


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ntaining two sugars (for example glucose and lactose).
2 ncreased affinity (greater than 200-fold for lactose).
3 aqueous solution containing HDM allergen and lactose.
4 ity upon induction with different amounts of lactose.
5 llolactose, 6-galactobiose and 6'-galactosyl lactose.
6 cluding beta-1,4-mannobiose, cellobiose, and lactose.
7 pulations who are seemingly unable to digest lactose.
8  of bacterial cells to uptake and metabolize lactose.
9 entiation protein critical for production of lactose.
10 m activity at 60 degrees C for both ONPG and lactose.
11 and whey, was monitored using (14)C-labelled lactose.
12 on or removal of a single component, such as lactose.
13 ned by IGC, suggested a surface dominated by lactose.
14  the samples (1.36+/-0.89), compared to both lactose (0.45+/-0.12) and glucose (0.46+/-0.13).
15 tional nutrition, it was found that 5% (w/v) lactose, 0.1% (w/v) thiamine, and 0.1% (w/v) FeCl3 led t
16 were, respectively, 0.25 and 0.41mg/100g for lactose, 0.14 and 0.27mg/100g for galactose, and 0.16 an
17 mit of 6.7muM with minimum interference from lactose (1.5%), maltose (5.7%), galactose (1.2%), ascorb
18 cal transit was assessed with the use of the lactose [(13)C]ureide breath test and the adrenal respon
19 d 15 g/L--and with a low content of residual lactose (2.1g/L, compared with 44-46 g/L in the initial
20 e mothers a high-vitamin D/high-calcium (2%)/lactose (20%) diet lessens the phenotype, and knockout p
21 role of milk oligosaccharide sialyl(alpha2,3)lactose (3SL) in intestinal physiology and disease, we i
22 rcome the frequently observed intolerance to lactose (a milk sugar), a serious issue in healthy devel
23 signaling was enhanced in cells treated with lactose, a competitive inhibitor of the galectin lattice
24      Inhibitors of galectin-3 function (beta-lactose, a dominant-negative form of galectin-3, Gal-3C,
25 egulation of Gal3 protein or incubation with lactose, a galactose-containing disaccharide that compet
26 dition of anti-fibronectin antibody and beta-lactose, a galectin-3 antagonist, significantly blocked
27                                          The lactose adducts on gels were quantified by image analysi
28 obtained suggests the presence of some CaCl2/lactose aggregates in the media, which are influenced by
29 for 4 h at either 250, 500, 1000 SQE/m(3) or lactose alone (0 SQE/m(3) ) 7 days apart.
30  500 and 1000 SQE/m(3) , respectively, while lactose alone did not change TNSS (0.7 +/- 0.6).
31                                Addition of a lactose analog, IPTG, to the swimming water of the axolo
32 lactopyranoside (alpha-NPG), a high-affinity lactose analog, is described.
33 chia coli (LacY) with a bound, high-affinity lactose analog.
34 ion of the lac operon with non-metabolizable lactose analogues generates an all-or-nothing response,
35 tment was resultant in removing proteins and lactose and allowed to avoid long-term operation as dial
36 l potential acceptors, particularly, analogs lactose and cellobiose.
37 Energy-adjusted intakes of total calcium and lactose and circulating 25(OH)D were correlated inversel
38                      Cross-reactivity with d-lactose and d-(+)-glucose occurred only at concentration
39 f oxidizing aldoses as cellobiose as well as lactose and glucose and with the ability to connect to a
40 ificities, were used to discriminate between lactose and glucose in presence of the interfering matri
41                      High SCC milk had lower lactose and higher pH compared to low and medium SCC.
42 screening method to evaluate the presence of lactose and identify milk powder samples adulterated wit
43 e crystal structures of rCNL in complex with lactose and LacdiNAc, defining its interactions with the
44 ndant saccharide components in milk, such as lactose and lacto-N-tetraose, were separated from the ra
45 as developed, and it allowed quantitation of lactose and lactulose in all samples at a high level of
46  spectra were obtained from samples of whole lactose and low-lactose milk powder, both without and wi
47 ent carriers, namely maltodextrin, mannitol, lactose and pullulan.
