


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e evolving understanding of biology, be more judicious about when a biopsy should be done, and organi
2 mposition complementary to the target, or by judicious addition of one or more noncomplementary 5' ba
3                                              Judicious, adjunctive usage of the chemically-modified t
4 at a synergistic combination of ZGMs and the judicious adjustment of synthesis parameters produce LTL
5 cause of stroke and stroke risk factors, and judicious adjustment of the cART regimen.
6                                              Judicious adjustment of the cell position along Z allowe
7 vides cautious support for the safety of the judicious administration of cumulative iron doses >1000
8                     In the past, by use of a judicious amalgam of knowledge and empiricism, successfu
9 DLa module to drive receptor activation, and judicious amino acid substitutions suggested this involv
10       Answers to such questions will require judicious analysis and interpretation of data from obser
11                                        Given judicious and effective antipsychotic medication that li
12 of N. meningitidis serogroups is crucial for judicious and expedient response to cases of meningococc
13 to be the standard of care for primary GIST, judicious and individualized use of adjuvant and neoadju
14 iocides, showing a potential path forward to judicious and sustainable uses of synthetic antimicrobia
15                                            A judicious and systematic approach coupled with a conscio
16 ps that exist, it will be prudent to observe judicious and targeted use of ENMs so as to minimize env
17  pneumococcal vaccination, and (4) promoting judicious antimicrobial drug use.
18 rted cases has risen in recent years as more judicious antimicrobial prescribing practices for viral
19                                              Judicious antimicrobial use is crucial to limit resistan
20 hich antimicrobial resistance is increasing, judicious antimicrobial use is the responsibility of eve
21 ostics, the use of sepsis prediction scores, judicious antimicrobial use, and the development of prev
22 zed definition that can be used to benchmark judicious antimicrobial use.
23                                              Judicious application of antiangiogenic therapy may norm
24 scussed with all breast cancer patients, the judicious application of clinical trial data to an insti
25                                              Judicious application of ecological theory may lead to i
26 creased concern for cost containment and the judicious application of expensive technology, the choic
27          It is mainly controlled through the judicious application of insecticides; however, over tim
28 l middle cerebral artery will allow for more judicious application of invasive procedures to pregnanc
29                   Most of these are based on judicious application of knowledge about molecular confo
30 d CD8(+) T cell responses and indicates that judicious application of rapamycin can augment vaccine e
31      Early identification of AKI and prompt, judicious application of RRT may also improve outcomes.
32              While not all have been tested, judicious application of the most appropriate solutions
33 nd (3) informing the development and/or more judicious application of treatments for youth.
34                                     Further, judicious application of zinc stable-isotope techniques
35                                          The judicious assembly of these components, as seen in stabl
36 to reported, this critical review provides a judicious assessment of the available literature on the
37  of the data hitherto reported, we provide a judicious assessment of the CO2 separation efficiency of
38           This regulatory process requires a judicious balance between assuring safety and efficacy,
39 e vigorous clinical interventions supporting judicious benzodiazepine use may be needed to decrease r
40                The first strategy involves a judicious block decomposition of the conditional covaria
41 pathology, a backup axillary dissection, and judicious case selection are required to avoid the high
42          In addition, by taking advantage of judicious catalyst design, the acidity of carboxylic aci
43 ics, especially attractors, by introducing a judicious change to the functions.
44 velop other RNA therapeutics have shown that judicious chemical modification of RNAs can improve ther
45 hibitors into clinical opportunities through judicious chemical modifications.
46 ples are deduced which can be used to make a judicious choice for a suitable reactor.
47 ation and isolation of silanolate salts, (3) judicious choice in the palladium catalyst/ligand combin
48 ably in recovery of low MW metabolites and a judicious choice is crucial for optimal extraction of a
49  formation can be achieved on the basis of a judicious choice of a Sm(II) complex/proton donor couple
50                                Conversely, a judicious choice of a TE may allow the production of a d
51     As a proof of principle, we show how the judicious choice of an additive allows individual access
52  The two pathways are determined at Mn(I) by judicious choice of an electron-deficient 2-pyrone subst
53 ts and interfering signals can be removed by judicious choice of barrier filters.
54 ereoselective and enantioselective manner by judicious choice of chiral catalyst or auxiliary.
