


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 points (typically, to within approximately 1 kilobase).
2 dividual and a density of 1.1 variations per kilobase.
3 rage 3.2 single-nucleotide polymorphisms per kilobase.
4 ypically within several kilobases to tens of kilobases.
5 h the smallest genome currently known at 112 kilobases.
6  with mate-pair libraries extending up to 20 kilobases.
7 ng nearly all genes that are longer than 200 kilobases.
8 raction patterns at length scales of several kilobases.
9 s, wild-type Yan-bound regions span multiple kilobases.
10 tational hot and cold spots spanning several kilobases.
11 tivation from as far away as several hundred kilobases.
12 ically relevant level of tens to hundreds of kilobases.
13 gions of recombination extended over several kilobases.
14 recovered by another binding event within 10 kilobases.
15 equence variants (PSVs) separated by several kilobases.
16  clusters, which range from 1 to hundreds of kilobases.
17 ce accuracy of about 1 false variant per 100 kilobases.
18 de polymorphisms in genomic regions up to 50 kilobases.
19 t units, arranged in tandem over hundreds of kilobases.
20 ns and promote their assembly across several kilobases.
21 igns has been limited to tens or hundreds of kilobases.
22 ging from several hundred base pairs to many kilobases.
23 served RNA structural domains that span many kilobases.
24 nvasive variant detection across hundreds of kilobases.
25 elic gene conversion events spanning tens of kilobases.
26 etween direct and tethered GBSs over tens of kilobases.
27 ve multivalent interactions over hundreds of kilobases.
28 so identified a highly conserved sequence 21 kilobase 5' of BP4 that we called BE5.2, which contains
29 ife forms harbored approximately 3.4 introns/kilobase, a greater intron density than in most of the e
30 ss Igh domains that span tens to hundreds of kilobases, a phenomenon not observed in simple eukaryote
31 gh frequency of CNCs of tens to thousands of kilobases across the human genome that closely resemble
32 rial artificial chromosome libraries with 21-kilobase and 83-kilobase inserts in the P[acman] system.
33 urther measure a ribosome density of 1.3 per kilobase and an elongation rate of 13-18 amino acids per
34 he delayed regions can encompass hundreds of kilobases and generally correspond to regions that repli
35 les per parS site (~20) can spread over many kilobases and suggests a mechanism by which ParB protein
36 ethylated DMRs spanned up to several hundred kilobases and were frequently found at gene family clust
37 mpirical p = .04 for duplications of 100-200 kilobase) and a particular deletion region spanning gene
38 cestor of eukaryotes contained >2.15 introns/kilobase, and the last common ancestor of multicellular
39 ons at a resolution as fine as a few hundred kilobases, and the genes with the most similar synonymou
40  the opportunity to phase mutations multiple kilobases apart directly from sequencing reads.
41 uently associated with cis variants within 5 kilobases, as were intron retention alternative splicing
42 e heterozygous for deletions of at least 593 kilobases at 16p11.2 and whose ascertainment included co
43 tion of discrete target fragments of several kilobases at 37 degrees C from both double- and single-s
44 lexes traveling an average distance of >/=10 kilobases at a velocity of 60 base pairs per second.
45 henomenon-duplication of tens or hundreds of kilobases at the breakpoint junction, so that the same s
46  is bound across domains spanning 10 or more kilobases at the DAFC rather than at a specific site.
47 ments, most endemic events occur hundreds of kilobases away from Myc.
48     Enhancers are often located many tens of kilobases away from the promoter they regulate, sometime
49 nhancers may be located tens or thousands of kilobases away from their promoters.
50 ge genomic distances and can be located many kilobases away from their target promoters.
51  variants in the same gene up to hundreds of kilobases away that cannot be obtained from DNA sequenci
52 al upstream CpG island (CGI) located several kilobases away that functions as an alternative promoter
53 good indicator of eQTL targets for genes 150 kilobases away, but insulators, TF co-occurrence, open c
54 ange interactions, up to tens of hundreds of kilobases away, of a number of cis-acting regulatory DNA
55 ter gene located at distances of hundreds of kilobases away, suggesting that both proximal and distal
56 ionally from origins that can be hundreds of kilobases away.
57 8641 (P=2.8 x 10(-8)), the nearest gene (306 kilobases) being OPRM1.
58 restricted interactions spanning hundreds of kilobases between promoters and distal loci.
59  a unique, near-perfect tandem repeat of 212 kilobases close to the replication terminus.
