


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 develop where adaxial and abaxial cell types juxtapose.
2 lycosylation triplets from the B domain were juxtaposed.
3 on oxidation in cases where the moieties are juxtaposed.
4  of alphav (301-308) and beta3 (560-567) are juxtaposed.
5 alyzes phosphodiester bond formation between juxtaposed 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini in duple
6         The kinetics of the reaction pathway juxtapose a low energy [2]pseudorotaxane that forms unde
7 or-acceptor (D-A) systems are reported which juxtapose a Ru(II) excited-state donor with a bipyridini
8 inate-based display system allowing users to juxtapose a wide variety of data.
9                                  Because the juxtaposed A and B polymer assemblies respectively confe
10                                         BOT1 juxtaposes a BODIPY fluorophore with a tripodal ligand p
11 or fluorophore transfers energy to a closely juxtaposed acceptor.
12 find that it is devoid of conserved, closely juxtaposed acidic side chains that could serve as genera
13  constrained glycosidic oxygens (i.e., those juxtaposed adjacent to the surface) activates the latter
14 asic amino acids on actin subdomains 1 and 3 juxtaposed against acidic residues on the successive qua
15 istent with the C-termini of domain IV being juxtaposed against one another as they enter the transme
16                                              Juxtaposed against widespread land application of wastew
17  with a box-like geometry, incorporating two juxtaposed alkyne functions, has been synthesized.
18 O); examples of the plutons are tectonically juxtaposed along a structure that excised 25 km of crus
19                       How GATA1 and TAL1 are juxtaposed along the DNA and their cognate DNA binding s
20 cose-responsive beta cells normally regulate juxtaposed alpha cells and that without intraislet insul
21 nization of the two catalytic subunits, with juxtaposed alpha-helical segments within the tandem regu
22 free subunit through head-to-tail linkage of juxtaposed amino (N)- and carboxy (C)-terminal helices.
23  where different molecular properties can be juxtaposed and analyzed to assist with class and species
24 ond binding sites of the TLR4 TIR domain are juxtaposed and form an extended binding platform for bot
25    Quantitative data on common subjects were juxtaposed and presented later.
26            During meiosis, homologues become juxtaposed and synapsed along their entire length.
27 uccess and appeal, underscoring the value of juxtaposing and interrelating work from the three topics
28 or any cullin-RING E3, with E2 and substrate juxtaposed, and it reveals how tripartite cullin-RING-E2
29 ing oligodendroglial processes are no longer juxtaposed, and single detached nodal complexes replace
30                               The ability to juxtapose annotations of many types facilitates inquiry-
31   Two distinct FGFRL-Wnt circuits, involving juxtaposed anterior FGFRL and posterior Wnt expression d
32              Chromosomal translocations that juxtapose antigen receptor genes and oncogenes are frequ
33         Canonical chromosomal translocations juxtaposing antigen receptor genes and oncogenes are a h
34                                          The juxtaposed antioxidant (chromanol) and prooxidant (Br-BO
35        These studies are the first to detect juxtaposed areas between the ER and the plasma membrane
36  is apparently increased ACE activity in the juxtaposed areas of replacement fibrosis.
37 (3C) to show that the MYC 5' and 3' WREs are juxtaposed at the genomic MYC locus during active transc
38                          This flexible loop, juxtaposed at the leading edge of transcription bubble,
39 iffer in terms of the ages of crust that are juxtaposed at the site of subduction initiation, they ca
40 conjugating enzyme UBE2O directly recognized juxtaposed basic and hydrophobic patches on unassembled
41 nto the causes and effects of asthma must be juxtaposed because they are likely to guide each other.
42                                  Strikingly, juxtaposed beta cells lacking specific antigens were not
43  constant action of high insulin levels from juxtaposed beta-cells.
44                                              Juxtaposed between cbbR and cbbLS are the cbbRRS genes,
45 h mechanism of silicalite-1 (MFI zeolite) is juxtaposed between classical models that postulate silic
46 OT) pulling experiments, a protein or RNA is juxtaposed between DNA handles that are attached to bead
47                                              Juxtaposed between the genes encoding CbbR and CbbLS are
48 the penultimate residue in the CTD (K195) is juxtaposed between the two linker DNA helices, proposed
49  the spatial regulation of ESCRT-III to fuse juxtaposed bilayers of elevated curvature.