55 s from perovskites can be controlled through judicious choice of composition, particularly by tuning
56 yl ester, represent scaffolds from which (by judicious choice of demetalation conditions) either 2,3,
57 protected, and if investigators feel that by judicious choice of false-positive probability and false
58 isperse silver NPs can be well controlled by judicious choice of functional groups of molecular precu
59                                              Judicious choice of ligand for both Cu and Pd enabled th
60 esign of a heterogeneous catalyst based on a judicious choice of metal type, nanoparticle size and su
61 o control N- or O-functionalization based on judicious choice of N,O-chelating ligand and metal cente
62                                              Judicious choice of P. parasitica isolates and loss of r
63 e stereoelectronics disfavor syn-addition, a judicious choice of properly sized gamma-substituents ma
64                                           By judicious choice of radiolabeled UDP-hexosamine precurso
65      The role of PET can be minimized by the judicious choice of reaction conditions (solvent, concen
66 n is shown to be amenable to gram scale, and judicious choice of reaction conditions allowed for ster
67 , the reaction sequence can be controlled by judicious choice of reaction conditions to allow selecti
68 m one enantiomer of an enol ester epoxide by judicious choice of reaction conditions.
69 riazole (Dimroth) isomerization based on the judicious choice of reaction conditions.
70 sertion product is essentially suppressed by judicious choice of reaction conditions.
71                         The ELAN method uses judicious choice of restriction enzyme sites coupled wit
72 s demonstrate how cavity complementation and judicious choice of site can be used to produce a protei
73                Studies indicate that through judicious choice of solvent and catalyst/substrate conce
74  either the alpha- or beta-glycoside through judicious choice of solvent and metal counterion, and is
75                           As a result of the judicious choice of stationary phase, the iodoaziridines
76       This approach, in combination with the judicious choice of subsequent olefin-type difunctionali
77 based on this building block can be tuned by judicious choice of substituents.
78                                              Judicious choice of substrate and coupling partner provi
79                                              Judicious choice of the base and reaction conditions all
80  can be switched between the two channels by judicious choice of the conditions.
81                               We show that a judicious choice of the organic linker and the metal cen
82                                     Overall, judicious choice of the R group in conjunction with TiO2
83                                              Judicious choice of the reaction conditions-pH, stoichio
84  metal clusters with unprecedented shapes by judicious choice of thiols and phosphines.
85                                    Through a judicious choice of three organic acceptor fluorophores
86 ious splitting of the 3d orbitals and in the judicious choice of TM ion.
87 o the success of this tandem strategy is the judicious choice of water as the chain transfer and/or c
88                     Our results quantify how judicious choices in urban planning and design cannot on
89 sampling probe can be determined by infusing judicious choices of substrates followed by collecting a
90 o dietary deficiencies, but experimental and judicious clinical studies have now established alcohol'
91 tivity and plasma stability were achieved by judicious combination of 4'-thioribose with 2'-O-methyl
92 future of xenotransplantation may lie in the judicious combination of current approaches.
93 its free energy landscape have come from the judicious combination of experimental studies and comput
94                                            A judicious combination of low-symmetry building unit and
95 d in thin liquid crystal cells by means of a judicious combination of orientationally patterned confi
96 xation for ambulatory surgery results from a judicious combination of regional anesthesia, opioids, a
97 nalysis of the cross-linked peptides using a judicious combination of SDS-gel electrophoresis, mass s
98 noscale assembly line can be realized by the judicious combination of three known DNA-based modules:
99 these approaches are used iteratively and in judicious combination, in cognizance of the individual p
100 is systematically modulated by incorporating judicious combinations of Co, Fe and non-metal P.
101 ted in this paper demonstrate how, through a judicious combined use of several microanalytical method
102 scopy, which offers an ideal opportunity for judicious comparison between theory and experiment.
103          The use of immunonutrition requires judicious consideration of the potential undesirable eff
104  full range of cosmological tests, including judicious consideration of the rich phenomenology of gal
105                                           By judicious coupling of parameters, it was possible to red
106 sociated graft dysfunction usually calls for judicious decrease in immunosuppression and monitoring f
107 ghts in prevention indicate the rational and judicious deployment of search-and-rescue operations in
108 waveguide resonance (WR) platform based on a judicious design of a dielectric/metal stack and a fabri
109 of such explicit vibrational control through judicious design of a Pt(II)-acetylide charge-transfer d
110                                Therefore, by judicious design of antagonists, it should be possible t
111 bDNA) assays are derived in part through the judicious design of the capture and label extender probe
112         Controllable payload release through judicious design of the linker has been an early technol
113 e the electromagnetic properties through the judicious design of the meta-atom geometry.
114        Serotyping of DV is accomplished by a judicious design of the QD-CPs.
115 nhanced in other conjugated polymers through judicious design of the structure.
