


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , which mandates that results be interpreted judiciously.
2 pertension, these patients should be treated judiciously.
3 dverse events, blood products should be used judiciously.
4 y are combined with additional data and used judiciously.
5 utine avoidance of WBRT should be approached judiciously.
6 r citizens' civic needs and that they use it judiciously.
7 rate HCV recurrence, and they should be used judiciously.
8 mia and thrombocytopenia, but should be used judiciously.
9 ponsibility to use antimicrobials wisely and judiciously.
10 the residence time and conditions are chosen judiciously, 2D COF powders form downstream of the subst
11 o control the motility gait of C. elegans by judiciously adjusting the magnitude of the surface drag
12                               A set of three judiciously altered variants of compound 2 was also synt
13 cians apply immunosuppressive therapies more judiciously among their patients, thereby avoiding morbi
14  Therefore, topoisomerase drugs must be used judiciously and administered on an individual basis.
15 nd molecular analyses have to be interpreted judiciously and all available treatment options integrat
16 self-assembly strategy has been developed to judiciously and intimately integrate gold nanocrystals (
17              Anti-VEGF agents should be used judiciously and with awareness of the known and unknown
18    Intravenous fluids should be administered judiciously, and hemofiltration should be instituted ear
19 nts is feasible and need not be traumatic if judiciously, and often individually, managed.
20 se first-generation regimens must be applied judiciously, and thus we view efforts at better patient
21 a new tertiary structure class and show that judiciously applied backbone modification can be accompa
22 to identify how advanced technologies can be judiciously applied in curative and palliative settings
23 s that produce solid-phase minerals could be judiciously applied to modify rock porosity with subsequ
24 l nanostructures, when properly designed and judiciously arranged, could behave as nanoscale lumped c
25 y increased dissociated charge densities via judiciously balancing ion pair interactions with bulk di
26  anesthesia, muscle relaxants should be used judiciously because of their impact on operating room ef
27   Screening is costly, and institutions must judiciously choose which patients they wish to screen ba
28 op and bottom panels), which can be tuned by judiciously choosing building blocks of different size.
29 tic progression, and provide a reference for judiciously choosing conditions that avoid photobleachin
30                   It is demonstrated that by judiciously choosing the nanoring geometry it is possibl
31 ormation of a carbon-carbon bond between two judiciously chosen alkene and alkyne partners in good yi
32 t hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy with judiciously chosen experiment geometry to delineate the
33 tion of the sugar and additionally show that judiciously chosen linkers are a promising strategy to g
34 nal two-dimensional wave systems along a few judiciously chosen meriodonal layers that are coupled on
35      Equilibrium binding experiments using a judiciously chosen panel of 4(P) variants containing ala
36        Overall, this study demonstrates that judiciously chosen protein-binding scaffolds can be adap
37                                     A set of judiciously chosen restriction enzymes produces a unique
38             This finding suggests the use of judiciously chosen surface-exposed hydrophobic pairs as
39 teric liquid crystal (CLC), by integrating a judiciously chosen thermoresponsive chiral molecular swi
40 IP2 and PIP3 as long as the orientations are judiciously chosen.
41                                   Thus, when judiciously combined with anti-androgens, WA inhibits su
42                                              Judiciously combining complementary diplatinum(II) accep
43 y g-C3 N4 with reduced structural defects by judiciously combining the implementation of melamine-cya
44                                           By judiciously combining the transaminase reaction with add
45 of the wave-packet, the emitted waves can be judiciously compressed and focused at desired locations,
46 ical metrics of arterial hyperoxia should be judiciously considered when interpreting and comparing s
47 ed silica-based materials as demonstrated by judiciously controlled systems, looking first at control
48 eves this feat of benign fibre processing by judiciously controlling the folding and crystallization
49                                           By judiciously controlling the ratio of the aforementioned
50 eriments by using fragments of ideal helices judiciously defined around helical kinks.
51 t photoluminescence enhancement in WSe2 with judiciously designed plasmonic nanostructures and paves
52 crystals-superlattices of metamaterials with judiciously designed properties-provide a platform for d
53 mplementation of reticular chemistry using a judiciously designed rigid octatopic carboxylate organic
54 -angle-spinning NMR techniques, along with a judiciously designed stable isotope labeling scheme, to
55 onnected Zr6O4(OH)8(H2O)4 clusters, has been judiciously designed; the Zr6 clusters in this MOF are a
56 ting this unique band structure feature, and judiciously doping the materials by increasing the Yb co
57                                  If combined judiciously during both development and implementation,
58 rough plasmon-exciton resonant coupling in a judiciously engineered nanostructure, and offer a basis
59                 Thus hospitals should choose judiciously if, and to what degree, high throughput envi
60 ations from past experience by applying them judiciously in new situations.
61 results indicate that C. elegans are able to judiciously make a decision to stay on stiffer regions.
62                                           By judiciously modulating the ring strain and sterics, we d
63 h either the canonical "Widom" sequence or a judiciously mutated sequence.
64 tandard dose metric, and show that when used judiciously, photobleaching can serve as a surrogate for
65  Recent evidence suggests that some may also judiciously place structural water molecules to shuttle
66  having long leucine zippers with asparagine judiciously placed in the a position of different heptad
67 he C and D aryl rings enlisting substituents judiciously placed on the dienophile and intrinsic to th
68 e was perceived as cautiously optimistic and judiciously positive as he interacted with patients, stu
69 anic linkers of the candidate structures are judiciously replaced with appropriate modulators to emul
70  optimal ST arrays of similar size, and with judiciously selected 5-sensor MT arrays, one-third of al
71                                          The judiciously selected bulkier (NbOF5)(2-) caused the look
72                           Here, we show that judiciously selected crystalline block copolymers can be
73 onucleotides may prove clinically useful for judiciously selected disease-causing genes in the epider
74 s of a naturally occurring biopolymer with a judiciously selected nonnative segment while, at the sam
75                                              Judiciously selecting the geometrical parameters and tak
76 achieved in a sub-50-nm-thick metafilm using judiciously sized and spaced Ge nanobeams.
77 t time, a viable strategy of capitalizing on judiciously synthesized monodisperse NaYF4 :Yb/Er upconv
78 ides are dramatically influenced, and can be judiciously tailored, by defects.
79 peutics enable clinicians to apply them more judiciously to suitable patients, thereby enhancing the
80                                              Judiciously tuning heart rates is critical for regular c
81            We show that supersymmetry can be judiciously used to remove the fundamental mode of a mul
82 a have shown that physical therapy programs, judiciously used, in combination with adequate mineral c
83 mune response must be mobilized promptly yet judiciously via TLRs to protect the lungs against pathog
84 tinely, while corticosteroids should be used judiciously, weighing up the competing risks of bronchop
85                                When combined judiciously with synchrotron X-rays of a complimentary n

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