


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y, that occurred after the divergence of the jawed and jawless fishes, 450 million years ago.
2 e of Spi-C may predate the divergence of the jawed and jawless vertebrates and that Spi-D arose befor
3  was already present in a common ancestor of jawed and jawless vertebrates, TWEAK evolved early on in
4 s comparisons of regulatory elements between jawed and jawless vertebrates, we report deep conservati
5 ne soon after the evolutionary divergence of jawed and jawless vertebrates.
6 ic trigeminal nucleus in Alligator and other jawed animals but not in jawless vertebrates.
7 olution in the deepest branching lineages of jawed arthropods, the mandibulates.
8 1/Oatp1 family occurs after the emergence of jawed fish and that the OATP1A/Oatp1a and OATP1B/Oatp1b
9                       Placoderms are extinct jawed fishes of the class Placodermi and are basal among
10 of duplication occurred before the origin of jawed fishes.
11 y similar in both the jawless (agnathan) and jawed (gnathostome) vertebrates, suggesting that an earl
12 ers are collectively known as gnathostomes ('jawed mouths'), made its earliest definitive appearance
13 eta2M) is believed to have arisen in a basal jawed vertebrate (gnathostome) and is the essential L ch
14 s--represents one of the key events in early jawed vertebrate (gnathostome) history, because it provi
15 tion was a crucial event in the evolution of jawed vertebrate adaptive immunity.
16 mbled into a Rag1/2 gene cluster in a common jawed vertebrate ancestor.
17 but before the appearance of the last common jawed vertebrate ancestor.
18 through the Sprecher pathway, emerged in the jawed vertebrate ancestor.
19   Immunoglobulins (Igs) are a crown jewel of jawed vertebrate evolution.
20  because of incomplete datasets on Paleozoic jawed vertebrate fossils and ontogeny of some modern tax
21 epresent the most phylogenetically divergent jawed vertebrate group relative to the mammals.
22 ruities in character evolution in this major jawed vertebrate group.
23 iginated together with, if not before, their jawed vertebrate hosts >450 million years ago in the Ord
24 rth of an intron that arose in the ancestral jawed vertebrate lineage nearly half-a-billion years ago
25 s vertebrates, TWEAK evolved early on in the jawed vertebrate lineage.
26 make convergent evolution in the jawless and jawed vertebrate lines unlikely and indicate an early or
27 helps unify the comparative anatomy of early jawed vertebrate neurocrania, clarifying primary homolog
28 dingly, we find BAFF orthologs in all of the jawed vertebrate representatives that we examined, altho
29           Several key functional features of jawed vertebrate rods are present in their phylogenetica
30 is the major cartilage matrix protein in the jawed vertebrate skeleton.
31 e system was acquired much later in an early jawed vertebrate.
32 f agnathans, and the elephant shark, a basal jawed vertebrate.
33 n is exemplified by the antigen receptors of jawed vertebrates (B- and T-cell receptors), heterodimer
34 Ds predate the emergence of fishes and other jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata).
35 nd hagfishes, are the sister group of living jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) and hence an important
36 om different ancestral precursor proteins in jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) and jawless fish (cyclo
37                                              Jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) and jawless vertebrates
38                        The AIS is present in jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) but absent in all other
39                             The emergence of jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) from jawless vertebrate
40                              Reproduction in jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) involves either externa
41                  Most living vertebrates are jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), and the living jawless
42                                           In jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), the head skeleton is m
43                            In the embryos of jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), the jaw cartilage deve
44 s vertebrates (agnathans), and compared with jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), they provide insight i
45 tebrates that diverged from lines leading to jawed vertebrates (including mammals) in the late Cambri
46 preceding the last common ancestor of extant jawed vertebrates (~420 million years ago Ma).
47 e immunity at the transition from jawless to jawed vertebrates and diversified further within the jaw
48 es; herein 'sharks') are the earliest extant jawed vertebrates and exhibit some of the greatest funct
49  polarity of some arch features of the crown jawed vertebrates and invert the classic hypothesis, in
50 r activity is evolutionarily conserved among jawed vertebrates and is able to rescue the finless phen
51  genome expansions, one before the advent of jawed vertebrates and one after.
52 ostracoderms', are regarded as precursors of jawed vertebrates and provide insight into this formativ
53  differentiation of immune-type cells in the jawed vertebrates and related factors of unknown functio
54 gene sequences dating from the appearance of jawed vertebrates and representing potential cis-regulat
55 ogenetic position between the gnathostome or jawed vertebrates and the cephalochordates, represented
56 gnition repertoire arose in the evolution of jawed vertebrates approximately 450 million years ago as
57 fter the divergence of jawless fish from the jawed vertebrates approximately 500 million years ago.