116 folded" secondary structure by virtue of the judicious design of two DNP-containing monomers with dif
117                            We propose a more judicious diagnostic approach among clinically stable pa
118                                           By judicious early discontinuation of the controlled mixing
119 ecrease in ferroelectric layer thickness and judicious engineering of domain structures and ferroelec
120 he Papanicolaou smear, nevertheless, require judicious evaluation and careful follow-up.
121                                     However, judicious evaluation of which subject(s) to remove to mi
122                      These results show that judicious expression of neuron-specific chemoattractant
123 at switching directionality is controlled by judicious expression of two swi2 transcripts through a c
124  infection and utilizing antimicrobials in a judicious fashion.
125  set of secondary explosives, we investigate judicious feature selection approaches and architect two
126 des are treated with vasopressor therapy and judicious fluid replacement, possibly with colloid solut
127                                              Judicious fluorination of peptides often results in incr
128 ing the photophysical properties through the judicious functionalization, the aza-BODIPY dyes thus sy
129 h Milton Wexler Interdisciplinary Workshops, judicious funding, and focusing on innovation and creati
130 ficient parametric method is combined with a judicious Gaussian kernel density estimation in the rema
131  must implement several components including judicious genetic testing, pretest and posttest genetic
132 nd the Arabian Gulf, should become part of a judicious global strategy for reef-coral persistence und
133                                              Judicious handling of potential extracolonic findings is
134                         These issues include judicious hypothesis-driven selection of biochemical pat
135                                              Judicious ICU use could reduce resource consumption with
136                                         More judicious identification of at-risk patients is warrante
137              Young children are surprisingly judicious imitators, but there are also times when their
138 ology methods may stifle the development and judicious implementation of sustainable nanotechnologies
139 tively under the same reaction conditions by judicious inclusion of a triphos ligand.
140                                              Judicious incorporation of D-amino acids in engineered p
141 in countries where transplants occur and the judicious intake of possible contaminated food and water
142        The enhancement was attributed to the judicious integration of CdS QDs with GNs in an alternat
143 fferent tissue response in 1 patient warrant judicious interpretation of our results and confirmation
144                                          The judicious introduction of fluorine into a molecule can p
145                                          The judicious introduction of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and
146 ent of the products, but, in many cases, the judicious introduction of substituents can overcome thes
147 sogastric tube removal, alvimopan usage, and judicious jejunostomy tube feeding, or total parenteral
148 nhibitor-related adverse events will require judicious lowering of CsA exposure with monitoring of ev
149 ssland does not result is a carbon sink, but judicious management or previously poorly managed grassl
150 ute, acute, or chronic settings and requires judicious management with immunosuppression.
151 embling muscle-powered microdevices based on judicious manipulations of materials phases and interfac
152  patients toward appropriate management in a judicious manner preventing the significant medical morb
153                              We show that by judicious matching of engineered size-selectivity varian
154                                              Judicious matching of extended criteria donors with reci
155 ining a low perimeter-to-area ratio may be a judicious method for minimizing the amount of forest are
156                 This is achieved through the judicious modification of the working electrode of a car
157            These results indicate that, with judicious molecular design, magnetic data storage in sin
158 ard biologic therapies should be tempered by judicious monitoring for adverse events.
159 preferably on clinical trials with cautious, judicious monitoring.
160 aggressive early operative intervention to a judicious, nonoperative management of esophageal perfora
161 pidural or peripheral nerve block infusions, judicious opioids, acetaminophen, anti-inflammatory agen
162                                           By judicious optimization of the In2 O3 /Li-ZnO interface m
163                                              Judicious palliative, reoperative resection of discrete,
164                                              Judicious perioperative support is required when cardiac
165 s in its elaborate structural design and the judicious placement of a unique organic biopolymer with
166 ent of catalytic activity is possible by the judicious placement of fluorine substituents in the chir
167        The aggregate data for SLO-1 show how judicious placement of hydrophobic side chains can influ
168  The medicinal chemistry effort featured the judicious placement of lipophilicity, informed by co-cry
169                                          The judicious placement of the organic matrix, relative to t
170                                          The judicious placing of charged groups near hydrophobic dom
171  that these drawbacks could be overturned by judicious postsynthetic modification steps to use CONs f
172 with dementia in the current climate of more judicious prescribing unless nonpharmacological interven
173 chnical factors, which may be avoidable with judicious procedural planning.
174 coordination cause cognitive deficits in the judicious processing and use of information.
175 mportant concerns that can be addressed with judicious program planning.
176   By using meticulous surgical technique and judicious recipient selection criteria, technical graft
177 e for ensuring safe weight restoration and a judicious refeeding treatment plan.
178                                     However, judicious regulation of CAX transport is required to ass
179  requires reassessment of disease status and judicious reintroduction of immunosuppression therapy.
