


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n with insect hormones, such as ecdysone and juvenile hormone.
2 oid hormone ecdysone and the sesquiterpenoid juvenile hormone.
3 r inhibited by diet, ovarian development, or juvenile hormone.
4  hormones, 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) and juvenile hormone.
5 related roles of insulin-IGF-1 signaling and juvenile hormone.
6 als but the latter because of suppression by juvenile hormone.
7 ith the formation of sesquiterpenes, such as juvenile hormones.
8                       We examine the role of juvenile hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, and insulin/insuli
9 m methyltransferase, Drosophila melanogaster Juvenile Hormone Acid O-Methyltransferase (DmJHAMT).
10                                              Juvenile hormone affected the expression of Vg and insul
11  developmental arrest with an application of juvenile hormone, an endocrine trigger known to terminat
12                                              Juvenile hormone, an important regulator of development
13                                              Juvenile hormone analog (JHA) insecticides are relativel
14                     In S2 cells, Ecd and the juvenile hormone analog methoprene exert opposite effect
15 reatment of the long-lived InR dwarfs with a juvenile hormone analog restores life expectancy toward
16                 Application of hydroprene, a juvenile hormone analog, during the penultimate instar c
17 their fundamental behaviors to disseminate a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA) between resting and ovip
18 rmone titers and their regulation implicates juvenile hormone and ecdysone in the control of wing-mor
19 lated JHAMT and up-regulated CYP307A1 in the juvenile hormone and ecdysteroid pathways, respectively,
20               This includes genes related to juvenile hormone and insulin, two hormones shown previou
21            Adult ants use saliva to transfer juvenile hormone and other chemical signals to their lar
22 ns, which are inducible by the morphogenetic juvenile hormone and which constitute a significant prop
23    Our work suggests not only a new role for juvenile hormone and/or serotonin in Drosophila ovarian
24 hat the interplay between insulin signaling, juvenile hormone, and vitellogenin regulates maternal ef
25 47b neurons requires a reproductive hormone, juvenile hormone, as well as its binding protein Methopr
26 ty to two ligand binding proteins, including juvenile hormone binding protein.
27  JH-binding protein, given the name mosquito juvenile hormone-binding protein (mJHBP), which circulat
28 he inhibitory effect of synthetic Ae-AS-C on juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the isolated corpora al
29 t characterized as a peptide that stimulated juvenile hormone biosynthesis in adult lepidopteran corp
30 e various functions, including inhibition of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in cockroaches and cricket
31               Farnesol is an intermediate in juvenile hormone biosynthesis, but is also produced by r
32  gene involved in an insect-specific step of juvenile hormone biosynthesis.
33 arch circadian clockwork; all members of the juvenile hormone biosynthetic pathway whose regulation s
34                             We conclude that juvenile hormone deficiency, which results from InR sign
35  mRNA levels of Kruppel homolog 1 (Kr-h1), a juvenile hormone-dependent transcription factor that rep
36 roportion of total termite protein, suppress juvenile-hormone-dependent worker differentiation to the
37                                Manduca sexta juvenile hormone diol kinase (JHDK) catalyzes the conver
38           The gene sequence of Manduca sexta juvenile hormone diol kinase (JHDK) codes for an enzyme
39 , the insulin/IGF signaling pathway, and the juvenile hormone/ecdysteroid pathway.
40                                              Juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase (JHEH) has attracted
41   One pathway of this degradation is through juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), which cleaves the JH es
42                                              Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE; EC, which is in
43                                              Juvenile hormone esterase degrades juvenile hormone, whi
44  up by pericardial cells and native M. sexta juvenile hormone esterase in fat body tissue, where the
45                                  Circulating juvenile hormone esterase is removed from insect blood b
46         Binding assays showed that P29 bound juvenile hormone esterase more strongly than it did a mu
47  experiments, P29 bound injected recombinant juvenile hormone esterase taken up by pericardial cells
48 terase) and in an insect enzyme preparation (juvenile hormone esterase).
49 rize proteins involved in the degradation of juvenile hormone esterase, a pericardial cell cDNA phage
50 e et al., and down-regulated genes including juvenile hormone esterase-like protein et al.
51 cells to facilitate lysosomal degradation of juvenile hormone esterase.
52 structed and screened for proteins that bind juvenile hormone esterase.
53 tions in follicle formation were enhanced by juvenile hormone exposure and phenocopied by serotonin f
54                              The presence of juvenile hormone had no effect on accumulation of either
55 ristoneura fumiferana is directly induced by juvenile hormone I (JH I), and the JH I induction is sup
56 ressed by physiologically relevant levels of juvenile hormone I (JH I).