50 he uterine and gonadal tissues through their juxtaposed BMs at the site of anchor cell (AC) invasion
51  boronates can be remotely controlled by the juxtaposing boron- and silicon groups on the alkyne subs
52             Liquid droplets dispensed on two juxtaposed branches are transported to a coalescence sta
53 n in Brd4 that selectively contacts either a juxtaposed bromodomain or an adjacent basic region to di
54                     CE and the 5' kinase are juxtaposed by binding to the adjacent domains of Nck1, a
55 CET kinetics for the same donor and acceptor juxtaposed by ionized and nonionized hydrogen-bonded int
56 oritic and troctolitic lithologies that were juxtaposed by several cross-cutting faults during peak-r
57 alt bridge and an Asn-Pro-Gly capping motif, juxtaposed C-terminal to the natural 6-residue helix III
58  well characterized oncogenic translocations juxtaposes c-myc and the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locu
59 annels (Cav1.2) triggers Ca(2+) release from juxtaposed Ca(2+) release channels (RyR2) located in jun
60 ility of MYOCD to discriminate among several juxtaposed CArG elements, presumably through its novel p
61 -alanine residues at the entrance of its two juxtaposed cavities (289 A(3)).
62 es of heptiptycene, i.e., cavitands with two juxtaposed cavities.
63 mma, IL-2) were printed in an array so as to juxtapose cell capture and cytokine detection antibody (
64 ents ("sparks") that transmit signals to the juxtaposed cell membrane, a similar functional architect
65 orally alternating phenotypes into spatially juxtaposed cell types.
66 ated reciprocal secretory responses of these juxtaposed cells that secrete glucagon and insulin, horm
67 er receptor clusters of cognate molecules on juxtaposed cells.
68                                           By juxtaposing cells with elevated or reduced RET activity,
69 Wnt5b are expressed in the ectoderm, whereas juxtaposed chondrocytes express Frzb and Gpc4.
70                  During differentiation, the juxtaposed chromatin configuration of Crabp1 promoter wi
71 elineate these immunological mechanisms with juxtaposed clinical consequences in allergy and cancer m
72                                           We juxtapose CLL with mutated BcR IGs against CLL with unmu
73 ing of pallial territories as a patchwork of juxtaposed compartments.
74 d indels (features) in columnar formats that juxtapose coverages in samples in which a given feature
75 mK subunits from each of the two strands are juxtaposed, creating an additional twofold axis along th
76 the energy transfer efficiencies between the juxtaposed Cy3 and Cy5 5'-end labeled viral DNA ends in
77 nts onto a rhodopsin background containing a juxtaposed cysteine pair (N2C/D282C) that forms a disulf
78 and the identified cleavage site between two juxtaposed cysteine residues are distinct from those of
79 king accessible biscysteinate site formed by juxtaposed cysteine residues at the homodimer interface.
80 ere removal of a pair of hydrogen atoms from juxtaposed cysteine residues, contrasts with the substan
81 periments with a nicked substrate containing juxtaposed dC and 5'-phosphorylated dT deoxynucleotides
82 nknown physiologic significance but one that juxtaposes developing B cells and exogenous Ag.
83 that invades the basal lamina of the disc to juxtapose directly with disc cells.
84                              Chromatin loops juxtapose distal enhancers with active promoters, but th
85 te selection, which depend on the ability of juxtaposed divalent metal ions to unpair the end of dupl
86            In this method, HF-PCR is used to juxtapose DNA sequences from single-molecule templates,
87 tLalpha undergoes intersite transfer between juxtaposed DNA segments while searching for lesion-bound
88 ogen exchange across the core of domain 3 to juxtaposed domain 4 (each by >/= 1.3 kcal/mol) and parts
89 lectron tomography reveals the core membrane-juxtaposed domain to be sufficient to maintain oligomeri
90 tion of transient and articular cartilage in juxtaposed domains.
