


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 impaired agonist-mediated Akt phosphorylation, whereas Akt1 knockdown did not affect AMPK activation, thus suggesting tha
2 d resveratrol-induced caspase activation, whereas caspase-8 knockdown did not affect caspase activity, suggesting that re
3                                             In contrast, TM knockdown did not affect cell growth but attenuated PDGF-stim
4                                             However, miR-29 knockdown did not affect cell viability, actin ring formation
5                                    However, beta-arrestin-1 knockdown did not affect GLP-1 R surface expression and ligan
6                                                         LC3 knockdown did not affect interaction between caspase-8 and p6
7 icroscopy and biochemical studies demonstrated that p130Cas knockdown did not affect KSHV entry but significantly reduced
8                                          However, cortactin knockdown did not affect myosin activation.
9                            In contrast, siRNA-mediated TLR3 knockdown did not affect RSV-induced NF-kappaB binding but di
10                                              Although Rab17 knockdown did not affect surface expression of the AMPAR subu
11                                                 19S subunit knockdown did not affect the activity of the 20S subunits tar
12 e transfer was not due to changes in the cell cycle, as JNK knockdown did not affect the cell cycle profile of target cel
13                                      Interestingly, Nckbeta knockdown did not affect the paxillin level in glial cells an
14                                                        AIB1 knockdown did not affect tyrosine phosphorylation of the rece

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