


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing adenocarcinoma of the gastro-oesophageal junction).
2 emical synapses and electrical synapses (gap junctions).
3 nergic synapses, including the neuromuscular junction.
4 d within motor neurons via the neuromuscular junction.
5  failure to develop a patent pelvic-ureteric junction.
6 back is a global effect on the intercellular junction.
7 c plasticity at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction.
8 ffectively forming a stretchable 1D Schottky junction.
9 tion hotspot was identified at the ORF1-ORF2 junction.
10 ription start site and the first exon-intron junction.
11 -X structure which has unpaired bases at the junction.
12 >1000 measurements for single molecule break junctions.
13 that VLDL can modulate and reduce atrial gap junctions.
14 -dextran 4 kDa, and mRNA expression of tight junctions.
15 n complex semiconductor materials and across junctions.
16 when studying the quantum radiation field in junctions.
17 AF2 and reduces E-cadherin-mediated adherens junctions.
18 patial distribution of reversed biased p-i-n junctions.
19 E) reestablished both proteins at the apical junctions.
20 n illumination, in symmetric single-molecule junctions.
21 xecutes its function by stabilizing adherens junctions.
22 cell interactions and inter-endothelial cell junctions.
23  was overcome by disruption of intercellular junctions.
24 helial monolayers with compromised cell-cell junctions.
25 m temperature in thousands of single-cluster junctions.
26 roperties and destabilization of endothelial junctions.
27 function provided by desmosomes and adherens junctions.
28 tin filaments, Kindlin-2 stabilizes adherens junctions.
29 urrent-voltage (I-V) traces across molecular junctions.
30 rgy dissipation characteristics of molecular junctions.
31  platinum metallic wires down to single-atom junctions.
32 infected cells through contact dependent gap junctions.
33 ganized and dictated by a series of Holliday junctions.
34 s the targeting of microtubules to cell-cell junctions.
35 recognized component of endothelial adherens junctions.
36 tion of the sinus of Valsalva or sinotubular junction (14.2% versus 6.7%, P<0.001) and diffuse dilata
37 RNA nanoparticles derived from the three-way junction (3WJ) of the pRNA from bacteriophage phi29 DNA
38  or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma, an Eastern Cooperative Oncology
39 ive resection of gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma, Intergroup Trial 0116 (Phase II
40 y for high risk gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: Demonstrated superior survival
41  is also required for regulation of adherens junction (AJ) stability and dynamics.
42 ma-catenin and actin, components of adherens junctions (AJ).
43 L was calculated by measuring cemento-enamel junction and alveolar crest distance.
44    Cracks originating from the dental-enamel junction and enamel tufts, crack deflections, and the in
45 ow pressure, density, grain boundary, triple junction and interface coherency affect the nucleus grow
46 rnessing the biology of endothelial adherens junction and opens a new avenue for drug delivery in a b
47 in exhibiting high affinity for the Holliday junction and promoting DNA bridging, condensation, and p
48 measured 15-20 mm caudal to the hepatic vein junction and recorded by bidimensional imaging on a subc
49 orm the GABA binding/channel gating coupling junction and the channel pore (T288N), which are functio
50                                The three-way junction and the P1 switch helix of the two apo conforme
51 arity proteins such as DLG-1 within adherens junctions and at the apical surface, thereby generating
52       Thermal transport in individual atomic junctions and chains is of great fundamental interest be
53       In conclusion, MetS-VLDL modulates gap junctions and delays both atrial and ventricular conduct
54        We confirmed the presence of adhesive junctions and discovered the formation of desmosomes bet
55 g pathways regulating plasticity of adherens junctions and endothelial permeability.
56 activates RAC1 to drive assembly of adherens junctions and establish barrier function.
57 inhibition increased VE-cadherin at adherens junctions and increased endothelial dilatation in old, b
58 rm a blood-retina barrier by virtue of tight junctions and low transcytosis.
