


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 release of antibacterial myeloperoxidase and lactoferrin.
2 ey, Lactalbumin, Lactoferrin, or pair-fed to lactoferrin.
3 tract iron from hemoglobin, transferrin, and lactoferrin.
4  secretion of bactericidal concentrations of lactoferrin.
5  with the ferric iron within transferrin and lactoferrin.
6 uch as Magainin II amide, hNP1-3, LL-37, and lactoferrin.
7 partially iron-saturated transferrin but not lactoferrin.
8  the highly cationic lactoferricin moiety of lactoferrin.
9 epresent major associations between PspA and lactoferrin.
10 identified the proteins as fibronectin-1 and lactoferrin.
11 eficial iron-scavenging molecules, including lactoferrin.
12 -treated, and 10 subjects received untreated lactoferrin.
13  properties and its propensity to bind human lactoferrin.
14 human serum transferrin, ovotransferrin, and lactoferrin.
15         Antibody to PspA enhanced killing by lactoferrin.
16 gatively regulated the myeloid-specific gene lactoferrin.
17 y be the cause of the differential action of lactoferrin.
18 mediated by the highly charged N terminus of lactoferrin.
19 e Ala-Leu-Leu-Cys-, which occurs in salivary lactoferrin.
20 pretreatment of Aa cells with iron-saturated lactoferrin.
21 eroxide production stimulated by immobilized lactoferrin.
22 eat potential for functional foods providing lactoferrin.
23  unique mechanism of action for lysozyme and lactoferrin.
24 elations with levels of the glandular marker lactoferrin.
25 ody iron absorption between the groups given lactoferrin (20.4 +/- 15.3%; n = 20) or ferrous sulfate
26                                        Human lactoferrin, a component of the innate immune system, ki
27                                              Lactoferrin, a glycoprotein present in human milk, inhib
28 ors enhances megalin-mediated uptake of 125I-lactoferrin, a megalin ligand.
29 s of diverse lineages synthesize and secrete lactoferrin, a pleiotropic glycoprotein with known antii
30  the human small intestine has receptors for lactoferrin, a role for it in iron absorption has been s
31                   Finally, interleukin-27 or lactoferrin administration results in reduced edema, enh
32 y was to assess the utility of ascitic fluid lactoferrin (AFLAC) for the diagnosis of SBP and to iden
33 esents scientific and clinical evidence that lactoferrin alleviates or prevents this life-threatening
34 cropeptide, immunoglobulin, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin fr
35 n injected into the mouse peritoneal cavity, lactoferrin also caused a marked recruitment of neutroph
36 d fungal growth and were found to be rich in lactoferrin, an abundant PMN secondary granule protein.
37 e epithelial ERalpha was necessary to induce lactoferrin, an E(2)-regulated secretory protein selecti
38                                 In contrast, lactoferrin, an effector molecule of innate immune mecha
39                                              Lactoferrin, an important part of the innate host defens
40 ere enriched for the specific granule marker lactoferrin and 82% with the azurophil granule marker el
41 some proteins from human milk but did affect lactoferrin and alpha-lactalbumin proteolysis and emulsi
42 tory bowel disease had measurements of fecal lactoferrin and alpha1-antitrypsin and underwent pouch e
43 hils that was essential to the production of lactoferrin and bacterial killing.
44  markers of inflammation, specifically stool lactoferrin and calprotectin as well as small intestine
45 es identified so far, autoantibodies against lactoferrin and carbonic anhydrase II are most frequentl
46 trophil-specific granule proteins, including lactoferrin and collagenase.
47  deficient local production of antimicrobial lactoferrin and deficient functioning of the bitter tast
48 es is revealed by elevated plasma and tissue lactoferrin and ET-1 levels in patients with TNBC compar
49 for the use of iron bound by transferrin and lactoferrin and examined the importance of the Ybt syste
50 l that, in contrast to family members (human lactoferrin and hen ovotransferrin), both lobes are almo
51  showed a stronger positive correlation with lactoferrin and IL-1ra and a stronger negative correlati
52 ctoferrin (ALF) is the iron-depleted form of lactoferrin and is bactericidal against pneumococci and
53 gradation of antimicrobial proteins, such as lactoferrin and members of the beta-defensin family.
