


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 me (KRS), a rare parkinsonian phenotype with juvenile onset.
2 RS) is a form of macular degeneration with a juvenile onset.
3 rdt disease, a blindness macular disorder of juvenile onset.
4 en linked to one form of autosomal recessive juvenile onset ALS (ALS2).
5 plex hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) and juvenile onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS5).
6 the most common cause of autosomal recessive juvenile-onset and young-onset parkinsonism.
7                                Patients with juvenile-onset ankylosing spondylitis appear to have poo
8 nant-negative effect that is associated with juvenile-onset ataxia and intellectual disability.
9                                  One form of juvenile onset autosomal recessive ALS (ALS2) has been l
10 uvenile-onset osteoporosis and congenital or juvenile-onset blindness.
11 uding caudate/putamen, white matter, and, in juvenile-onset cases, also the cerebellum.
12                                              Juvenile-onset cataracts are distinguished from congenit
13 pedigree, segregating for autosomal dominant juvenile-onset cataracts, identified a locus in chromoso
14  Fxr-/-Shp-/- mice could provide a model for juvenile onset cholestasis.
15          There was an increased incidence of juvenile-onset Crohn's disease in northern compared with
16                             The incidence of juvenile-onset Crohn's disease was 2.3 (95% CI: 2.0-2.5)
17 emographic and/or geographic distribution of juvenile=onset Crohn's disease in Scotland.
18         The renal manifestation of JBTS is a juvenile-onset cystic kidney disease, known as nephronop
19          We investigated three siblings with juvenile-onset diabetes and central and peripheral neuro
20  neurodegenerative disorder characterized by juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus and bilateral optic atr
21 nally described as a combination of familial juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy.
22 rmissive MHC locus, was sufficient to induce juvenile-onset diabetes on an otherwise T1D-resistant ge
23  rapid beta-cell loss, culminating in severe juvenile-onset diabetes.
24 ile separate criteria have been proposed for juvenile onset disease, they remain to be validated.
25                                Patients with juvenile-onset disease (n = 143) were evaluated a median
26  mutants causing infantile-onset rather than juvenile-onset disease.
27 onset disease and 6.8 years in patients with juvenile-onset disease.
28 ystrophy is an inherited autosomal dominant, juvenile onset form of macular degeneration caused by mu
29                       An autosomal recessive juvenile-onset form of Parkinson's disease (AR-JP) is ca
30 ALS), including some of the most aggressive, juvenile-onset forms of the disease.
31 nd irido-corneal angle are associated with a juvenile-onset glaucoma transmitted as an autosomal domi
32 Compared with the adult-depressed group, the juvenile-onset groups experienced more perinatal insults
33                                        The 2 juvenile-onset groups had similar high-risk profiles on
34 be1(neo/neo)) exhibit a phenotype similar to juvenile onset GSD IV, with wide spread accumulation of
35      In STHdhQ111 knock-in striatal cells, a juvenile onset HD CAG repeat was associated with low mit
36 neurotrophic factor (BDNF) withdrawal in the juvenile-onset HD (JHD) lines, which appeared to be CAG
37 ll-selective aspects of both adult-onset and juvenile-onset HD pathogenesis and we discuss the implic
38  from individuals with either adult-onset or juvenile-onset HD.
39        However, this deficit was greater for juvenile onset hearing loss (89 Hz) relative to adult on
40  a recent paper, patients with a progressive juvenile-onset hereditary cataract have been reported to
41 tallin (HGD) gene has been associated with a juvenile-onset hereditary cataract.
42        Cross-fostered (CF) mice demonstrated juvenile onset hyperphagia and significantly higher body
43 ed birth patterns in groups of patients with juvenile-onset IIM (n = 307) and controls (n = 3,942) wh
44  and from that of non-Hispanic patients with juvenile-onset IIM (P < 0.001), who had a mean birth dat
45                       Hispanic patients with juvenile-onset IIM had a seasonal birth pattern (mean bi
46 DA antibodies was similar to that of classic juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes, and either ph
47 r with age-related onset (AMD) and four with juvenile onset (JMD)-and two age-matched normal vision c
48 s and in peripheral blood from patients with juvenile-onset lupus.
49                Stargardt disease (STGD) is a juvenile-onset macular dystrophy and can be inherited in
50 ecessive retinal disorder characterized by a juvenile-onset macular dystrophy, alterations of the per
51         Family and twin studies suggest that juvenile-onset major depressive disorder (MDD) may be et
52 eration pedigree with an autosomal dominant, juvenile-onset motor-systems disease.
53 fferential diagnosis for both infantile- and juvenile-onset movement disorders, including cerebral pa
54 sive-addition lenses slow the progression of juvenile-onset myopia compared with single-vision lenses
55  trial evaluating the rate of progression of juvenile-onset myopia in children wearing progressive-ad
56 hildren's visual activity levels can predict juvenile-onset myopia.
57 e vision lenses (SVLs) on the progression of juvenile-onset myopia.