60 or schizophrenia is conferred by large (>500-kilobase) CNVs at several loci, including microdeletions
61  of the gene, contacting a region of several kilobases, concomitant with a loss of histone H3 and H4
62 dy data set, we identified a significant 202-kilobase consensus region on Chr15q24.1 (empirical P val
63 3 Mb (P = .02), as well as a significant 114-kilobase consensus region on chr4q31.3 (empirical P valu
64  PCR products in the range of 700 bases to 2 kilobases could be amplified without addition of cosolve
65 ed proteins encoded in the approximately 100 kilobase crAssphage genome showed no significant similar
66 presses wild-type mtDNA and mtDNA with a 3.1-kilobase deletion (mtDNA) lacking four essential genes.
67 iver and that arises as the result of a ~400-kilobase deletion on chromosome 19.
68  sequencing revealed a novel, heterozygous 3-kilobase deletion removing exons 7-9 of TP53 in the pati
69 tions of nucleosome density over hundreds of kilobases, delineating chromosomal domains within IgH, i
70  output in Medicago, and they may be located kilobases distal to the transcriptional start site.
71 genomic variants (from 100 nucleotides to 10 kilobases), distinguishing these strains from the C57BL/
72 s, we observe the redistribution of XPD onto kilobase DNA strands containing a single base mismatch,
73 s of constant region exons (CHs) lie 100-200 kilobases downstream in the same transcriptional orienta
74 l elongation, even at operators located many kilobases downstream of the transcription start site and
75 increased gene expression, extending tens of kilobases downstream of transcription start sites.
76 in size (approximately 4 and approximately 6 kilobases) due to alternative 3' untranslated regions (U
77 es by individually testing 55 segments of 50 kilobases each.
78 ry elements present in a region of about 100 kilobases flanking Ifng.
79 th an average of 1.44 heterozygous sites per kilobase for each individual.
80 constructing haplotypes spanning hundreds of kilobases for an individual.
81                  Transgenic mice where a 3.6-kilobase fragment of the collagen type 1 alpha1 promoter
82 tagenic synthesis is limited to within a few kilobases from the break by Mus81 endonuclease and a con
83 th modification footprints extending several kilobases from the site of dsRNA homology and with locus
84 ransformed cells for mutations as far as 1.3 kilobases from the ZFN cleavage site.
85 scriptional enhancers can be located tens of kilobases from their target genes, but display character
86                        Often located tens of kilobases from their target promoters and functioning in
87 e locus arose as a result of an unusual 24.7-kilobase gene duplication event mediated by the long ter
88 uture gene targeting efforts involving multi-kilobase gene segments, particularly in human iPSC.
89 ent 'knock-in' targeted replacement of multi-kilobase genes in human induced pluripotent stem cells (
90                                      The 235-kilobase genome of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is by fa
91                                        A 240 kilobase haplotype encompassing the ALX1 gene that encod
92                          Reads exceeding 150 kilobases have been achieved, as have in-field detection
93            Highly reduced genomes of 144-416 kilobases have been described from nutrient-provisioning
94 n site, and can be recapitulated using a 2.8-kilobase HSPA1A gene fragment.
95                        We found that the 4.2-kilobase HXT13-DSF1 region sharing divergent homology wi
96 predominantly induce deletions longer than a kilobase in A. thaliana.
97 omes to a low of 0.57 heterozygous sites per kilobase in segments inferred to have diploid Native Ame
98  Structural variations of DNA greater than 1 kilobase in size account for most bases that vary among
99          The majority of SVs are less than 1 kilobase in size and 98% are deletions or insertions.
100 rom minicircles, which are approximately one kilobase in size, and encode between three and four gRNA
101 ged from a high of one heterozygous site per kilobase in west African genomes to a low of 0.57 hetero
102 d to adjacent non-specific DNA over multiple kilobases in a phenomenon called spreading.
103 covery and 23 for fine-mapping) spanning 300 kilobases in and around COL5A1 were genotyped and tested
104 zed noncoding RNAs that are 10's to 100's of kilobases in length and low in abundance due to efficien
105 generate short tandem repeats, often several kilobases in length, embedded within (G+C)-rich genomic
106 pe-resolved, sequence motif maps hundreds of kilobases in length, resulting in a median coverage of 1
107 that practically works for reads of averaged kilobases in length.
108 hromatin folding for sequences up to tens of kilobases in length.