59 into mice leads to the redistribution of gap junctions and promotes ventricular tachycardia, showing
60 ng necessitates tissue-level polarization of junctions and the cytoskeleton through unknown mechanism
61 as assessed using simulated data sets of CSR junctions and then used for analysis of Smu-Salpha and S
62 on, persisted during partial blockade of gap junctions and were mediated, in part, by AMPAergic trans
63 priospinal projection network, neuromuscular junction, and central pattern generator, providing a pla
64 rge transfer across the MoB/g-C3 N4 Schottky junction, and increases the local electron density in Mo
65 hy, such as the precuneus, temporal parietal junction, and medial frontal cortices, there were large
66 g mechanism that drives assembly of adherens junctions, and confirm these findings in mouse models.
67 educed numbers of nodes, disrupted paranodal junctions, and mislocalized Kv1 K(+) channels.
68 -cells propagates to the delta-cells via gap junctions, and the consequential stimulation of somatost
69 ostsynaptic specializations of neuromuscular junctions are dramatically expanded, including the subsy
70   We demonstrate that microhomology-rich S-S junctions are enriched in cells in which Mbd4 is deleted
71 y through transcytosis, as specialized tight junctions are functional as early as vessel entry into t
72 trate that the distance over which molecular junctions are maintained is a measure of smear, and the
73 er, the morphology and distribution of ER-PM junctions are not well characterized.
74          Levels of active Rac1 at epithelial junctions are partially modulated via interaction with A
75                                         Cell junctions are scaffolds that integrate mechanical and ch
76                      Intramolecular four-way junctions are structures present during homologous recom
77 and molecules in optical lattices, Josephson junction arrays, and certain narrow band superconductors
78       We investigated connexin-assembled gap junctions as an alternative route for discharging lactat
79 other mouse tissues (including the anorectal junction) as well as in the gastro-oesophageal junction
80  required for epidermal cell polarization or junction assembly, but rather is needed for proper junct
81  of Src and likely occur through an adherens junction associated complex.
82 report the creation of an ultimately-shallow junction at the surface of n-type silicon with excellent
83 nnels are efficiently trafficked to adherens junctions at intercalated discs.
84 xin 30 (Cx30) promoted formation of Cx30 gap junctions at points of contacts between adjacent non-sen
85 s PCNA sequestration likely exposed ds-ssDNA junctions at replication forks for XPA binding.
86  those measurements based on single molecule junctions at room temperature.
87 rategies to show that this squamous-columnar junction basal cell population serves as a source of pro
88     Here, we fabricate a multiferroic tunnel junction based on ferromagnetic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 electrode
89  of crumbs function disrupts the apical cell junction belt and crumbs overexpression expands the apic
90 cytoplasmic dynein-1, which localizes to the junction between the ellipsoid and myoid, functions to s
91 of protein-protein complexes that bridge the junctions between neighboring cells.
92 t in fullerene and nonfullerene-based single-junction binary-blend OSCs.
93 ur results also imply that quantum wires and junctions can be isolated in line defects of other trans
94 ardiomyocytes via connexin-43-containing gap junctions, cardiac macrophages have a negative resting m
95                         It is a cell-to-cell junction cardiomyopathy, typically caused by genetically
96  in humans, which are knock-outs for the gap-junction channels connexin 26 and connexin 30 genes, we
97 ntly inhibit Cx26-Asp50Asn expression in gap junction channels, reverting the dominant negative effec
98  a tool for similar exploration of other gap junction circuits.
99 ding rough contacts, given the statistics of junction clusters sizes.
100 aneous activity, cadherin expression and gap junction communication.
101          Here, we describe a single-molecule junction comprising a redox-active, atomically precise c
102           We report that the single-molecule junction conductance of thiol-terminated silanes with Ag
103  well explained in terms of the variation in junction conductance with V b .
104 ing potassium current (IK1) density, and gap junction conductance.
105 o demonstrated lowered expression of the gap junction connexin 43.
106 geographical location at the nucleus-vacuole junction contact site.