54     Markers of inflammation, including fecal lactoferrin and mucosal cytokines, have been reported as
55 he leukocyte transcriptome by downregulating lactoferrin and other genes important in the pathogenesi
56 ether iron binding proteins; apotransferrin, lactoferrin and ovotransferrin; could prevent the hydrox
57                            Concentrations of lactoferrin and secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (
58                   All three sLRPs also bound lactoferrin and thrombin-protease nexin 1 complexes.
59 n of detailed site-specific glycosylation of lactoferrin and transferrin following gel separation and
60 n use both bovine and human versions of both lactoferrin and transferrin, contrary to previous report
61 s phenomenon was mediated by transferrin and lactoferrin and was influenced by the iron-saturation st
62                        Bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, and alpha-casein (S1 and S2 forms, as was r
63 gen species, as well as the release of NETs, lactoferrin, and chemotactic stimuli.
64 toglobin, transferrin, transferrin receptor, lactoferrin, and ferritin in the bronchoalveolar lavage
65 ncreased expression of transferrin receptor, lactoferrin, and ferritin in the lower respiratory tract
66  day contained adequate amounts of lacritin, lactoferrin, and lipocalin for use in lacritin secretion
67                                          The lactoferrin appears to coat the peptide fibril surface t
68                                    Levels of lactoferrin are consistently elevated in inflammatory di
69 Target proteins fixed on the EIG (protein G, lactoferrin) are detected using antibody probes with sig
70               Together, our results identify lactoferrin as an antiinflammatory component of the apop
71 -binding proteins, including transferrin and lactoferrin, as iron sources.
72 eactive oxygen species, myeloperoxidase, and lactoferrin, as well as the inflammatory chemokine IL-8
73                           Purified iron-poor lactoferrin at concentrations occurring in PMN supernata
74 etry further revealed that rTp34 bound human lactoferrin at high (submicromolar) affinity.
75 In this study, glycoproteins such as, bovine lactoferrin (b-LF) for N-glycosylation and kappa casein
76   In vivo, the intravenous administration of lactoferrin-bearing DAB dendriplex resulted in a signifi
77                                              Lactoferrin-bearing generation 3 polypropylenimine dendr
78 rain barrier, we propose to investigate if a lactoferrin-bearing generation 3-diaminobutyric polyprop
79 and decreased adiposity, with the effects of lactoferrin being partly independent of caloric intake.
80        There is an increase in the levels of lactoferrin, beta(2)-microglobulin, sodium, lysozyme C,
81 of syphilis, was previously reported to have lactoferrin binding properties.
82    The crystal structure of a complex of the lactoferrin-binding domain of PspA with the N-lobe of hu
83 the best 3 peptides, peptide A, derived from lactoferrin-binding protein A, showed superior activity
84          The bovine milk glycoprotein bovine lactoferrin (bLF) has a variety of biological activities
85                                              Lactoferrin blocked EPEC-mediated actin polymerization i
86                            On the basis that lactoferrin can effectively reach the brain by using spe
87                                        Fecal lactoferrin can serve as a sensitive and noninvasive ini
88  apolactoferrin, the iron-free form of human lactoferrin, can kill many species of bacteria, includin
89                 The genes encoding lysozyme, lactoferrin, cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (hCAP18/
90 hil granules, including neutrophil elastase, lactoferrin, cathepsin G, proteinase 3, and myeloperoxid
91 bumin produced transient hypophagia, whereas lactoferrin caused prolonged hypophagia; the hypophagia
92            In additional work, we found that lactoferrin cleaves IgA1 protease at an arginine-rich re
93  infants should receive colostrum, a natural lactoferrin concentrate, immediately after birth and, id
94  Samples with SBP had a significantly higher lactoferrin concentration (median, 3744 ng/mL; 25th-75th
95 examined for PMN count, bedside culture, and lactoferrin concentration.
96 ory condition had significantly higher fecal lactoferrin concentrations (median, 176.0 microg/mL, int
97             The inhibitory effect of various lactoferrin concentrations on the growth of C. albicans
98 -Cys-blocked the interaction between MG2 and lactoferrin, confirming the specificity of the interacti
99 antly greater bactericidal activity than did lactoferrin containing Arg.
