


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ilarly but only cyclin A/CDK2 phosphorylates lamin B.
2 bition is only slightly reversed by removing lamin B.
3 an antagonistic relationship between Eg5 and lamin B.
4 yosin X, myosin XIV, kinesin 1, Als2cr4, and lamin B-1.
5               In vitro translated Nup153 and lamin B(3) co-immunoprecipitate, and lamin B(3) interact
6 153 and lamin B(3) co-immunoprecipitate, and lamin B(3) interacts specifically with the C-terminal do
7  replication-competent nuclei, we found that lamin B(3) specifically associates with four polypeptide
8 eport that the intermediate filament protein lamin B, a component of the interphase nuclear lamina, f
9 sible for removal of mitotic phosphates from lamin B, a process required for nuclear lamina reassembl
10 eacetylase 8, but not the structural protein lamin B, also were found in the cytoplasm of the cell.
11 he inner nuclear membrane that binds to both lamin B and chromatin and has a putative role in nuclear
12 nal nuclear membrane protein with N-terminal lamin B and chromatin-binding domains plus a C-terminal
13 competitively inhibited the farnesylation of lamin B and K-RasB peptide substrates, with IC50s of 0.8
14 nfection induced the phosphorylation of both lamin B and PKC.
15 dation of major nuclear polypeptides such as lamin B and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase.
16  primary mouse erythroblasts expressing only Lamin B and primary human erythroblasts only Lamin A/C.
17 ,749 to inhibit the farnesylation of Ras and lamin B and with a reduction in the susceptibility of en
18 fold greater association with its substrate, lamin B, and a 2.5-fold increase in specific activity af
19 Bcl-2, Bid, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, and lamin B, and down-regulated cellular levels of FLICE-lik
20 essential nuclear factors such as lamin A/C, lamin B, and HP1.
21                                Antibodies to lamin B are found in individuals with autoimmune disease
22                                              Lamin B assembled into a matrix-like network in mitosis
23 egative mutant lamin B proteins that disrupt lamin B assembly in interphase nuclei also disrupted spi
24    LBR is a bifunctional protein with both a lamin B binding and a sterol Delta(14)-reductase domain.
25                         Although genome-wide lamin-B binding profiles correlate with reduced gene exp
26 -lap was closely correlated with cleavage of lamin B but not with increases in p53/p21 or decreases i
27 ot only disprove several prevailing views of lamin-Bs but also establish a foundation for redefining
28 blood mononuclear cells was measured using a lamin B C-terminus peptide as substrate.
29 suggest two nonexclusive mechanisms by which lamin B can indirectly antagonize Eg5.
30 enopus egg extracts, we found that depleting lamin B caused formation of elongated and multipolar spi
31  activation of caspase-6/Mch2 and subsequent lamin B cleavage.
32 tivation, and poly ADP-ribose polymerase and lamin B cleavage.
33 mAb) resulted in preferential degradation of lamin B compared with lamins A and C.
34 ture from the microtubule spindle and from a lamin B-containing spindle envelope.
35 erin and BAF associated only in histone- and lamin-B-containing fractions.
36  Temporal decreases in bcl-2 and cleavage of lamin B corresponded to the minimal apoptotic response o
37                                              Lamin B could also function to sequester microtubule pol
38 xpression of Bcl-2 resulted in prevention of lamin B degradation and DNA fragmentation into oligonucl
39 n, and that lamin B phosphorylation preceded lamin B degradation and DNA fragmentation.
40                                  Significant lamin B degradation was detected as early as 1 h after a
41                                      Because lamin B does not bind directly to microtubules, it must
42                                      Because lamin B does not bind to Eg5, our studies suggest two no
43 hat protein kinase C-delta co-localized with lamin B during apoptosis and activation of PKC-delta by
44 vestigate phosphorylation and degradation of lamin B during apoptosis.
45 likely involves the localized recruitment of Lamin B during late anaphase.
46      Chromatin and green fluorescent protein-lamin B dynamics were visualized in a micropipette aspir
47 be extended significantly by a disassembling lamin-B envelope that surrounds the prometaphase spindle
48  proteins and with the C-terminal peptide of lamin B for geranylgeranylation by PGGT-I and for farnes
49 es to the nucleus and phosphorylates nuclear lamin B in response to the PKC activator bryostatin.
50 cluding vimentin, actin, fodrin, moesin, and lamin B in resting peripheral blood T lymphocytes.
51                    We found that patterns of lamin B in the filamentous network interacting with both
52 nt human PKC-delta was able to phosphorylate lamin B in vitro suggesting that its actions are direct
53 on of its mitotic nuclear envelope substrate lamin B in vitro.
54                  The two factors compete for lamin-B in response to matrix elasticity, knockdown, myo
55                                      Without lamin B, increased microtubule assembly caused by the re
56                                              Lamin B is a component of the membranous spindle matrix
57                              We propose that lamin B is a structural component of the long-sought-aft
58 sults indicate that selective degradation of lamin B is an early cellular event in response to activa
59 taII PKC-mediated phosphorylation of nuclear lamin B is important in these events.
60                      These data suggest that lamin B is phosphorylated by PKCalpha and proteolyzed be
61                                    Depleting lamin B led to a very small but statistically significan
62             This raises the possibility that lamin B may be a link to the autoimmune attack that occu
63 he mechanosensitive proteins YAP, Lamin A/C, Lamin B, MRTF-A, and MRTF-B were analyzed on these gradi
64 opic expression of a caspase-3 non-cleavable lamin B mutant blocks nuclear opening formation, histone
65 emerin association with BAF in the chromatin/lamin B "niche." These results reveal direct control of
66 obably cause brain disorganizations found in lamin-B null mice.