48 e confirmed: (1) isomerisation of glucose or lactose and subsequent degradation via Lobry de Bruyn-Al
49                                  Afterwards, lactose and the lactulose-rich product (PLu) were conjug
50 milk digestion through the breakdown of some lactose and the provision of beta-galactosidase, which r
51 e that binds glucose after its cleavage from lactose and thus delays its exit from the site.
52    Three different molecular weight glycans (lactose and two dextrans with 1 kD and 10 kD) were chemi
53 se and gluten pellets during fermentation of lactose and whey, was monitored using (14)C-labelled lac
54 ry for biofilm formation, whereas galactose, lactose, and low concentrations of sialic acid were perm
55 1-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, galactose, lactose, and sucrose--at low mM concentrations.
56 tolerance is the decreased ability to digest lactose, and the population involved is rapidly increasi
57 s of UHT milk containing different levels of lactose, and the results highlighted the inadequacy of t
58 rowth dynamics of Escherichia coli utilizing lactose as a sole carbon source.
59 -Glcp-sucrose), was also produced when using lactose as an acceptor.
60 g were compared with the same infection with lactose as coaggregation inhibitor.
61 y privileged conformation of a disaccharide (lactose as test case) was experimentally inferred by usi
62 le lac induction in the natural setting with lactose as the inducer.
63  mol dm(-3)) in aqueous solutions containing lactose at various concentrations (from 0.005 to 0.200 m
64                                  Infants fed lactose-based formula had the highest levels of glucose
65 more efficiently than other dairy sources of lactose because the bacteria inherent in yogurt assist w
66  Inavir was supposed to be glycosylated with lactose because the molecular weight was slightly higher
67 ohydrate binding site and thereby attenuates lactose binding to the lectin.
68 formances were favorably compared with other lactose biosensors reported in literature.
69                  It is based on oxidation of lactose by cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) from the basid
70 urine-rich vegetables; b) related nutrients: lactose, calcium and fructose.
71                       Moreover, we show that lactose can act as a "Trojan horse" on bi-functionalized
72 h heating temperatures, CML concentration in lactose-caseinate solution was higher than in glucose-ca
73 n diminished bacterial translocation only in lactose-challenged undernourished rats (p = 0.03) compar
74 r peanut oil or non-peanut food ingredients (lactose, coconut oil).
75 r kefiran production from kefir grains to be lactose concentration 67 g/l, yeast extract 13g/l, pH 5.
76 edicted heterogeneous growth emerged at high lactose concentrations, and was associated with cell dea
77 cells express the lac genes in proportion to lactose concentrations.
78 xhibits a pronounced maximum at intermediate lactose concentrations.
79                            The risk that the lactose-containing dry powder inhalers cause allergic re
80 sed to separate fat-rich milk curds from the lactose-containing whey.
81 iosensor was successively tested to quantify lactose content in real milk and cream samples.
82 tra involved in identifying samples with low lactose content, as well as adulterated samples.
83  maximum GOS concentration was obtained at a lactose conversion of approximately 40-50% with B. circu
84 s was higher for WPI-lactose system than WPH-lactose counterpart; whilst, the DPPH scavenging activit
85  of the aged powders showed no occurrence of lactose crystallisation.
86 l behaviours, including uniform responses (d-lactose, d-galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylneura
87 nd A. oryzae beta-galactosidases, and at 95% lactose depletion for K. lactis beta-galactosidase.
88 sed to develop an eco-friendly biosensor for lactose detection.
89 820486563), is significantly associated with lactose-digester status, and in vitro functional tests c
90 and we report a greater genetic diversity in lactose digesters than in nondigesters.
91 historical overview of the studies that show lactose digestion and tolerance from yogurt by lactose-i
92  is a potentially useful approach to improve lactose digestion and tolerance.
93 significantly improved clinical outcomes for lactose digestion and tolerance.
94 inate solutions containing: (1) glucose, (2) lactose, each heated at 120 degrees C and 130 degrees C.
