


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a Darwinian hypothesis that hardly requires justification.
2 sisted through time with little quantitative justification.
3            All require extensive preclinical justification.
4 s and ecosystems, often without a compelling justification.
5 itudes, evaluations, and processes of system justification.
6 tions have been used with varying degrees of justification.
7 7 kidneys) were the results used to test the justification.
8 ioms for probability theory without detailed justification.
9 rch subjects differently from others without justification.
10  patient-centered reasons as their principle justification.
11 dered to be unjustified or of a questionable justification.
12 stified and the examinations of questionable justification.
13 r unusual circumstances and with appropriate justification.
14 considered as unjustified or of questionable justification.
15 g scientific criteria (rigor, etc.) as their justification.
16 ique and that lack an underlying theoretical justification.
17 improvements lack biological and statistical justification.
18 sfer coefficients with little sound physical justifications.
19 tate of uncertainty contributes to a study's justifications.
20 f commitment behavior was observed with self-justification, accountability, and cognitive dissonance
21 ational psychology literature including self-justification, accountability, sunk costs, and cognitive
22 estricted diets should not be interpreted as justification against the use of LPD.
23 e of psychological processes, such as system justification and American Dream ideology, in engenderin
24        This review considers the theoretical justification and current evidence base for the use of f
25 n of this technique depends on both economic justification and high-quality scientific evidence suppo
26  markedly reduced life expectancies: Imaging justification and optimization criteria for patients wit
27                                 While proper justification and optimization of scans has been the mai
28 imary care practices, the use of accountable justification and peer comparison as behavioral interven
29  and the controversial issues of ideological justification and strategies of social control and polit
30 ide recommendations for providing scientific justification and translational relevance for novel ther
31 health authorities should bear the burden of justification and, therefore, should demonstrate (1) a s
32 ces of drug prices in the United States, the justifications and consequences of high prices, and poss
33 perimental procedure and provide theoretical justifications and models for iso-acoustic focusing.
34                                   Asymptotic justifications and practical illustrations are provided.
35 at supports its clinical use, (c) an ethical justification, and (d) a transparent public process to s
36 ects of assembly quality or lack statistical justification, and none are designed to evaluate metagen
37 om single institutions, four had sample size justification, and none reported any adverse effects.
38                                   Education, justification, and optimization are the cornerstones to
39 ons defy medical guidelines, lack scientific justification, and undermine public health efforts to st
40                    Trends in listing status, justifications, and candidate factors were measured.
41 shed by Bayesian theoretic criteria and user justification applied via the hierarchy of low-dimension
42 s that intuitions about inherence and system justification are distinct psychological processes, and
43               However, embedded within these justifications are also some limitations to surrogate de
44                                Further, when justifications are unfalsifiable, deciding the relative
45             Public health interventions need justification because they intrude on individual rights
46             The interpreter can then request justification by clicking on the specific conclusion.
47                                         Such justification can be achieved by a variant of the techni
48 absolute difference, -18.1%) for accountable justification (difference in differences, -7.0% [95% CI,
49                     We provide a theoretical justification, discussing both independent and identical
50                                          The justification engine keeps track of the sequence of the
51                                          The justification engine was evaluated with a prospective gr
52                                            A justification engine was implemented, which recorded the
53 nying multiple abdominal pathologies and use justification essentials to make their decisions about t
54                 Therefore, they need careful justification every time they are used.
55                  Both ethical and scientific justifications exist for integration of mental health an
56                                    The usual justification for "universal" DOT instead of selective D
57 ractices have poor theoretical and empirical justification for a broad spectrum of diseases.
58 d in UCMD muscle cells in culture, providing justification for a clinical trial using cyclosporine A,
59 us preliminary, providing the foundation and justification for a definitive randomized trial.
60                            Understanding the justification for a futility judgement may be relevant t
61 h SAH, this observation cannot be considered justification for a liberal transfusion strategy.
62 s' performance, which suggests that there is justification for a measured reduction of breast compres
63                           These data provide justification for a prospective randomized trial to subs
64 of SCA and sudden cardiac death and provides justification for a research mandate for improving risk
65 sus Conference on hepatitis C solidified the justification for a selective approach to treatment.
66         Finally, this series invalidated any justification for a standard or limited dissection, whic
67                                          The justification for adopting this model is that the curve
68 paired glucose tolerance and provide further justification for adoption of lifestyle interventions as
69 this scientific statement are to (1) provide justification for and recommend a standardized definitio
70 economic decision modelling provides further justification for annual vaccination and a framework for
71 -induced senescence, and provides additional justification for AURKB as a cancer therapeutic target.
72        With weight loss being the underlying justification for bariatric surgery in ameliorating CVD
73 ood Laboratory Practice, and the theoretical justification for bovine and porcine target selection.
