


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 larvae, followed by a decrease in recruiting juveniles.
2 t based on patterns of lipid accumulation as juveniles.
3 broad-scale movement and demographic data on juveniles.
4 elopment, followed by a catch-up growth post-juveniles.
5 ps, harvesting large numbers of fish, mostly juveniles.
6  expression levels in parasitic second-stage juveniles.
7 ason but reduces the survival of embryos and juveniles.
8  with the highest levels in post-metamorphic juveniles.
9  F2 generations, with a greater impact on F2 juveniles.
10 ce downstream migrations of their larvae and juveniles.
11 ges to lipid and cholesterol synthesis post- juveniles.
12 ain frequency and duration (30 kHz/400 ms in juveniles, 22 kHz/900 ms in adults).
13 e, also hindered recognition of the familiar juvenile 24-h later.
14     Voluntary wheel running was increased in juvenile (4-7 wk of age), but decreased in adult (16-19
15 rmination of adults and, for the first time, juveniles a reliable and routine activity in future bioa
16                                This study in juvenile-adolescent aged mice identifies a novel form of
17        Using whole-cell electrophysiology in juvenile-adolescent GAD67-GFP male mice, we examined exc
18          We have previously reported that in juvenile/adolescent rats, vitamin D supplementation prot
19  effects of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in juvenile-adolescents, by potentially altering reward beh
20           Data were from a 93-year survey of juvenile (age 0 and 1) cod sampled along >200 km of the
21 programming that precedes the development of juvenile airway disease and corroborates observations th
22                However, cardiac responses of juvenile and adult fish to acute oil exposure remain poo
23 eatment stimulated insulin secretion by both juvenile and adult human beta cells.
24 ods involved in exosymbiotic assemblages for juvenile and adult Pocillopora damicornis types alpha an
25                        Specifically, infant, juvenile and adult rats were presented with mild foot-sh
26                                           In juvenile and adult rats, a single class of USV is observ
27                The tracking data showed that juvenile and adult Round Island petrels utilize the thre
28 trosses, high levels of bycatch have reduced juvenile and adult survival, then increased temperature,
29 es in 22 subregions of the forebrain SBNN in juvenile and adult, male and female rats.
30 e fused in sarcoma (FUS) gene can cause both juvenile and late onset ALS.
31       By linking the distribution of larval, juvenile and mature adult size classes across the Amazon
32 d to their juvenile counterparts, as well as juvenile and mature females.
33                                      Because juvenile and senescent donor hepatocytes were likewise f
34 ed wild-type hepatocytes was investigated in juvenile and senescent rats deficient in dipeptidyl-pept
35  usually associated with later appearance of juveniles and breeding condition in females.
36 tiated by enhanced survival, particularly of juveniles and fecundity, whereas the decline phase was d
37 bryos, tornaria larvae, and post-metamorphic juveniles and show that the tornaria larva of S. califor
38 i-free ranging bonobos (Pan paniscus) - both juveniles and young adults - also show spontaneous respo
39 hod to acutely purify astrocytes from fetal, juvenile, and adult human brains and to maintain these c
40                               In one case, a juvenile animal, whose ears were fixed within 4 hours of
41 on of numerous social behaviors in adult and juvenile animals.
42 omoter selection for disease modification in juvenile animals.
43 and Bd had no such effect on postmetamorphic juvenile anurans.
44 r, there were changing patterns in adult and juvenile apparent survival rates, driven by spatial and
45 ing migration, especially in the autumn when juveniles are undertaking their first migration journey.
46                    Among Cystoseira forests, juvenile assemblages varied through space (i.e. between
47 s hosted richer and three-fold more abundant juvenile assemblages.
48 ngle intranasal/intratracheal inoculation of juvenile baboons with BPZE1 resulted in transient nasoph
49                         To test whether this juvenile behavior is influenced by early-life environmen
50 a activation also inhibited the formation of juvenile beige adipocytes in the inguinal fat pad.