95 lation of the colonic bacteria to metabolize lactose effectively is a potentially useful approach to
96 ntamination of allergic milk proteins in the lactose excipient and found the smear band by silver sta
97                                          The lactose excipient in Inavir inhaler powder was supposed
98 trace amounts of beta-LG contaminated in the lactose excipient of Inavir could cause immediate allerg
99 e and phenotype-specific environmental cues (lactose exposure after weaning) induced changes to epige
100                                 In contrast, lactose feeding immediately caused watery diarrhoea, sug
101 that make up kefir grains are well known for lactose fermentation, but the extent to which they hydro
102                        Relative abundance of lactose-fermenting Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, an
103 ive blood culture samples, as well as 20 non-lactose-fermenting organisms, were tested.
104     When dairy was introduced into the diet, lactose-fermenting Roseburia species increased from day
105                        Higher consumption of lactose, fiber, nonjuice fruit, and vegetables was signi
106  by measuring two metamaterial samples and a lactose film in this THz-TDS system.
107          GOS are produced enzymatically from lactose for commercial use in food applications--includi
108 k with a fat content of 1.5% or 3% and also "lactose free" milk).
109 reated commercial soy, oat, quinoa, rice and lactose-free bovine milks were studied.
110 eneral condition improved substantially on a lactose-free diet, including hypercalcaemia, hypercalciu
111 zed enzymes are useful for the production of lactose-free food and controlled enzyme release with hig
112  were employed to simulate the production of lactose-free food and controlled release of beta-galacto
113 nce is a major concern driving the growth of lactose-free foods including lactose-free infant formula
114 and when feeding a glucose-, galactose-, and lactose-free formula.
115 g the growth of lactose-free foods including lactose-free infant formula.
116 ymatic kits in detecting residual lactose in lactose-free milk was investigated, and a comparison wit
117  assays and of the HPLC-RI method to analyse lactose-free milk.
118  identified in ultra-high temperature (UHT), lactose-free pasteurized, and lactose-free UHT milk (ULF
119 erature (UHT), lactose-free pasteurized, and lactose-free UHT milk (ULF) and infant formula (IF) usin
120     The correct labelling of dairy foods as "lactose-free" requires a suitably sensitive and valid an
121 elease profiles of three drug substances and lactose from the same tablet.
122 he bacterial lactase to be active, digesting lactose from yogurt sufficiently to prevent symptoms in
123 cated in the presence of glucose, galactose, lactose, fructose, ribose and arabinose.
124 dded sugars, total sugars, glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose, starch, carbohydrate) and depression
125 illing by mAb 2C7 of a mutant that expressed lactose (Gal-Glc) from HepI, whereas a mutant that expre
126 -beta(1 --> 6)-Glc] and 6'-O-beta-galactosyl-lactose [Gal-beta(1 --> 6)-Gal-beta(1 --> 4)-Glc].
127 method for the simultaneous determination of lactose, glucose and galactose in original skim milk was
128      Relevant side chains such as trehalose, lactose, glucose, carboxybetaine, and oligo(ethylene gly
129 ate the following: (i) The limiting step for lactose/H(+) symport in the absence of the H(+) electroc
130                                              Lactose had a higher Maillard reactivity than PLu, and W
131 equence is of consumption of a formula where lactose has been replaced with corn syrup solids (CSS).
132            The contrasting phenotypes of the lactose-HepI and the Gal-Gal-Glc-HepI LOS structures wer
133                     Due to the hydrolysis of lactose, high levels of galactose and glucose were found
134                            In both groups, a lactose hydrogen breath test and a lactose tolerance tes
135                                              Lactose hydrogen breath test and lactose tolerance test
136         The rate of available lysine loss in lactose-hydrolysed milk was mostly affected by the prese
137         The kinetics of Maillard reaction in lactose-hydrolysed skim milk powder and related systems
138        The samples derived from an enzymatic lactose hydrolysis approach (0.5L) using the commercial
139                            The percentage of lactose hydrolysis by the immobilized K. lactis beta-gal
140 d 13.4% of total carbohydrates, depending on lactose hydrolysis extent.
141  formation of prebiotic carbohydrates during lactose hydrolysis has been carried out in industrially
142                            K(m) and E(a) for lactose hydrolysis was found to be 10mM and 10.57 kcal m
143 ults underline the importance of controlling lactose hydrolysis, and processing and storage condition
144 rformance of the biocatalysts was tested for lactose hydrolysis, and the enzyme immobilized in SiQT10
145 t effect, features that are not present with lactose hydrolysis.
