-binding cells may change their p
31 actants has a low melting point and low thermal effusivity, it is possible that local melting can occur from deformation-
32  increase the driving force for transport as they elongate, it is possible that many trees cannot generate high turgor pr
33                                                    However, it is possible that elevated neuroinflammation, inducible by
34                                                    However, it is possible that others could use this relationship betwee
35                                                    However, it is possible that the stimulation of cohesin's ATPase by Sc
36                                                    However, it is possible that their regression approach to remove the a
37 of persistent infection with BKV in the general population, it is possible that either the transplant recipient or donor
38 ation about how diet and fatty acids modulate this process, it is possible that this will open up a new avenue of researc
39 re associated with the accumulation of aggregated proteins, it is possible that any therapeutic that reduces intracellula
40                                                     Second, it is possible that experimental studies sometimes actually i
41                                    In the clinical setting, it is possible that leukocyte diversity is more prominent as
42 Translating these autopsy findings to the clinical setting, it is possible that the endoscopic finding of a longitudinal
43 he first-line treatment for most benign biliary strictures; it is possible that fully covered, self-expandable metallic s
44                                                    As such, it is possible that variants within historic schizophrenia ca
45                                                  Therefore, it is possible that bacterial debris, apart from bacterial pr
46                                                  Therefore, it is possible that only some of the mechanisms that increase
47  in this study were enrolled in India and Nepal; therefore, it is possible that organisms in this region may exhibit char
48                                                       Thus, it is possible that AGM SIV populations in milk have unique p
49  wide range of effect sizes among the sub-cortical volumes, it is possible that selective neuronal vulnerability has a ro
50                                                       While it is possible that they could limit subsequent mating with c

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