91 long region of downstream intron is excised, juxtaposing E1B with E2'/2 to generate a new composite a
92 vered that phosphorylation of Ser(88), which juxtapose each other at the interface of the DLC dimer,
93        The trilaminate vascular architecture juxtaposes ECs and SMCs to enable complex paracrine core
94 onstitutively phosphorylated; S173D) exhibit juxtaposed elongated peroxisomes (JEPs) and hyperdivided
95 the beta subunit where it interacts with the juxtaposed ends of alpha-helices shaping the narrow memb
96 We delivered CRISPR/Cas9 vectors designed to juxtapose exon 1 of Dnajb1 with exon 2 of Prkaca to crea
97 ate models for the genetic regulation of the juxtaposed expression of Tc-wg and Tc-en at odd- and eve
98 obtained by X-ray crystallography showed two juxtaposed FAD molecules per monomer in redox communicat
99                          The climate dipoles juxtapose favorable and unfavorable conditions for seed
100 nd postsynaptic glutamate receptors were not juxtaposed, favoring a role for spillover.
101 rived from a fold in the oral ectoderm and a juxtaposed fold in the neural ectoderm.
102 nal helical segment with methionine residues juxtaposed for Cu(I) ligation and a C-terminal highly mo
103 or many potential reactions, and are ideally juxtaposed for further D-ring functionalization, these i
104  conformation in which domains II and IV are juxtaposed, forming a hollow structure that excludes ext
105 hrough catalysis by approximation by closely juxtaposing four active site moieties, two each from adj
106                   Thus, Ig locus contraction juxtaposes genomically distant elements to mediate effic
107 n of the Median Tectonic Line, which onshore juxtaposes geological terranes composed of granite batho
108                  Somatic structural variants juxtapose GFI1 or GFI1B coding sequences proximal to act
109  Neph1 and Nephrin directly interact and, by juxtaposing Grb2 and Nck1/2 at the membrane following co
110 sulfated steroid odorants identified tightly juxtaposed groups that were disparately tuned and disper
111  which connected, interacting collections of juxtaposed habitat patches are examined) provides a scie
112 sion increases the molecular mobility of two juxtaposed helices critical to ataxin-3 deubiquitinase a
113     We propose that once pairing or synapsis juxtaposes homologues, exclusion of Mek1 is necessary to
114   Homo sapiens chromosome 17 (HSA17) has two juxtaposed HOR arrays, D17Z1 and D17Z1-B.
115  peptide-MHC ligand derives largely from the juxtaposed hypervariable CDR3 regions on the TCRalpha an
116                       Thus, novel mechanisms juxtapose Ig and Myc-family genes in AID-deficient plasm
117                                  This review juxtaposes IL-17 and IL-22 and describes overlaps and di
118 transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta(1) are juxtaposed in a variety of pulmonary diseases including
119 ons in the three eIF2B subunits in yeast are juxtaposed in one continuous binding surface for phospho
120                        PSD95 and mGluR6 were juxtaposed in the OPL of the Rs1-KO retinas by P14, impl
121 interface phases with emergent properties by juxtaposing incompatible ground states.
122 causing the substrate's chain to curl up and juxtapose its CH2 positions omega-1/omega-2/omega-3 to C
123 ocket that raises its pKa toward neutrality, juxtaposes its N3 with the O5' to be protonated, and hel
124          A topoisomer of the PX motif is the juxtaposed JX(1) molecule, wherein one crossover is miss
125 g centrosomes when multiple chromosomes with juxtaposed kinetochores are present.
126 c MSN populations reveals the most prominent juxtaposed Kv2.1:RyR clusters in indirect pathway MSNs.
127 ational ensembles, thus allowing mapping and juxtaposing landscapes of variant sequences and relating
128                 A case study is presented to juxtapose LCA and risk screening approaches for a chemic
129 was evident as impaired blood oxygenation in juxtaposed lung capillaries.
