


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ding N-acetyl-d-galactosamine and N-acetyl-d-lactosamine.
2 ue set of nonsialylated type 2 poly-N-acetyl-lactosamines.
3 lactose (3'SL-PAA) and SA-alpha-2,6-N-acetyl lactosamine (6'SLN-PAA) carbohydrates.
4 rbohydrates (glucosamine, galactosamine, and lactosamine), and the related conjugates were screened u
5 , sialyl-T, Lewisx (Lex), sialyl Lex (sLex), lactosamine, and sialyl lactosamine determinants.
6 actose, galactosamine, lactose, and N-acetyl-lactosamine at high resolution.
7  were synthesized from thiodigalactoside and lactosamine by derivatization of the galactose C3.
8 ither a monovalent nor a divalent N-acetyl-D-lactosamine-containing glycan induced type-C self-associ
9 lly project to the ventrolateral OB and some lactosamine-containing glycan(+) axons that normally tar
10 ycoprotein bearing precursor, unfucosylated, lactosamine-containing glycans (Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1-R)
11 ion in HECA-452 binding epitope and N-acetyl lactosamine content in PSGL-1 was also noted on 4F-GalNA
12 rides and synthetic derivatives based on the lactosamine core.
13 eneration and the postnatal regeneration are lactosamine dependent.
14 as mapped to the beta1-->6 branched N-acetyl-lactosamine derivatives of the Cps14-CRA.
15 , sialyl Lex (sLex), lactosamine, and sialyl lactosamine determinants.
16                                              Lactosamine expression in beta3GnT1-/- mice is also redu
17                                     Terminal lactosamine expression, as shown by immunoreactivity wit
18 hough it is known that galectin-1 recognizes lactosamine (Gal-GlcNAc) as a minimal ligand, this disac
19 of the conformational properties of N-acetyl lactosamine (Galbeta(1-4)GlcNAc, LacNAc) and several pre
20 ited by oligosaccharides that terminate with lactosamine (Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1).
21 yltransferase 1 (beta3GnT1), a key enzyme in lactosamine glycan synthesis.
22          Introducing 4-phenoxyaryl groups on lactosamine had a similar effect.
23   These results reveal an essential role for lactosamine in sensory axon pathfinding and in the forma
24    In vivo blockade of Gal-3 with N-acetyl-d-lactosamine in T. cruzi-infected mice led to a significa
25             By approximately 2 weeks of age, lactosamine is unexpectedly reexpressed in sensory neuro
26 c acid (Neu5Gc) content, branching, N-acetyl-lactosamine (LacNAc) extensions, and O-acetylation patte
27       We used surface marker fucose N-acetyl lactosamine (LeX) (also known as CD15) to isolate progen
28 coprotein receptor (ASGP-R) and the terminal lactosamine of lacto-N-neotetraose-expressing gonococcal
29 in-1 may be regulated by the presentation of lactosamine on specific oligosaccharide structures creat
30 ol, N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and N-acetyl-d-lactosamine outline a common and versatile mode of recog
31 branched glycans with extended poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine (poly-LacNAc) chains, a specificity shared w
32 erize the CD15 (3[alpha1-3]-fucosyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine)-positive cells in the mouse retina using im
33 n sulfate, and glycoconjugates with N-acetyl-lactosamine repeating units.
34               Tetraantennary structures with lactosamine repeats were found only at Asn130, and this
35 nd triantennary structures, with and without lactosamine repeats, were observed at Asn146 and Asn161.
36 ated and some of them contained one to three lactosamine repeats.
37 eu5Gc variation and the presence of N-acetyl-lactosamine repeats.
38 147-CD98 as a major carrier of poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine (SC-PNAL) on human pre-B cell line Nalm-6.
39 n identified as straight chain poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine (SC-PNAL), the carrier of the sugar moiety h
40  animal glycoproteins and glycolipids is the lactosamine sequence Gal(beta)4GlcNAc-R (LacNAc or LN).
41 r addition of alpha2,6-linked sialic acid to lactosamine sequences on T cell glycoproteins inhibits g
42 ns that can be elongated to present multiple lactosamine sequences.
43 ered via T antigen, sialyl-T antigen, and/or lactosamine sequences.
44 ol membrane anchors with large poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine side chains.
45 I/MS and exoglycosidase analysis revealed 24 lactosamine species (bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary struc
46 , but not upon transfection of the competing lactosamine-specific alpha2-3-sialyltransferase (Galbeta
47 siently transfected with a cDNA encoding the lactosamine-specific alpha2-6-sialyltransferase (Galbeta
48 antibody 3F11, which recognizes the terminal lactosamine structure, and lacked reactivity with the le
49 05) were modified with only oligomannose and lactosamine structures, respectively.
50 n the pathway which converts oligomannose to lactosamine-type at a single glycosylation site.
51                                   Sialylated lactosamine-type oligosaccharides from human alpha1 acid
52                                   All of the lactosamine-type structures were found to be core fucosy
53 ing finding was that all the branches of the lactosamine-type structures were terminated with Galalph
54 ligomannosidic (Man5GlcNAc2-Man8GlcNAc2) and lactosamine-type structures, indicating significant "lea
55 it are a mixture of both oligomannosidic and lactosamine-type structures.
56 alpha2-3- or alpha2-6-linked sialic acids on lactosamine units.
57 rminal sugars in the biofilm matrix formed a lactosamine when the biofilm was grown in the absence of

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