107     We also demonstrate that these new SR-TT junctions contain the molecular machinery that mediate S
108  high-frequency hearing, suggesting that gap junctions contribute to passive cochlear mechanics and e
109 This suggests that the right temporoparietal junction contributes to controlling selective auditory a
110 D RSA bone loss apical to the cemento-enamel junction corresponded to a CRR of 1:1, relating to mild-
111 A stimulated cAMP synthesis and enhanced gap junction coupling in a concentration-dependent manner.
112 link between adenosine receptors and the gap junction coupling in endothelial cells of the blood-brai
113                   Although the increased gap junction coupling is cAMP-dependent, neither the protein
114  It is shown how reduced IK1 density and gap junction coupling, as observed in heart failure, increas
115 ) influx, which leads to the increase in gap junction coupling.
116 between transmission lobes across successive junctions creates a gate-tunable transport gap without s
117 ucing barrier integrity impairment and tight junction damage.
118 asis by promoting the disruption of adherens junctions, dedifferentiation, and an epithelial to mesen
119 ntacts from different connecting helices and junctions (DeltaGHJH) or from changes in the electrostat
120 ganization and integrity of epithelial tight junctions depend on interactions between claudins, ZO sc
121 a suppression of alpha-cell activity via gap junction-dependent activation of delta-cells.
122  which the local variance in tension between junctions determines whether actomyosin-based forces wil
123 ves VE-cadherin endocytosis and pathological junction disassembly associated with the endothelial-der
124  endothelial cell contractility and adherens junction disassembly leading to endothelial barrier brea
125 llular ion transport and cause a novel tight junction disease characterized by a non-BS, non-GS autos
126 ) and BTB function (i.e., basal ES and tight junction disruption, making the barrier leaky), in the t
127 evented mucosal barrier disruption and tight junction downregulation in a mouse model of house dust m
128 u were formed at grain boundaries and triple junctions due to their limited plasticity.
129 ratio seen at low salt indicate the four-way junction exists as a mixture of conformations, one of wh
130 m using outlier statistics on RNA-sequencing junction expression identified 109 splicing events, whic
131 nexin family of membrane proteins enable gap junction formation and homeostasis, supporting communica
132  importantly, in addition to positive triple junction formation energies we also find a significant n
133 ation with its cognate receptor is vital for junction formation in the invasion process.
134 idual cells, lateral migration and cell-cell junction formation precede matrix invasion.
135               Endothelial cell intercellular junction formation was characterized by immunostaining.
136 s in zebrafish, Danio rerio, require two gap-junction-forming Connexins for formation and function.
137 d for analysis of Smu-Salpha and Smu-Sgamma1 junctions from CH12F3 cells and primary murine B cells,
138                Removing the branched network junctions from the analysis caused a slight increase in
139 es only hearing loss, exhibited impaired gap junction function and showed no transdominant interactio
140 N-cadherin internalization and abnormal cell junctions, generating an ectopic neuronal layer that res
141  junctional protein innexin shaking-B to gap junctions (GJs).
142 chronization of myometrial cells through gap junctions (GJs).
143 onsists of a sequence of angled graphene p-n junctions (GPNJs).
144                 At the level of cell-to-cell junctions, HGF attenuates the linkage of stress fibers t
145  of hot electrons makes the nanoscale tunnel junctions highly reactive and facilitates strongly confi
146                                     Holliday junction (HJ) is a hallmark intermediate in DNA recombin
147 eurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila.
148 ncreases E-cadherin expression and cell-cell junction in epithelial cells.
149 ariant, and within the left temporo-parietal junction in patients with the semantic variant.
150 and sustains the remodelling of the adherens junction in response to mechanical forces.
151 nction) as well as in the gastro-oesophageal junction in the human gut.
152            These results reveal roles of gap junctions in a complex behavior at cellular resolution a
153 omyelinase is linked to degradation of tight junctions in endothelial cells in vitro, which is blocke
154       In addition, ROS disassembles adherens junctions in epithelial cells via posttranslational mech
155                      We find that the triple junctions in graphene consist mostly of five-fold and se
156 study the structure and energetics of triple junctions in graphene using a multiscale modelling appro
157 nded to create patterned metal-semiconductor junctions in MoTe2 in a two-step lithographic synthesis.
