


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                          We demonstrate that just as 2-aminooxazole-an important prebiotic ribonucleo
2                                  Presumably, just as a mechanism exists for activating the vir gene r
3                                  KEY POINTS: Just as a portrait painting can come from a collection o
4 lar stimuli, they were recognized faster and just as accurately.
5 eed, the resolution phase of inflammation is just as actively orchestrated and carefully choreographe
6 restingly, the N-terminal third of BLAP75 is just as adept as the full-length protein in the promotio
7 cifically, tropical regions are likely to be just as affected as temperate regions and, in some regio
8                                              Just as agencies at all levels of government are respons
9  things in a broader historical context than just as an immediate event; and that the revolution was
10        The results, which should be regarded just as an initial and qualitative indication of the tre
11 as an obligate resource for breeding and not just as an opportunistic meal.
12 dicate that dimer plasticity is relevant not just as an organizational principle but also as a subtle
13                                              Just as animals develop from a single cell-the zygote-mu
14 "purified", on the basis of peptide affinity just as antibodies, using an affinity chromatography str
15                               In conclusion, just as apoptosis may be triggered through multiple mole
16 rradiated hematopoietic bone marrow in vivo, just as appendicular HSCs.
17  practitioners of molecular dynamics, but is just as applicable to other computational or experimenta
18 cted from increasingly many quarks to exist, just as atoms with increasing numbers of electrons exist
19                                        Thus, just as bacteriocins can lead to increased diversity via
20                                              Just as BAV phenotypes are highly variable, the genetic
21                                  The size is just as big as a portable hard drive.
22                                              Just as chemically reduced gases experience oxidation in
23 ients (Ewing sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma), and just as clearly, adjuvant chemotherapy is not warranted
24 ng, when many influential decisions are made just as cognitive function declines.
25 lly enucleated animals, are present by P6-7, just as collateral branches of simple architecture emerg
26  into existing posttranscriptional networks, just as conserved transcription factors are recruited to
27                         Nevertheless, SCM is just as critical for Drosophila Hox gene silencing as ca
28 issible infection in their arthropod host is just as critical to their life cycle, however.
29 d state on histone tails in general might be just as crucial as post-translational modifications of h
30 nt, ectopic activation of the pathway can be just as devastating.
31                                              Just as development is a system property of the regulato
32                                              Just as different types of cognitive ability tests share
33 e to contribute to the inner cell mass (ICM) just as diploid ESCs tagged with GFP.
34 mutants that are unable to synthesise ppGpp, just as DksA overexpression in Escherichia coli can supp
35 s sigma(70) R4 from binding the -35 hexamer, just as does SoxS.
36                                              Just as dopamine plays a critical role in synaptic plast
37                                              Just as Drosophila castor lies downstream of the early t
38                                              Just as DSB repair is suppressed at telomeres, de novo t
39      In addition, smaller traps can be built just as easily, and they show unit mass resolution to ma
40                                      RC1 was just as effective as HNP-1-3 in neutralizing IAV, and RC
41          It is important to note that EX was just as effective as MPH or ATMX in reducing orienting b
42 ene expression than full-length Sim2, but is just as effective as Sim2 at repressing TCDD-induced gen
43 y, immunotherapy with the 20 kD fraction was just as effective as treatment with CPE, whereas CPE w/o
44   Disconnection of the BA and the NAccSh was just as effective at disrupting avoidance behavior as bi
45                     Then, in the late 1990s, just as effective hygienic and antibiotic use policies m
46 proposed to dilate by activating TASK-1, was just as effective in TASK-1/3 KO arteries.
47 eliminate enlargement but was, surprisingly, just as effective when the action potentials evoked in c
48  peptide), which adheres to organic surfaces just as effectively as its wild-type protein analog.
49        However, a switch to another SSRI was just as efficacious as a switch to venlafaxine and resul
50 f peptides from two model mature proteins is just as efficient as from newly synthesized proteins sub
51 es capture DNA at a pH optimal for PCR (8.5) just as efficiently as at low pH.
52 lacking FGF22 were able to heal acute wounds just as efficiently as wild type mice.
53                                              Just as elders show profound declines in cognitive funct
54 he epigenome therefore contributes to cancer just as epigenetic process can cause point mutations and
55 ion at both the mRNA level and protein level just as equally effective as the wild-type PBEF did.
56 g) predictions, and shift as payoffs change, just as equilibrium theory predicts.
