


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rom pUC21 (ampicillin resistance) and pUK21 (kanamycin resistance).
2 d replacing it with a gene cassette encoding kanamycin resistance.
3 is, which increase its expression and confer kanamycin resistance.
4 cation, and genes for rare transfer RNAs and kanamycin resistance.
5 utonomously replicating plasmid that confers kanamycin resistance.
6 hia coli-H. pylori shuttle vector conferring kanamycin resistance.
7  cells, and positive clones were selected by kanamycin resistance.
8                                A spontaneous kanamycin resistance and capreomycin resistance mutation
9     The transposon introduces both positive (kanamycin resistance) and negative (I-SceI recognition s
10 a bacteriophage T7 promoter, (ii) it confers kanamycin resistance, and (iii) it uses an R6K origin of
11         The loxP sites flank npt, conferring kanamycin resistance, and sacB, which confers sensitivit
12 s to the stable phenotypes of tumorigenesis, kanamycin resistance, and stable beta-glucuronidase (GUS
13  crown gall tumorigenesis, transformation to kanamycin resistance, and stable GUS expression.
14 D were each insertionally inactivated with a kanamycin resistance (aphA) cassette and allelic exchang
15 active hpyIIRM cassette [containing a 1.4 kb kanamycin resistance (aphA) marker], whether such acquis
16 he inactivation of sll0088 by insertion of a kanamycin resistance cartridge in the primary C14S(PsaC)
17                           The insertion of a kanamycin resistance cartridge into cbbL resulted in a p
18 e sacB gene of Bacillus subtilis cloned in a kanamycin resistance cartridge.
19                     Interruption of por by a kanamycin-resistance cartridge between the codons for M2
20 i, nixA was insertionally inactivated with a kanamycin resistance cassette (aphA) and this construct
21                                            A kanamycin resistance cassette (Kan(r)) was inserted into
22 ubunit sequence in E. coli by insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette and sought to construct an
23 , and interruption of the cloned gene with a kanamycin resistance cassette eliminated the overexpress
24 ing sequence was removed and replaced with a kanamycin resistance cassette flanked by two res sites f
25  cells, and disruption of the oapA gene with kanamycin resistance cassette insertion resulted in a si
26 ts providing evidence for integration of the kanamycin resistance cassette into atpD.
27                               Insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette into the 5' end of pifC re
28    BBA74 was disrupted by the insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette into the coding region.
29  be required for macrophage killing, since a kanamycin resistance cassette introduced into icmS by ge
30 y disruption of the flaA or flaB gene with a kanamycin resistance cassette or by introduction of both
31                Replacement of GSU1501 with a kanamycin resistance cassette produced a similarly defec
32 nC mutant generated by introducing an aphA-3 kanamycin resistance cassette produced CPS with no O-ace
33       An in-frame replacement of eptB with a kanamycin resistance cassette rendered E. coli WBB06 (bu
34 rferi B31 by replacing the BBK32 gene with a kanamycin resistance cassette through homologous recombi
35  strain Ec1a (O1:K1:H7) were replaced with a kanamycin resistance cassette to produce an oxyRS mutant
36 hromosome by homologous recombination with a kanamycin resistance cassette to produce mutant J45-100.
37 ed in which the bca gene was replaced with a kanamycin resistance cassette via homologous recombinati
38 duce a GlnA-deficient mutant of H. pylori, a kanamycin resistance cassette was cloned into the Tth111
39 y of phiBB-1 to package and transduce DNA, a kanamycin resistance cassette was inserted into a cloned
40                              Afterwards, the kanamycin resistance cassette was removed from each muta
41 of R. leguminosarum was created by placing a kanamycin resistance cassette within acpXL, the gene whi
42 g rifampin resistance) or a large insertion (kanamycin resistance cassette).
43 d by insertional inactivation of plcR by the kanamycin resistance cassette, aphA3.
44 r hypB (HypB:kan) have been interrupted by a kanamycin resistance cassette.
45  subcloned and mutagenized by insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette.
46 nsion, was interrupted by the insertion of a kanamycin-resistance cassette between the ferrochelatase
47 phenicol-resistance cassette in place of the kanamycin-resistance cassette in pOX38-tra715 and a muta
48                               Insertion of a kanamycin-resistance cassette in the traY gene of the pO
49 sogenic H. pylori uvrB mutant by inserting a kanamycin-resistance cassette into uvrB and verified its
50 optional chloramphenicol-, tetracycline-, or kanamycin-resistance cassettes.
51 ent strain was constructed by insertion of a kanamycin resistance determinant within the ureC gene vi
52  (encoded by ssrA), coupled with a multicopy kanamycin resistance determinant, suppressed both lon ph
53 nstructed in this gene by the insertion of a kanamycin resistance DNA cassette into the chromosome.
54 ked insertion of transposon Tn5 by using the kanamycin resistance encoded by that transposon.
55 ulting MS17 clone possessed erythromycin and kanamycin resistance, flat-wave morphology, and microsco
56  the corresponding gene was disrupted with a kanamycin resistance gene (aphA3) in H. pylori ATCC 4350
57              Integration plasmids carrying a kanamycin resistance gene (kan) that was used to substit
58                                            A kanamycin resistance gene (kan) was introduced into B. b
59 eliloti gltA gene was mutated by inserting a kanamycin resistance gene and then using homologous reco
60 firmed by analysis of the segregation of the kanamycin resistance gene carried on the T-DNA.
