


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 itors, which form the articular cartilage in juvenile mice.
2 se to characterize calsyntenin-1 function in juvenile mice.
3 chaffer collateral-CA1 synapses in adult and juvenile mice.
4 ic connections between the Purkinje cells of juvenile mice.
5 t was larger in neurons from adult mice than juvenile mice.
6 adult mice but not in the IC of experimental juvenile mice.
7 tween Hb9 INs in spinal cords of newborn and juvenile mice.
8 om layer I interneurons in brain slices from juvenile mice.
9  during the first wave of spermatogenesis in juvenile mice.
10 ses UCP levels and activity in hippocampi of juvenile mice.
11 l fibre synapses in the cerebellar cortex of juvenile mice.
12 e (nucleus) of growing oocytes isolated from juvenile mice.
13 nuated following intracranial inoculation of juvenile mice.
14 h the first wave of germ cell development in juvenile mice.
15                   The antibody prevalence in juvenile mice (14 g or less) was inversely proportional
16    Conditional deletion of beta-cell Ezh2 in juvenile mice also reduced H3 trimethylation at the Ink4
17 Vigorous pancreatic beta-cell replication in juvenile mice and humans declines with age, and elucidat
18 ids are incorporated into various tissues in juvenile mice and in a concentration dependent manner.
19 both in the first wave of spermatogenesis in juvenile mice and in ongoing spermatogenesis of adult mi
20                    Protein quantification in juvenile mice and in prophase mutants indicates that ear
21            VINP-28 enhanced early lesions in juvenile mice and resected human carotid artery plaques.
22 Previously, we showed that some podocytes in juvenile mice are recruited from cells lining Bowman's c
23 ory cues that enable specific recognition of juvenile mice are unknown.
24 significant effect on synaptic plasticity in juvenile mice but impairs some forms of long-term potent
25 suggest that isolated GnRH-EGFP neurons from juvenile mice can generate episodes of repetitive burst
26                       These effects of MI in juvenile mice closely resemble the effects of MD in adul
27 follicle development have been identified in juvenile mice deficient in heterologous oocyte-granulosa
28                                           In juvenile mice, early administration of IL-12/pulse IL-2
29           Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG to juvenile mice failed to induce apoptosis in liver endoth
30                            Here we show that juvenile mice hemizygous for Cyfip1 have altered presyna
31                                   One of the juvenile mice initially tested negative for SNV RNA but
32                                       LTP in juvenile mice is resistant to the effects of Abeta oligo
33                                           In juvenile mice, LTD in NgR1(-/-), but not PirB(-/-), slic
34               Although visual deprivation in juvenile mice modifies the subunit composition and incre
35 as induced in the Y5Rs expressing neurons of juvenile mice (Npy1r(Y5R-/-) ).
36                                          All juvenile mice of the nonobese diabetic (NOD) strain deve
37 d that ablation of neuroligins in newborn or juvenile mice only modestly impaired basal synaptic func
38 ic morphology varies as a function of sex in juvenile mice or primary neuronal cell cultures is large
39                                           In juvenile mice, over-expression of E-Tmod is associated w
40 y of RDH10 in both Sertoli and germ cells in juvenile mice results in a blockage of spermatogonial di
41 notypic preparations from the hippocampus of juvenile mice, stimulation of 5-HT(7)R/G(12) signaling p
42 d a transient cardiac hypertrophy seen among juvenile mice that resolved with age.
43 elium led to a reversible delay in growth in juvenile mice that was associated with epithelial archit
44                                     Thus, in juvenile mice, the primary, but not exclusive, source of
45 wave of spermatogenesis in 12- to 28-day old juvenile mice to determine more precisely when HSP70-2 i
46        We next reassessed PEC recruitment in juvenile mice using a different reporter mouse and confi
47 t likely to be antibody positive (26.9%) and juvenile mice weighing between 13 and 14 g least likely
48  Serum metabolite profiles of adult lean and juvenile mice were comparable, while that of adult obese
49  doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in which juvenile mice were exposed to doxorubicin, using a cumul
50 -term depression was selectively impaired in juvenile mice when NR2D overexpression was moderate.
51                                              Juvenile mice with mutated c-Kit (c-Kit(Wv/+)) showed im
52 ved with systemic delivery of rAAV2/1 and in juvenile mice with rAAV2/9.

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