130                                  A grid view juxtaposes many different figures associated with the sa
131 hat in I/R, neurogenic ATP could degranulate juxtaposed MC and that ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diph
132 sential part of the active site, and the two juxtaposed modules function as a single functional entit
133 ould prefer to form the PX motif relative to juxtaposed molecules, particularly for the 6:5 structure
134 s, mutant LVS is internalized within tightly juxtaposed multiple onion-like layers of pseudopodia.
135 about which the most is known, and will then juxtapose N. crassa with A. nidulans, which, as will be
136 onoubiquitinated at a molecular site (K(57)) juxtaposed near its NLS, resulting in disruption of its
137                               Cells from the juxtaposed neural folds extend long and short flexible e
138 ch, interaction of Nef with a partner kinase juxtaposes nonfluorescent YFP fragments fused to the C t
139 he regulated operons into these clusters and juxtaposed numerous DNA segments broadly distributed thr
140 new filaments or bushy shoots are frequently juxtaposed on a single parent filament, suggesting a rol
141     The IL-22R and IL-10R2 binding sites are juxtaposed on adjacent IL-22 surfaces contributed mostly
142  kinetochores of syntelic chromosomes remain juxtaposed on detachment from spindle microtubules.
143 y to interact with the essential FF residues juxtaposed on the same side of the RIR helix.
144 ells possess two distinct sets of ciliature, juxtaposed on the surfaces in mirror image symmetry, wit
145 complexes are key mediators of exocytosis by juxtaposing opposing membranes, leading to membrane fusi
146 alyzing the nucleosome configurations of two juxtaposed physically linked PHO5 promoter copies--that
147 P1L/Kinesin-12B, localize exclusively at the juxtaposing plus ends of the antiparallel microtubules i
148                                    Precisely juxtaposed polar side chains that engage the sugar hydro
149 nd processing of thousands of human mRNAs by juxtaposing poly(A) signals (PASs) and cleavage sites th
150 are asymmetric cell junctions with precisely juxtaposed presynaptic and postsynaptic sides.
151  regions and is required for gene loops that juxtapose promoter-terminator elements in a transcriptio
152 ing the anti-silencing effect of the UCOE on juxtaposed promoters has been only partially explored.
153  This enables the differentiation of closely juxtaposed proteins.
154 n the cryoEM density map and reveal that the juxtaposed protofilaments are joined via the N terminus
155 tion of antigen receptor gene loci spatially juxtaposes rearranging gene segments in the appropriate
156                                              Juxtaposing recent studies on well-established resistanc
157              We now define the core membrane-juxtaposed region of Cav1 and show that the oligomerizat
158 LFA-1 that are tethered to separate, closely juxtaposed regions of bilayer, capturing an important as
159 e effects of N46K were rescued by mutating a juxtaposed residue, N61 on binding Loop D, suggesting th
160 alpha1 subunit interface by interaction with juxtaposed residues to preserve the structural integrity
161 rxG and PcG proteins act through the same or juxtaposed sequences in the maintenance element (ME) of
162 lleles, which encode TNF-alpha, were closely juxtaposed shortly after T-cell receptor (TCR) engagemen
163                         Reliable deletion of juxtaposed sites is only achieved through two-step targe
164 including cartilaginous continuities between juxtaposed skeletal elements, irregular articular surfac
165  via Pluronic gel to the surface of injured, juxtaposed small bowel and show a significant reduction
166 tures revealed from the cryoEM map lead to a juxtaposed stacking model of cholesteryl esters (CEs).
167 ght distinct chromosomal rearrangements that juxtapose super-enhancers to the MYB locus.