146  analytical method for the quantification of lactose in complex food matrices.
147  sensor was applied for the determination of lactose in dairy milk samples (milk with a fat content o
148  been reported in the literature to quantify lactose in dairy products, but the official method of an
149                            The hydrolysis of lactose in full-fat or skim milk after 3-week storage re
150 e in formulations for reduction of levels of lactose in infant milks.
151  of two enzymatic kits in detecting residual lactose in lactose-free milk was investigated, and a com
152 nd druglike molecules, the quantification of lactose in milk by isotopic dilution, and metabolite ima
153 during the simulated digestions to hydrolyze lactose in milk more efficiently than free lactase.
154                                              Lactose in milk whey was hydrolysed at comparatively hig
155 nnose and D-galactose and the disaccharide D-lactose in their hydrophilic part is reported.
156                 In fact, the incubation with lactose in vitro tended to increase molecular weight.
157                                          The lactose in yogurt is digested more efficiently than othe
158  intake of galactose, a breakdown product of lactose, increases ovarian toxicity.
159 g to monocytes was partially blocked by beta-lactose, indicating that optimally glycosylated LILRA3 m
160  galactoside binding by mutants defective in lactose-induced H(+) translocation is not accompanied by
161 tation increased serum zinc levels following lactose-induced osmotic diarrhea.
162 rfering RNA knockdown of Gal-3 in microglia, lactose inhibition of Gal-3 binding, inhibition of neura
163 reduced diarrheal scores by the third day of lactose intake (p < 0.05), with improved jejunum histolo
164 nimals were checked for diarrhea daily after lactose intake.
165 n high enzyme amounts and are able to digest lactose into adulthood (i.e., they have the lactase-pers
166 es are used in the dairy industry to convert lactose into galactooligosaccharides (GOS) that are adde
167                    We injected alpha (alpha)-lactose into mice-infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA
168 se African Americans are more likely to have lactose intolerance and avoid dairy products, the observ
169 tion of these products is limited due to the lactose intolerance and costs.
170                                              Lactose intolerance is a major concern driving the growt
171                                              Lactose intolerance is the decreased ability to digest l
172 its application to yogurt, use of yogurt for lactose intolerance, and the cost-effectiveness of yogur
173 npersister genotype, which typically confers lactose intolerance, in several different human populati
174 k allergy must be distinguished from primary lactose intolerance.
175 ncluded in the diet of people suffering from lactose intolerance.
176 coconut haustorium, which will be useful for lactose intolerant children.
177 , including those intended for diabetics and lactose intolerant individuals.
178 definitive change in the fecal microbiome of lactose-intolerant individuals, increasing the abundance
179 ontrolled release of beta-galactosidase into lactose-intolerant individuals.
180 ctose digestion and tolerance from yogurt by lactose-intolerant people.
181 m yogurt sufficiently to prevent symptoms in lactose-intolerant people.
182 cture of reduced-lactose milk products among lactose-intolerant prehistoric farming communities.
183 kes proteins for digesting lactose only when lactose is available and glucose, a better sugar, is not
184 roups content measurement, it was found that lactose is more reactive than LRP for Maillard conjugati
185                                              Lactose is obtained as a by-product from whey.
186 ve osmium complexes and glycosidic residues (lactose) is used to create a self-assembled structure wi
187 nd (US) on the formation of lactulose during lactose isomerization and on the obtention of lysine-glu
188 itude and 60 degrees C increased the rate of lactose isomerization, higher values of lactulose, epila
189                      The data shows that the lactose isomers beta-d-Galp-(1-->2)-d-Glcp, beta-d-Galp-
190                     However, the response to lactose itself is graded, where all cells express the la
191 nus glycodendrimers (Janus-GDs) presenting D-lactose (Lac) and a combination of Lac with up to eight
192 -type" spacing found in the Escherichia coli lactose (lac) and galactose (gal) operons precludes acce
193                         The Escherichia coli lactose (lac) operon encodes the first genetic switch to
194                                  Addition of lactose led to attenuation of bone loss in the capsulate
195  lamblia and rotavirus infections, secondary lactose maldigestion (LM) might be implicated.
