


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in the United States has reached a critical juncture.
2 icted peptidomimetic linkers at the point of juncture.
3 sting patients and families at this critical juncture.
4          Human genetics is now at a critical juncture.
5 ns of the neuroaxis at the meso-diencephalic juncture.
6  and AA may interact at a number of critical junctures.
7 e likely to occur at critical moral distress junctures.
8                          An unusual A/B ring juncture, a feature associated with bile acids and no ot
9 oduct 1b was demonstrated to be the 6,6-ring juncture adduct on the basis of NMR experiments and X-ra
10 differing greatly from the "closed" 5,6-ring juncture adducts reported previously.
11 d we review research about stratification at junctures along student pathways into and through postba
12 , HORMA domain proteins occupy key signaling junctures and function through the controlled assembly a
13 protein (HSP) 40 at the spokehead-spokestalk juncture appear normal in length and composition but twi
14 t fully solved, we are poised at an exciting juncture, as insights from murine disease models are con
15  late transitional B-cell stage as a crucial juncture at which developing B cells gain access to sple
16  The perimenopausal period may be a critical juncture at which targeted and tailored interventions ma
17 ngle-cell approaches to resolve the critical junctures at which perturbations initially amenable to c
18 activation of COP1 and a possible cross-talk juncture between auxin regulation and phytochrome signal
19 m its x-ray crystal structure, predicted the juncture between Domains II and III of delta.
20 ly of complex I, before the formation of the juncture between peripheral and membrane arms.
21 ggest possible meridional contraction at the juncture between the apical dome and the cell body.
22 genitor population in the sclerotome, at the juncture between the future lineages of muscle and carti
23 west folding, 10(2)-10(3) s-1, occurs at the juncture between the helix and sheet.
24 que protein desmoplakin (DP), located at the juncture between the intermediate filament (IF) network
25 or Xa, a serine protease, is at the critical juncture between the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of
26 that a conserved Gly residue (located at the juncture between the linker and C-terminal domains) is a
27 matched via the movement of nodes, which are junctures between phase-mismatched cell regions.
28      Even this more limited goal is, at this juncture, beyond our reach, but the journey to this goal
29                                 The 6:6 ring juncture bonds of C(60) are centered over the porphyrins
30                   The electron-rich 6:6 ring-juncture bonds of C60 show unusually close approach to t
31 ogression is controlled at several different junctures by the targeted destruction of cell cycle regu
32 onmental insults at particular developmental junctures can lead to complex brain malformations.
33 GF-beta2 and TGF-beta3 commences at critical junctures during progression of nevi to primary melanoma
34 uorum sensing and swarming motility at a key juncture early in biofilm development.
35 ive stage to a migratory stage is a critical juncture; errors in this process may result in tumor for
36                            At this important juncture for the field, the authors make predictions for
37  at the +15/+16 juncture, unlike the +11/+12 juncture for the wild type N25.
38 lizing alkyl linkers that connect the branch junctures from ethyl to n-pentyl moiety (C(2)G3-C(5)G3).
39 chnical tools and knowledge, success at this juncture hinges more on a massive mobilization of effort
40 ofilm defence mechanism acting at a critical juncture in biofilm development, the time bacteria stop
41 rates, positioning the mollusk at a critical juncture in evolution of this gene family.
42 The U.S. health care system is at a critical juncture in health care workforce planning.
43 lake sediments at Olduvai Gorge during a key juncture in human evolution about 2.0 Ma--the emergence
44  of the prostate gland at puberty, a crucial juncture in prostate development that is androgen depend
45 R) type 1 and JNK3, placing it at a critical juncture in regulating signaling of neurodegeneration.
46 8-FOXC2 signaling axis represents a critical juncture in the acquisition of metastatic competence, th
47 's correspondence in 1965-1966, an important juncture in the genesis of modern clinical research ethi
48 sition from mitosis to meiosis is a defining juncture in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organ
49                                   A defining juncture in the life of a T cell is its encounter with i
50                                   A critical juncture in the process is the identification of a prope
51  is consistent with reaction at the 6,6-ring juncture in the pyracylene unit of the D(5h) Sc(3)N@C(80
52 pe II (COPII) vesicles represents a critical juncture in the quality control of protein biogenesis wi
53 into the origins of introns is at a critical juncture in the resolution of theories on the evolution
54 ntrolled by Rab6 occur at or near a critical juncture in the trans-Golgi network where beta APP is so
55 nd the 12-nt synthesis represents a critical juncture in the transcriptional initiation pathway when
56 gested that although they may have reached a juncture in their lives, at which they felt ready to hav
57 oop such as Asp1161 may function at multiple junctures in cellular regulation of receptor tyrosine ki
58 urational and experiential influences at key junctures in development and presenting paradigmatic exa
59                                   At certain junctures in development, gene transcription is coupled
60 r lineages diverged at the earliest critical junctures in evolution of adaptive immunity.