109 ess double-stranded DNA genomes of 65 to 100 kilobases in size that encode a structural module charac
110     In contrast to hotspots, which are a few kilobases in size, and widely scattered throughout the g
111 ng domains (TADs), typically several hundred kilobases in size, form an intermediate level of organiz
112 sensitivity occurring for events less than 5 kilobases in size.
113  human today are usually less than a hundred kilobases in size.
114 own diabetes risk factors, odds ratios per 1-kilobase increment were 1.00 (95% CI 0.90-1.11) in white
115 chromosome libraries with 21-kilobase and 83-kilobase inserts in the P[acman] system.
116 stant hotspots, has been mapped within a 181-kilobase interval, three of whose genes can be eliminate
117  up to ~50 fluorescent Cy3-labeled dNTPs per kilobase into a ssDNA chain.
118 at continued processive unwinding of several kilobases involves multiple monomers at the DNA unwindin
119  assembly of silenced chromatin over several kilobases is likely an important mechanism for maintaini
120  family-based analysis, an approximately 200 kilobase (kb) deletion in the first intron of the MAGI1
121 e rs1619661 variant is on chromosome 10, 132 kilobase (kb) downstream from <em>CXCL12</em>, which enc
122                                        A 2.7 kilobase (kb) homozygous gene replacement was achieved i
123               Sequence polymorphisms in a 58-kilobase (kb) interval on chromosome 9p21 confer a marke
124 uclear injection of a construct carrying a 3-kilobase (kb) region of the Rlbp1 gene and 5'-flanking s
125 method, we utilized sequence data from a 200-kilobase (kb) region on chromosome 9p21 of the human gen
126 , and specific segments at megabase (Mb) and kilobase (kb) resolutions of single average and ensemble
127  transiently transfected PC12 cells with a 9-kilobase (kb) TH promoter-luciferase (Luc) construct.
128 ese studies were done with plasmid DNA (~2.6 kilobase (kb)) in JM109 E. coli cells.
129 ation was characterized as a deletion of 112 kilobase (kb), encompassing over 90% of PRPF31 and five
130 ith uniformly repeating sequences to over 20 kilobases (kb) in length.
131           By functionally interrogating >500 kilobases (kb) of mouse and human sequence in mouse embr
132  Megabases (Mb) resolution to the current 10 Kilobases (Kb) or even 1 Kb resolution.
133                     TL was approximately 0.5 kilobases (kb) shorter in leukocytes from patients with
134              The lymphocyte promoter maps 13 kilobases (kb) upstream of the monocyte promoter; its us
135            Overlapping "cassettes" of 5 to 7 kilobases (kb), assembled from chemically synthesized ol
136 ll rare exonic CNV in the size range of 1-30 kilobases (kb), making use of the eXome Hidden Markov Mo
137 a lower size limit for detection of about 30 kilobases (kb).
138 ithin a C(H) locus that span several hundred kilobases (kb).
139 stimated average intermarker distance of 939 kilobases (kb).
140 romosome conformations at a resolution of 50 kilobases (kb).
141 SNPs) into long haplotype blocks (N50 of 386 kilobases (kbp)).
142  to gene deserts, regions of several hundred kilobases lacking protein-coding genes.
143 s inflated with short repeats and is tens of kilobases larger than the ptDNAs of its closest known ph
144  in a negatively supercoiled DNA molecule of kilobase length and specified base sequence.
145                                              Kilobase length polymers (single-stranded genomic DNA or
146 sequence-dependent structural transitions in kilobase length superhelical DNA molecules.
147 d base-pair level models (BPLMs) to simulate kilobase-length dsDNAs and dsRNAs under external forces
148                      Here we show that a 3.7-kilobase lncRNA, terminal differentiation-induced ncRNA
149 g chromosomal regions of tens to hundreds of kilobases long that are derived from two closely related
150  SMS sequencing produces reads up to tens of kilobases long.
151 hnologies capable of producing reads tens of kilobases long.
152 Schwann cells and harbored a homozygous 10.7-kilobase-long deletion encompassing a myelin-specific en
153 pre-mRNA) that is initiated within a several-kilobase-long region, called the transcription start sit
154 much more active, being capable of digesting kilobase-long stretches of DNA.
155                                      Several kilobase-long tracts of genome sequence can be replaced.
156 versus Indian (r(2) approximately 0.52 at 10 kilobases) macaque populations.