51 c contributions to tempo we computer-tutored juvenile Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata domestica)
52 es spontaneous type 2 airway inflammation in juvenile beta-epithelial Na(+) channel (Scnn1b)-transgen
53 ed this hypothesis by experimentally placing juvenile bird carcasses on the ground and in nests in tr
54 reasing its protein levels to those found in juvenile birds, using a lentivirus containing the full-l
55 roves glycolysis and fatty acid synthesis in juvenile blunt snout bream.
56 pleen sample (0.039 x 10(-5) %ID/g), and one juvenile brain (0.095 x 10(-5) %ID/g) and kidney (0.13 x
57 , single-tunnel burrows [2-4]-were intact in juvenile burrowers.
58 rogenitor cell population that is present in juvenile but depleted in mature animals.
59  stimulates human beta cell proliferation in juvenile but not adult islets.
60 de: selective loss of smooth muscle cells in juveniles but not adults shortly after onset of ischemia
61 hepatocytes, large cell clusters appeared in juvenile, but only small clusters in senescent host live
62                                    Transient juvenile-but not adult-knockdown of Otx2 in VTA mimics e
63 CMA) networks across three matched groups of juveniles: CD offenders with CU traits (CD/CU+; n = 25),
64 ral visual morphology when compared to their juvenile counterparts, as well as juvenile and mature fe
65 ; however, protection efforts that extend to juvenile crocodiles would be most effective for conserva
66  that long-lasting attenuation of PKD in the juvenile cystic kidneys (jck) mouse model of nephronopht
67 st data for treatment of dermatomyositis and juvenile dermatomyositis are from anecdotal, non-randomi
68  were the proportion of patients achieving a juvenile dermatomyositis PRINTO 20 level of improvement
69                                              Juvenile detention.
70 the species' natural behavioural repertoire: juveniles develop functional tool use without training,
71 not been fully elucidated, especially in the juvenile, developing brain.
72        Genetically ablating these neurons in juveniles disrupted their ability to imitate features of
73 leukin-6 was partially mediated by increased juvenile DNA damage.
74                    Second, at any given age, juvenile dogs exhibit skull shapes that resemble those o
75  coexists with bristlecone pine, limber pine juveniles dominate above treeline even on calcareous soi
76 (hDAT, SLC6A3) cause a syndrome of infantile/juvenile dystonia and parkinsonism.
77 -associated V. fischeri cells from colonized juvenile E. scolopes, as well as comparative transcripto
78  displacements would increase entrainment of juvenile eels into the Gulf Stream System.
79 However, the migratory mechanisms that bring juvenile eels to Europe and return adults to the Sargass
80             A recent study demonstrates that juvenile eels use the Earth's magnetism for their disper
81 ent [11, 12] to show that the orientation of juvenile eels varies in response to subtle differences i
82                                   We exposed juvenile emerald rockcod Trematomus bernacchii to three
83                      Copper arc zircons have juvenile epsilonHf (+7.6 to +11.5) and mantle-like delta
84                             Bristlecone pine juveniles establishing above treeline share some environ
85 lkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), juvenile Eurasian perch were dietarily exposed to this c
86 uring early-use critical periods, when naive juveniles experience sensory input.
87 uenced the amount of total exploration, with juveniles exploring more than adults.
88                   Increased wheel running in juvenile female WD offspring was associated with up-regu
89  (MUA) in the visual cortex of freely-moving juvenile ferrets before and after eye-opening.
90 opical cyclones on the survival of adult and juvenile (first year) petrels during both the breeding a
91  residual part of the spatial variability of juvenile fish assemblages and to help focus conservation
92                                In our study, juvenile fish assemblages differed between pristine arbo
93 le studies have shown that this drug affects juvenile fish behavior, little is known about the develo
94 tance, glucose metabolism and lipogenesis in juvenile fish fed with graded levels of dietary arginine
95                          In particular, lake juvenile fish suffered increased mortality in ecosystems
96 emperate rocky reefs are a known habitat for juvenile fishes.
97 ogenetic shifts and habitat-use patterns for juveniles foraging in the eastern NPO.
98 we have used the Cln3 (-/-) mouse model of a juvenile form of NCL.
