


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rone, placental growth factor, and placental lactogen.
2 es: prolactin, growth hormone, and placental lactogen.
3 genic hormones prolactin (PRL) and placental lactogens.
4 GH genes include placental GHs and placental lactogens.
5                                    Placental lactogen 1 is an attractive target for future therapeuti
6 t transgenic mice expressing mouse placental lactogen-1 (mPL1) in beta cells under the rat insulin II
7 pment with decreased expression of Placental lactogen-1 and -2 (Pl1 and Pl2) and increased expression
8 in, estradiol, progesterone, human placental lactogen, and prolactin) were measured in conjunction wi
9 in (PRL), growth hormone (GH), and placental lactogen are expressed by endothelia and have angiogenic
10 owing fetus, whereas prolactin and placental lactogen counterbalance this resistance and prevent mate
11 s of total RNA obtained from PRL-stimulated, lactogen-dependent Nb2-11 cells.
12 imulation and inhibited apoptosis induced by lactogen deprivation (P < 0.001).
13                              Human placental lactogen (hPL) is highly conserved with human growth hor
14                     We fused human placental lactogen (hPL), a specific and tight binding PRLR ligand
15 ion of the placental hormone human placental lactogen (hPL), experiments were performed to determine
16 lacentas lacking GATA-3 accumulate placental lactogen I and proliferin mRNAs to a level 50% below tha
17 ATA-2 gene had a similar effect on placental lactogen I expression, but led to a markedly greater red
18 ulate transcription from the mouse placental lactogen I gene promoter in a transfected trophoblast ce
19 tors regulate transcription of the placental lactogen I gene, as well as the related proliferin gene,
20 P-C, decidual/trophoblast PRP, and placental lactogen I variant, only which are expressed in the spon
21 lls during pregnancy or after treatment with lactogens in vitro.
22 ot directly involved in cAMP metabolism, the lactogen-induced increase in cAMP was most likely due to
23 t changes in cAMP metabolism are involved in lactogen-induced upregulation of insulin secretion.
24 Bcl-XL-specific siRNA significantly inhibits lactogen-mediated protection against DEX-induced beta ce
25 ve this is the first direct demonstration of lactogens mediating their protective effect through the
26 nsactivator of the human and ovine placental lactogen (oPL) genes.
27                              Ovine placental lactogen (oPL), a member of the growth hormone/prolactin
28 s (hepatocyte growth factor [HGF], placental lactogen, or parathyroid hormone-related protein) have b
29                       In primates, placental lactogen (PL) is a pituitary hormone with fundamental ro
30       In this study, we identified placental lactogen (PL), a member of the growth hormone/prolactin
31 enic hormones, prolactin (PRL) and placental lactogen (PL), in beta cell survival.
32 rder to explore the role of murine placental lactogen (PL)-I (mPL-I) in islet mass regulation in vivo
33 and whether FoxM1 is essential for placental lactogen (PL)-induced beta-cell proliferation.
34            During the second half, placental lactogens (PLs) take the place of PRL in maintenance of
35 her, we identify the mechanism through which lactogens protect beta cells against DEX-induced death.
36          The current study demonstrates that lactogens protect rat insulinoma (INS-1) cells and prima
37                 At a time when rat placental lactogens (rPLs) are required to support progesterone pr
38                      Prolactin and placental lactogen signal through the prolactin receptor (PRLR) an
39 re we show that serotonin acts downstream of lactogen signaling to stimulate beta cell proliferation.
40                                 Furthermore, lactogens specifically and significantly increase the an
41 omoter-murine PL-1 (islet-targeted placental lactogen transgenic) mice.
42 ed glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from lactogen-treated islets could be accounted for by increa
43  in the upregulation of islet function after lactogen treatment, we examined the relationship between
44 e-related peptide (PTHrP) or mouse placental lactogen type 1 (mPL1) in pancreatic beta-cells, using t
45 sely related to growth hormone and placental lactogen with properties and functions resembling both a

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