157  population-specific selective signals to 55 kilobases (median), identifying known and novel causal v
158                      Small, approximately 10-kilobase microhomology-mediated tandem duplications are
159               IsoEM2 estimates fragments per kilobase million (FPKM) and transcript per million (TPM)
160 d robustness, we synthesized the entire 16.3-kilobase mouse mitochondrial genome from 600 overlapping
161 rdinate multiple mutations spanning multiple kilobases (mutation showers).
162                          We discovered a 1.6-kilobase ncRNA (RepA) within Xist and identified the Pol
163 at Ars2 binds a specific region within the 6-kilobase NSC enhancer of Sox2.
164 ately two- to threefold fewer crossovers per kilobase of DNA than the genomic average.
165 ectral abundance factor (NSAF) and reads per kilobase of exon model per million mapped reads (RPKM) a
166 ssion quantification matrices (Fragments Per Kilobase Of Exon Per Million Fragments Mapped, Transcrip
167 model per million mapped reads and reads per kilobase of gene model per million mapped reads, for qua
168 dated a 2-fold cutoff and 10 RPKM (reads per kilobase of mappable length per million mapped reads) (~
169  variants in the tumors: 0.66 variations per kilobase of sequence, compared with the corresponding no
170 cts and introduced new strategies, reads per kilobase of splice junction model per million mapped rea
171 ly 28,900 transcripts was >/=2 fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped fragments, and
172  in both groups, but also clustered within 1 kilobase of transcription start sites.
173 ch to measure the effects of a total of >450 kilobases of 3' UTR sequences from >2,000 human genes on
174 otable in that rs910652 is located within 78 kilobases of ADAM33, which is one of the most well studi
175 , Bayesian and parsimony analyses of over 41 kilobases of aligned DNA sequence from 62 single-copy nu
176          Our study examined approximately 32 kilobases of aligned nuclear DNA sequences from 19 indep
177 Factor) genes showed that 97% were within 50 kilobases of an inducible CBP peak, and 70% of these req
178 We found that Slx4 is recruited within a few kilobases of an irreparable DSB, through the interaction
179 y bind AhR on the CYP1A locus, we scanned 75 kilobases of chromosome 15 sequence for high-affinity Ah
180 verted repeats that are separated by several kilobases of DNA and share >20 base pairs of homology.
181 he sloppy paired (slp) locus, we analyzed 30 kilobases of DNA encompassing the tandem, coordinately r
182 wed by replication that can copy hundreds of kilobases of DNA from a donor molecule all the way throu
183 ineages of insects, based on approximately 8 kilobases of DNA sequence data from a worldwide sample i
184 lymerase II (Pol II) transcribes hundreds of kilobases of DNA, limiting the production of mRNAs and l
185 ermine overhang size in the presence of many kilobases of double-stranded telomeric DNA.
186 s a processive helicase capable of unwinding kilobases of dsDNA in length.
187 art sites, potentially bypassing hundreds of kilobases of interspersed sequence on the linear genome.
188 omosomes (BACs) containing approximately 200 kilobases of mammalian genomic DNA tagged with lac opera
189  also constructed phylogenetic trees from 14 kilobases of nuclear genes for representatives from most
190  binding motif (identified by CAST-ing) in 2 kilobases of regulatory sequence.
191 er windows of two to three nucleotides after kilobases of RNA synthesis.
192  single-nucleotide polymorphisms spanning 57 kilobases of the CRHR1 gene were examined.
193              We applied this strategy to 115 kilobases of the human genome encompassing 47 genes impl
194 he following biomarkers were associated with kilobase pair differences in LTL: BMI -0.00478 (95% CI -
195                                        A 2.9-kilobase pair locus in Neisseria meningitidis was identi
196                                        A 1.2-kilobase pair portion of the CYP2E1 promoter was associa
197 ates, all exhibiting tandem copies of a 37.6-kilobase pair region with identical breakpoints.
198 lete chemical synthesis to minimize the 1079-kilobase pair synthetic genome of Mycoplasma mycoides JC
199 that displayed ESBL activity possessed a 140-kilobase-pair plasmid that produced the TEM-63 beta-lact
200 ion of Sir proteins over a region of several kilobase pairs compared to the telomeric repeat, even th
201 shared a rare haplotype of approximately 644 kilobase pairs containing the c.828+3A>T mutation, which
202 es with knots for DNA molecules of up to 166 kilobase pairs in length and find that the knotting occu
203 bulk methods and circular molecules below 10 kilobase pairs in length.
204 ccur over separations of tens to hundreds of kilobase pairs in vivo.