57 l growth conditions, Ptc1p inactivates Slt2p just as ER tubules begin to spread from the bud tip alon
58 ld be integrated into comprehensive HF care, just as evidence-based HF care should be included in end
59                                              Just as evolutionary theory predicts, these "royal" geno
60                                              Just as extensive crosstalk has been observed between di
61                                              Just as extreme amino acid conservation can serve to ide
62                                Toddlers were just as fast and accurate in fixating named pictures wit
63  N-methyltransferase [GAMT]) voluntarily ran just as fast and as far as controls (>10 km/night) and p
64 id (R(2)=0.87) could be precisely determined just as fermentation time (R(2)=0.92) and pH value (R(2)
65 she-1 acts upstream of tra-2 in C. briggsae, just as fog-2 does in C. elegans.
66 ow that Cos2 binds to three regions of Gli1, just as for Ci, and that Cos2 functions to silence mamma
67          Spectrophotometric studies suggest, just as for l-arginine and L-NMMA, the binding of ADMA s
68  Reynolds number is small compared to unity, just as for swimming microorganisms.
69 s relevant to fundamental adsorption science just as for technological application.
70                                              Just as for the aza-Povarov reaction, there are two pote
71 es the HT rate for meta-conjugated compounds just as for the para-series.
72 all four coat layers on the developing spore just as forespore engulfment by the mother cell begins.
73 ions generate agents that punish cooperators just as frequently as agents that punish defectors, and
74 ssociated genes produces unstable structures just as frequently as all other genes, indicating that s
75                                              Just as frequently, and typically in response to such pr
76                                              Just as FTIR, UV-vis, Raman, and resonance Raman are com
77                                              Just as genome-scale metabolic reconstructions have beco
78                                              Just as GIS indexes items or events based on their spati
79                              Performance was just as good in these transfer tests.
80                                              Just as group theory allows us to construct 230 crystal
81 tics might be reoptimized by derivatization, just as has been done with clinically deployed antibioti
82 ents organized into pairs within live cells, just as has been observed in vitro.
83 proving the selectivity for phosphopeptides, just as has been reported for immobilized metal affinity
84 alue biases the competition between stimuli, just as has been shown for selective attention.
85 -steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) rank just as high as currently used ovarian cancer drugs.
86                                              Just as high VEGF levels contribute to progression of re
87 rget sound despite simultaneous distractors, just as humans can respond to one voice at a crowded coc
88 ho aspire to emulate their idols and mentors just as I did in 1969 when I attended the spring meeting
89 ject is traveling along a perpendicular path just as if viewing the moving object from a stationary v
90  eosinophils) from CCR4(-/-) mice accumulate just as (if not more) efficiently in inflamed skin as co
91 ating guard cell transport and metabolism is just as, if not more likely to yield useful benefits as
92 and promoting tolerance of minority views is just as important as increasing the number of non-libera
93 pment is, long-term operational stability is just as important as initial conversion efficiency when
94  that the efficient use of human resource is just as important as material use.
95 shown that endothelial-derived P-selectin is just as important as platelet-derived P-selectin in prom
96                                              Just as important as quantitation of biomolecules has be
97 lonal and single-chain antibodies has become just as important as structural characterization in the
98                                              Just as important as the data is the network of data pro
99   The prevention of premature adult death is just as important for global health policy as the improv
100  we find that the organic part of the MOF is just as important for nanocluster adsorption as open Zn
101                     Less often discussed but just as important is the effect of kinetic barriers whic
102                                         But, just as important is the priority to systematically defi
103 ts turned off again when no longer needed is just as important to an organism's survival.
104 on-activating complexes likely perform roles just as important to signaling as activating complexes.
105                                              Just as important, but much more difficult to discern, i
106                                              Just as important, cells must synchronize their activiti
107                                      Perhaps just as important, ECD+CID can be used to reduce the ext
108  evidence here implies that elongases may be just as important.
109 mia (AML), its role in immune evasion may be just as important.
110 y between different cortical areas is likely just as important.
111 gently, but better use of existing agents is just as important.
112                                              Just as importantly, comparing typically developing chil
113 croscopy can be extended to new domains,and, just as importantly, electron pulses can be delivered di
114  determine how good a candidate they are but just as importantly, the best surgical approach.
115                                              Just as importantly, we must continue to investigate the
116  giants now convene in Chicago, but they are just as imposing.
117                                              Just as in basic science, this approach to research can
118 jective choice values during decision-making just as in humans but the relationship between the blood
119                                              Just as in platelets, rodent podocytes seem to use Cfh a
120 f the retinotopic map in the superficial SC, just as in primates and cats.
