


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng symbionts known to infect this species of ladybird.
2  tinman complex, which redirects a conserved ladybird 3' enhancer to regulate C15.
3  frequency of melanic morphs of the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, was first surveyed in 1980
4 s of the single most abundant component of a ladybird beetle (Epilachna borealis) defensive secretion
5  of the pupal defensive secretion in related ladybird beetle species indicates that the degree of oli
6 ium that causes male-killing in an unrelated ladybird beetle species.
7         The pupal defensive secretion of the ladybird beetle Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata con
8 clic pyrones in Delphastus catalinae, a tiny ladybird beetle that is employed commercially as a biolo
9 IPAL FINDINGS: Here we report on a predatory ladybird beetle whose natural history suggests that the
10  pupal defensive secretion of the 24-pointed ladybird beetle, Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata, c
11       Transmission of an STD in the two-spot ladybird depended more on the density of infected indivi
12          For example, even-skipped (eve) and ladybird early (lbe) gene products mark adjacent cardiac
13                  Targeting the eve repressor ladybird early (lbe) with the minimal eve mesodermal enh
14                               In particular, ladybird early (lbe), a homeobox gene expressed adjacent
15  activity of an insulator at the intervening ladybird early promoter.
16                                              Ladybirds exhibit impressive variation in coloration bot
17      The murine Lbx2 gene is a member of the ladybird family of homeobox genes, which is expressed in
18 ans, and the potential function of mammalian ladybird genes, we have begun to analyze patients with o
19 olution of life history within the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis.
20                         Here, we report that Ladybird homeobox 1 (LBX1), a developmentally regulated
21   Here we show that the transcription factor Ladybird homeobox 2 (Lbx2) positively controls the Wnt/b
22 rticular, the repression of wingless and the ladybird homeobox genes within this area of the germ ban
23 on allows the cardiac enhancer to bypass the ladybird insulator in Tribolium.
24 expression of a key pericardial determinant, ladybird, is absent from the dorsal mesoderm of Triboliu
25 ll-autonomously to repress the expression of ladybird (lb) homeobox genes, thereby preventing specifi
26 rogenitors within each segment: the anterior ladybird (lbe)- and the posterior even skipped (eve)-exp
27 the progenitors expressing the homeobox gene ladybird (lbe).
28          Furthermore, field experiments with ladybird models created with regards to predator vision
29 nt levels of toxicity exist among and within ladybird species, and that signal contrast against the b
30               This switch in expression from ladybird to C15 appears to arise from an inversion withi

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