99 danica is arguably one of the best preserved juvenile fossil sea turtles on record.
100 musculoskeletal morphologies in neonates and juveniles from five populations of Trinidadian guppy and
101 tatistics of 5-6-month-old human infants and juveniles from three songbird species and show that our
102 ve response to viability selection favouring juveniles growing up to become relatively small adults,
103 he mechanisms that stop growth at the end of juvenile growth.
104 al reef fishes in the plankton and nearshore juvenile habitats in the Straits of Florida and used oto
105 HTTexon1 mRNA is present in fibroblasts from juvenile HD patients and can also be readily detected in
106 creased in neonatal and adult but reduced in juvenile HDM-sensitized mice.
107  in mouse this machinery is only observed in juvenile hippocampal axons.
108 se of its critical role in the regulation of juvenile hormone (JH) in insects.
109                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) is a key regulator of insect devel
110 l for courtship memory through regulation of juvenile hormone (JH) levels in adult males.
111 ons as an obligatory allatotropin to promote juvenile hormone (JH) production and reproduction.
112 ster is attributable to the endocrine signal juvenile hormone (JH), which promotes the development of
113            Adult ants use saliva to transfer juvenile hormone and other chemical signals to their lar
114                                              Juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase (JHEH) has attracted
115                                   The insect juvenile hormone receptor is a basic helix-loop-helix (b
116 ests that this decision is regulated through juvenile hormone signaling.
117 homolog 1 (Kr-h1), one of the key players in juvenile hormone signaling.
118 udy identifies a direct neural substrate for juvenile hormone that permits coordination of courtship
119                       We examine the role of juvenile hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, and insulin/insuli
120  JH-binding protein, given the name mosquito juvenile hormone-binding protein (mJHBP), which circulat
121 n with insect hormones, such as ecdysone and juvenile hormone.
122  the metabolic state of symbionts within the juvenile host, including their possible carbon sources.
123 e also find lower MutLgamma focus density in juvenile human spermatocytes, suggesting that weaker CO
124                                              Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a wide group of d
125                                              Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is one of the most c
126 n this work, a novel biosensor for detecting juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) was developed based
127 S on children with the polyarticular form of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), using 2 independent
128 l antibody, is effective in the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
129  is abundant in the synovia of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
130 ciation between cow's milk allergy (CMA) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
131                     When applied to systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), an autoinflammator
132 on electrode, aiming at the diagnosis of the juvenile idiopathic arthritis in real serum samples.
133 ctors, and course of ocular hypotony (OH) in juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis (JIAU).
134                                Many cases of juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis, many c
135                        Free-living infective juveniles (IJs) of EPNs employ host-seeking behaviors to
136  Parasites reinforced selection against lake juveniles in lake fish-modified ecosystems, but only und
137                          The near absence of juveniles in the bonebed may be evidence of a transient
138                   Limber pine above-treeline juveniles, in contrast, are prevalent across environment
139 of allergy had exacerbated airway disease as juveniles, in which exacerbated airway disease was defin
140  our understanding of infrequently preserved juveniles, including the first concrete examples of foll
141 from fully toothed jaws in the hatchling and juvenile individuals to a completely toothless beaked ja
142 ether, these results demonstrate a period of juvenile instability at CA1 synapses, followed by a peri
143  functional hypoxia in eggs, near the end of juvenile instars, and during molting.
144            Adult survival and recruitment of juveniles into the population contributed approximately
145 olution of social groupings among adults and juveniles is overwhelmingly preceded by the evolution of
146 ition of pelagic larvae into reef-associated juveniles, is a critical step for the resilience of mari
147                                           In juvenile islets, Ex-4 induced expression of calcineurin/
148                Treatment of the second-stage juveniles (J2) juveniles of PPN Meloidogyne incognita wi
149 compared responses of infective second stage juveniles (J2s) to root volatiles of three cultivars and
150 wths are ubiquitous in mature cotyledons and juvenile leaves, but dramatically less so in mature adul
151 uals, to reveal variable ontogeny during the juvenile life stage that could drive alternate life hist
152  a dietary shift, probably from omnivory for juvenile Limusaurus to herbivory for adult Limusaurus, w
153 remely low levels of gadolinium are found in juvenile macaque tissues after in utero exposure to two
154 gans and from blood were harvested from each juvenile macaque.