121 in a "cup and ball" manner during catalysis, just as in the bacterial systems.
122 by its two connecting carbohydrate moieties, just as in the corresponding disaccharide.
123                                              Just as in the lower airways, objective and subjective e
124                                              Just as in the original IrAl2.75 phase, the electronic s
125                               In Drosophila, just as in vertebrates, changes in external temperature
126 ten associated with centromere-proximal COs, just as in wild type.
127  method microelectron diffraction (MicroED), just as in X-ray diffraction.
128                                        Thus, just as inbreeding can elevate the occurrence of rare re
129 central area within criminology that stalled just as incarceration rates dramatically climbed.
130 served sabellids using published keys proved just as inconclusive with high within-species variabilit
131 nded to demonstrate that the 2 fields remain just as inextricably linked today as they were 100 years
132 sult suggests that female competition can be just as intense as male competition given the right goal
133                                              Just as intraoperative hypothermia is an SSI risk factor
134 the acutely injured skeletal muscle of mice, just as invading myeloid-lineage cells switched from a p
135          Overall, this study indicates that, just as is possible for Cu(II), the MCO/MS method should
136 igh speeds, and small targets at low speeds, just as is seen in the motion of real prey.
137 pagation could be enhanced by shear heating, just as is sometimes the case with frictional sliding in
138 mutation arrests the maturation of DeltaNBD2 just as it does full-length CFTR, indicating that DeltaF
139        Phenotypic diversity arises in tumors just as it does in developing organisms, and tumor recur
140 ng and testing abolishes reward-odor memory, just as it does with punished memory.
141 re for the development of practical devices, just as it has in electronic circuits such as memories,
142 m availability is critical to life in lakes, just as it is in the oceans.
143 al Wnt activity is required in the organizer just as it is needed in the Nieuwkoop center in vitro.
144  in nanoscale electronics demands insulators just as it needs conductors.
145                                              Just as its amphibian counterpart in the organizer signa
146 en developed in Tekniker IK4 research centre just as its manufacturing process.
147                            We also show that just as JAK1 interacts with IL-7Ralpha, JAK2 is associat
148                                              Just as kin build potent academic networks with their ow
149 wheat border and found differences that were just as large.
150 at chemical dimensions of floral display are just as likely as other components to experience selecti
151 uals offered testing were men, and they were just as likely to accept HBT as women (pooled odds ratio
152                CRISPRs in some subjects were just as likely to match viral sequences from other subje
153  not imitate any of the models, as they were just as likely to produce the gestures in response to co
154 olescents with risk factors for suicide were just as likely to report in-home firearm access as those
155                                              Just as lumpectomy for breast cancer aims at achieving o
156 iculties the asthmatics ultimately conceived just as many biological children as healthy throughout t
157  mice to 10% CO(2), c-fos was upregulated in just as many cells in the female as in the male RTN.
158 avalent vaccine (HPV9) has become available, just as many countries are considering transitioning fro
159  and argue that, with 86 billion neurons and just as many nonneuronal cells, the human brain is a sca
160 e rise in preventive chemotherapy campaigns, just as many people suffer from schistosomiasis today as
161 data provide us with many answers, but raise just as many questions.
162 w that such therapies render tumors hypoxic, just as many studies have, surprisingly, shown improved
163 the pathways followed during their formation just as mechanisms and final outcomes in chemical reacti
164 tedly diverse taxonomy of sequences that are just as membrane-active as known AMPs, but with a broad
165                                              Just as metal bioavailability dictates cellular uptake,
166 miasis worsens a malaria infection; however, just as mice and humans differ greatly, the murine-infec
167                                              Just as modern experimental strategies have illuminated
168                                 Furthermore, just as most place cells "remap" when a salient spatial
169 residual blood cell fraction, which contains just as much DNA.
170 ciples agreed at Alma-Ata 30 years ago apply just as much now as they did then.
171                                 Furthermore, just as NMD serves cells in multiple ways, so do its con
172                                              Just as Nrf2 protects normal cells, studies have shown t
173 and lamprey fibrin(ogen), it is an arginine, just as occurs in beta chains.
174 22-HC with no detectable formation of 20-HC, just as occurs under physiological conditions.
175 en they were related (e.g., milk and juice), just as older learners do.
176 ation must be carefully stated and assessed, just as one would explicitly state and analyze the assum
177 el lipid system or parasite-derived extracts just as or more potently than chloroquine.