205 uences, encoding a total of approximately 35 kilobase pairs of DNA.
206                      Enhancers act over many kilobase pairs to activate target promoters, but their a
207 i-essential genes, produced JCVI-syn3.0 (531 kilobase pairs, 473 genes), which has a genome smaller t
208 copy number for duplications as small as 1.9 kilobase pairs, ranging from 0 to 48 copies.
209 Ps have few clonal matches longer than a few kilobase pairs.
210                           DNA brushes, a few kilobase-pairs long, undergo a striking transition into
211 ding reporting the read counts and reads per kilobase per million mapped reads (RPKM) for genes selec
212  Defining a gene with more than one read per kilobase per million mapped reads as expressed, we ident
213 734 were transcriptionally active (reads per kilobase per million reads >/= 3), representing approxim
214 a genome browser, calculate RPKMs (reads per kilobase per million) and identify peaks.
215  to the terminus (>2 megabases) at rates >50 kilobases per minute.
216 cates on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), it has kilobase processivity; yet, it is unable to processively
217  encoding interleukin 17 (Il17) required a 2-kilobase promoter and at least one conserved noncoding (
218     In addition, we discovered extensive (>1 kilobase) protein occupancy domains (EPODs), some of whi
219 ids, composed of up to five DNA parts in the kilobase range with efficiencies of between 75 and 100%.
220                                  Large (>500 kilobases), rare (<1%) deletions were significantly enri
221  mediated by nonhomologous end-joining using kilobase, rather than megabase, fragments of DNA, which
222 l-time sequencing, which generates long (>16 kilobases) reads with random errors, we assembled 99% (2
223                                        A 2.1 kilobase region (the H element) adjacent to a cluster of
224 h variable breakpoints occurred within a 362-kilobase region and were detected in 29 of 8,290 (0.35%)
225 odds ratio = 1.27) was identified with a 170-kilobase region on chromosome 1q32 that contains 3 genes
226 tically mapped the carbonaria morph to a 200-kilobase region orthologous to a segment of silkworm chr
227 vo 16p11.2 deletion, extending through a 593-kilobase region previously associated with autism and me
228 ochores or CpG enriched segments across a 22 kilobase region surrounding the IGF2 gene in the South A
229 ed for association signals in the entire 100-kilobase region that includes MAPT.
230 a locus has been coarsely localized to a 200-kilobase region, but the specific identity and nature of
231                    Red individuals have a 30-kilobase region, encoding a single carotenoid desaturase
232 11 global populations, and sequenced ten 100-kilobase regions in 692 of these individuals.
233 ven with analysis window sizes as small as 1 kilobase, reliable profiles can be generated with as lit
234 g development, primarily in units of 400-800 kilobases ('replication domains'), whose positions are p
235         Our studies show that DGS provides a kilobase resolution for studying genome structure with h
236 ly inferred copy number at equivalent to 100-kilobase resolution genome-wide from a platform targetin
237 actions, and applied it to generate a map at kilobase resolution of the haploid genome of Saccharomyc
238 dentify >25,000 discrete origin sites at sub-kilobase resolution on the human genome, with high conco
239 r identifying and mapping large deletions at kilobase resolution, suggesting that data generated from
240 g methods, enabling micro-CNV detection with kilobase resolution.
241 n of transcription complexes on templates at kilobase resolution.
242      We recently used in situ Hi-C to create kilobase-resolution 3D maps of mammalian genomes.
243 cherichia coli chromosome ( approximately 10 kilobases) reveal large-scale conformational transitions
244 rocco were homozygous for the recurrent 7.36-kilobase RLBP1 deletion of exons 7 through 9.
245 been demonstrated previously with a multiple-kilobase 'scaffold strand' that is folded into a flat ar
246 f guide RNAs (gRNAs) to program thousands of kilobase-scale deletions that deeply scan across a targe
247                     Copy number variation of kilobase-scale genomic DNA segments, beyond presence/abs
248     Gene silencing showed that genes in a 31-kilobase segment at rhg1-b, encoding an amino acid trans
249 ion of a cytogenetically cryptic event: a 77-kilobase segment from chromosome 15 was inserted en bloc
250                  There is one copy of the 31-kilobase segment per haploid genome in susceptible varie
251 ntiguous chromosomal segments of hundreds of kilobases separated by smaller segments where the replic
252 h some vendors are beginning to supply multi-kilobase sequence-verified constructs, synthesis workflo
253  to those of SpCas9, while being more than 1 kilobase shorter.