180       New criteria to diagnose preeclampsia, judicious reliance on measurement of ADAMTS13 to make ma
181 gen bonding and can be further stabilized by judicious replacement of constituent amino acids within
182                                              Judicious retransplantation should be considered as a th
183             Happily, simpler strategies at a judicious scale will often suffice.
184 creased rates of ex vivo PCO suggesting that judicious selection and use of viscoelastic material dur
185 efficiency) in BHJ solar cells and that with judicious selection of donor and acceptor components, so
186 lantation and to lower complications through judicious selection of donors with favorable MHC genetic
187 search for application-oriented MOFs through judicious selection of metal clusters and organic linker
188                                              Judicious selection of mixers based on the chemistry req
189 olling amine retention depends critically on judicious selection of mobile-phase anion (in addition t
190 MOF materials can be systematically tuned by judicious selection of molecular building blocks, and a
191 s metathesis with a terminal olefin partner; judicious selection of olefin is required so that oligom
192 he yield and purity of the corrole depend on judicious selection of oxidation conditions, and we asse
193 armacological fates in patients have limited judicious selection of patients to those who might most
194 y given combination and hence avoided by the judicious selection of primers.
195 osition pathways that were alleviated by the judicious selection of reaction conditions and applicati
196 lied to protein mixtures can be realized via judicious selection of solution pH and ionization polari
197 t current rates of structure deter-mination, judicious selection of targets is necessary.
198 the Angstrom-scale free volume properties by judicious selection of the assembly polymers and conditi
199 at permethylation, reducing end labeling and judicious selection of the metal charge carrier, can gre
200 sue engineering, wound repair, etc.) through judicious selection of the monomer and backbone linkage.
201                 For any target glycoprotein, judicious selection of the most favorable MS1/MS2 transi
202                                           By judicious selection of the operating conditions, tapered
203                                          The judicious selection of the perquisite hexagonal building
204                                     However, judicious selection of the substituents at phosphorus ha
205 n endocrine therapies may be possible by the judicious selection of these parameters to afford gene a
206                           Major concerns are judicious selection of which patients may benefit from t
207                                              Judicious separation between the geostrophic and interna
208 use of nonpharmacological alternatives, with judicious short-term use of antipsychotics, when appropr
209 ery is a tension-free wound, often requiring judicious skeletal shortening and healing by secondary i
210 luoromethylation can be fine-tuned simply by judicious solvent choice.
211 ack and feedforward ensemble structure; (ii) judicious statistical allowance for possible stochastic
212                            In a similar way, judicious strategies have blended design (for binding, s
213                                Specifically, judicious surface modification of quantum dots with a sm
214               Thus, the exploration of a new judicious synthetic strategy is a crucial and emergent t
215  and the use of antibiotics should always be judicious, they suggest that treatment of common infecti
216 ion, the affected protein itself, seems most judicious to achieve a highly effective therapeutic outc
217                                  It would be judicious to isolate and characterise numerous P. knowle
218  reported to have late onset carditis, it is judicious to recommend that patients with PSReA receive
219 y, and mass limitation, it is not in general judicious to simply increase the concentration of the mi
220 t issue is the management of COIs in a fair, judicious, transparent manner.
221 nd efficient synthetic procedures enable the judicious tuning of through-space polar (field) effects
222 tial for providing optimal care and ensuring judicious usage of blood products, as is keeping abreast
223 r implementing institutional policies on the judicious use and application of social media in the wor
224 allogeneic blood continue to necessitate its judicious use as the standard of care.
225                                        Their judicious use in patients with HF or RHT can improve tre
226 scriminate use is cost-ineffective, but that judicious use in well-selected patients can decrease hea
227 important source of hepatic grafts; however, judicious use is warranted, including minimization of co
228 l hypersensitivity-should be undertaken with judicious use of a diagnostic (therapeutic) trial of the
229                                              Judicious use of additional organ resection for the trea
230                 Indeed, we demonstrated that judicious use of antiangiogenic agents--originally desig
231 continue to evolve and hopefully permit more judicious use of antibiotic and growth factor therapies.
232                                              Judicious use of antibiotics can slow the spread of anti
233 surveillance and programs that emphasize the judicious use of antibiotics need to continue to be a fo
234 oved local surveillance for PNSP infections, judicious use of antibiotics, and development and use of
235                               To promote the judicious use of antimicrobials and preserve their usefu
236 agement of postoperative pain, and, perhaps, judicious use of antipsychotics.