196 ll-known reduction in the symptoms caused by lactose maldigestion is not the only benefit provided by
197 the reaction, the conditions were applied to lactose, melibiose, cellobiose, and trehalose.
198 isms generating these distinct behaviours in lactose metabolism have been a topic of many studies.
199 vely studied in the case of Escherichia coli lactose metabolism.
200 ant individuals, increasing the abundance of lactose-metabolizing bacteria that were responsive to di
201  influence milk quality, particularly in low lactose milk as the higher concentration of reducing sug
202  concentration of free and bound MRPs in low lactose milk during shelf life.
203 tained from samples of whole lactose and low-lactose milk powder, both without and with addition of m
204 , particularly in the manufacture of reduced-lactose milk products among lactose-intolerant prehistor
205 mined by measuring bacterial growth rates on lactose minimal media.
206 ominantly by solute-solvent interactions and lactose monohydrate behaves as a long-range structure ma
207             The densities and viscosities of lactose monohydrate in aqueous ascorbic acid solutions w
208 amely, citric acid, D-(-)fructose, and alpha-lactose monohydrate under various concentrations, was pr
209 n monosaccharides were partially replaced by lactose, notwithstanding the fact that the former still
210 scherichia coli makes proteins for digesting lactose only when lactose is available and glucose, a be
211 ion independently of DNA damage by using the lactose operator/repressor reporter system.
212 tory, I contributed to the definition of the lactose operon promoter, uncovered intracistronic comple
213                         The Escherichia coli lactose operon provides a paradigm for understanding gen
214 d infants were fed formula containing either lactose or CSS-based infant formula and compared with an
215  of malabsorption of oligosaccharides (e.g., lactose or fructose) and for small intestinal bacterial
216 onditions in a system with whey proteins and lactose or glucose.
217 s fertility or that a greater consumption of lactose or low-fat dairy harms fertility.
218 ontent to total sugar) through crystallizing lactose out by methanol.
219 ucto-oligosaccharides; and placebo-contained lactose packed in similar-looking sachets.
220                                          The lactose permease (LacY) catalyzes coupled stoichiometric
221 six-helix bundles on the periplasmic side of lactose permease (LacY) cause complete loss of transport
222 not energy-independent downhill transport by lactose permease (LacY) is impaired when expressed in Es
223                                          The lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli catalyzes st
224                                      In vivo lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli displays a m
225                                              Lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli is an archet
226                                          The lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli, a paradigm
227                                              Lactose permease (LacY), a paradigm for the largest fami
228                                              Lactose permease (LacY), a paradigm for the largest fami
229 membrane of Escherichia coli is catalyzed by lactose permease (LacY), which uses an alternating acces
230 ase (FucP) results in remarkable homology to lactose permease (LacY).
231 y constrained mutant of the Escherichia coli lactose permease (the LacY double-Trp mutant Gly-46-->Tr
232 itution, topology, stability and function of lactose permease are found to have different dependences
233          Furthermore, cell-free synthesis of lactose permease during DIB formation also results in ac
234 llar phosphatidylethanolamine lipids, lowers lactose permease folding and reconstitution yields but s
235                                           WT lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY) reconstitute
236 Trp mutant (Gly46-->Trp/Gly262-->Trp) of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY) with a bound
237 in topogenesis, insertion and folding of the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY), a 12-transm
238                                          The lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY), a highly dy
239                                          The lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY), a highly dy
240               We previously established that lactose permease of Escherichia coli displays a mixture
241 ains in the galactoside/H(+) symporter LacY (lactose permease of Escherichia coli) are irreplaceable
242 her biologic machines, such as ATP synthase, lactose permease, and G-protein-coupled receptors.
243 l Major Facilitator Superfamily transporter, lactose permease, into Droplet Interface Bilayers and de
244 s major facilitator transporter superfamily, lactose permease.
245 e mostly of hunter-gatherer origin, although lactose persistence arose in a haplotype present in farm
246 ealthy male resident doctors received either lactose placebo (n = 19) or modafinil 200 mg (n = 20) af
247                        Their incubation with lactose plus the monosaccharides Gal or Glc resulted in
248        The parameters included total solids, lactose, protein and fat content.
249  Here the x-ray structure of FaeGad bound to lactose provides the first structural insight into the r
250 ions were highly significant, especially for lactose (R(2)=0.975) and Ca(2+) (R(2)=0.945).