254 hundred nucleotides apart are clustered over kilobase-sized regions, often associated with sites of D
255 ingle proteins moving on laterally stretched kilobase-sized ssDNA.
256 a mouse lacking the entire approximately 400-kilobase Slam locus, which encodes all six SFRs and CD48
257  SNAPCAR enabled scalable isolation of multi-kilobase ssDNA with high purity and 50-70 % yield.
258 ch share 99.92% identity with XMRV over >3.2-kilobase stretches of their genomes.
259 ediated H3K9me3 methylation over hundreds of kilobases surrounding HBB and on G9a-mediated H3K9me2 me
260 ing ~18,000 single guide RNAs targeting >700 kilobases surrounding the genes NF1, NF2, and CUL3, whic
261  across large genomic regions (more than 100 kilobases) surrounding two key autoimmunity risk loci, C
262  construction, and characterization of a 770-kilobase synthetic yeast chromosome II (synII).
263 inactivation is strongly associated with 10 kilobase tandem duplications in ovarian cancer.
264 e MYC proto-oncogene located several hundred kilobases telomeric and that these interactions are tiss
265 re located in a "gene desert," a few hundred kilobases telomeric to the Myc gene.
266 e approximately 45% higher recombination per kilobase than outcrossing A. lyrata.
267 oscopic, intralocus deletions of hundreds of kilobases that often result in inactivation of associate
268 tion signals, frequently in introns near (<5 kilobases) the start of the transcript.
269 tural variants including medium size (from 1 kilobase to 1 megabase) deletions and duplications, and
270 f differentially methylated regions from the kilobase to the megabase scale.
271 sely sequenced long fragments ranging from 5 kilobases to > 1 megabase.
272 hromosomal DSBs separated by several hundred kilobases to be frequently joined together and discuss t
273 olor imaging of regions ranging from tens of kilobases to megabases with the same basic protocol.
274                 At the intermediate scale of kilobases to megabases, which encompasses the sizes of g
275 point localization, typically within several kilobases to tens of kilobases.
276 revolutions and a growth in scale from a few kilobases to the first human genome, and now to millions
277 aging for different epigenetic states at the kilobase-to-megabase scale, a length scale that is direc
278 s, whereas regional centromeres span several kilobases up to megabases and do not seem to have DNA se
279 ressed genes and in promoter regions up to 5 kilobases upstream of all protein-coding genes.
280  unique first exon located approximately 2.7 kilobases upstream of canonical MTP (MTP-A) exon 1.
281                      This SNP is located 8.2 kilobases upstream of COMMD7, a gene highly expressed in
282           We also identified duplications 55 kilobases upstream of complementary DNA AK123120 (P = 3.
283 ing interleukin 26 and disrupting synteny 57 kilobases upstream of Ifng.
284 s a 237-base pair distal enhancer located 14 kilobases upstream of its promoter.
285  consensus RA-responsive element located 6.6 kilobases upstream of the coding region.
286 ucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs11674786 (2.7 kilobases upstream of the family with sequence similarit
287           This region is located a few dozen kilobases upstream of the GATA binding protein 2 (GATA2)
288 ingle nucleotide polymorphism (rs12979860) 3 kilobases upstream of the IL28B gene, which encodes the
289  maternal transcripts originate from several kilobases upstream of the imprinting control region (ICR
290 ions with elements located approximately 120 kilobases upstream of the TSS.
291 cations overlapped or were located within 89 kilobases upstream of the vasoactive intestinal peptide
292 ponses (P = 0.0007), and SNP rs16983422 (2.8 kilobases upstream of the visinin-like 1 gene (VSNL1)) w
293 e integrated HPV-18 genome approximately 500 kilobases upstream, and enabled global analyses of the r
294 LD in Chinese (r(2) approximately 0.15 at 10 kilobases) versus Indian (r(2) approximately 0.52 at 10
295 ed apoptosis, a protection mediated by a 2.7-kilobase virally encoded RNA (beta2.7).
296 richodesmium, when normalized per intergenic kilobase, was comparable and twofold higher than that fo
297                                         Over kilobases, we find core recombination hotspots of up to
298 on extends beyond the promoter, over tens of kilobases; we term such patterns of histone modification
299    Microdeletions and microduplications >100 kilobases were identified by microarray comparative geno
300 versions/deletions) spanning several hundred kilobases were identified that contributed significantly

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