155                Congenital hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy (HJMD) is a rare disorder pre
156  We investigate the failure to ensure COs in juvenile male mice.
157 l trends in 15 PFASs measured in muscle from juvenile male North Atlantic pilot whales (Globicephala
158                                Surprisingly, juveniles match each syllable to the most spectrally sim
159 ermore, in PNN-depleted adults as well as in juveniles, MD caused an immediate potentiation of gamma
160 esponding were significantly correlated with juvenile measures of dopamine transporter availability,
161 survival advantage to larger eggs and faster juvenile metabolic rates in streams lacking carcasses bu
162 d that ablation of neuroligins in newborn or juvenile mice only modestly impaired basal synaptic func
163 ic morphology varies as a function of sex in juvenile mice or primary neuronal cell cultures is large
164  Serum metabolite profiles of adult lean and juvenile mice were comparable, while that of adult obese
165 ved with systemic delivery of rAAV2/1 and in juvenile mice with rAAV2/9.
166 itors, which form the articular cartilage in juvenile mice.
167                                              Juvenile migrants that had not yet established a navigat
168                          CD1-pcy/pcy mice, a juvenile model of PKD, daily treated with 13 [Formula: s
169 ct, but were still responsible for ca. 9% of juvenile mortality on shags, whereas sport trolling only
170 we characterized lithium distribution in the juvenile mouse brain during 28 days of continuous treatm
171 in excitatory pyramidal neurons, starting in juvenile mouse brain, were probed using high-resolution
172  development, and expression persists in the juvenile mouse brain.
173 otspots using molecular assays, we show that juvenile mouse spermatocytes have fewer COs relative to
174 t mice engaging in social behaviors toward a juvenile mouse, compared with time spent in nonsocial be
175   Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) are myelodysplas
176                                              Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a myeloprolif
177                                              Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a pediatric m
178                                              Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a rare and ag
179 D) subunits, which causes autosomal dominant juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
180                                              Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) showed distin
181  and the bacteria, MBOA-Glc repels infective juvenile nematodes.
182 el system, we report here that perinatal and juvenile neuronal ablation of AnkG has differential cons
183                                              Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL or Batten
184 ions in CLN3 are classically associated with juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a rare neurodeg
185 e To determine whether gadolinium remains in juvenile nonhuman primate tissue after maternal exposure
186                          We used humeri from juvenile North Pacific loggerhead turtles (Caretta caret
187  be promoted to re-express CDH2 and healthy, juvenile NP matrix synthesis patterns by promoting cell
188                               We compared 16 juvenile OCD patients with 16 matched healthy controls w
189                Here we experimentally reared juveniles of cooperatively breeding cichlid fish by vary
190 of neuropeptides in the dauer-like infective juveniles of diverse parasitic nematodes, suggesting the
191                  In our studies second stage juveniles of Heterodera glycines, the soybean cyst nemat
192 provides evidence for greater utilization in juveniles of pathways involving structure-selective nucl
193 Treatment of the second-stage juveniles (J2) juveniles of PPN Meloidogyne incognita with the biologic
194             Furthermore, relative to that in juveniles of the same sex, the absolute duration of leg
195                                           In juveniles only, BrdU-positive cells appeared in contact
196                       Stargardt disease is a juvenile onset retinal degeneration, associated with ele
197 nant-negative effect that is associated with juvenile-onset ataxia and intellectual disability.
198         The renal manifestation of JBTS is a juvenile-onset cystic kidney disease, known as nephronop
199  from individuals with either adult-onset or juvenile-onset HD.
200 nt membrane defect that leads to progressive juvenile-onset renal failure.
201 aucoma following cataract surgery (GFCS) and juvenile open-angle glaucoma (JOAG) is variable and with
202 d mutations in MAPKBP1 as a genetic cause of juvenile or late-onset and cilia-independent NPH.
