


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt molecule, to form a complement-stabilized joint molecule.
2 depending on which type of end initiated the joint molecule.
3 ich end is used to initiate the formation of joint molecules.
4   Tid1 stimulates Dmc1-mediated formation of joint molecules.
5 o ensuring the elimination of any persistent joint molecules.
6 intersister events, including multichromatid joint molecules.
7 filament pairs with homologous dsDNA to form joint molecules.
8 timulates this processing, but also disrupts joint molecules.
9 minate illegitimate or aberrantly paired DNA joint molecules.
10  a homologous double-stranded donor to yield joint molecules.
11 ding on whether a 3' or 5' end initiates the joint molecules.
12 ucleases, Mus81 and Yen1, that resolve toxic joint-molecules.
13 unctional (peptide) domains of the resulting joint molecules allows a specific mRNA to be enriched fr
14 helical nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule and heteroduplex DNA formation.
15 process that leads to the formation of a DNA joint molecule and recombinational repair of the DSB.
16 logous regions of two DNA partners to form a joint molecule and subsequent strand transfer.
17 ins differ in the requirement for initiating joint molecules and in the polarity of branch migration.
18 rogress beyond this stage; heteroduplex DNA, joint molecules, and crossovers are not detected.
19 overhanging end of the complementary strand; joint molecules are formed only if the length of the ove
20                                              Joint molecules are not observed when the protein is pre
21 equency of both intersister and interhomolog joint molecules argue against these phenotypes being exp
22         Rap endonuclease targets recombinant joint molecules arising from phage lambda Red-mediated g
23 sults in this work also demonstrate that the joint molecule between the linear duplex and single-stra
24      Finally, RecT mediated the formation of joint molecules between a supercoiled DNA and a linear d
25                             The formation of joint molecules between circular ssDNA and linear dsDNA
26  facilitate formation of homologously paired joint molecules between linear double-stranded (dsDNA) a
27     We find that gene 32 protein alone forms joint molecules between partially single-stranded homolo
28 he formation of recombination intermediates (joint molecules) between circular single-stranded accept
29 e formation of DNA strand invasion products (joint molecules) between homologous molecules in a fashi
30 duplex DNA, we show that hRad51 forms stable joint molecules by transfer of the 5' end of the complem
31 g molecular beacons to tRNA and show how the joint molecules can be used for imaging an mRNA that is
32                           The formation of a joint molecule consisting of circular, single-stranded M
33 activity of intermediates it is shown that a joint molecule, consisting of supercoiled DNA and homolo
34 ty is instrumental in specific disruption of joint molecules (D-loops) formed by a 5' single-stranded
35 olarity of the displaced ssDNA strand of the joint molecules defines the polarity of BM of RAD54, BLM
36                         This binding reduces joint molecule formation and even more severely impedes
37 to form nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule formation and strand exchange in vitro.
38  higher stimulation of RecA protein-mediated joint molecule formation at chi* than at chi.
39 the double-strand break-repair pathway where joint molecule formation between a duplex DNA fragment a
40 xception of BRC4, each BRC repeat stimulates joint molecule formation by DMC1.
41                                              Joint molecule formation by hRad51 was stimulated or inh
42           The human Rad52 protein stimulates joint molecule formation by hRad51, a homologue of Esche
43 g protein, hRP-A, stimulated hRad51-mediated joint molecule formation by removing secondary structure
44                                     Although joint molecule formation occurs equally efficiently when
45                                              Joint molecule formation required the presence of a 3' o
46 een the recombining DNA strands that promote joint molecule formation to initiate strand-exchange.
47 i5 polypeptide acts in a branched pathway of joint molecule formation to repair meiotic DNA breaks.
48 eaction T7 gene 2.5 protein is essential for joint molecule formation, but is not required for T7 gen
49 RecA, RecO, RecR, and RecJ are essential for joint molecule formation, whereas SSB and RecF are stimu
50 king Rhp55 or Rhp57, proteins thought to aid joint molecule formation.
51 processing of the second end of a DSB to the joint molecule formed by invasion of the target dsDNA by
52 ologous recombination, or (2) a disrupter of joint molecules formed by aberrant recombination.
53 es not require ATP and, in contrast to DMC1, joint molecules formed by HOP2 are more sensitive to mis
54                                              Joint molecules formed by invasion of a 3'-terminal stra
55  a wide variety of DNA substrates, including joint molecules formed by RecA protein.
56 ve pathways for RecG-dependent separation of joint molecules formed by RecA.