57          Dramatically increased titer of the juvenile hormone III (JH III) is essential for the acqui
58                                              Juvenile hormone III (JH) plays a key role in regulating
59                 The isoprenoids farnesol and juvenile hormone III (JH), metabolites of the cholestero
60  regulated in part by the positive effect of juvenile hormone III (JHIII) on gene expression for HMG-
61 -day-old males resulted in identification of juvenile hormone III bisepoxide and juvenile hormone III
62 ation of juvenile hormone III bisepoxide and juvenile hormone III in a ratio of 2.5:1.
63  the sesquiterpenoid methyl epoxyfarnesoate (juvenile hormone III) to Sf9 cells induces transcription
64  farnesoid X-activated receptor (farnesol or juvenile hormone III), or liver X receptor (22R-hydroxyc
65 ferator-activated receptor-alpha ligand, and juvenile hormone III, a farnesoid X-activated receptor a
66   The FXR activators, all-trans farnesol and juvenile hormone III, also accelerated epidermal barrier
67 1-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-dodecadienoate [juvenile hormone III, JH III] with a turnover of 3-5 nmo
68      GPPS expression levels are regulated by juvenile hormone III, similar to other mevalonate pathwa
69 te (MF), the unepoxidised analogue of insect juvenile hormone-III (JH-III).
70                                      Without juvenile hormone, imaginal discs form and grow despite s
71  of amphibians that is equivalent to that of juvenile hormone in insect metamorphosis.
72 of farnesoic acid, an immediate precursor of juvenile hormone, indicating that the Ae-AS-C target is
73 e Carrier) transporter family member JhI-21 (Juvenile hormone Inducible-21), which is expressed in Dr
74 lly, the results support the hypothesis that juvenile hormone is a pivotal hormone coordinating the d
75 transcription factor that plays key roles in juvenile hormone (JH) action] mRNA in the penultimate ny
76 r result in resistance to both methoprene, a juvenile hormone (JH) agonist insecticide, and JH.
77     In experiment 1, drones treated with the juvenile hormone (JH) analog methoprene started flying a
78 is exposed to ecdysteroids in the absence of juvenile hormone (JH) and becomes committed to pupal dif
79     Metamorphosis in insects is regulated by juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids.
80                Our recent studies identified juvenile hormone (JH) and nutrition as the two key signa
81  on the disappearance of the antimetamorphic juvenile hormone (JH) and the transcription factors Krup
82                                 Ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH) are important regulators of insect
83 mporally directed manipulations, we identify juvenile hormone (JH) as an anticipatory endocrine signa
84                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in the corpus allatum
85                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) coordinates timing of female repro
86 ol kinase (JHDK) catalyzes the conversion of juvenile hormone (JH) diol to JH diol phosphate.
87 lay of mRNA technique we discovered that the juvenile hormone (JH) esterase gene (Cfjhe) from Chorist
88                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) governs a great diversity of proce
89                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) has been implicated in many develo
90                Application of a high dose of juvenile hormone (JH) III or its mimics (JHM) to Drosoph
91 component, ipsdienol, de novo in response to juvenile hormone (JH) III.
92 se of its critical role in the regulation of juvenile hormone (JH) in insects.
93                     To elucidate the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in metamorphosis of Drosophila mel
94                                  The role of juvenile hormone (JH) in regulating the timing and natur
95 is review explores the roles of ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH) in the evolution of complete metam
96                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) is a key insect developmental horm
97                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) is a key regulator of insect devel
98                             The synthesis of juvenile hormone (JH) is an attractive target for contro
99                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) is an important regulator of both
100                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) is an insect hormone containing an
101                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) is critical for multiple aspects o
102 the endocrine glands that produce the insect juvenile hormone (JH) is most closely related to P450 pr
103 l for courtship memory through regulation of juvenile hormone (JH) levels in adult males.
104 tion of a supernumerary nymphal stage with a juvenile hormone (JH) mimic prevented the disappearance
105                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) plays crucial roles in many aspect
106                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) prevents these changes in earlier
107 ons as an obligatory allatotropin to promote juvenile hormone (JH) production and reproduction.
108                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) receptor, Methoprene-tolerant (Met
109                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) regulates a wide variety of biolog
110                                              Juvenile hormone (JH) regulates insect development by a
111 om fourth instar larvae with high endogenous juvenile hormone (JH) showed a 10-fold higher sensitivit
112            Despite longstanding efforts, the juvenile hormone (JH) signaling pathway remains unknown.
113 s rising, and this increase was prevented by juvenile hormone (JH) that prevented adult development.
114             Once critical weight is reached, juvenile hormone (JH) titers decline, resulting in the r
115 an controls and receiving aggression reduces juvenile hormone (JH) titers.
