


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 educed level of intramolecular attack at the lactone ring.
2 he ether-like moieties within the artesunate lactone ring.
3  compounds by cleaving the amide bond or the lactone ring.
4 dditional hydrogen bond to the oxygen of the lactone ring.
5  sn-2 carbonyl of DAG was constrained into a lactone ring.
6 he alkyl chain between the THF rings and the lactone ring.
7 he alkyl chain between the THF rings and the lactone ring.
8  required for the synthesis of a 16-membered lactone ring.
9  thiolactone ring in place of the homoserine lactone ring.
10  a similar structure of 16-membered aglycone lactone ring.
11 mediated hydrolysis of the natural products' lactone rings.
12                  Subsequent reduction of the lactone ring and cyclization of the resulting diols 27 a
13  particular attention to modification of the lactone ring and methylenedioxy group, were synthesized
14           Furthermore, steric bulk about the lactone ring and the alpha sugar may be critical for dru
15 ractions between its polarized five-membered lactone ring and the Mg(2+).
16 ral and functional features of digoxin are a lactone ring and three digitoxose sugars attached to a s
17  B, which have an epoxide in the macrocyclic lactone ring, and C and D, which have a double bond inst
18 ching a compensating lipophilic chain to the lactone ring as an alpha-alkylidene moiety produced comp
19 xist between DLIF and digoxin at or near the lactone ring as well as in the nature of the sugars.
20 ches to vinigrol based on the involvement of lactone rings as tools for the conformational rigidifica
21 formation of 3a from EB, CO, and 1 is rapid, lactone ring closing is rate-determining.
22 h alkylation/cyclization and an Ullmann-type lactone ring closure into the pentacyclic lamellarin ske
23  sugar, steroid, and five-member unsaturated lactone ring, contribute to Ab recognition.
24                                Moreover, the lactone ring could not be opened hydrolytically without
25 pal pharmacophores of DAG constrained into a lactone ring (DAG-lactones).
26                   Sirtinol, a cell-permeable lactone ring derived from naphthol, is a dual Sirt1/Sirt
27 mpounds with substitutions in the homoserine lactone ring did not show evidence of binding to LuxR.
28 ously unknown function of the pro-drug, beta-lactone ring form of lovastatin to inhibit the proteasom
29 ermedius is a nonapeptide (RIPTSTGFF) with a lactone ring formed through condensation of the serine s
30 ization (DP), in which the maximum number of lactone rings formed equals DP minus 2.
31 by the inwardly pointing cyclic pentapeptide lactone rings from adjacent bound ActD molecules should
32 ardly pointing benzenoid cyclic pentapeptide lactone rings in the complex.
33 uble bond, rearrangement of the six-membered lactone ring into a beta-lactam moiety, and final deprot
34 fore, we propose that initial opening of the lactone ring is promoted by Cys-47 through thioester for
35 a chiral pilocarpine analogue 3 in which the lactone ring is replaced by an oxazolidinone and the bri
36 e center of the acetogenin molecules and the lactone ring is terminal to a long alkyl chain, these ob
37 o each ring; an alpha,beta-unsaturated gamma-lactone ring is terminal to one of the alkyl chains.
38                         The main 12-membered lactone ring is very flexible; as a result, there exist
39 one (BTF), bearing three symmetry-equivalent lactone rings, is unique in its ability to undergo highl
40 nteractions primarily at the alpha-sugar and lactone ring moieties of the cardiac glycosides.
41 s, requiring the structural integrity of the lactone ring motif and its natural stereochemistry.
42                               Opening of the lactone ring of 14 and 18 led to seco structures which,
43 clic ring opening at pH > or =8.5, while the lactone ring of 20-O-acyl CPT derivatives remained unaff
44  it was determined by HPLC analysis that the lactone ring of a 20-O-ether derivative of CPT underwent
45 r complementarity about the beta side of the lactone ring of digitalis.
46 titutes a tertiary amine for the macrocyclic lactone ring of ferric enterobactin but maintains an uns
47  contrast with asimicin and parviflorin, the lactone ring of longimicin B, an asimicin analogue with
48  direct in vivo evidence that the homoserine lactone ring of LuxI-family autoinducers is derived from
49                                     The beta-lactone ring of N-(2-oxo-3-oxetanyl)amides, a class of N
50 re both the pyrrolidine moiety and the delta-lactone ring of the 3,4-dihydrocoumarin framework are co
51                          Methanolysis of the lactone ring of the N-benzyl-N-methyl derivative 7c foll
52 ects reversible, pH-dependent opening of the lactone ring of wortmannin.
53 1H difference NOE spectra indicated that the lactone rings of asimicin and parviflorin, the latter of
54 nucleophilic serine and that cycloserine and lactone rings of LTV are opened.
55 ly and inwardly pointing cyclic pentapeptide lactone rings of symmetry-related ActD molecules retain
56                                          The lactone rings of the polyketides platenolide and tylacto
57 t lactone resulted in both rearrangement and lactone ring opening, revealing that the farnesyl lacton
58 eral factors, including drug inactivation by lactone ring opening, tumor drug resistance, and toxicit
59 erdisarm iduronate components, reversible by lactone ring opening.
60 cid and exchange with AR-67, which undergoes lactone ring-opening, ionization, and membrane binding i
61                                              Lactone ring or naphthalene (positions 7-9) substituents
62 ither the copolymerization of a hydrolyzable lactone ring or the hydrogel polymer content.
63  benzenoid and quinonoid cyclic pentapeptide lactone rings positioned in the minor groove and directe
64 n on an iminium carbon with formation of the lactone ring present in the lactone-lactam.
65 efficiently catalyze formation of 6-membered lactone ring products from acyl-bound intermediates on D
66 igher DP lactonize more rapidly, but all the lactone rings rapidly open up when exposed to mild alkal
67 tiaromatic destabilization of the alpha-keto-lactone ring rendering the two structures much closer in
68 s aromaticity on enolization, the alpha-keto-lactone ring showed an unexpected and significant antiar
69 oid and quinonoid-linked cyclic pentapeptide lactone rings spanning two base-pairs in opposite direct
70 equired for formation of the core 19,6-gamma-lactone ring structure.
71   However, structures lacking the homoserine lactone ring, structures lacking the l-configuration at
72 ocaenols contain an unusual enolized oxepine lactone ring system that to the best of our knowledge is
73 amma-butyrolactone acrylate (DBA)-containing lactone ring that modulated the lower critical solution
74 othecin (SN-38), have a labile alpha-hydroxy-lactone ring that undergoes pH-dependent reversible hydr
75 rminated by antennal esterases that open the lactone rings to form physiologically inactive hydroxyac
76  a series of derivatives in which either the lactone ring was hydrolyzed or the C-9 phosphate ester w
77 the propenoyl-branched carbonyl into a gamma-lactone ring was performed (11-14) not only to derive a
78 isted of lactonization and aminolysis of the lactone ring, which ultimately furnished cyclopropanecar
79 nd to the T. thermophilus ribosome reveals a lactone ring with a conformation similar to that observe
80                           Replacement of the lactone ring with other cyclic moieties resulted in loss
81        The positions of both the THF and the lactone rings within liposomal membranes were determined
82 t sugar units allows the formation of unique lactone rings within the CD framework via a 1,8-HAT-beta

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