168 fferent and afferent synaptic structures are juxtaposed, supporting the possibility that voltage-gate
169  remains poorly characterized corresponds to juxtaposed TCV hairpins H4a and H4b and pseudoknot psi(3
170       Gene loops are dynamic structures that juxtapose the 3'-ends of genes with their promoters.
171 eat packing geometry is constrained so as to juxtapose the amino (N) and carboxy (C) termini; several
172              Chromosomal translocations that juxtapose the androgen-sensitive transmembrane protease,
173 om the lamina to the nuclear interior and to juxtapose the Bcl11b enhancer and promoter into a single
174 e to the correct positioning of Loop1 and to juxtapose the discontinuous template strand during NHEJ
175  of migrant health as an empirical focus, we juxtapose the fields of syndemics and health and human r
176 ot necessary for the interaction partners to juxtapose the fragments within a specific distance of ea
177 n of alternative gene loops (L1 and L2) that juxtapose the KlCYC1 promoter with either proximal or di
178 emonstrated the existence of gene loops that juxtapose the promoter and terminator regions of genes w
179                               DNA loops that juxtapose the promoter and terminator regions of RNA pol
180  for the formation of chromatin loop(s) that juxtapose the RARE element with the 5' transcription sta
181                   The 5p15.33 rearrangements juxtapose the TERT coding sequence to strong enhancer el
182 seudoknot with unusual connectivity that may juxtapose the two reactive sites.
183 tral DA active site with an orientation that juxtaposed the aryliodoazide group for cross-linking to
184             We conclude that FCGR3B deletion juxtaposes the 5'-regulatory sequences of FCGR2C with th
185 by a t(14;18) chromosomal translocation that juxtaposes the BCL2 gene and immunoglobulin locus, has a
186 )) revealed a reactivation conformation that juxtaposes the cobalamin- and AdoMet-binding domains.
187  novel dimer domain-B-box interaction, which juxtaposes the DNA sites close in space, suggests a mech
188 e 83 of Bw4 and glutamate 282 of 3DL1, which juxtaposes the functionally influential dimorphism at po
189 at oligomerization via the C-terminal domain juxtaposes the linker segments from neighboring apoE mol
190  a highly organized chromatin structure that juxtaposes the locus control region (LCR) with downstrea
191 PC remnants persisted on an ER membrane that juxtaposes the mitotic spindle.
192 esults from a chromosomal translocation that juxtaposes the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene and the
193                                 Gene looping juxtaposes the promoter and terminator regions of RNA po
194                          The DNA motion that juxtaposes the sites ought on the basis of Brownian dyna
195 eversible contraction of immunoglobulin loci juxtaposes the variable (V) genes next to the (diversity
196 alizes with the iGluRs at the PSDs in puncta juxtaposing the active zones.
197                   Chromosomal translocations juxtaposing the androgen-responsive TMPRSS2 promoter wit
198  region located within a coiled-coil domain, juxtaposing the Ca(2+)/calmodulin- and IP(3)R-binding re
199 120 tilting away from threefold axis, likely juxtaposing the fusion peptide with the host membrane.
200                    Our commentary focuses on juxtaposing the proposed science of intentional change w
201 lex may be related to a conformation that is juxtaposing the synaptic vesicle and plasma membranes.
202  effects on the immune system to which it is juxtaposed, the mucosal immune system.
203  early gene we detected chromatin loops that juxtapose their promoters and multiple distant EcREs pri
204  ultraweak affinity "handclasp" complex that juxtaposes their respective 3(10) helices and beta7/beta
205 t that the parallel arrangement of the sRNAs juxtaposes their stem ends into close proximity to allow
206 myocardium and the endocardium - are closely juxtaposed throughout their development.
207 d 1q12 triradials, amplifications of regions juxtaposed to 1q12, and jumping translocations 1q12.
208 cludes a pair of conserved cysteine residues juxtaposed to a buried dimetal binding site within the f
209 ide contains the only two Cys residues in TE juxtaposed to a cluster of positively charged residues (
210 ecific CpG site (designated CpG 2), which is juxtaposed to a key cAMP-responsive element site, was si
211 and a large, intrinsically disordered region juxtaposed to a stable structure to facilitate high-affi
212 ll proliferation or cell survival to regions juxtaposed to active immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer
213 cription of genes that contain a HOX element juxtaposed to an ARE.