237                                              Judicious use of antithrombotic therapy importantly redu
238                                              Judicious use of antithrombotic therapy, tailored accord
239     The key to the overall efficiency is the judicious use of asymmetric catalysis and synthetic desi
240              Therefore, our data justify the judicious use of BAFF blockade in a subgroup of lupus pa
241 aving the chlorine untouched was achieved by judicious use of BCl3.
242                    These results support the judicious use of BinaxNOW in screening of individuals su
243 or bleeding complications during PCI through judicious use of bleeding avoidance strategies irrespect
244  immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the judicious use of candidate agents against HCV should be
245                              In general, the judicious use of carefully selected and prepared herbal
246                   We demonstrate that by the judicious use of cell surface markers, especially CD11b
247                                     Although judicious use of chemical modifications has contributed
248                                              Judicious use of clinical skills alone should help reduc
249                               Increasing the judicious use of clozapine is warranted together with vi
250 ion based on the principles of ALARA and the judicious use of computed tomography scanning is essenti
251 on rules that incorporate biomarkers and the judicious use of CT will help define diagnostic strategi
252                       We demonstrate how the judicious use of data and considered combination of pred
253 ntiated from classical 1:1 inhibitors by the judicious use of detergents, making it possible to confi
254 behavioural therapies to avoid relapses, and judicious use of drugs to diminish cravings or discourag
255 of segmental pulses and pressures,as well as judicious use of duplex ultrasonography, magnetic resona
256                                     KR makes judicious use of finite presynaptic resources, and mount
257                                         More judicious use of fluoroquinolones will be necessary to l
258                                              Judicious use of gadolinium-based contrast agents in pat
259 pared by seed-mediated syntheses through the judicious use of halides and silver ions.
260 bably play a role in the development of PVN, judicious use of immunosuppressive agents is indicated t
261 nt and compromises SaO2 and oxygen delivery, judicious use of inspired oxygen and PEEP may be benefic
262                    In diabetic patients, the judicious use of insulin may improve tumor/nontumor upta
263 ding that 'best practice' today requires the judicious use of interventional and medical therapies in
264           This article aims to establish the judicious use of iron-binding chemistry of microbial che
265                                          The judicious use of kinetics to detect and quantify alloste
266                   With these understandings, judicious use of MED will likely provide useful informat
267    We hope that the review will lead to more judicious use of metformin in PCOS and a more structured
268 s issue of Blood, Bender and colleagues make judicious use of mice genetically deficient in selected
269 d thrombolytic agents in some or spurred the judicious use of more aggressive intervention in others.
270                                          The judicious use of MRI in suspected cases can enhance earl
271  destruction of residual crop roots, and the judicious use of nematicides.
272                              We advocate the judicious use of OCT, wherever clinically indicated, bec
273                                              Judicious use of OKT3 in early rejection prophylaxis in
274     These new treatments, together with more judicious use of other immunosuppressive drugs, have res
275 s on elimination of mosquito breeding sites; judicious use of pesticides; and avoidance of mosquito b
276 he authors conclude that there is a role for judicious use of pharmacological agents in some patients
277 esholds, meticulous surgical techniques, and judicious use of phlebotomy and pharmacologic agents for
278 without the use of a placebo, for others the judicious use of placebo remains essential to establish
279 cific ABMT patient population, the early and judicious use of prednisone appears to improve pulmonary
280 r C. difficile-associated diarrhea, although judicious use of proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics,
281  relapse-free cure of Hodgkin's disease with judicious use of radiation and alkylating agent chemothe
282 salmonella from pet reptiles should focus on judicious use of resources and the proper handling of pe
283                       These findings support judicious use of salvage AST, particularly in men with m
284 s caution, our results generally support the judicious use of space-for-time substitution in modeling
285                             PCP impaired the judicious use of spatial information and discoordinated
286                                         More judicious use of SPECT technology using application of t
287                                              Judicious use of substituent effects was decisive.
288                                         More judicious use of such tests will improve quality and ref
289                                    While the judicious use of supplementary material can improve the
290                                          The judicious use of surgery remains an integral part of the
291  a powerful diagnostic tool when paired with judicious use of technology could be a stimulus for the
292                                          The judicious use of the available agents, with finesse of s
293 plies biological criteria in connection with judicious use of the BLAST, FASTA, and SIM tools to form
294                                        Thus, judicious use of vegetation can create an efficient urba
295                                       By the judicious use of water as chain-transfer reagent in the
296                                          Its judicious use should be considered without regard to pat
297 ctricity from solar thermal energy and their judicious use to enable a sustainable economy.
298 g to its widespread use, through recommended judicious use, and finally to subsequent stringent admin
299 improved outcomes, its risk profile warrants judicious use.
300 ematically tuned both coarsely and finely by judicious variation of the bridging ligand (relative pi-

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