61 date that B1 is needed for multiple critical junctures in the poxviral life cycle in a manner that is
62 minants that play a role at lymphoid-myeloid junctures, in particular transcription factors and cytok
63 a cluster of five residues near the TM4-ECL2 juncture influenced orthosteric agonist efficacy.
64              Interestingly, slipping at this juncture is induced by TATA-binding protein and transcri
65      One particularly dramatic developmental juncture is the response of dicotyledonous seedlings to
66                             At this exciting juncture, it is timely to review these new methodologica
67 the intrinsic cell death pathway at multiple junctures led to a significant inhibition of cardiomyocy
68     The SET domain of Set1 is located at the juncture of Cps50, Cps30, and the Cps60-Cps25 module, li
69  coding region of bcl-xL is generated by the juncture of exons II and III through a splicing reaction
70 P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) enzyme operates at a key juncture of human steroidogenesis, controlling the level
71 e adducts of the "open" type at the 6,6-ring juncture of Ih Sc3N@C80, differing greatly from the "clo
72    The critical folding intermediates at the juncture of productive folding and the off-pathway aggre
73 molecule in fate determination at a critical juncture of T-cell differentiation.
74 d cDNA constructs terminating at or near the juncture of the betaalpha1 and beta1 domains: Residues 1
75                    Attention was paid to the juncture of the central prevertebral, perivascular, and
76 and then as a collar-like structure near the juncture of the nucleus and the elongating flagellum, bu
77 ies next to the conserved LPQG motif, at the juncture of the palm and fingers subdomains.
78 g triangular region in rodent located at the juncture of the PoS, PaS, retrosplenial cortex, and visu
79 d of NADPH meets the sterol substrate at the juncture of the two pockets.
80 extracellular amino acid substitution at the juncture of transmembrane helix 4 (TM4) and extracellula
81 or for humoral immunity that acts at several junctures of B lineage maturation and effector cell diff
82 ing rapid HDL remodeling and turnover at key junctures of cholesterol transport.
83 iding theme formulated: Vulnerability at the junctures of systems, care processes and nurses' respons
84 dition occurs regioselectively at a 6,6-ring juncture on the surface of the icosahedrally (Ih) symmet
85 l group from o,o',o'',o'''-tetramethylbiaryl junctures, only slightly relaxes the biaryl twist angle
86                                  At critical junctures, oxidative damage to DNA requires the base exc
87                                         This juncture point appears to be one that is bypassed by tRN
88 nd protein export, being involved at a vital juncture point in their export pathways.
89                ELF3 may act at more than one juncture, possibly posttranscriptionally.
90 th visible photoreceptor inner/outer segment juncture (PSJ).
91                                      At this juncture, safety data on the use of VEGF-targeted therap
92 by stable actor boundaries, other historical junctures, such as the end of the Cold War, exhibit far-
93    Thus, we have elucidated a key regulatory juncture that controls integrin recycling and also advan
94 ng partner RBP-J act at the basal/suprabasal juncture to induce spinous and down-regulate basal fate.
95 ed because I chose instinctively at multiple junctures to follow what proved to be propitious opportu
96                      At certain evolutionary junctures, two or more mutations participating in the bu
97 all N25-ITS variants occurred at the +15/+16 juncture, unlike the +11/+12 juncture for the wild type
98 tand what occurs at the nuclear pore at this juncture, we have probed the role of the nucleoporin Nup
99                               At this timely juncture, we provide a scientific rationale and three po
100  providers are uncomfortable at the clinical juncture where end-of-life care and organ donation inter
101 at the mosaic presently resides at a crucial juncture where relatively small changes in social condit
102 ependent proliferation, but reach a critical juncture where the requirement for IL-2 as a growth fact
103 immune response can be divided into specific junctures where critical decisions between tolerance and
104                                      At this juncture, while many questions remain unanswered, achiev
105 nitial nucleus of the peripheral arm and its juncture with the membrane arm.
106                Psychiatry is at an important juncture, with the current pharmacologically focused mod

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