


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  cell proliferation, caspase activation, and juxtacrine activity assays by using a 3D spheroid cultur
2 ite of blastocyst apposition, and which is a juxtacrine adhesion factor for blastocysts, could be one
3 opreserved primary human hepatocytes through juxtacrine and paracrine signals in polymeric scaffolds.
4                  The two forms are active as juxtacrine and paracrine/autocrine growth factors, respe
5  an integration of the endocrine, paracrine, juxtacrine, and autocrine signaling pathways.
6                    Autocrine, paracrine, and juxtacrine are recognized modes of action for mammalian
7                                   However, a juxtacrine assay where fixed SUM149 cells and MCF10A AR
8                                           In juxtacrine assays, the CD9-induced EGFR hyperactivation
9  ligand; they also suggest a potential Notch juxtacrine/autocrine loop in gliomas.
10                                              Juxtacrine binding between numerous adhesion, signaling,
11 econd role may be to inhibit activation of a juxtacrine cell relay, thereby confining chordin's actio
12  such positive feedback, in combination with juxtacrine communication, provides a novel mechanism for
13 linositol (GPI)-linked ephrin-A1 ligand in a juxtacrine configuration.
14 1, we have reconstituted key features of the juxtacrine EphA2-ephrinA1 signaling system while maintai
15 simplified rule to represent the concepts of juxtacrine epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activ
16 g that chondromodulin is not a member of the juxtacrine family of growth factors, despite some simila
17  between expression of TNF cytotoxicity in a juxtacrine fashion and detection of trimer.
18  structure and mediate TNF cytotoxicity in a juxtacrine fashion without releasing mature TNF.
19 in keratocyte cells and, possibly, autocrine-juxtacrine functions in epithelium and endothelium.
20 hich in its full-length form was as active a juxtacrine growth factor as was the wild type HB-EGF in
21                               HB-EGF TM is a juxtacrine growth factor that mediates cell-cell contact
22 studies were designed to test the effects of juxtacrine HB-EGF signaling upon cell survival and epith
23 Del-1 function in the HSC niche represents a juxtacrine homeostatic adaptation of the hematopoietic s
24 s activated EGFR as a result of an autocrine/juxtacrine interaction with HB-EGF which, in turn, resul
25 itive B-lineage precursors in BM by inducing juxtacrine interactions between the IL-7 and c-Met recep
26 ls selectively modulate PMN-MC paracrine and juxtacrine interactions to influence MC and/or PMN adhes
27 h NRG3 and CRD-NRG1 cluster on axons through juxtacrine interactions with ErbB4 present on GABAergic
28 w biomaterials modulate PMN-MC paracrine and juxtacrine interactions.
29 r on the EphA2 receptor without the need for juxtacrine interactions.
30  change its properties, such as converting a juxtacrine into a paracrine signaling molecule.
31 nd Jagged-1/Notch3 interaction constitutes a juxtacrine loop promoting proliferation and disseminatio
32                     Thus, TWEAK can act in a juxtacrine manner to initiate cellular responses, and th
33 ting that TGF-beta 1 acts in an autocrine or juxtacrine manner to regulate epithelial proliferation.
34 neuroendocrine system, acting in a paracrine/juxtacrine manner.
35 stimulating proliferation via a paracrine or juxtacrine mechanism.
36 RG that may activate erbB-2 and erbB-3 via a juxtacrine mechanism.
37 spontaneous [Ca(2+)](i) signals, while other juxtacrine mechanisms, regulated by PKA and glucose, sup
38 ate SMC growth via autocrine, paracrine, and juxtacrine mechanisms.
39                                         This juxtacrine-mediated model provides insight into the func
40 e present evidence supporting a new model of juxtacrine-mediated regulation of glucagon secretion whe
41 signal via ErbB3/4 receptors in paracrine or juxtacrine mode.
42 only a subclass of EGFR ligands can act in a juxtacrine mode.
43 e on axons where they interact with ErbB4 in juxtacrine mode.