74 dom distance model that provides theoretical justification for BP accuracy.
75 work provides the fundamental background and justification for breeding and biotechnological approach
76                      This provides empirical justification for caution when using population labels i
77                These findings provide strong justification for CD37 as a therapeutic target and intro
78                           While the clinical justification for cingulotomy is empirical and not theor
79 ry by PEG-b-PLA micelles, providing a strong justification for clinical evaluation.
80                           These data provide justification for combination studies of IL-21 with flud
81 igh levels of Ezh2 that provides a molecular justification for combinatorial drug therapy.
82                               An appropriate justification for conditioning on birth weight requires
83 e plant species, this report provides strong justification for conservation of the rare plant Diplost
84  other emotions, indicating that there is no justification for creating "sentiment" as a new category
85 a compelling pathophysiologic rationale, the justification for current Class I, Level of Evidence: A
86                       The data also provided justification for designing a carefully controlled rando
87 sarcoma progression and provide experimental justification for developing molecular-based therapies s
88 ial therapeutic targets in NSCLC and provide justification for development of novel therapeutic compo
89  single-molecule imaging that is a prominent justification for development of X-ray free-electron las
90             These results provide an initial justification for evaluating HSP90 inhibitors as therape
91    However, there is currently no scientific justification for excluding ORFs simply because they fai
92 n the far field, providing a new theoretical justification for far-field exponential settling that is
93                    At this time, there is no justification for funding new studies of folate and asth
94 e treatment of other human disease, there is justification for further preclinical studies leading to
95                                The principal justification for government support of research rests u
96 splitting, they also offered a philosophical justification for Hooker's taxonomic practice, and so he
97 e patients be treated as outpatients or that justification for hospital admission be specifically doc
98 IF to TAM alternative activation and provide justification for immunotherapeutic targeting of MIF in
99 s may affect these principles and thus alter justification for incarceration and sentence completion.
100                         Furthermore, we give justification for including perceptual effects of attent
101 in the PS and 77% (n = 100) did not report a justification for including these covariates in the PS.
102   It is also argued that there is biological justification for inclusion of the types of errors we ha
103 ake an evidence-based decision regarding the justification for interval appendicectomy.
104 d lack of cancer in sharks constitutes a key justification for its use.
105 rily from the 1960s and early 1970s, provide justification for its use.
106      These data cast doubt on the scientific justification for lowering cholesterol to very low conce
107 haracteristics with PET represents a further justification for merging MR data with PET data in hybri
108 onfined to the mucosa and submucosa provides justification for more limited and less morbid resection
109 tion of existing discoveries, which provides justification for multi-step linking chain knowledge in
110 ication for our use of absolute growth rate, justification for not using instantaneous growth rate (o
111                                   We provide justification for our use of absolute growth rate, justi
112 terprets the results as providing biological justification for phyla.
113               These findings provide further justification for programmatic implementation of CRAG sc
114         The authors examined the statistical justification for race/ethnic-specific reference equatio
115 or unprotected LMS; 2) assess the underlying justification for randomized controlled trials of stenti
116               There appears to be increasing justification for routine graft flow measurements, while
117 ct that Darwin's ideas apparently promised a justification for splitting, they also offered a philoso
118 effects of tanning beds and provides further justification for stronger policy initiatives designed t
119  The current study serves as a benchmark and justification for studying the potential pathogenicity o
120                       These findings provide justification for studying the use of AT therapy in pati
121                                     However, justification for such a distinction is controversial be
122                           Without legitimate justification for such interests, individuals should div
123 uentist perspectives, we provide theoretical justification for taking the sum of the exponential of v
124 rget in glioblastoma, offering a preclinical justification for targeting PRMT5-driven oncogenic pathw
125  from SHIP deficiency and provide additional justification for targeting SHIP in clinical transplanta
126 this review, we describe the development and justification for testing DBS for various psychiatric di
127                     Accordingly, there is no justification for the "confident" prediction of a stable
128                    Consequently, there is no justification for the administration of the large doses
129   Idiotypic network models give one possible justification for the appearance of tolerance for a cert
130                                     Is there justification for the banning of amalgam fillings, as ha
131             These data provide a mechanistic justification for the benefits of maintaining euglycemia
132 ty in a promoter element provides additional justification for the biological function of these struc
133  in the presence of RNA transcripts provided justification for the co-transcriptional folding of thes
134  the thrust of quality improvement, provides justification for the conduct of quality improvement wor
135                           This work provides justification for the creation of reminder systems to im
136 s on the nosological issues such as boundary justification for the determinations of normative and no
137                These data provide additional justification for the development of an AAV-based gene t
138 FN-beta to VSV therefore provides a powerful justification for the development of this virus for futu
139 er, many such reports did not provide proper justification for the dosage criteria of each agent.