158 ur results reveal a novel role for occluding-junctions in regulating niche-hematopoietic progenitor s
159 llular diapedesis by opening their cell-cell junctions in response to the presence of an adhering leu
160 iopoietins with Tie2 in cis and across EC-EC junctions in trans Except for the binding of the C-termi
161 ary diameter by pericytes and a role for gap junctions in vascular network interactions.
162  Our studies at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction indicate that many synaptic defects in unc-104-
163  thrombus within 3 cm of the sapheno-femoral junction, indication for full-dose anticoagulation thera
164  of oxidation and reduction reactions in the junctions, induced by the presence of O2 and H2 molecule
165 -/-) mice further suggested defective apical junction integrity in these mice.
166  blood-brain barrier model exemplifies tight-junction integrity.
167 ntractility is required to maintain adherens junction integrity.
168 er in the intestine via regulation of apical junction integrity.
169  in the granulosa cells diffuses through gap junctions into the oocyte, maintaining meiotic prophase
170  reveal that the flagella connector membrane junction is attached to the tips of extending microtubul
171 binding to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)/dsDNA junctions is dependent on joint binding to the DNA bindi
172 reveal that the contact area of single ER-PM junctions is mainly oblong with the dimensions of approx
173 ; (2) demonstration that deltaN/N for CP-AFM junctions is remarkably small (</=2%) and that the large
174 about the CSR mechanism, and analysis of CSR junctions is useful in basic and clinical research studi
175  Par3, which is normally restricted to tight junctions, is sufficient to alter apical membrane identi
176 ulin-like domain (CLD) via an autoinhibitory junction (J).
177 desmoglein 2-positive contacts and increased junction length as revealed by immunofluorescence and el
178 ynaptic nerve terminals at the neuromuscular junction level, but not on the axonal tracts or myelin s
179         VE-cadherin at endothelial cell-cell junctions links the contractile acto-myosin cytoskeleton
180 et al. reveal that myosin-driven anisotropic junction loss and apical constriction are the main drive
181 on and thereby moderate inflammation-induced junction loss and associated endothelial monolayer perme
182 two-stage coalescence process of microscopic junctions made between the keratin of the stratum corneu
183 lycocalyx layer (EGL) and tight and adherens junction markers with plasma leakage.
184 l study, using mechanically controlled break junction measurements and density functional theory calc
185  metabolic substrates to neurons through gap junction-mediated astroglial networks.
186 nating microfluidics was conducted using a Y-junction microfluidic device, the design of which was op
187 ay inhibition via Y27632 disrupted cell-cell junction morphology, showing that cell contractility is
188 emperature sensor based on a Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) structure.
189  first time in Fe/AlOx/Fe3O4 magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs).
190 k for exploration of mechanisms by which gap junction nexus stability modulates intercellular communi
191 uron (SMN) protein, leading to neuromuscular junction (NMJ) dysfunction and spinal motor neuron (MN)
192 4-MuSK receptor in muscles for neuromuscular junction (NMJ) formation.
193                            The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a synapse formed between motoneurons a
194 d progressive weakening of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).
195         We show that at larval neuromuscular junctions (NMJ), motor neuron expression of wild-type hu
196  neurons and their output, the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), has been considered a key factor in th
197 occurs at embryonic Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), where low-frequency Ca(2+) oscillation
198 cy are profound defects of the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs).
199 mitted from a scanning tunnelling microscope junction not only bears its intrinsic plasmonic signatur
200                      Intrinsic ureteropelvic junction obstruction is the most common cause of congeni
201 nduced separation along the dermal-epidermal junction of ex vivo skin.
202 tion focuses attention to nt-pairings at the junction of R and U5, a poorly characterized structure u
203 ed (TR) dye was specifically attached in the junction of the dimerized origami to act as a Raman repo
204 culty of controlling spin waves in the input junction of the waveguides.