61 train, E. coli O157:H7 W6-13, by inserting a kanamycin resistance gene cassette (kan) into wcaD and w
62  mutant, which was created by insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene cassette at the 5' region of i
63 e K8.1 open reading frame and insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene cassette within the K8.1 gene.
64 344 (SL1344 trxA), replacing the gene with a kanamycin resistance gene cassette.
65 ch either fimA or orf365 was replaced with a kanamycin resistance gene did not participate in type 2
66 598-bp segment of the gene and inserting the kanamycin resistance gene from Tn903 into the gap.
67 tions of the transposon Tn5 or Tn3-nice or a kanamycin resistance gene in each of these genes abolish
68   The MDV US3 orthologue was replaced with a kanamycin resistance gene in the infectious bacterial ar
69 nalysis revealed there was an insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene in the lgt2 gene of D4, which
70 e vectors into a plasmid containing a mutant kanamycin resistance gene in vitro.
71 ted DBB25, was constructed by insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene into alcA, one of the genes es
72 d one of these fragments hybridized with the kanamycin resistance gene of the plasmid vector.
73 ucted loxP511 transposons contained either a kanamycin resistance gene or no marker.
74 disrupted by insertion of the aphII neomycin-kanamycin resistance gene resulted in the accumulation o
75 disrupted in strain 81-176 by insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene through homologous recombinati
76 LEU2 genes and a transposon-derived neomycin/kanamycin resistance gene were successfully expressed fr
77 es a gC-negative deletion mutant harboring a kanamycin resistance gene, a markerless mutant with the
78 of pDMG21A, a pVT745 derivative containing a kanamycin resistance gene, displayed a structural rearra
79    pJGS84, a derivative of pAP1 containing a kanamycin resistance gene, was able to replicate in Esch
80 onstructed by replacing the mazG gene with a kanamycin resistance gene.
81  der gene (originally annotated yfgK) with a kanamycin resistance gene.
82  plants transformed with a vector containing kanamycin-resistance gene (npt) flanked by FRT sites, wh
83  gene product inhibited a transposon-derived kanamycin-resistance gene in both M. smegmatis and M. tu
84 lytic subdomains I-III by the insertion of a kanamycin-resistance gene resulted in slightly delayed,
85 nd negative selection markers, which are the Kanamycin-resistance gene, the sacB gene and temperature
86  plasmids containing mariner transposons and kanamycin resistance genes expressible in B. burgdorferi
87  segment required for psbL editing, chimeric kanamycin resistance genes were constructed containing p
88 ssette was designed so that the luxABCDE and kanamycin resistance genes were linked to form a single
89 gulated expression for the LEU2 and neomycin/kanamycin resistance genes.
90 mined in this study that exhibited low-level kanamycin resistance harbored eis promoter mutations.
91 antify the static and dynamic composition of kanamycin resistance in artificial microbiota to evaluat
92 plication origin, the nptIII gene conferring kanamycin resistance in bacteria, both the right and lef
93 r DNA that adjoins the transposon contains a kanamycin resistance (Kanr) gene.
94 meC in the kan- gene resulted in mutation to kanamycin resistance (KanR).
95                      Genetic analysis of the kanamycin-resistance (KanR) trait in >900 independent tr
96 rless chloramphenicol resistance (Cm(r)) and kanamycin resistance (Km(r)) cassettes, respectively, th
97 gI fragment within lob-2A was deleted, and a kanamycin resistance (Km(r)) gene was inserted into this
98 laP, ApR) and pNF2214 carries the Tn903 aph3 kanamycin resistance (KmR) element.
99                                        Using kanamycin resistance (Kn(r)) insertional alleles of the
100                               Insertion of a kanamycin resistance (KnR) cassette at a SalI site in a
101                                          The kanamycin resistance marker allows efficient direct sele
102 laced in a binary plasmid vectorcontaining a kanamycin resistance marker and a cauliflower mosaic vir
103 nstructs of fbpA and fbpB disrupted with the kanamycin resistance marker OmegaKm and containing varyi
104 omposite transposons containing IS6110 and a kanamycin resistance marker were constructed.
105 structed with the sucA gene interrupted by a kanamycin resistance marker.
106 A gene, which encodes L27, was replaced by a kanamycin resistance marker.
107                   When used in tandem with a kanamycin-resistance marker, the cassette was successful
108      These mutations restored high levels of kanamycin resistance not through an improvement in the p
109 slation in the correct reading frame confers kanamycin resistance on the host.
110                          Bioluminescence and kanamycin resistance only occur in a bacterial cell if t
111 with both approaches using attP vectors with kanamycin resistance or spectinomycin resistance as the
112 that suffers mutations during acquisition of kanamycin-resistance results in an overwhelming majority
113 cillin resistance), aphA1-Iab (which encodes kanamycin resistance), strA and strB (which encode strep
114  the ability of these heterodimers to confer kanamycin resistance to Escherichia coli cells was impai
115 hotransferase type II gene, which can confer kanamycin resistance to transgenic plants, represent an
116   The mutations R177S and V198E restored the kanamycin resistance to wild-type levels while maintaini
117 nce of AID and a genetic reversion assay for kanamycin-resistance to investigate the causes of multip
118 d a genetic selection for splicing-dependent kanamycin resistance with no significant bias when six a
119 model successfully predicted the dynamics of kanamycin resistance within artificial microbiota under

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