140 riptions of methods, lack of explanation and justification for the framework and approach used, and l
141 ion provides additional proof of concept and justification for the further development of this method
142 e disequilibrium and suggest an evolutionary justification for the heterogeneity in linkage disequili
143 linked sites, Kimura provided an influential justification for the idea of a molecular clock and emph
144                          The results provide justification for the inclusion of mechanism-linked bioa
145  or effect modification, 39/53 (74%) gave no justification for the inclusion of the variables conside
146 ugs provide a biologic basis for concern and justification for the initiation of additional epidemiol
147 escription of the algorithm with a technical justification for the parallel algorithm is presented, u
148                                          The justification for the persistent use of this controversi
149                                          The justification for the present guideline-based non-HDL-C
150          Supportive evidence and statistical justification for the proposed noninferiority margins we
151 f unfolded proteins provides an evolutionary justification for the proposed trends.
152 ing genotypes, thus serving as a theoretical justification for the recently proposed methods.
153 riterion in 71% of trials, and a statistical justification for the research biopsy sample size was pr
154                               They provide a justification for the role of an organization ethics pro
155 in terms of this model, although theoretical justification for the scattering of gravitons is lacking
156 earchers gain the objectivity of statistical justification for the selected docking mode.
157 edation and harsh winters provide ecological justification for the selection of this behaviour during
158                                              Justification for the steps requires only 2 noncontentio
159                    We also provide a partial justification for the uniqueness of the partition based
160                                              Justification for the use of formamide dimers is provide
161  ceiling effect, there is no pharmacokinetic justification for the use of megadoses of ascorbic acid.
162 actical consequences of this study include a justification for the use of multiple copies of a given
163  large clonal populations, and a theoretical justification for the use of neutral null models.
164                                    We see no justification for the use of PSA dynamics in clinical de
165       The current retrospective data provide justification for the use of RIC regimens in all adult s
166                          Within the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention-an In
167 comes Trial-Lipid-Lowering Arm] and JUPITER [Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
168                                           In Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: an I
169 n the randomized placebo-controlled JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
170 in apparently healthy adults in the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an I
171  cost-effectiveness of applying the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: an I
172 scribe the proportion of "JUPITER-eligible" (Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: an I
173     We analyzed sex-specific outcomes in the Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
174                               METHODS AND In Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: an I
175 ependent cohort of 12,527 individuals in the Justification for the Use of statins in Prevention: an I
176 ts with a proinflammatory response, JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an I
177 ipants without cardiovascular disease in the Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
178                                    In 11 186 Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
179 ltiethnic participants in the JUPITER trial (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
180 ted case-control study of the JUPITER trial (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An I
181 e of diabetes with rosuvastatin treatment in Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Preventi
182   In light of the noteworthy findings of the Justification for the Use of statins in Primary Preventi
183         Rosuvastatin therapy in the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Preventi
184                    The ongoing multinational Justification for the Use of statins in Primary preventi
185                                          The Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Preventi
186 02), and randomized clinical trial (JUPITER [Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Preventi
187       The present findings provide qualified justification for the use of telephone interviews to col
188                                              Justification for their use includes claims of equal or
189 orms of single-species models, adding to the justification for their use.
190 ttempts at establishing a proper theoretical justification for their use.
191                        Our results provide a justification for these types of candidate-gene (pathway
192                                          The justification for this focus is that patients with chron
193         A second and perhaps more attractive justification for this growing interest is that magic tr
194           We suggest that the best available justification for this pattern of incidence is a link be
195 e present report is to give the rational and justification for this procedure.
196 an Americans, and Mexican Americans, but the justification for this recommendation is controversial.
197             Sigurdsson et al. (2016) provide justification for transient fetal liver residence, where
198 open and public discussion about the ethical justification for undertaking such research and the assu
199 1 participants of European ancestry from the Justification for Use of Statins in Prevention: an Inter
200  for 1 year among 7046 participants from the Justification for Use of Statins in Prevention: an Inter
201 van et al. carefully examine the theoretical justification for use of the test-negative design, a com
202                     The results provide some justification for using bedside chest computed radiograp
203 , our study furnished a solid foundation and justification for using fecal samples exposed to RT for
204 astrointestinal toxicity remains the primary justification for using the more expensive cyclooxygenas
205 that are also in short supply, without clear justification for why intensivists are more important.