205 er epithelial tissues in which the adherence junctions of cells form a 2D manifold that is fluorescen
206 tion at the head cup bearing and the tapered junctions of orthopaedic hip implants are known to diffe
207 ney, ILDR1 is localized to tricellular tight junctions of the distal tubules.
208 e facilitating effect of intraglomerular gap junctions on interglomerular synchrony is through trigge
209 ither by configuring RNA-DNA hybrid four-way junctions or by template-directed synthesis with a singl
210              Pharmacological blockade of gap junctions or genetic ablation of connexin 36 (Cx36) subu
211 equences and junction structure (blunt-ended junctions or junctions with insertions or microhomology)
212 stem cells (hiPSCs) contained functional gap junctions partially contributed by Connexin 45 (CX45).
213 umor endothelium, activating TIE-2 and tight junction pathways and normalizing vessel structure and f
214  plasmonic nanorods with up to 10(11) tunnel junctions per square centimetre, which demonstrates hot-
215 perifusion insulin secretion assays, and gap junction permeability measurements.
216  is pivotal to further improve PCE of single junction perovskite solar cells (PVSCs) because of a bet
217 ous to a depleted metal-oxide-semiconducting junction, photo-generated charge collects in the potenti
218  the relative contributions of neuromuscular junction physiology and the motor program to the locomot
219 efects, but not the defects in neuromuscular junction physiology.
220  and C168Y) either form no morphological gap junction plaques or, if they do, produce little or no de
221 ale makes measurements of noise in molecular junctions possible.
222  light resulted in excitatory and inhibitory junction potentials, the electrical events underlying co
223 hottky catalyst based on metal-semiconductor junction principles is presented.
224 uires an intracellular scaffold called Tight Junction Protein 1b (Tjp1b).
225 ated small C terminus isoform, GJA1-20k (Gap Junction Protein Alpha 1- 20 kDa), which is required for
226 ssion of CLDN10, the gene encoding the tight junction protein Claudin-10, show enhanced paracellular
227 ial integrity indicated by loss of the tight junction protein claudin-3 was not observed during acute
228 d whether dysregulated expression of the gap junction protein connexin 43, which has been observed in
229 tations in GJB1, which codes for Cx32, a gap junction protein expressed by Schwann cells and oligoden
230 esses permeability-promoting claudin-2 tight-junction protein expression through an IL-10RA-dependent
231 t that stiff substrates change intercellular junction protein localization and degradation, which may
232  factors, the tetraspanin CD81 and the tight junction protein occludin (OCLN), explain, at least in p
233  ischemia induced rapid degradation of tight junction protein occludin in cerebromicrovessels.
234 ted tyrosine phosphorylation of the adherens junction protein vascular endothelial cadherin (VEC).
235                   It uses some claudin tight junction proteins (eg, claudin-4) as receptors to form C
236  (matrilysis) as well as adherence and tight junction proteins for degradation.
237 d Cx43 are the most abundantly expressed gap junction proteins from each family.
238 membrane, where it associates with the tight-junction proteins Pals1/PATJ and E-cadherin.
239  affect the expression of tight and adherens junction proteins such as ZO-1, claudin, and JAM-A; howe
240 eQTL analysis against gene, exon, and splice-junction quantifications.
241  deposited by its chaperone, HJURP (Holliday junction recognition protein).
242 tensively studied in the context of adherens junction reinforcement to stabilize adhesive cell-cell c
243 cture consisting of an OB-fold and a holiday junction resolvase domain.
244  two domains, a third OB fold and a Holliday junction resolvase-like domain.
245 symmetric droplet splitting using a Y-shaped junction, resulting in two daughter droplets, one of whi
246        Amount and structural features of CSR junctions reveal valuable information about the CSR mech
247 sal involvement of the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) in updating probabilistic beliefs and we
248 vide evidence that the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) is causally involved in this process.
249  apoptosis, immune evasion, and loss of cell junctions seen in H. pylori-infected host cells.
250                          CSReport identifies junction segment breakpoints on reference sequences and
251  generated sg mRNAs with variant leader-body junction sequences.
252 mas of the oesophagus and gastro-oesophageal junction (Siewert types 1 and 2).