214 ealed that perforin-containing granules were juxtaposed to an intracellular compartment where exocyto
215 the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is physically juxtaposed to and functionally entwined with essentially
216 channels in the neuronal plasma membrane are juxtaposed to axosomatic synapses and associated with as
217 n postsynaptic type 1 OFF cone bipolar cells juxtaposed to CB(1)-containing cone photoreceptor termin
218             In static snapshots, they can be juxtaposed to chloroplasts, which has led to the hypothe
219 t somatic plasma membrane Kv2.1 clusters are juxtaposed to clusters of intracellular ryanodine recept
220  flagellar adherence zone (FAZ), and closely juxtaposed to corresponding Golgi clusters.
221 ates at kinetochores in Sds22-depleted cells juxtaposed to critical kinetochore substrates.
222  Respiratory tract dendritic cells (DCs) are juxtaposed to directly sample inhaled environmental part
223 were co-labeled with mu-opioid receptors and juxtaposed to endorphinergic fibers.
224 rstly, maternal immune and endothelial cells juxtaposed to extravillous trophoblasts in the uterine i
225 el in which the SBDLI and SBDLII regions are juxtaposed to form, at least in part, a ligand binding s
226 lls accumulated in the thymic medulla region juxtaposed to Foxp3+ T cells.
227 ited accumulation of these proteins at sites juxtaposed to HSV-1 genomes but had no effect on the pro
228  of clustered Kv2.1 at plasma membrane sites juxtaposed to intracellular RyRs, as well as in Kv2.1 ph
229 islet and outside the islet endocrine cells, juxtaposed to islet microvessels in T1D.
230 n can potentially amplify any genomic region juxtaposed to it and mimic CNAs found in the bone marrow
231  Additionally, virus-induced dsRNA foci were juxtaposed to LDs, attached to the ER.
232 , palmitoylation occurs at cysteine residues juxtaposed to membrane-anchoring domains such as transme
233 ted GFAP+ astrocytes with disrupted end-feet juxtaposed to microvessels.
234                      Mitochondria need to be juxtaposed to phagosomes for the synergistic production
235         Reticular pseudodrusen were deposits juxtaposed to photoreceptor outer segments extending thr
236       Tdrkh is a mitochondrial protein often juxtaposed to pi-bodies and piP-bodies and is required f
237  stimulation are CaMKII positive and closely juxtaposed to prefrontal D1 axon terminals.
238 fied a subpopulation of secretory precursors juxtaposed to presumptive neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs),
239 eceptor subunit immunoreactive spots was not juxtaposed to presynaptic sites in cholesterol-reduced n
240 xpressed AluYa5-derived transcription units, juxtaposed to snaR genes on chromosome 19, formed by a p
241 ly to SP, indicating that these 14 sites are juxtaposed to SP in the ligand-bound receptor.
242  region in the core catalytic domain that is juxtaposed to ssDNA, suggesting how the RAD51-DNA intera
243                         Subterminal regions, juxtaposed to telomeres on human chromosomes, contain a
244 t is mainly determined by the U-rich element juxtaposed to the 3' end of a 5'-ACACCC-3' motif.
245  A48 is recognized by a conserved adenosine, juxtaposed to the 5'-guanosine in one base-pair step dis
246  remarkable conservation of glycine residues juxtaposed to the canonical LPXTG motif.
247 nd mutagenesis observations) is more closely juxtaposed to the catalytic site than in the case of unl
248 Oocyte meiotic spindles orient with one pole juxtaposed to the cortex to facilitate extrusion of chro
249  regions (2 Mbp) appeared to have merged and juxtaposed to the D(H) elements, mechanistically permitt
250        In this study we show that astrocytes juxtaposed to the glutamatergic calyx of Held synapse in
251 m (ER)-derived membranous structures closely juxtaposed to the lipid droplets that facilitate the pos
252 hwann cells (PSCs), which are the glia cells juxtaposed to the motor nerve terminal, actively partici
253 localization in the phospholipid mutants was juxtaposed to the nucleus, most likely associated with t
254 ence in the subsurface ER cisternae that are juxtaposed to the plasma membrane in ganglion cells may
255 n the basolateral membrane of the intestine, juxtaposed to the posterior body muscles.
