


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 Because Piezo1 senses both mechanical crowding and stretch, it may act as a homeostatic sensor to control epithelial cell
2 n regarding PSGL-1 structure and function and highlight how it may act as an immune checkpoint inhibitor in T cells.
3                                                             It may act by shielding brainstem and spinal locomotor center
4 oliferation, and differentiation of many cell types; hence, it may affect regeneration of injured skeletal muscle.
5 ngs indicated that PDW is an independent predictor and that it may also be a potential parameter for targeted therapy in
6 lue for another significant (236)U input in the Baltic Sea, it may also be caused by the complexity of water currents or
7  crucial intracellular reductant and radical scavenger, but it may also coordinate the soft Cu(I) cation and thereby yiel
8           Mensacarcin's unique mode of action suggests that it may be a useful probe for examining energy metabolism, par
9                                                             It may be applied to many types of fluorescently labeled liga
10                                                    However, it may be associated with a high risk for viral infections du
11 nd patients at risk for posttransplantation recurrence, and it may be associated with HCC recurrence after liver transpla
12 n emerging challenge in the immunocompromised host, in whom it may be asymptomatic or present as chronic diarrhea.
13                   This study-based meta-analysis shows that it may be both safer and more effective to use NOACs compared
14                                                             It may be contaminated by toxic heavy metals present in water
15 a key role of EGFR in the host response to SARS-CoV and how it may be implicated in lung disease induced by other highly
16          The broad tissue expression of MeCP2 suggests that it may be involved in several metabolic pathways, but the mol
17 e results obtained with orally inoculated pigs suggest that it may be possible for swine to serve as a reservoir for prio
18  already combust anaerobic digester biogas for energy since it may be possible to blend biogas and py-gas for combined us
19                                                             It may be possible to extract objective data from a patient's
20              We hypothesized that for any membrane protein, it may be possible to identify a modified strain background w
21 ion about shared genetic and environmental risk factors and it may be relevant background data in clinical genetic counse
22                                                Furthermore, it may be speculated that this pair of side chains could prom
23 cted by cardiac imaging techniques several hours post-PPCI, it may be too late to intervene at that time.
24 y with imposed conditions, this raises the possibility that it may be used as a strain marker in well-constrained systems
25 ay function as a tumor suppressor in human MPNSTs, and thus it may be useful for targeted therapy.
26 ated with the risk of breast and gynecological cancers, and it may be utilized as a valuable biomarker in early diagnosti
27 der reforms mandated by IMF structural adjustment programs, it may become harder for parents to reap the benefits of thei
28              We suggest how, upon suitable transformations, it may become possible to go beyond infinity with the solutio
29 mmalian amniotes such as birds or reptiles, suggesting that it may exemplify the basal layout from which vertebrate palli
30 s less dependant on sorghum raw material quality, such that it may facilitate the use of what were previously considered
31 lts can be confirmed by larger and well-controlled studies, it may have considerable programmatic implications (e.g., the
32 respiratory yeasts such as P. pastoris and C. albicans, and it may have novel moonlighting functions in the nucleus.
33 e capacity of BabA protein to bind Leb, which suggests that it may have other, unrecognized functions.
34 light an important novel function of VitD demonstrating how it may have therapeutic value in diseases accompanied by path
35                                                             It may help identify novel health impacts and improve adjustm
36  has also been implicated in neuronal pathologies, in which it may influence neuronal survival.
37 nd well-compensated cirrhosis instead of primary LT because it may lead to better utilization of donor liver.
38 cient to disrupt auditory TC signaling in 22q11DS mice, and it may mediate the pathogenic mechanism of 22q11DS-related ps
39 ns, but not wide dynamic-range dorsal horn neurons, and why it may not be effective in all migraine patients.SIGNIFICANCE
40 ncer which captures the cell-cell communication structure - it may open new opportunities for identifying molecular signa
41 ylation and growth in a melanoma cell line, suggesting that it may provide a highly selective inhibitor of MEK1/2 for use
42  optimism was associated with numerous causes of mortality, it may provide a valuable target for new research on strategi
43 d mirror ongoing neuroinflammatory processes in some cases, it may reflect other pathophysiological processes such as abn
44 es, such as synthesis of DNA and RNA and energy generation, it may represent a potential target for developing new antifu
45  fate and transport of DNAN is necessary to assess the risk it may represent to groundwater once the new ordnance is rout
46   This not only affects our understanding of motor control, it may serve in the development of brain machine interfaces t
47                                                             It may therefore be possible to infer properties of photorece
48                                                             It may therefore be relevant for diagnostic purposes or thera
49                                                             It may thus be possible to use immuno-PET and monitor antitum
50                                                             It may thus constitute a linchpin in multiple aspects of infe

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