100 cus mutans and Streptococcus mitis, however, lactoferrin containing Lys at position 29 exhibited sign
101 om subjects with this SNP, recombinant human lactoferrin containing this SNP, or an 11-mer peptide de
102                   These results suggest that lactoferrin contributes to the activation of both the in
103      At a cutoff level of 7 microg/mL, fecal lactoferrin could distinguish patients with irritable po
104 f the type III secretory system implies that lactoferrin could provide broad cross protection against
105               Interestingly, lactalbumin and lactoferrin decreased hepatic lipidosis partly through d
106                              Lactalbumin and lactoferrin decreased plasma leptin and insulin, and lac
107          To determine the mechanism by which lactoferrin decreases invasiveness of Shigella organisms
108 therapeutic ET-1 receptor-antagonist blocked lactoferrin-dependent motility and invasiveness of breas
109 polactoferrin but did not block killing by a lactoferrin-derived peptide.
110                                              Lactoferrin did not have any effect on the ascorbate ind
111                           We discovered that lactoferrin directly stimulates the transcription of end
112 peptide derived from the N terminus of human lactoferrin, displays diverse modulatory activities on m
113                                              Lactoferrin does not bind to insulin or lysozyme fibrils
114            Furthermore, although full-length lactoferrin does not by itself form amyloid fibrils, the
115                                              Lactoferrin does not directly degrade previously release
116 equal proportions to the plasma membrane and lactoferrin-enriched fractions, consistent with FPRL1 si
117 lasma membrane with a minor component in the lactoferrin-enriched intracellular fractions, consistent
118 nd eukaryotic binding proteins (transferrin, lactoferrin, ferritin, haemoglobin).
119 e have evaluated the potential of camel milk lactoferrin for its ability to inhibit the proliferation
120  Blotting experiments confirmed that MG2 and lactoferrin form a heterotypic complex in vitro and in v
121 factor (ARF) and Rho, stimulating release of lactoferrin from specific granules of permeabilized PMNs
122                  In vitro data indicate that lactoferrin from whole saliva derived from subjects with
123                                              Lactoferrin functioned as an LRP1 signaling antagonist,
124 lpyridinium were also partially protected by lactoferrin, further supporting the view that mitochondr
125     However, molecular mechanisms of how the lactoferrin gene is regulated in the mammary gland in re
126            Sequence analysis of the isolated lactoferrin gene revealed that the promoter region conta
127  An 8.2 kilobase (kb) fragment of the bovine lactoferrin gene, containing 4.4 kb of 5' flanking regio
128 terized the 5' flanking region of the bovine lactoferrin gene.
129 cleotide polymorphism in exon 1 of the human lactoferrin gene.
130 rest among neonatal caregivers as to whether lactoferrin given enterally may reduce the incidence of
131 linical studies in neonatal rats showed that lactoferrin given orally before enteral infection with p
132             They also express gelatinase and lactoferrin granule proteins.
133 neutrophil elastase) and specific (CD66b and lactoferrin) granule markers.
134 ow-birth weight preterm infants given bovine lactoferrin had a significant reduction in late-onset se
135                                              Lactoferrin has previously been identified in amyloid de
136             In recent work, we observed that lactoferrin has proteolytic activity and attenuates the
137 actoferrin alfa, a recombinant form of human lactoferrin, has similar properties and plays an importa
138    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in lactoferrin have been shown to be present in individuals
139       Fecal markers such as calprotectin and lactoferrin have been studied for their ability to ident
140 certain antimicrobial proteins, most notably lactoferrin, have been found in sinus secretions, wherea
141                                        Human lactoferrin (hLf) has been shown to interact with cells
142                                      Soluble lactoferrin, however, did not activate the eosinophils a
143 Pro-Ile) and a casein (CasH), whey (WPH) and lactoferrin hydrolysate (LFH) generated with gastrointes
144                                              Lactoferrin impairs ability of Shigella flexneri serotyp
145                      Dietary lactalbumin and lactoferrin improved energy balance and metabolism, and
146                        Whey, lactalbumin and lactoferrin improved glucose clearance partly through di
147                         The concentration of lactoferrin in bovine milk is dramatically increased in
148  enterobactin, ferrichrome, transferrin, and lactoferrin in E. coli.
149 (2+) cryogel system was also able to capture lactoferrin in high purity.
150                                              Lactoferrin in human milk removes or cleaves Hap and ano
151 ing the microfluidic WB assay, assessment of lactoferrin in human tear fluid is demonstrated with a g
152 l, our data suggest that the accumulation of lactoferrin in PD brains might be evidence of an attempt
153 nes to obtain iron from both transferrin and lactoferrin in the absence of siderophore.