58                                              Juvenile-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL; Bat
59                              Batten disease (juvenile-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis [JNCL]) is
60  neuro-degenerative disorder associated with juvenile onset non-autoimmune diabetes mellitus and prog
61 N2 variant associated with midapical HCM and juvenile onset of atrial fibrillation, emphasizing the p
62 0 patients from 8 families with childhood or juvenile onset of myopathy, 8 of whom also had rapidly p
63 s that display somatic instability and cause juvenile onset of the disorder.
64 l recessive disorder characterized by severe juvenile-onset osteoporosis and congenital or juvenile-o
65  dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome of juvenile onset (outside infancy) and progressive parkins
66               The spontaneous development of juvenile-onset ovarian granulosa cell tumors in mice of
67 sease-causing defects in autosomal recessive-juvenile onset Parkinson's disease (AR-JP).
68 ve loss of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and juvenile-onset Parkinson's disease (PD).
69 ding Parkin, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, lead to juvenile-onset Parkinson's disease by inducing the selec
70  Kufor-Rakeb syndrome (KRS) characterized by juvenile-onset parkinsonism, pyramidal signs and dementi
71 ions in ATP13A2 (PARK9) and characterized by juvenile-onset parkinsonism, pyramidal signs, and cognit
72 missense mutation (E169K) in 2 patients with juvenile-onset paroxysmal AF (pAF).
73 ction from parkin-linked autosomal recessive juvenile-onset PD brains.
74  the parkin gene produce autosomal recessive juvenile-onset PD.
75 al domain and is associated with the classic juvenile-onset phenotype of Niemann-Pick type C disease.
76 wo members affected by POAG, 6 probands from juvenile-onset POAG families, and 108 control individual
77 y congenital glaucoma, one locus (GLC1A) for juvenile-onset primary open angle glaucoma and a further
78 oncrystallin structural gene that leads to a juvenile-onset, progressive cataract.
79 e IL22 promoter with a strong association to juvenile-onset psoriasis and demonstrate that this risk
80                                              Juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (JOR
81 related and HPV-11-related genital warts and juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis by m
82 nt membrane defect that leads to progressive juvenile-onset renal failure.
83                       Stargardt disease is a juvenile onset retinal degeneration, associated with ele
84                             Individuals with juvenile-onset RRP also mounted a range of VLP responses
85 rders including cognitive disorders, autism, juvenile-onset schizophrenia and encephalopathy with ear
86 s measured in neutrophils from patients with juvenile-onset SLE (n=12), adult-onset SLE (n=6), and pe
87 rophil apoptosis is altered in patients with juvenile-onset SLE as compared with controls.
88 was significantly increased in patients with juvenile-onset SLE as compared with the noninflammatory
89  of neutrophils with sera from patients with juvenile-onset SLE further increased neutrophil apoptosi
90 led together from 3 cohorts of patients with juvenile-onset SLE in 3 different medical centers and fr
91 s (caspase 3, Fas, and FADD) was elevated in juvenile-onset SLE neutrophils, whereas the expression o
92 ndicate that altered neutrophil apoptosis in juvenile-onset SLE patients may play a pathogenic role i
93 al centers and from a miscellaneous group of juvenile-onset SLE patients whose samples were sent by r
94 reased neutrophil apoptosis as compared with juvenile-onset SLE sera alone.
95 of anti-P antibodies in the pooled sample of juvenile-onset SLE sera was 45 of 108, or 42%, while in
96 ddition of GM-CSF to sera from patients with juvenile-onset SLE significantly decreased neutrophil ap
97 to ribosomal P protein are more prevalent in juvenile-onset SLE than in adult-onset SLE.
98 icantly increased in sera from patients with juvenile-onset SLE, whereas interleukin-6, tumor necrosi
99 both neutrophils and sera from patients with juvenile-onset SLE.
100 a domestic cat model of autosomal recessive, juvenile-onset SMA similar to human SMA type III.
101                                A syndrome of juvenile-onset SNHL and adult-onset DCM is caused by a m
102 n changes in the classification criteria for juvenile-onset spondyloarthritis and magnetic resonance
103                                              Juvenile-onset spondyloarthritis has variable clinical f
104  classification, diagnosis and management of juvenile-onset spondyloarthritis.
105 ral forms of macular degeneration, including juvenile onset Stargardt disease, Best vitelliform macul
106                                       The UK Juvenile-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (JSLE) Cohor
107 nversely correlated with disease activity in juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), sugge
108                          The severe but rare juvenile-onset type has previously been mapped to 1q21-q
109 inson disease (PD), Huntington disease (HD), juvenile-onset, type 1 diabetes mellitus (JDM), Down syn
110                                              Juvenile onset ulcerative colitis did not show north/sou
111                             The incidence of juvenile-onset ulcerative colitis did not show north/sou
112                     In contrast to the rapid juvenile-onset weight gain seen in diabetes (db) and obe

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