251 perimental protein folding mechanism for the lactose repressor (LacI), for both the dimeric and the t
252 pecifically, we used a temperature-sensitive lactose repressor mutant that loses the ability to repre
253  sulfate and budesonide in sieved and milled lactose, respectively, were dispersed and their rate of
254  of the natural disaccharides cellobiose and lactose, respectively.
255 ks, followed by oral gavage with a saturated lactose solution (30 g/kg) in the last 7 days to induce
256 f galectin-3, or competitive inhibition with lactose stabilizes cell-cell junctions.
257 d strong modulation of key genes involved in lactose synthesis and insulin signaling.
258 eaction advanced products was higher for WPI-lactose system than WPH-lactose counterpart; whilst, the
259 ptomes for growth on FL were more similar to lactose than HMO in B. bifidum.
260             In humans, the ability to digest lactose, the sugar in milk, declines after weaning becau
261 the permeability of several beta-lactams and lactose through OmpC became increased to the level compa
262               Recoveries ranged from 93% for lactose to 98% for glucose and galactose.
263                  In addition, the binding of lactose to a biomedically relevant receptor (the human a
264 atalyzes the intramolecular isomerization of lactose to allolactose, the lac operon inducer.
265                                It hydrolyzes lactose to galactose and glucose and catalyzes the intra
266  the conversion of glucose into fructose and lactose to lactulose are demonstrated.
267  permeate and converted approximately 17% of lactose to lactulose.
268 omorphin-1 (1) was modified by attachment of lactose to the N-terminus via a succinamic acid spacer t
269 leotide polymorphism that is associated with lactose tolerance and milk intake.High consumers of nonf
270 groups, a lactose hydrogen breath test and a lactose tolerance test were performed after exclusion of
271             Lactose hydrogen breath test and lactose tolerance test were positive in all 7 patients (
272 a more recent onset of positive selection on lactose tolerance than previously thought.
273 ously associated with lactase expression and lactose tolerance, had higher dietary vitamin D intake a
274 at high frequency in the Bronze Age, but not lactose tolerance, indicating a more recent onset of pos
275  farming by humans favored alleles for adult lactose tolerance.
276 orrelated with clinical outcomes of improved lactose tolerance.
277 examine the LCT enhancer sequence in a large lactose-tolerance-tested Ethiopian cohort of more than 3
278                  Twelve purified Nbs inhibit lactose transport in right-side-out membrane vesicles, i
279 ill H(+) translocation coupled with downhill lactose transport.
280 eta were significantly increased after alpha-lactose treatment.
281 in the lungs were also increased after alpha-lactose treatment.
282 ictions based on computational models of the lactose uptake pathway remain controversial.
283                                              Lactose uptake rate by kefir yeast, immobilized on tubul
284      Results illustrated that, in all cases, lactose uptake rate was strongly correlated with ferment
285  than an all-or-none response in the natural lactose uptake system.
286 olid meal were investigated by MRI and (13)C-lactose-ureide breath test.
287 tive reactions for Inavir inhaler powder and lactose used as an excipient but negative for Laninamivi
288                     The calibration curve of lactose using optimized parameters shows a wide linear m
289  formula emulsion containing dairy proteins, lactose, vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients.
290 ity, a greater consumption of phosphorus and lactose was associated with slightly higher fecundabilit
291                                          The lactose was found to be the most challenging parameter.
292                                              Lactose was isomerised to lactulose by microwave heating
293    A highly reproducible linear response for lactose was obtained between 0.05 mM and 30 mM.
294 arides prepared from (13)C6(glc) sucrose and lactose were analyzed by ESI-MS(n), and the fragmentatio
295   Dissolution of all the drug substances and lactose were determined to proceed at the same relative
296                    The catalytic currents to lactose were increased up to 140 times, and the K(M)(app
297                                  The LRP and lactose were then conjugated with either whey protein is
298 luorescent and one glycodendrimer presenting lactose were used to construct giant dendrimersomes and
299              The enzyme could also hydrolyse lactose, with an optimum pH of 4.0 at 40 degrees C.
300                             Milk protein and lactose yields were increased by 3NOP.

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