154 extend previous studies of the importance of lactoferrin in the innate immune defense against bacteri
155 ementation, recombinant human protein C, and lactoferrin in the prevention and treatment of neonatal
156 ects homozygous for this lysine (K) SNP have lactoferrin in their saliva that kills mutans streptococ
157 dalities, such as MRI, and biomarkers (fecal lactoferrin) in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.
158                   Furthermore, we found that lactoferrin increases migration and invasiveness of both
159                                              Lactoferrin induced degradation of invasion plasmid anti
160  receptor antagonist to completely block the lactoferrin-induced motility and invasiveness of the TNB
161 ondary forms of antimicrobial defense, e.g., lactoferrin, ineffective in preventing biofilm formation
162                                              Lactoferrin inhibits bacterial growth by sequestering es
163 relevance of these catecholamine-transferrin/lactoferrin interactions to the infectious disease proce
164 we found that the iron binding capability of lactoferrin intervened in DA cell rescue only when neuro
165                                              Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein present in most human muco
166                                              Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein with anti-infective and an
167                                              Lactoferrin is a major protein component of human milk,
168                                              Lactoferrin is a member of the lactotransferrin family o
169                                              Lactoferrin is a protein that is present in cheese whey
170                               The binding of lactoferrin is a selective interaction with the NAGDVAFV
171       Based on our results, we conclude that lactoferrin is a serine protease capable of cleaving arg
172                     The iron-binding protein lactoferrin is a ubiquitous and abundant constituent of
173                                              Lactoferrin is an 80-kDa iron-binding protein present at
174                                              Lactoferrin is an important component of innate immunity
175                                              Lactoferrin is bacteriostatic in low iron media and, in
176                                              Lactoferrin is bound to the pneumococcal surface by pneu
177               Thus, iron provided by dietary lactoferrin is likely to be well utilized in human adult
178                                              Lactoferrin is one of a number of multifunctional protei
179 ed proteomic analysis of CA/PC revealed that lactoferrin is the predominant protein component, a resu
180 ave shown that the iron-binding glycoprotein lactoferrin is upregulated in dopamine (DA) neurons resi
181 11-amino-acid peptide from the N terminus of lactoferrin, is bactericidal for Streptococcus pneumonia
182 ositions in ovotransferrin (Q-K-L) and human lactoferrin (K-N-N) as well as a triad with an interchan
183                       In this study, we used lactoferrin knockout (LFKO) mice to directly address the
184                                              Lactoferrin (Lac), a glycoprotein present in milk, has b
185 ived proteins, including transferrin (TbpA), lactoferrin (LbpA), and hemoglobin (HpuB), in addition t
186                                     If fecal lactoferrin levels are high, pouch endoscopy with biopsy
187                                     If fecal lactoferrin levels are low (<7 microg/mL), IPS can be di
188                         Differences in fecal lactoferrin levels suggest variable presence or severity
189                                              Lactoferrin levels were higher in the GDH-positive/toxin
190             In the lung, Fe is also bound to lactoferrin (LF) and low-molecular-weight chelates.
191             Bovine lactoperoxidase (LPO) and lactoferrin (LF) are suitable proteins to be loaded or a
192                      The potential of bovine lactoferrin (LF) as a source of antihypertensive peptide
193            In this study, we discovered that lactoferrin (Lf) efficiently downregulates levels of ER-
194 s issue, we focused on the expression of the lactoferrin (LF) gene.
195                                              Lactoferrin (Lf) has considerable potential as a functio
196 nnate defense mechanisms in the oral cavity, lactoferrin (LF) is a vital antimicrobial that can modif
197                                     Although lactoferrin (Lf) is abundant on mucosa and in purulent e
198                                              Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding protein found in mil
199                                              Lactoferrin (Lf) samples with ca. 25%, 50%, 75%, 85% and
200 ins, together with human holo- and apoTF and lactoferrin (LF) were assessed as inhibitors of all cata
201 operties of a fluorescently labeled protein, lactoferrin (Lf), and its association with heparin and h
202 nists, receptor-associated protein (RAP) and lactoferrin (LF), and LRP1-specific antibody had the ent
203 estrogen-inducible uterine secretory protein lactoferrin (LF), and reduced expression of SV secretory
204                        Three forms of bovine lactoferrin (Lf), apo-, native- and holo- with 0.9%, 12.
205 ary and tertiary granule mRNAs is absent for lactoferrin (LF), neutrophil gelatinase (NG), murine cat
206                                              Lactoferrin (Lf), the main iron-binding protein of milk,
207 tely 0.35 mum, 20 wt.%) with a suspension of lactoferrin (LF)-coated lipid droplets (zeta=+32 mV, d(4
208 se were used as model moieties reacting with lactoferrin (LF).