116 lopmental transition that is induced by high juvenile hormone (JH) titers.
117            Treatment with the insect hormone juvenile hormone (JH), a key regulator of metamorphosis,
118                      The molecular action of juvenile hormone (JH), a regulator of vital importance t
119 ycles, which are in turn driven by cycles of juvenile hormone (JH), can be eliminated by application
120 in, vitellogenin (Vg), and endocrine factor, juvenile hormone (JH), functions as a pacemaker driving
121 lated but were largely related to effects of juvenile hormone (JH), suggesting that the increase in J
122 ster is attributable to the endocrine signal juvenile hormone (JH), which promotes the development of
123 portant status quo role in the regulation of juvenile hormone (JH)-dependent caste differentiation.
124 ed in mediating vitellogenin (Vg) uptake and juvenile hormone (JH)-regulated remodeling of follicular
125                       The promoters of three juvenile hormone (JH)-sensitive, and one JH-insensitive
126 ponses of the Lepidoptera and the Diptera to juvenile hormone (JH).
127 is is under the dual control of ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH).
128 ydroxyecdysone (20E) and the sesquiterpenoid juvenile hormone (JH).
129 cally transmitted throughout the organism by juvenile hormone (JH).
130 ark conditions, starvation, temperature, and juvenile hormone (JH).
131                                              Juvenile hormones (JH) are a class of regulatory sesquit
132 or identification and quantitation of insect juvenile hormones (JH) has been developed using capillar
133 is of high specific activity insect [10-(3)H]juvenile hormones (JH) I, II, and III which affords both
134                                              Juvenile hormones (JH) regulate a wide variety of develo
135                                              Juvenile hormones (JH), a sesquiterpenoid group of ligan
136 affinity analogs of the natural lepidopteran juvenile hormones, JH I and II [epoxy[3H]bishomofarnesyl
137                             We conclude that juvenile hormone mediated a positive feedback system tha
138 mating was induced by topical application of juvenile hormone, methoprene, or fenoxycarb.
139                        Early treatments with juvenile hormone mimic (JHm) appear to repress extension
140 vents could be prevented by application of a juvenile hormone mimic (JHM).
141                                          The juvenile hormone mimic, pyriproxyfen is a suppressor of
142                     Topical application of a juvenile-hormone mimic to the flight-capable morph cause
143 domatuic acid, juvabione, and related insect juvenile hormone mimics.
144              Although the hemolymph titer of juvenile hormone normally decreases to low levels early
145 olactin (PRL) is widely considered to be the juvenile hormone of anuran tadpoles and to counteract th
146 ormal schedule, and the inhibitory action of juvenile hormone on this checkpoint.
147 f insects studied, they act as inhibitors of juvenile hormone production in only some groups.
148 onse that ultimately leads to a cessation of juvenile hormone production.
149                                   The insect juvenile hormone receptor is a basic helix-loop-helix (b
150 the role of GPCRs in insect reproduction and juvenile hormone-regulated Vg uptake, we performed a com
151                                              Juvenile hormone regulation of Vg synthesis has been kno
152               We show that a mutation in the juvenile hormone-regulatory pathway in Manduca sexta ena
153                                            A juvenile hormone response element (JHRE) has been identi
154 at 4 element and is designated as a putative juvenile hormone response element (JHRE).
155                                  Insulin and juvenile hormone signaling direct entry of the mosquito
156 storage proteins are implicated in silencing juvenile hormone signaling, which is a prerequisite for
157 ests that this decision is regulated through juvenile hormone signaling.
158 homolog 1 (Kr-h1), one of the key players in juvenile hormone signaling.
159                For example, we conclude that juvenile hormone signalling evolved with the emergence o
160 h inhibitory effects on visceral muscles and juvenile hormone synthesis.
161 one function in insects is the inhibition of juvenile hormone synthesis.
162 racts from mated males contained 3-fold more juvenile hormone than did extracts from virgins.
163 l cells of the ring gland, which produce the juvenile hormone that controls progression through devel
164 udy identifies a direct neural substrate for juvenile hormone that permits coordination of courtship
165 tar, eye disc development begins even if the juvenile hormone titer is artificially maintained at hig
166 ion on allatectomized (CAX) larvae that lack juvenile hormone to impose the critical weight checkpoin
167 ynthesis and degradation of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones to the metabolism of foreign chemicals
168                               Starvation and juvenile hormone treatments allowed the separation of in
169           Juvenile hormone esterase degrades juvenile hormone, which acts in conjunction with ecdyste
170 insect corpora allata, produce precursors of juvenile hormone with putatively similar functions.

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