178                                              Just as organ size typically increases with body size, t
179                                              Just as our cognitions have gone 'meta,' we are now near
180  and the protected environment of our bodies just as our health depends on byproducts of microbial me
181                                              Just as p53 impacts epigenetic change, the enzyme activi
182 nd family participation in critical care-not just as part of the bedside, but as part of educational
183                                              Just as past studies of blood cancers led to pioneering
184                                              Just as pathogens are known to evolve in response to ant
185                                              Just as people can experience in-the-moment perceptual i
186                                              Just as pertussis toxin is used extensively to probe and
187 the phenomenology of the overdoped regime is just as puzzling.
188                                              Just as quantum electrodynamics describes how electrons
189 association rates-unphosphorylated KID binds just as rapidly as pKID, the phosphorylated form-but rat
190 ftment results in widespread severe hypoxia, just as recently reported by us in human leukemias.
191  can consistently extend mammalian life span-just as reduced insulin-like signaling extends the life
192                                              Just as reference genome sequences revolutionized human
193 reaction rates at each site in a way that is just as reliable as experiments that involve multiple LC
194 Exo1 function rendered these Mgmt-null cells just as resistant to alkylation-induced cytotoxicity as
195                                              Just as scientists can ask "Which biological process is
196 arged fluorescent head and binds to proteins just as SDS.
197                                              Just as secular chaos is reorganizing the solar system t
198 cells lacking all three IP(3)R isoforms were just as sensitive to dexamethasone-induced apoptosis as
199                    Children with autism were just as sensitive to directional differences as typical
200             Breast cancer tissue is probably just as sensitive to fraction size as dose-limiting heal
201 um supplemented with fetal bovine serum were just as sensitive to loss of extracellular Ca(2+) ions a
202 d strategy; the SMU.1297 deletion mutant was just as sensitive to MV as the ISS1 insertion mutant.
203  how it affects E2 reactions, the latter are just as sensitive to structural variation as are the for
204                     Untrained laypeople were just as sensitive to these differences as senior dental
205                                              Just as sexual selection shapes extreme traits that incr
206                                              Just as significant, the atroposelectivity represents a
207 namics, and transcription factor activity is just as significant.
208                                              Just as significantly, the nature of the C5 oxazole subs
209                                              Just as skeletal characteristics provide clues regarding
210                                   Therefore, just as Sm proteins effect nuclear localization of the o
211 tudies should allow identification of indels just as SNVs.
212 ionary psychologists are personally liberal, just as social psychologists are.
213  limited by the size of MT receptive fields, just as spatial resolution for disparity is limited by t
214             We conclude that signers gesture just as speakers do.
215                                              Just as spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy prion
216  outcome can influence the level of staffing just as staffing influences outcome; and common-method v
217                                              Just as standard histograms allow for varying bandwidths
218                                              Just as STRFs measure the spectrotemporal features of a
219 t candidate does not run for reelection, and just as strong in other parts of the state outside the h
220 ple are less interested in college football, just as strong when the incumbent candidate does not run
221 ith type 2 diabetes who stop BE appear to be just as successful at weight loss as non-binge eaters af
222            Although reconstituted Tregs were just as suppressive as Tregs from untreated mice, MDSC d
223                                              Just as synthetic organic chemistry once revolutionized
224                                              Just as the activity of many multifunctional proteins is
225 ociated LuxR-type transcriptional regulator, just as the AHL molecule.
226                                              Just as the areal density of lipids in the outer leaf in
227 moting lymphatic involvement remain elusive, just as the association with molecular subtypes of CRC.
228  code for what makes that individual unique, just as the contents of every personal computer reflect
229                                              Just as the depth of the crisis ultimately spurred an un
230 he hand in the maze-tracing visuomotor task, just as the fovea guides the fingertip for visually norm
231 error rate, which is inferred from the data, just as the genetic distances are.
232 ward-looking threat from parochialism occurs just as the global community faces growing challenges th
233 m) toward this substrate by decreasing K(m), just as the hemopexin domain of MMP-1 enhances its tripl
234 ge distortion of the simple cubic structure, just as the higher-pressure phases stable between 71 and
235 ant questions concerning population history, just as the human cranium has done.
236  integrate social communication information, just as the IFG is specialized to process and integrate
237 rtical signal reflects structure generation, just as the machine signal does.
238 nance genes (MCM2-7) are transcribed at M/G1 just as the Mcm complex is imported into the nucleus to
239  of beta-cell rearrangement in whole islets, just as the normal equilibrium distribution of the Ornst
240                                              Just as the past decade has been hallmarked by linkage o
241 se domain enhances serine protease activity, just as the protease domain enhances helicase activity.