253  lipid metabolism, oxidative stress and cell junction signaling in testes.
254       Our simulations show that the asperity junction size dictates the debris volume, revealing the
255                                          The junction size is controlled with a dual-gate device cons
256  fully recapitulate that of epithelial tight junction strands, this is the first direct demonstration
257 gment breakpoints on reference sequences and junction structure (blunt-ended junctions or junctions w
258  how a CMOS-compatible, nanostructured, thin junction structure can make use of tailored light trappi
259 pling in a new perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction system with a GdOx tunnel barrier, where a larg
260 on using the mechanically controllable break junction technique.
261                  In contrast to the splicing junctions that can be efficiently detected from spliced
262      Desmosomes are macromolecular cell-cell junctions that provide adhesive strength in epithelial t
263 equences from our HTS-based protocol for CSR junctions, thereby facilitating and accelerating their s
264 suggests that RASSF4 controls SOCE and ER-PM junctions through ARF6-dependent regulation of PM PI(4,5
265 ered cytoskeletal structure, increased tight junction (TJ) formation and reduced barrier permeability
266 ance (TEER) measurements without other tight-junction (TJ) formation parameters.
267                                        Tight junction (TJ) proteins are known to be involved in proli
268  family of proteins is integral to the tight junction (TJ), the apical cell-cell adhesion and a key r
269            Delivery occurs adjacent to tight junctions (TJ), suggesting that it recognizes a receptor
270 paracellular passage regulated through tight junctions (TJ).
271                                        Tight junctions (TJs) form a barrier on the apical side of nei
272  Endothelial cells lining SC elaborate tight junctions (TJs), down-regulation of which may widen para
273 cted by FGFR2 signaling, possibly offering a junction to exploit therapeutically.Significance: Bindin
274 ecific kinesin facilitates attachment of the junction to the microtubules in the mature flagellum.
275 in complexes transduce force fluctuations at junctions to activate signals that reinforce stressed in
276       Epithelial cells connect via cell-cell junctions to form sheets of cells with separate cellular
277 oarse-grained simulations of a wide range of junction topologies indicate that differences in sterics
278 nerous decisions engage the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) in the experimental more than in the cont
279 EGFRs) that resides at endothelial cell-cell junctions transduces signals important for flow-dependen
280  compared with the recently proposed bipolar junction transistor (BJT) transducer.
281                                      Bipolar junction transistors are at the frontiers of modern elec
282                 We calculate single-molecule junction transmission and the complex band structure of
283 al carcinoma, including the gastroesophageal junction tumors (Siewert I), were randomized between ope
284  expression of connexin43, a major known gap junction unit in vascular cells.
285 triggered phenothiazine (PTZ-) based radical junction using the mechanically controllable break junct
286 but that the frequency of intermitochondrial junctions was reduced.
287 the RCM reaction to install the C18-C19 ring junction, was successful in assembling the macrolactone.
288                         At the neuromuscular junction, we showed mEPP amplitudes and frequency requir
289 es bearing a hydroxymethyl group at the ring junction were synthesized from a readily available l-sor
290 or localization of STIM1 and E-Syts at ER-PM junctions, were reduced in RASSF4-knockdown cells.
291 olecular and bacterial movement across tight junctions, while increased intestinal permeability accom
292 ge in the exact flow split location in the T-junction with flow ratio.
293 the linkage of stress fibers to cell-to-cell junctions with concomitant decrease in intercellular str
294 junction structure (blunt-ended junctions or junctions with insertions or microhomology).
295                                              Junctions with nonradical units rectify currents via the
296         Using this platform, we studied gold junctions with prototypical molecules (Au-biphenyl-4,4'-
297 HOMO) with a rectification ratio R = 99, but junctions with radical units have a new accessible state
298 followed by the identification of breakpoint junctions within a population, which typically arise by
299 ned with the apical actin cable and adherens-junctions within chick and mouse neuroepithelial cells.
300 ive and specific enrichment for poly(A) site junctions without the need for complex sample preparatio

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