256 e presynaptic release machinery is precisely juxtaposed to the postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor
257 g enzyme maps to a globular domain, which is juxtaposed to the ring, and the cap methyltransferase ma
258  All of these 21 anterior temporal EDHs were juxtaposed to the sphenoparietal sinus, and all but one
259 Rab7 defines discrete late endosomes closely juxtaposed to the terminal p67(+) lysosome.
260 er best when located at the C-terminus, i.e. juxtaposed to the VirG DNA binding domain.
261 of brain Abeta collection and clearance, are juxtaposed to the wall of intracerebral resistance vesse
262  NL3-overexpressing neurons have no gephyrin juxtaposed to them, indicating that many of these contac
263                              This element is juxtaposed to two other sites located within the first i
264 ch show plenty of synaptic gephyrin clusters juxtaposed to vGAT.
265 functional data suggest that the head module juxtaposes transcription factor IIH and the carboxy-term
266 ergistically generate site-selective DSBs at juxtaposed translocation loci that are ligated by nonhom
267 ing of liganded androgen receptor (AR) first juxtaposes translocation loci by triggering intra- and i
268  Afp, by exploiting a lack of methylation at juxtaposed transposed elements, to bind and poise chroma
269            Southern Ocean hydrothermal vents juxtapose two extremes - intense food-poor cold and scal
270 s) form a four-helix coiled-coil bundle that juxtaposes two bilayers and drives a basal level of memb
271                                           IN juxtaposes two DNA blunt ends to form the synaptic compl
272          HIV-1 integrase (IN) non-covalently juxtaposes two viral DNA termini forming the synaptic co
273 ions, but bind gp120 at different angles via juxtaposed VH and VL contact surfaces.
274 described BH3-in-groove homodimers (BGH) are juxtaposed via the 'alpha3/alpha5' interface, in which t
275 his suggests that AGT proteins are optimally juxtaposed when the DNA is near its torsionally-relaxed
276 a collapsed and rapidly fluctuating N region juxtaposed with a more extended M region.
277 red for, specific expression in neurons when juxtaposed with additional far-upstream promoter element
278 ration revealed that these two networks were juxtaposed with additional networks that themselves frac
279  insulators, which host a conducting surface juxtaposed with an insulating bulk.
280 made of normal fixed mouse trigeminal nerves juxtaposed with and without gel were employed to demonst
281 re11(ATLD1)) led to synthetic lethality when juxtaposed with DNA-PKcs deficiency (Prkdc(scid)).
282 g corpora lutea, macrophages were intimately juxtaposed with endothelial cells and expressed the proa
283 rosophila melanogaster white (omega) gene is juxtaposed with heterochromatin.
284 eterozygous regions increase crossovers when juxtaposed with homozygous regions, which reciprocally d
285 surgery reducing CVD events is discussed and juxtaposed with impacts on all-cause mortalities.
286 more uniform dose distribution of electrons, juxtaposed with neuron morphology make it necessary to m
287 cent GLP-1R agonist accesses the LDTg and is juxtaposed with neurons.
288 owly increased in size and ultimately became juxtaposed with promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear b
289  between attractive noncovalent interactions juxtaposed with repulsive steric and electrostatic inter
290 ovel diagnostic tools, and treatment options juxtaposed with rising costs in health care challenge ph
291 amino acids and therefore is too short to be juxtaposed with the antibiotic.
292           Such invariability-especially when juxtaposed with the diversity of other tissues-suggests
293  requires a protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) juxtaposed with the DNA target sequence, thus constricti
294 NL in aged retinas, and these were spatially juxtaposed with the elongated dendrites of bipolar cells
295 city of bone to store calcium and phosphate, juxtaposed with the essential role of phosphate in energ
296 ynein recruitment factor Spindly are closely juxtaposed with the KMN network in metaphase cells when
297  into discrete junctional ER domains closely juxtaposed with the plasma membrane (PM).
298 unity consisting of RPS-bearing streptococci juxtaposed with veillonellae was targeted by quantum dot
299 te eye, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) juxtaposes with the retina, but how the RPE plays a role
300  Spin labels attached in the BH3 domain were juxtaposed within 5-10 A distance in the oligomeric form

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