209                                              Lactoferrins (LFs) at iron-saturation 8 (native) and 100
210 acteria by release of Tamm-Horsfall protein, lactoferrin, lipocalin, and constitutive and inducible b
211 teins IIb/IIIa (ITGA2B/3), lipocalin (LCN2), lactoferrin (LTF), and the thrombopoetin receptor (MPL),
212 line downregulated C/EBP-epsilon protein and lactoferrin (Ltf), cathelicidin antimicrobial protein (C
213 irmed the presence of proline-rich proteins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, and carbonic anhydrase II by prob
214 lase, carbonic anhydrase II, sIgA, IgG, IgM, lactoferrin, lysozyme, proline-rich proteins, statherin,
215 h protease inhibitors further suggested that lactoferrin may belong to a serine protease family.
216               In addition, we speculate that lactoferrin may cleave arginine-rich sequences in a vari
217                           The high levels of lactoferrin may have a role in the prevention of microbi
218  Tp34 to bind zinc and the iron-sequestering lactoferrin may relate overall to the biology of T. pall
219 ted against S. pneumoniae that appears to be lactoferrin mediated.
220         The mechanism of this inhibition was lactoferrin-mediated degradation of secreted proteins ne
221 so be modulated by human transferrin- and/or lactoferrin-mediated iron chelation.
222    These results suggest that interleukin-27/lactoferrin-mediated modulations of neutrophil function
223 r ferric iron transport from transferrin and lactoferrin, might also contribute to the utilization of
224 in cell counts when milk contained 3.0 mg of lactoferrin/ml and markedly reduced the likelihood of fa
225                                        Human lactoferrin of either recombinant or natural origin prov
226 operoxidase, beta-glucuronidase) and 40-80% (lactoferrin) of maximal when compared with formylmethion
227                   To determine the effect of lactoferrin on the initial host cell attachment step tha
228 n, bovine serum albumin, beta-galactosidase, lactoferrin) on the EIG with initial capture efficiencie
229 ining whey, or its fractions lactalbumin and lactoferrin, on energy balance and metabolism.
230 in there is no evidence for the formation of lactoferrin-only fibrils.
231 upplemented in randomized order with 59Fe as lactoferrin or as ferrous sulfate.
232 elated in subjects when they received either lactoferrin or ferrous sulfate, which suggested that iro
233 creased fungal growth, whereas saturation of lactoferrin or PMN supernatants with iron, or testing in
234 ing inflammatory markers such as leukocytes, lactoferrin, or calprotectin, or positive stool culture
235 socaloric diets: Control, Whey, Lactalbumin, Lactoferrin, or pair-fed to lactoferrin.
236 f these proteins, such as alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, osteopontin, and milk fat globule membrane
237   Pasteurization enhanced the proteolysis of lactoferrin (P < 0.01) and reduced that of alpha-lactalb
238 globulin (P = 0.010), casein (P = 0.047) and lactoferrin (P = 0.030) during treatment than those who
239                                  A synthetic lactoferrin peptide containing the motif Ala-Leu-Leu-Cys
240 testing [Hemoccult], fecal leukocytes, fecal lactoferrin, plasma C-reactive protein), and the numbers
241                                              Lactoferrin present in human milk can inhibit growth of
242 insically labeled purified recombinant human lactoferrin produced in rice and to compare it with the
243                                     Notably, lactoferrin produced sustained weight and fat loss, and
244 en together, our findings suggested that the lactoferrin promoter responds to infection via the NF-ka
245 e present study we explored the mechanism of lactoferrin protease activity and discovered that mutati
246 ondria may represent a downstream target for lactoferrin protective actions.
247 We determined fecal interleukin 8 (IL-8) and lactoferrin protein concentrations by enzyme immunoassay
248 erin, and Ppib and the fourth binds to human Lactoferrin protein.
249 xcess of unlabeled HLE, CG, myeloperoxidase, lactoferrin, proteinase 3, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride
250 and this bacterium uses both transferrin and lactoferrin receptors to fulfill the essential iron requ
251 r cut between amino acids 78 and 79 of human lactoferrin, removing the N-terminal end of the molecule
252    The lipid A-binding N-terminal portion of lactoferrin (residues 1-33) induces release of invasion
253 ding domain of PspA with the N-lobe of human lactoferrin reveals direct and specific interactions bet
254      Targets of desialylation included human lactoferrin, secretory component, and IgA2 that were sho
255                 We further demonstrated that lactoferrin selectively inhibited migration of granulocy
256  this paper a highly amyloidogenic region of lactoferrin (sequence of NAGDVAFV).