44                                        This "juxtacrine" mode of communication has been well studied
45                  The paracrine antiviral and juxtacrine NOTCH3 pathways converge as STAT1 facilitates
46 l myelination: an initial phase dependent on juxtacrine Nrg1 signaling and a later phase that can be
47     It is possible that myelination requires juxtacrine Nrg1 signaling provided by the membrane-bound
48  may regulate the ability of EDA to act as a juxtacrine or paracrine factor.
49 f-1, thereby determining the mode of action, juxtacrine or paracrine, of the pref-1 protein.
50 GF to reproduce these findings suggests that juxtacrine or tightly coupled paracrine interactions und
51 ted pericytes produce VEGF that may act in a juxtacrine/paracrine manner as a survival and/or stabili
52                          To investigate this juxtacrine pathway, we mimic receptor-ligand binding wit
53  by age-dependent PDGF-AB-mediated paracrine/juxtacrine pathways that may be essential in the transla
54 cells is governed by age-dependent paracrine/juxtacrine platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) pathway
55 he speed of such waves in both diffusive and juxtacrine relay systems.
56 red SMCs elicited a series of proatherogenic juxtacrine responses associated with increased foam cell
57 ecific regulation of autocrine/paracrine and juxtacrine signaling accounted for the differential effi
58 to the two-dimensional (2D) cell membrane in juxtacrine signaling affects the accuracy of ligand sens
59 ical terms, which is particularly suited for juxtacrine signaling and mechanosensing studies.
60 ely controls their ability to participate in juxtacrine signaling and thus, only a subclass of EGFR l
61 t NOTCH activation in GBM CSLCs is driven by juxtacrine signaling between tumor cells and their surro
62  Disp1, unlike Smo, is not required for this juxtacrine signaling by Shh.
63 cally joining cells or by facilitating other juxtacrine signaling events.
64                                 Although its juxtacrine signaling geometry (EphA2's cognate ligand ep
65                                              Juxtacrine signaling is an important class of signaling
66 red precursor that can activate the EGFR via juxtacrine signaling or can be released and act as a sol
67 ints on the dynamics of processes relying on juxtacrine signaling systems, such as axon guidance medi
68 st cancer (BrCa) cells utilize paracrine and juxtacrine signaling to drive chemotherapy and radiation
69 esonance energy transfer studies showed that juxtacrine signaling typically occurred in trans at the
70  while still anchored to the membrane (i.e., juxtacrine signaling).
71 uronal differentiation of adult NSCs through juxtacrine signaling, findings that advance our understa
72 ns capable of participating in bidirectional juxtacrine signaling.
73 ay play an important role in KL/Kit-mediated juxtacrine signaling.
74  (autocrine/paracrine) and contact-mediated (juxtacrine) signaling molecules were evaluated for two c
75 hort-range patterning of the Delta/Notch (or juxtacrine) signaling pathway.
76 mediated by autocrine/paracrine, rather than juxtacrine, signaling.
77 lly, a model with a simple representation of juxtacrine signalling is considered.
78 te a novel method to model morphogenesis and juxtacrine signalling, provide insights into the molecul
79 eneous protein and receptor distributions in juxtacrine signalling.
80  signalling by transmembrane ligands, called juxtacrine signalling.
81 ctors, such as insulin and somatostatin, and juxtacrine signals between EphA4/7 on alpha-cells and ep
82 ever, recent evidence shows that a number of juxtacrine signals can lead to the opposite phenomenon o
83 ojections that glia extend when they receive juxtacrine signals from axons.
84                                              Juxtacrine signals from myelinating glia direct their se
85               Cell-cell interactions promote juxtacrine signals in specific subcellular domains, whic
86 cell fate decisions in response to competing juxtacrine signals.
87  is mediated, at least in part, by autocrine/juxtacrine stimulation by HB-EGF.
88  The latter then results in autocrine and/or juxtacrine stimulation of collagen gene expression.
89                   These results suggest that juxtacrine stimulation takes place in human tumor cells
90 wth factor, which serves as an autocrine and juxtacrine stimulus of proliferation.
91 ytes have been implicated, but their role in juxtacrine (that is, cell-cell contact dependent) signal
92 gulate the conversion of HB-EGF from being a juxtacrine to a paracrine/autocrine growth factor.

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