


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  morphology, skin and hair pigmentation, and keratinization.
2 efore the onset of corneal opacification and keratinization.
3 13, and 14, to detect presence or absence of keratinization.
4 mately involved in the program of epithelial keratinization.
5 nt recipients caused advanced ocular surface keratinization.
6 V), the most prevalent inherited disorder of keratinization.
7 protein leads to varying degrees of impaired keratinization.
8 dhesion between epidermal cells and abnormal keratinization.
9 of desmosome-keratin filaments, and abnormal keratinization.
10 moglein 3 correlated with different types of keratinization.
11 f therapeutic response for many disorders of keratinization.
12 epithelium with occasional vacuolization and keratinization.
13  epidermal cells (acantholysis) and abnormal keratinization.
14  epidermal cells (acantholysis) and abnormal keratinization.
15 idermal cells (acantholysis) and by abnormal keratinization.
16 eus (nucleophagy) during the final stages of keratinization.
17 biological and structural events during hair keratinization.
18 uciformis of Hopf is a localized disorder of keratinization affecting the distal extremities.
19 nce and migration of neutrophils, epithelial keratinization, alterations in corneal wound healing, an
20 n implicated in a few Mendelian disorders of keratinization, although ceramides are known to have key
21 ermis and implicated in several disorders of keratinization and cancer.
22 ostmitotic, maturing cells prior to terminal keratinization and death suggests that (i) PAI-2 may be
23      Functional enrichment analysis revealed keratinization and differentiation as the most affected
24 00) is the most common inherited disorder of keratinization and one of the most frequent single-gene
25 -gamma are potent inducers of ocular surface keratinization and SPRR1B expression.
26  inflammation is a key inducer of pathologic keratinization and that SPRR1B represents an analytical
27 sses involved in epithelial differentiation, keratinization, and anion exchange.
28  proliferation, cell death, differentiation, keratinization, and inflammation, in human meibomian gla
29 ism, cellular response to hydrogen peroxide, keratinization, and keratinocyte differentiation in OTSC
30 of EMT-like keratinocyte activation, limited keratinization, and slow reepithelialization.
31 thyosis vulgaris-the most common disorder of keratinization-and also a strong genetic risk factor for
32 ds induced extensive squamous metaplasia and keratinization associated with terminal differentiation
33 h poor prognosis of oral cancer patients and keratinization-associated miRNAs mediate deregulation of
34 rich protein with kazal motifs (RECK) by two keratinization-associated miRNAs, miR-7 and miR-21.
35 y alterations in many gene ontologies (e.g., keratinization, cell cycle, and DNA repair).
36 yosis (BSI) is a rare congenital disorder of keratinization characterized by restriction of scale to
37 ed superficial porokeratosis (DSP) is a rare keratinization disorder of the epidermis.
38 erapeutic benefit in the local management of keratinization disorders.
39                                 Disorders of keratinization (DOK) show marked genotypic and phenotypi
40 mach has an abnormal phenotype, with reduced keratinization, ectopic mucus cells and columnar epithel
41 ional DD skin shows the presence of abnormal keratinization (epidermal differentiation) and acantholy
42 eye, it significantly reduced ocular surface keratinization, epitheliopathy, and muco-glycoconjugate
43 nes included epithelial cell differentiation/keratinization genes (Sprr2h, Tgm1) and proinflammatory
44 ovascularization, keratitis, ulceration, and keratinization identifiable from 9 weeks of age; and 3)
45 ng factor to the development of inflammatory keratinization in Notch1(-/-) mice.
46 nce of Dscl and Dsgl correlates with lack of keratinization in ocular epithelia.
47  and telomerase activity, except for foci of keratinization in squamous cell carcinomas.
48                     In areas of trichilemmal keratinization in the follicle, and in cysts arising fro
49  interference with the process of follicular keratinization in the pilosebaceous unit leading to infl
50 ated in an extended spectrum of disorders of keratinization in which thrombocytopenia is also part of
51           Taken together, our data show that keratinization is associated with poor prognosis of oral
52  surface was found to cause inflammation and keratinization of the corneal epithelium.
53                                              Keratinization of the stratum corneum involves a highly
54 r that the virally transformed cells inhibit keratinization of the tumor cells.
55 her aim was to evaluate if EMD can influence keratinization of tissues utilizing these procedures.
56                                              Keratinization of tumors and the high expression of miR-
57                             No effect on the keratinization or connective tissue organization of the
58 ntages of adnexal structures and a different keratinization pattern than oral mucosa.
59  S100 calcium-binding proteins, suggest that keratinization plays an important role in the pathogenes
60 n nonkeratinized OCP epithelia is reduced as keratinization proceeds in the disease.
61 of GalNAc-Ts observed in early stages of the keratinization process in patients with OCP suggests a c
62 networks involved in the immune response and keratinization processes revealed potential novel mediat
63 atinized epithelia (K1, K2, and K10) and the keratinization-related proteins filaggrin and involucrin
64 ned squamous metaplasia using a biomarker of keratinization, small proline-rich protein 1B.
65                                     At later keratinization stages, the inner mechanical properties o
66                   In areas of epidermal-like keratinization, such as in the infundibulum and in epide
67                           Due to its lack of keratinization, teleost skin possesses living epithelial

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