203 pears to act through overwinter mortality of juveniles or as a cue for migration timing.
204 otocol provides information on the origin of juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (JOCD) lesions and al
205 nated CO sites fail to mature efficiently in juveniles owing to inappropriate activity of these alter
206                          Autosomal-recessive juvenile Parkinsonism (AR-JP) is caused by mutations in
207                               We report on a juvenile partial skeleton (El Sidron J1) preserving cran
208                                              Juvenile penguin survival is low in populations selectin
209 d relative brain volume with longevity (both juvenile period and reproductive lifespan) and social gr
210  density increases with body size during the juvenile period, but is invariant with body size within
211                                   During the juvenile period, GnRH neurons undergo morphological remo
212 ion and increased DNA damage measured in the juvenile period.
213 eatment with a GSK3beta inhibitor during the juvenile period.
214                                However, only juvenile petrel survival was affected by cyclone activit
215 easonal cues if they have developed past the juvenile phase and have high levels of gibberellin.
216 e ecotypes displaying differing durations of juvenile phase, and extensive deposition of wall ingrowt
217 ed to accumulating storage lipids during the juvenile phase, and later to reproduction as adults.
218                                       In the juvenile phase, microRNA156 (miR156)-mediated repression
219  animal taxa metamorphose between larval and juvenile phases in response to bacteria.
220 e we show in the murine auditory cortex that juvenile plasticity can be reestablished in adulthood if
221                                              Juvenile play, a behavioural feature that is uniquely pr
222 damage in lipids and proteins, and a fragile juvenile plumage.
223 tle effect except to increase variability in juvenile populations.
224 c properties in the BL: in acute slices from juvenile (prepubertal) female rats, wash-in of letrozole
225                          In the Northwestern Juvenile Project, a longitudinal US study of long-term o
226 ns suggest that the uveitis that accompanies juvenile psoriatic arthritis might be a distinct disease
227 he phenotype of the uveitis that accompanies juvenile psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis.
228 ifferentially regulated mRNAs and lncRNAs in juvenile rainbow trout exposed to E2.
229 s (n = 31) in brainstem slices prepared from juvenile rat pups.
230  natural responsiveness to odors, we exposed juvenile rats for 1 h daily to a dynamic series of inter
231 in layers 2-3 of visual cortical slices from juvenile rats.
232 gene was dispensable in a nematode-infective juvenile recovery assay, indicating the oxidized compoun
233 t recently owing to the dramatic collapse of juvenile recruitment [5].
234 on the annual survival of pelagic adults and juveniles remain largely unexplored and no study has sim
235           Consequently, sex determination of juvenile remains is rarely undertaken, and a dependable
236  recessive Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), juvenile retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and cone-rod dystroph
237     Mutations in the RS1 gene cause X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS), a hereditary retinal dyst
238                               After 28 days, juvenile rockcod demonstrated a degree of temperature co
239 e impact on either physiology or behavior in juvenile rockcod, whereas warming resulted in significan
240                For example, fear memories in juvenile rodents are subject to erasure following extinc
241 ypes are similar to that observed in LCA and juvenile RP patients.
242 ory of the tutor's song structure guides the juvenile's own song, which it uses to communicate for th
243 tivation lowered a behavioral measure of the juvenile's social engagement during tutor experiences, m
244                                              Juvenile satellite cell-wild-type (SC-WT) and satellite
245                                We challenged juvenile Scnn1b-Tg and wild-type mice with Aspergillus f
246 inophilia, and airway hyperresponsiveness in juvenile Scnn1b-Tg mice.
247 sty affecting leaf shape, transitioning from juvenile simple leaves to highly pinnate adult leaves.
248 ceptionally preserved and mostly articulated juvenile skeleton of the diapsid reptile, Eusaurosphargi
249 g sampled tissues, with the exception of one juvenile skin sample (0.07 x 10(-5) %ID/g), one juvenile
250 sion defects before weaning age and impaired juvenile social interaction, coinciding with the early o
251 wth of Purkinje dendritic trees and impaired juvenile social play behavior, but only in males.