242 detrimental effects of infection by a prion, just as the PrP residue 129 Met/Val polymorphism may hav
243 photochromic properties of these isomers and just as the reduction of the carbonyl group to the hydro
244                                              Just as the Sami language of Scandinavia has 1000 differ
245  surely be placed on partial shape matching, just as the substructure matching of chemical graphs has
246 t also to understand why these events occur, just as the theory of gravitation allows one to understa
247                                              Just as the topology of the Fermi surface defines the pr
248 tically increasing in volume and complexity, just as the users of these data in the scientific commun
249 nit and it can form homopentameric receptors just as the vertebrate counterpart.
250                                We find that, just as the viral capsid undergoes major conformational
251                                              Just as the visual system parses complex scenes into ide
252 ite mutant of Sic1 is rapid and switch-like, just as the wild-type form.
253                                              Just as the Wright brothers implemented controls to achi
254 , recruited beta-arrestin2, and internalized just as the WT beta2AR.
255                   If so, is it possible that just as there are edifices that are poorly constructed a
256                                 Importantly, just as there are inhibitory circuits in the dorsal horn
257 me as a disappointment to some chemists, but just as there are uncertainties in physics and mathemati
258                    The buzzword (the term is just-as there is deserved buzz) is that the genome is ha
259                                     However, just as these milestones are achieved, new challenges em
260                                              Just as these populations differ in when they exhibit al
261 ilege and joy to begin research in chemistry just as these waves of change began to grow and to savor
262 ease prevention in immunodeficient patients, just as they are for healthy subjects.
263  +1q21 are adverse prognostic factors in SMM just as they are in active myeloma, independent of tumor
264 and growth hormone are known to be elevated, just as they are in fat-depleted mice.
265 in sperm production, maturation and guidance just as they are thought to in mammals indicating that C
266 rangers by releasing them from a restrainer, just as they did cagemates.
267 and TALE proteins interact in a sea anemone, just as they do in flies and mice, indicating that the H
268  walls run circumferentially around the cell just as they do in Gram-negative cells.
269 s clearly preferred CYP6B46-silenced larvae, just as they had preferred larvae fed nicotine-deficient
270 s prefer an immediate over a delayed reward, just as they prefer a large over a small reward.
271 oth his grief experiences and his fatherhood just as they would for a grieving mother.
272 ality were only affected by bag permeability just as total sugar content and acidity for Pitenza toma
273                                              Just as trait-based approaches have proven to be so usef
274                                              Just as type I-IFNs interfere with viral replication and
275                                              Just as typical development of anatomical asymmetries in
276                                              Just as unbridled proliferation is a key hallmark of can
277                                              Just as understanding of pathogenesis has led in large p
278                   Knots may ultimately prove just as versatile and useful at the nanoscale as at the
279 ntrast to an agr mutant, the traP mutant was just as virulent as the wild-type strain.
280  as we go about our day, and yet insects are just as vital to our existence.
281 ted the release of U14 snoRNA from pre-rRNA, just as was seen with Dbp4-depleted cells, indicating th
282                             In contrast, and just as was the case for the Ts65Dn mouse, LTP could not
283 d the call for its reinvention has now come, just as we are beginning to appreciate the antibody immu
284                                              Just as we come out of the hottest part of the summer, a
285 dicated that P2 Gly and P1 Pro are required, just as we found for APCE.
286 r rotation mid-flight before solidification, just as we observe here.
287 esodermal differentiation cell-autonomously, just as we observe with Tbx16.
288                                              Just as we observed in MCF7 cells in vitro, rapamycin do
289 nce of causality if the streetlights turn on just as we slam our car's door.
290            Neuronal Slo1+beta4 channels were just as well activated by DHA as vascular Slo1+beta1 cha
291 he other Ala substitution mutants) performed just as well as CheA(wt).
292 llus cereus and Bacillus subtilis germinated just as well as dormant spores with pressures of 150 or
293 ne category from fMRI data for line drawings just as well as from activity for color photographs, in
294 s insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function just as well as RYGB in the short term.
295 GE account for the observed diffraction data just as well as the RAGE-DNA complexes presented by the
296 humans constrained to take two steps perform just as well as when unconstrained, which suggests that
297 lds of the hippocampus form spatial memories just as well as wild-type mice, but they disregard them
298                                              Just as with Cr, MnS(s) may play an important role in sp
299                                   Therefore, just as with knock-out of Nar1 in yeast, we find that kn
300                           On the other hand, just as with monkeys, cats show segregation of the MIF a

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