


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed somatic PTEN alterations in the stroma of juvenile polyps.
2 because of the shared features of intestinal juvenile polyps.
3 ed to 10q22-24 in both familial and sporadic juvenile polyps.
4 mical staining occurred rarely in dysplastic juvenile polyps (2 of 24, 8%).
5  gene were demonstrated in 50% of dysplastic juvenile polyps (3 of 6) but not in any of 16 juvenile p
6 deletions at 10q22 were detected in 39 of 47 juvenile polyps (83%) from 16 unrelated patients with ei
7 ers develop upper and lower gastrointestinal juvenile polyps and are at increased risk for gastrointe
8 sis that the genetic defect in both sporadic juvenile polyps and hereditary juvenile polyposis involv
9 tal epithelium was lost in 79% of dysplastic juvenile polyps and in 8% of nondysplastic juvenile poly
10           Affected patients commonly develop juvenile polyps, and show an elevated risk of developing
11 s is not a prerequisite for the formation of juvenile polyps, and that colorectal juvenile polyps in
12  patients with either hereditary or sporadic juvenile polyps, and the minimum overlap localized juven
13 y acts as a "gatekeeper" tumor suppressor in juvenile polyps, and there is no need to invoke a "lands
14                                              Juvenile polyps are characterized by an abundant lamina
15                                              Juvenile polyps are present in a number of Mendelian dis
16                                              Juvenile polyps are regarded as hamartomatous polyps and
17       Dysplasia occurred in 31% of syndromic juvenile polyps but not in sporadic juvenile polyps (P <
18 ith juvenile polyps syndrome and 34 sporadic juvenile polyps for epithelial dysplasia and genetic cha
19 ormal DNA with tumor DNA from a series of 47 juvenile polyps from 16 patients using polymerase chain
20                  Both sporadic and syndromic juvenile polyps had K-ras mutations (14%) and there was
21 tion of juvenile polyps, and that colorectal juvenile polyps in CS are bona fide neoplastic precursor
22 specific PTEN deletion to cause formation of juvenile polyps in the colorectum without stromal PTEN l
23                             Recent data show juvenile polyps may recur in approximately 45% of childr
24 as and carcinomas of the colonic epithelium, juvenile polyps originate in the lamina propria.
25 c juvenile polyps and in 8% of nondysplastic juvenile polyps (P < 0.000001).
26 yndromic juvenile polyps but not in sporadic juvenile polyps (P < 0.0001).
27  play a role in neoplastic transformation of juvenile polyps, predominantly in juvenile polyposis syn
28 characteristic histopathological features of juvenile polyps seen in patients with CS, including stro
29 tal juvenile polyposis from 12 patients with juvenile polyps syndrome and 34 sporadic juvenile polyps
30 cted by deletion mutation in the majority of juvenile polyps was mapped.
31 uvenile polyps (3 of 6) but not in any of 16 juvenile polyps without dysplasia (P = 0.01).

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