252 ersity and slower song tempo more similar to juvenile songs, but also increased syllable repetitions
253 enile skin sample (0.07 x 10(-5) %ID/g), one juvenile spleen sample (0.039 x 10(-5) %ID/g), and one j
254 in habitat use throughout their decades-long juvenile stage is poorly understood, but each potential
255 tes, in favour of a higher elasticity of the juvenile stage.
256 velopmental roles of 20E, ETH, and JH during juvenile stages are repurposed to function as an endocri
257                                 During these juvenile stages males grow faster than females instead o
258 for application in freely moving animals and juvenile stages to study more complex behaviors includin
259                  Fast growth was selected at juvenile stages, whereas slow growth was selected at mat
260 veil the visual opsin expression patterns of juvenile starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) and des
261                                              Juvenile starry flounder express eight opsins (Rh1, Sws1
262 hibitory activity and reset the network to a juvenile state.
263 al resets the neural network to an immature, juvenile state.
264      Moreover, individuals growing fast as a juvenile stayed active longer and moved over greater dis
265 documented threefold density decreases among juvenile stone crabs as habitat increased (i.e. weak hab
266 intruders, the participation of others (e.g. juveniles, sub-adults, cycling females) is harder to exp
267 ciated with precocious onset of burrowing in juveniles, suggesting that the same genetic region-eithe
268 yrencephalic brain of propofol-anaesthetized juvenile swine using subdural electrode strips (electroc
269 of 19 historically contaminated soils fed to juvenile swine.
270 es, but that interactions between adults and juveniles switch from competitive to facilitative at upp
271  hormone levels were significantly higher in juvenile than in senescent rats, suggesting that growth
272 he number of these cells was also greater in juveniles than adults.
273                 Furthermore, for infants and juveniles, there are no reliable morphological methods f
274 lium), results in precocious transition from juvenile to adult, as well as early flowering, regardles
275  plants undergo vegetative phase change from juvenile to adult, they both exhibit heteroblasty, an ab
276 itude as plants develop from the seedling to juvenile to mature and senescent stages.
277    We hypothesized that mTOR is required for juveniles to learn song.
278                                    We prompt juveniles to modify syllable phonology and sequence in a
279                     We show that patterns of juvenile-to-adult morphological change are largely simil
280 pattern in transgenic Arabidopsis during the juvenile-to-adult phase transition.
281                                          The juvenile-to-adult transition is delayed, and proximal di
282 al-dependent alterations were not present in juvenile transgenic mice, suggesting a developmental tra
283 ly glucose homeostasis, during the larval to juvenile transition.
284 endogenous TH signaling during the larval-to-juvenile transition.
285                     PP TC development across juvenile, transition, and adult leaves correlated positi
286 dal size/age distribution in the timing that juveniles underwent an ontogenetic habitat shift from th
287 PCN transcriptomes from dry cysts to hatched juveniles using RNA-Seq.
288 ms, panicles, and seed) collected during the juvenile, vegetative and reproductive phases.
289  such as stemness versus differentiation and juvenile versus adult states.
290  nucleus of the anterior nidopallium) during juvenile vocal learning, and decreases to low levels in
291                                              Juvenile weasels also exhibit a growth overshoot, follow
292                                              Juveniles were also found to have a male-like transcript
293 an subordinate birds (blue tits, females and juveniles) when their territories were distant from feed
294 od of heightened visual cortex plasticity in juveniles, whereas removal of PNNs in adults reopens for
295  skull shape of some dog breeds with that of juvenile wolves begs the question if and how ontogenetic
296                   In the brain of larval and juvenile Xenopus, 5hmC is also detected in neurons, whil
297                Here, we investigated mTOR in juvenile zebra finch songbirds.
298  cortical nucleus LMAN during development as juvenile zebra finches are actively engaged in evaluatin
299  trikingdom interactions using a transparent juvenile zebrafish to model mucosal lung infection and s
300 rties from hair cells of the lateral line in juvenile zebrafish.

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