257           These results demonstrate that PMN lactoferrin sequestration of iron is important for host
258 , including whole blood, plasma, hemoglobin, lactoferrin, serum IgG, soil extracts and humic acid, as
259 ated and sialylated glycopeptides from human lactoferrin served as positive controls, and high-mannos
260               Here, we review data showing a lactoferrin SNP in amino acid position 29 in the antimic
261              In addition, the Lys-containing lactoferrin stimulated bovine tracheal epithelial cells
262 degree than did that with apotransferrin and lactoferrin, suggesting additional effects of these ferr
263 -1, and late differentiation markers such as lactoferrin, suggesting that this kinase induced termina
264 recorded, and mRNA expression levels of Ltf (lactoferrin), Svs4, and androgen receptor (Ar) were asse
265 dy, we show the ability of recombinant human lactoferrin (talactoferrin alfa (TLF)) to chemoattract m
266                     These included lysozyme, lactoferrin, tear lipocalin, and lacritin.
267 d position 29 in the antimicrobial region of lactoferrin that acts against caries associated bacteria
268                        Ten subjects received lactoferrin that had been heat-treated, and 10 subjects
269 eficial molecules, including iron-scavenging lactoferrin that may limit hematoma/iron-mediated brain
270 osition 29 in the N-terminal region of human lactoferrin that results from a single nucleotide polymo
271 e to be a novel antiinflammatory property of lactoferrin: the ability to function as a negative regul
272 histochemistry (IHC) suggested the source of lactoferrin to be prostate-infiltrating neutrophils as w
273  attribute this antiinflammatory function of lactoferrin to its effects on granulocyte signaling path
274 phils via, at least partly, the induction of lactoferrin to present a potential therapy for ICH.
275 letion, regulatory burdens required to bring lactoferrin to the bedside may limit its availability.
276 ork, we demonstrated that the conjugation of lactoferrin to the dendrimer led to an enhanced DNA upta
277 macrogobulin, type IV collagen, fibronectin, lactoferrin, transferrin, and immunoglobulins.
278             Although multicentered trials of lactoferrin use in preterm infants are near completion,
279  three porin-independent phenotypes, namely, lactoferrin utilization, beta-lactamase production, and
280          Our findings suggest that these two lactoferrin variants are functionally different and that
281                                      The two lactoferrin variants exhibited nearly identical iron-bin
282             We expressed cDNAs encoding both lactoferrin variants in insect cells and purified the tw
283 olamines to obtain iron from transferrin and lactoferrin via uptake pathways involving the BfrA, BfrD
284                           Neuroprotection by lactoferrin was attributable to its binding to heparan s
285                              The efficacy of lactoferrin was comparable to that of glial cell line-de
286                           Quantitative fecal lactoferrin was measured in 112 patients tested for toxi
287  = 10) and untreated (16.2 +/- 4.4%; n = 10) lactoferrin was not significant.
288                    The proteolytic effect of lactoferrin was prevented by serine protease inhibitors.
289 To this end, a potent AMP derived from human lactoferrin was synthesized and covalently immobilized o
290 ary and tertiary granule products, including lactoferrin, was normal.
291 e on simulated data for adenylate kinase and lactoferrin, we show how cryo-EM data for two different
292           Iron is equally well absorbed from lactoferrin (whether heat-treated or untreated) and ferr
293 t for the chromatographic process to capture lactoferrin whey.
294  Here, we examine two proteins, lysozyme and lactoferrin, which are observed in the organic matrix of
295  recombinant form of the human glycoprotein, lactoferrin, which has been shown to have a wide range o
296 binds the iron-free forms of transferrin and lactoferrin, which limits its ability to extract iron fr
297 c-iron-binding proteins transferrin (Tf) and lactoferrin, which then enables bacterial acquisition of
298 -stabilized dimer and that rTp34 bound human lactoferrin with a stoichiometry of 2:1.
299 hesis and suggests that a genetic variant in lactoferrin with K in position 29 when found in saliva a
300  DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), SNAP-tag, and lactoferrin, with four different probes.

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