57 ase assembly protein loads the helicase onto joint molecules formed by the T4 UvsX and gene 32 protei
58                                              Joint molecules formed via the 5' end are processed by b
59 '-to-5' direction with respect to ssDNA, and joint molecules formed with a 3' end are processed in th
60  single-stranded DNA consist of the expected joint molecule forms: sigma, alpha, and gapped circles.
61                       Whereas RecA initiates joint molecules from any type of ends on the dsDNA and b
62 ion or propagation of strand transfer once a joint molecule has been formed between the two DNA partn
63  a homologous acceptor plasmid to generate a joint molecule in which the RNA is stably paired with th
64 ng heteroduplex DNA extension of established joint molecules in Rad51/Rpa-mediated DNA strand exchang
65 LX4 complex processes a variety of telomeric joint molecules in vitro.
66                         We further find that joint molecule incision by Mus81-Mms4 occurs in a fashio
67 s ensures that cutting both junctions of the joint-molecule intermediate arising during DSBR usually
68 o coordinate the formation and resolution of joint molecule intermediates (JMs) during meiotic recomb
69  of which to initiate recombination and form joint-molecule intermediates is well understood.
70 ermore, this approach showed that a resected joint molecule is a downstream intermediate of the D-loo
71  to mediate strand transfer, provided that a joint molecule is available.
72 irst step in the Rad51-promoted formation of joint molecules is binding of the protein to ssDNA in th
73 n filament, indicating that the formation of joint molecules is facilitated by Mg2+ levels that inhib
74  Although the rate of duplex DNA uptake into joint molecules is increased compared to that of wild-ty
75 lly cycling cells, we detect inter-homologue joint molecule (JM) intermediates whose strand compositi
76 xchange with a homologous chromosome to form joint molecule (JM) intermediates.
77 se, Mus81-Mms4, are implicated in processing joint molecule (JM) recombination intermediates.
78 y Rad51 (or Escherichia coli RecA) represent joint molecules (JM) between the two substrates.
79     Consistent with this hypothesis, ectopic joint molecules (JMs) accumulate transiently in the mph1
80 earch and catalyzing formation of homologous joint molecules (JMs) and strand exchange.
81  recombination, Holliday junction-containing joint molecules (JMs) are resolved to form crossover or
82 r during meiosis by suppressing formation of joint molecules (JMs) comprising three and four intercon
83 fferent kinds of structured intermediates or joint molecules (JMs).
84                 Recombination intermediates (joint molecules, JMs) accumulate in these cells, many wi
85                                  Here, using joint molecules made by human RAD51 or Escherichia coli
86 sected DNA break, complexed with RPA, to the joint molecule product of single-end invasion event.
87                We have examined formation of joint molecule recombination intermediates (JMs) between
88 ent meiotic recombination intermediates (DNA joint molecules) resembling HJs that accumulate in mus81
89 plex to form a stable "double D-loop." These joint molecules resist dissociation when both oligonucle
90 rossover regulation, which in turn reveals a joint molecule resolution pathway that produces the majo
91  role of nucleases in DSB end-processing and joint molecule resolution, we studied recombination at t
92 e Mus81-Mms4/Eme1 incises a number of nicked joint molecule substrates in vitro.
93 f mutants lacking Mus81*Eme1, which resolves joint molecules such as Holliday junctions.
94  products of the homology search to a stable joint molecule that is competent for subsequent steps of
95 ng to this ssDNA promotes formation of toxic joint molecules that are counteracted by Srs2.
96 ectron microscopy to visualise RadA-mediated joint molecules, the intermediates of homologous recombi
97 A synthesis occurred during formation of the joint molecule (this bias ensures that cutting both junc
98 f Mlh1-Mlh3 is involved in the processing of joint molecules to generate crossover recombination prod
99 ere MutLgamma is part of a complex acting on joint molecules to generate crossovers in meiosis.
100               Helicase-primase acts on these joint molecules to promote ATP-dependent branch migratio
101 plexed with RPA to the displaced strand of a joint molecule, to form a complement-stabilized joint mo
102 le-stranded DNA and promote the formation of joint molecule via homologous base pairing, subsequent s
103 e idea that Mer3 helicase stabilizes nascent joint molecules via DNA heteroduplex extension to permit
104 ng electron microscopy no alpha-structure, a joint molecule with displaced single-stranded DNA tail t
105  of Rad52, cannot form complement-stabilized joint molecules with RPA-ssDNA complexes, nor can Rad52

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