58           The HoxA and HoxD gene clusters of jawed vertebrates are organized into bipartite three-dim
59 nticipatory recombinatorial immune system in jawed vertebrates are the TCR, Ig, and MHC genes, but th
60                The enteric nervous system of jawed vertebrates arises primarily from vagal neural cre
61 to explain how the adaptive immune system of jawed vertebrates arose from closely linked receptor, li
62                                          All jawed vertebrates assemble their antigen-receptor genes
63 mong the extant and extinct classes of early jawed vertebrates but, rather, successional teeth evolve
64 mplex class I molecules (MHC I) help protect jawed vertebrates by binding and presenting immunogenic
65                                   All extant jawed vertebrates can rearrange these gene segments.
66 ish to fowl to pharaohs, nearly all cells in jawed vertebrates constitutively process and present pep
67  of recombination-activating genes (RAGs) in jawed vertebrates endowed adaptive immune cells with the
68 es with the two principal T-cell lineages of jawed vertebrates expressing the alphabeta and gammadelt
69 s must have occurred after the divergence of jawed vertebrates from jawless fish.
70                                              Jawed vertebrates generate a diverse repertoire of B and
71 ing receptors that are found in a variety of jawed vertebrates has defined shared characteristics tha
72                                 By contrast, jawed vertebrates have evolved complex protein-based ada
73                                          All jawed vertebrates have highly diverse lymphocyte recepto
74              Homologies of these bones among jawed vertebrates have long been demonstrated by develop
75              Comparisons between lamprey and jawed vertebrates have yielded important insights into t
76                                      In most jawed vertebrates including cartilaginous fish, membrane
77 otable in comparison with those of the other jawed vertebrates investigated to date.
78 efining feature governing head patterning of jawed vertebrates is a highly conserved gene regulatory
79 tebrates reveals that the Tbx5 expression in jawed vertebrates is derived in having an expression dom
80 n receptors in the adaptive immune system of jawed vertebrates is generated by a unique process of so
81           Although homology of oral teeth in jawed vertebrates is well supported, the evolutionary or
82                                          All jawed vertebrates limit use of D(H) reading frames (RFs)
83            This reveals that ancestrally all jawed vertebrates may have had fourteen Hox paralogue gr
84                 Other agnathans gave rise to jawed vertebrates or gnathostomes, the group including a
85        These representatives of the earliest jawed vertebrates possess a primordial immunoglobulin ge
86 d non-teleost bony fishes, and indicate that jawed vertebrates primitively possessed a lateral line p
87    The last common ancestor of conodonts and jawed vertebrates probably lacked mineralized skeletal t
88 rs are present in certain placoderms, fossil jawed vertebrates retrieved as a paraphyletic segment of
89 Comparison of gene expression in jawless and jawed vertebrates reveals that the Tbx5 expression in ja
90 owed that some Vbetas from distantly related jawed vertebrates share amino acids in their complementa
91  class I region, present in all nonmammalian jawed vertebrates studied to date.
92 eature since the spleen's emergence in early jawed vertebrates such as sharks.
93 nterspersed nature of the TCRA/TCRD locus in jawed vertebrates that also allows the sharing of some v
94 neages in the common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates that co-opted different antigen recept
95 odium channels (VGSCs) in nervous systems of jawed vertebrates that facilitate fast long-distance ele
96                                           In jawed vertebrates these genes are known to be expressed
97 gement of Ig V(D)J gene segments used by all jawed vertebrates to produce diverse repertoires of T an
98 s of the immunoglobulin-based receptors that jawed vertebrates use for antigen recognition.
99 mbinatorial immune response is restricted to jawed vertebrates where it is found in representatives o
100            Fossils of early gnathostomes (or jawed vertebrates) have been the focus of study for near
101  principal divisions of modern gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates).
102 mmunoglobulin gene segments in gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates).
103  study of the origin of modern gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates).
104 h is known about neural crest development in jawed vertebrates, a clear picture of trunk neural crest
105                                           In jawed vertebrates, adaptive immunity is mediated by anti
106 or HoxD genes in patterning the fin-folds of jawed vertebrates, and fuel new hypotheses about the evo
107 L branch is evolutionarily conserved through jawed vertebrates, and HEPL is found in some species lac
108    We argue that centra are homologous among jawed vertebrates, and review evidence in teleosts that
109 t transcriptional regulator of Col2alpha1 in jawed vertebrates, and show that it is coexpressed with
110 n was present in the last common ancestor of jawed vertebrates, but ambiguities arise from uncertaint
111 nd Ig (B cell receptor) genes are present in jawed vertebrates, but have not been identified in other
112                                           In jawed vertebrates, cartilage matrix consists predominant
113                                           In jawed vertebrates, Endothelin signaling involves multipl
114    IgM is an ancestral Ab class found in all jawed vertebrates, from sharks to mammals.
115 lymphocytes and B lymphocytes are present in jawed vertebrates, including cartilaginous fishes, but n
116 ave various roles during head development in jawed vertebrates, including pharyngeal pouch morphogene
117 gene family have been found in virtually all jawed vertebrates, including sharks, bony fishes, reptil
118 een defined in most of the major lineages of jawed vertebrates, including the cartilaginous fishes, w
119  many similarities to the Ig-based system of jawed vertebrates, including the compartmentalized devel
120 f allorecognition have been developed in the jawed vertebrates, invertebrate chordate Botryllus, and
121 ption factor Hand2, which is conserved among jawed vertebrates, is expressed in the neural crest in t
122 the immunoglobulin-type antigen receptors of jawed vertebrates, jawless fish have variable lymphocyte
123 n conserved seemingly since the emergence of jawed vertebrates, more than 450 million years ago.