67                                     However, lamin B only very weakly antagonizes Eg5 in mediating po
68 y farnesylated by PFT in the presence of the lamin B peptide competitor.
69                  In this study, we use human lamin B phosphorylated at mitosis-specific sites as a su
70 osol from camptothecin-treated cells induced lamin B phosphorylation and degradation in isolated nucl
71 ne specifically inhibits betaII PKC-mediated lamin B phosphorylation and mitotic nuclear lamina disas
72  PKC-delta by caspase 3 was concomitant with lamin B phosphorylation and proteolysis.
73                                     Elevated lamin B phosphorylation in HSV-1-infected cells was part
74 somerase I inhibitor, camptothecin, and that lamin B phosphorylation preceded lamin B degradation and
75                                              Lamin B phosphorylation was prevented by the protein kin
76  V5) is capable of nuclear translocation and lamin B phosphorylation.
77 sults thus suggest that axonally synthesized lamin B plays a crucial role in axon maintenance by prom
78 e cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase or lamin B, polypeptides that are commonly cleaved in other
79              Inhibition of H-Ras, N-Ras, and lamin B protein processing was observed at concentration
80                     Dominant negative mutant lamin B proteins that disrupt lamin B assembly in interp
81 tally synchronous with the downregulation of lamin b receptor (LBR) and can be reversed by ectopic ex
82 ed complexes of importin-alpha-16 with human lamin B receptor (LBR) and nurim were examined.
83                             Mutations of the lamin B receptor (LBR) have been shown to cause HEM dysp
84                                              Lamin B receptor (LBR) is a bifunctional nuclear membran
85                                          The lamin B receptor (LBR) is a highly unusual inner nuclear
86                                              Lamin B receptor (LBR) is a polytopic membrane protein r
87                                              Lamin B receptor (LBR) is a polytopic protein of the nuc
88                                          The lamin B receptor (LBR) is an integral nuclear envelope p
89 sed that an interaction between Xist RNA and Lamin B receptor (LBR) is necessary and sufficient for X
90 h a most probable gene assignment to 1q21.3; lamin B receptor (LBR) was localized to 1q42.1; and lami
91  factors in regulating the gene encoding the lamin B receptor (LBR), an inner nuclear membrane protei
92                                              Lamin B receptor (LBR), an integral inner nuclear membra
93 o-hybrid screen, the nucleoplasmic domain of lamin B receptor (LBR), an integral protein of the inner
94 ree other known HP1 binding proteins: SP100, lamin B receptor (LBR), and the p150 subunit from chroma
95 that inner nuclear membrane proteins such as lamin B receptor (LBR), MAN1, Lap2beta, and the trans-me
96 iated proteins which includes LAP1, LAP2 and lamin B receptor (LBR).
97 otein transport from the ER to the INM using Lamin B receptor and Lap2beta as model INM proteins.
98                                We found that Lamin B receptor expression was required to attach centr
99                  Wang et al question whether Lamin B receptor is required for Xist-mediated silencing
100 with the inner nuclear membrane protein LBR (lamin B receptor) and transcriptional coactivators TIF1a
101                                         LBR (lamin B receptor) is an integral protein of the inner nu
102 used by mutations in the gene (LBR) encoding lamin B receptor, an evolutionarily conserved inner nucl
103 e show that Xist directly interacts with the Lamin B receptor, an integral component of the nuclear l
104 ry biliary cirrhosis (PBC) recognize LBR, or lamin B receptor, an integral membrane protein of the in
105 ls using the inner nuclear membrane protein, lamin B receptor, fused to green fluorescent protein (LB
106 erentiated HL-60 cells lacking expression of lamin B receptor, which fail to develop lobulated nuclei
107 sue or matrix stiffness anti-correlates with lamin-B receptor (LBR), which contributes to lipid/stero
108  immunosenecence is caused by age-associated lamin-B reduction specifically in fat body cells, which
109  distribution of the nuclear lamina protein, lamin B, remained unchanged.
110                                 Depletion of lamin B resulted in defects in spindle assembly.
111  GrnA fails to induce cleavage of caspase-3, lamin B, rho-GTPase, or PARP.
112 ctron microscopy and unique fragmentation of lamin B, suggested this form of cell death to be differe
113 cells with condensed chromatin and disrupted lamin B, suggesting that these cells may be blocked at a
114 U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle, lamin B, the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein NuMA, DNA
115                                      Besides lamin B, the spindle matrix contains spindle assembly fa
116 ecruitment of PKC functions to phosphorylate lamin B to help modify the nuclear lamina and promote bu
117 vides a continuous linkage from the nucleus (lamin B) to the cortical cytoskeleton.
118  wall muscle revealed that the mutant A-type lamin, B-type lamins, the Sad1p, UNC-84 domain protein K
119                                 Furthermore, lamin B was essential for the formation of the mitotic m
120                           Phosphorylation of lamin B was inhibited by immunodepletion of PKCalpha fro
121  PKCalpha activity also increased rapidly as lamin B was phosphorylated after initiation of the apopt
122                                We found that lamin B was phosphorylated within 1 h after addition of

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