206                  Here we propose theoretical justifications for a recently developed model for testin
207        Observations: We reviewed the ethical justifications for and against truth-telling, and we con
208             This article describes the moral justifications for families being given considerable dec
209 ation prompted clinicians to enter free-text justifications for prescribing antibiotics into patients
210 thods for assessing common outcomes, unclear justifications for statistical power calculations, insuf
211                         The possible utility justifications for such disparity and potential interven
212 carried, from 2009 to 2011, aiming to gather justifications for the inclusion of carbohydrates of 3-9
213                                              Justifications for the inevitable trade-offs in experime
214 f CAM interventions, the need for data-based justifications for the study hypotheses, and the need to
215  Regardless of the decision, many rooted the justifications for their choices in the considerations t
216                                   Additional justifications for using shark cartilage are illogical e
217             Such a scheme finds experimental justification from an interpretation of recent native st
218 or routine clinical use, and we question its justification given the potential uncertainty about its
219 ll also need to establish its medicoeconomic justification in an era of health-care economic restrict
220  based on antiquated science and have little justification in current translational medicine compared
221 te-to-low-risk populations and to assess its justification in terms of risk-benefit analysis.
222 search needs to involve advanced sample size justification, innovative solutions to increase and sust
223                         We agree that system justification is a case of nonconscious goal pursuit and
224                                           No justification is available for having a particular thres
225 ) are in place for patient safety, financial justification is often required.
226 elling reason or new evidence, in which case justification is provided.
227 trong parametric assumptions or large sample justifications may not hold in practice.
228 tal studies linking the activation of system justification motivation to the endorsement of inherence
229 d on empirical evidence (n = 10), conceptual justification (n = 7), or a combination of the two (n =
230 gue that the choice of control group and its justification need to be taken into consideration when c
231 ight at first appear unrelated (e.g., system justification, nominal realism, is-ought errors in moral
232 IAL/METHODS: Three radiologists assessed the justification of CT and MRI examinations performed durin
233        Such engagements commonly require the justification of entitlements and obligations, which is
234 spite societal concerns about the ethics and justification of intensive care for these infants.
235 of essential importance in the debate on the justification of minimal volume standards in rectal canc
236         The MWC allosteric model is the best justification of oxygen binding cooperativity.
237 rom rodent models and raises doubt about the justification of resveratrol as a human nutritional supp
238    The protocol includes the description and justification of steps for setting reading parameters to
239 n constructed in the service of the explicit justification of such beliefs.
240 rectly impacts on current debates on ethical justification of suggestive therapies.
241                                              Justification of surgery is difficult, particularly in h
242 matic and transparent way facilitates better justification of technology selection and regulation.
243         Such a generic law provides physical justification of the famous Meyer-Overton rule.
244 e: (i) to present a simpler and more general justification of the fundamental scaling laws of quasibr
245 efinement also provides a plausible physical justification of the power law for subcritical creep cra
246 ctrine of double effect is not essential for justification of the use of these drugs, and may act as
247  spectral clustering and provide theoretical justification of why it will have a remarkable improveme
248                   We also review theoretical justifications of alpha = 3/4 based on dimensional analy
249                      We further provide some justifications on this from the information theory viewp
250 lent circuit models, sometimes without solid justification or analysis; the effective capacitance has
251 orted a positive outcome without statistical justification (OR, 5.79; CI, 2.13-15.68; P < 0.001).
252                                          The justification process then reports the English translati
253 esting nonantibiotic treatments; accountable justification prompted clinicians to enter free-text jus
254                                          The justification rests on developing a method to combine di
255 ed by RENEX and the frequency with which the justification rules provided by RENEX were deemed to be
256 oning, solid historical data, and convincing justification that 1/x(2) should always be used as the w
257 r than to meiotic sex." This assumes without justification that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in bde
258 resenting experimental evidence and physical justification that NRM is real in a prototype homogeneou
259 t this article the authors presume - without justification - that decision making must be a conscious
260 ailfold capillaroscopy should not be used as justification to delay immunosuppressive therapy in chil
261 rinogen-like molecules, and provides further justification to explore the functional roles of FREPs i
262 services should not be considered sufficient justification to forgo the treatment against the objecti
263                  This paper provides further justification to prioritise promotion of regular physica
264       The second approach requires extensive justification to show that the test article will be of s
265              Although these findings provide justification to target the DAT for medication developme
266 nsmission of some words and give theoretical justification to the search for features of language tha
267 s-clade cellular responses we observed lends justification to the use of clade B-based immunogens in
268                                              Justifications underlying the regulations lack quantitat
269                                 "Statistical justification" was defined as the presence of effect mod
270 made using variables selected via biological justification were ecologically more realistic compared
271 sider them as unjustified or of questionable justification were: inadequate method of diagnostic imag
272                             The criteria for justification were: medical expertise and the guidelines
273 considered as unjustified or of questionable justification, which is lower than described in other st

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