124  Dlx bigene clusters in a common ancestor of jawed vertebrates, one of which was lost prior to the di
125                                              Jawed vertebrates, or gnathostomes, have two sets of pai
126 tically predates the evolution of T cells in jawed vertebrates, suggesting that the ontogeny of the T
127 pes of lymphocytes, akin to T and B cells of jawed vertebrates, that clonally express somatically div
128                             In non-mammalian jawed vertebrates, the bones homologous to the mammalian
129 n a representative of the earliest diverging jawed vertebrates, the clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria)
130                                           In jawed vertebrates, the p53-binding domains of MDM2 and M
131                                           In jawed vertebrates, these are important transcriptional r
132                                    In extant jawed vertebrates, this region provides muscle precursor
133       Given its evolutionary conservation in jawed vertebrates, we used activation-induced cytidine d
134  "the features of 'true' rod transduction in jawed vertebrates, which permit the reliable detection o
135 lopment revealed a common pattern with other jawed vertebrates, which was helpful for comparison of s
136 ft, the tooth has remained a stable trait in jawed vertebrates, while evolving distinct genetic bases
137  recognized as an evolutionary innovation of jawed vertebrates, whose most primitive group is represe
138 igens as the Ig-based antibodies and TCRs of jawed vertebrates, with altogether comparable affinity a
139 hology of the last common ancestor of living jawed vertebrates, with competing hypotheses advancing e
140 ates-lampreys and hagfish) and gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates-cartilaginous and bony fishes), based
141 r genes evolved independently in jawless and jawed vertebrates.
142 aralogous clusters is a primitive feature of jawed vertebrates.
143 on and ecological ascendance of the earliest jawed vertebrates.
144 bulins and T-cell antigen receptors found in jawed vertebrates.
145 of the most basally branching lineage of the jawed vertebrates.
146 instead of the Ig-based Ag receptors used by jawed vertebrates.
147 s and species richness of 44 major clades of jawed vertebrates.
148 ging antigen receptors convergently with the jawed vertebrates.
149 M, was present in the ancestor of all living jawed vertebrates.
150 n and somatic hypermutation of antibodies in jawed vertebrates.
151 te receptors have evolved in the jawless and jawed vertebrates.
152  have been identified in all major groups of jawed vertebrates.
153 ombinatorial antigen receptors shared by all jawed vertebrates.
154  teeth develop and are regulated as in other jawed vertebrates.
155  of the class Placodermi and are basal among jawed vertebrates.
156 ged neural proteins are a general feature of jawed vertebrates.
157 derstood below the phylogenetic level of the jawed vertebrates.
158 ergence of the adaptive immune system in the jawed vertebrates.
159 a characteristic feature of the body plan of jawed vertebrates.
160  body axis is a hallmark of the body plan of jawed vertebrates.
161 nt in the common ancestor of the present-day jawed vertebrates.
162 nization may have varied since the origin of jawed vertebrates.
163 - and T-lymphocyte antigen receptor genes of jawed vertebrates.
164 LM orthologs are not identifiable in certain jawed vertebrates.
165 la neurons instruct predatory hunting across jawed vertebrates.
166 n superfamily gene early in the evolution of jawed vertebrates.
167  (mandible) was evolutionarily important for jawed vertebrates.
168 lication at the time when myelin appeared in jawed vertebrates.
169  of a range of species within two classes of jawed vertebrates.
170 nt via the RAG recombinase in an ancestor of jawed vertebrates.
171 ry skills led to the evolutionary triumph of jawed vertebrates.
172 rtebrates and diversified further within the jawed vertebrates.
173 ans in resolving the evolutionary history of jawed vertebrates.
174  of the mandibular, hyoid and gill arches of jawed vertebrates.
175 d a fundamental role in the success of early jawed vertebrates.
176  that this developmental shift occurs in all jawed vertebrates.
177 ghly conserved migratory pattern observed in jawed vertebrates.
178 l record of ontogenetic edentulism among the jawed vertebrates.
179 ccurred before the separation of jawless and jawed vertebrates.
180  and ampullary organs in the two lineages of jawed vertebrates.
181  the last common ancestor of the jawless and jawed vertebrates.
182 neage in ray-finned bony fishes and hence in jawed vertebrates.
183 d forelimb territories, respectively, of all jawed vertebrates.
184  they do share numerous characteristics with jawed vertebrates.
185 ve module of odontodes in the mouth of early jawed vertebrates: the teeth.
186     VLRB lymphocytes resemble the B cells of jawed vertebrates; VLRA lymphocytes are similar to T cel
187  and rays) are in the oldest taxon of extant jawed vertebrates; we have carried out segregation analy
188 jaws that are characteristic of gnathostome (jawed) vertebrates and before the evolution of paired ap
189                                          All jawed-vertebrates have four T cell receptor (TCR) chains

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