


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ue sections were stained for C5b-9, C4d, and laminin.
2  collagen III, collagen IV, fibronectin, and laminin.
3  could be modulated by the adhesion molecule laminin.
4 ith fibronectin but not on those coated with laminin.
5 ins, such as fibronectin (FN), collagen, and laminin.
6 and IV, as well as elastin, fibronectin, and laminin.
7 on of alpha7beta1 integrin, which also binds laminin.
8 atrix containing fibronectin, fibrillin2 and laminin.
9 a4-integrin along with its matrix substrate, laminin.
10 issue-restricted isoforms of collagen IV and laminin.
11 hologs (Paf, AfeA, and MntC) interacted with laminin.
12 d when mAgrin is in molar excess relative to laminin.
13 GC axons on substrates of Nogo-A-Fc, but not laminin.
14 ronectin levels with little direct effect on laminin.
15 proteins, including perlecan, collagens, and laminins.
16 demonstrating increases in ECM collagens and laminins.
17 eta2 chain, demonstrating that they may bind laminins.
18           Previous studies demonstrated that laminin 1 (L1) is critical for intact salivary cell clus
19   The processes differentially contribute on laminin-1 and fibronectin due to selective actin tetheri
20                                           On laminin-1, NGF induced greater vinculin-dependent adhesi
21 hat is unclear from these studies is whether laminin-111 can restore failed regeneration to laminin-a
22         Here we report a biologically-active laminin-111 fragment generated by matrix metalloproteina
23 tein therapy to improve muscle regeneration, laminin-111 or phosphate-buffered saline-treated laminin
24              To investigate the potential of laminin-111 protein therapy to improve muscle regenerati
25  which in turn led to increased secretion of laminin-111.
26 dy2J mice) express a nonpolymerizing form of laminin-211 (Lm211) and are a model for ambulatory-type
27 ression of the laminin alpha2 subunit of the laminin-211 heterotrimer expressed by astrocytes and per
28           Our work suggests a model in which Laminin-211 mediates GPR126-induced cAMP levels to contr
29 1 confirmed binding to purified laminin-421, laminin-211, and laminin-alpha4.
30  of GPR126 are governed by interactions with Laminin-211, which we define as a novel ligand for GPR12
31 e autoantibodies against the alpha3 chain of laminin 332 (LAMalpha3), a structural protein of epiderm
32 n depends on alpha3beta1 integrin binding to laminin 332 (LN332; also known as laminin 5), whereas an
33 or receptor in the epidermis for adhesion to laminin-332 (LN-332), has critical roles in basement mem
34    Eleven as yet unreported mutations in the laminin-332 genes were detected.
35    The diagnosis was based on the absence of laminin-332 in skin biopsies.
36 osed epidermolysis bullosa acquisita or anti-laminin-332 mucous membrane pemphigoid.
37 , a major receptor for epidermal adhesion to laminin-332, is critical for proper basement membrane or
38                          Graft cells, but no laminin-332, were detected in skin biopsies.
39                                              Laminin-421 and -211 were identified by proximity-based
40 erve sheath, particularly perineurium, where laminin-421 is predominant.
41 xpressing NP41 confirmed binding to purified laminin-421, laminin-211, and laminin-alpha4.
42 TAT3-dependent manner, which also stabilizes laminin 5 and engages cells to form hemidesmosome-like j
43 in), basement membrane assembly (Collagen 7, Laminin 5), differentiation (K13, K3), proliferation (Ki
44 binding to laminin 332 (LN332; also known as laminin 5), whereas antibodies that block alpha6beta4 bi
45 of apical-basal cell polarity, as well as in laminin-511 and basement membrane assembly at the tip of
46                    We found that recombinant laminin-511 E8 fragments are useful matrices for maintai
47 l microfabricated slides (from CYTOO), human laminin-521 (LN-521) as extracellular matrix coating, an
48        Glial cells in many organisms secrete laminin, a large heterotrimeric protein consisting of an
49                                              Laminin, a major component of the basement membrane, pla
50 urther, we demonstrate that the BM component laminin accumulates at the BM gap edge and promotes incr
51                      These data suggest that laminins act as links among pre- and post-synaptic lamin
52                Thus Met promotes survival of laminin-adherent cells by maintaining integrin alpha3bet
53                    In addition, we show that laminin alone is able to partially reverse the muscle dy
54 its extracellular matrix interaction partner laminin alpha 4 (LAMA4) emerged as the most consistently
55 flexible hinge region between the fifth LNS (laminin-alpha, neurexin, sex hormone-binding globulin) d
56 n I, fibronectin, smooth muscle alpha-actin, laminin alpha1, and hyaluronan and proteoglycan link pro
57                                              Laminin alpha1, beta1 and gamma1, abundantly released by
58  nidogen-2 in their pericellular matrix, and laminin-alpha1 enhanced collagen type II and reduced col
59 genitor cells (CPCs) produced high levels of laminin-alpha1, laminin-alpha5, and nidogen-2 in their p
60 troglycan (alphaDG) and the up-regulation of laminin alpha2 and dystrophin surrogates known to inhibi
61                         Complete loss of the laminin alpha2 chain in mice results in a severe muscula
62                        The adhesion molecule laminin alpha2 chain interacts with the dystrophin-glyco
63 trophin-glycoprotein complex further protect laminin alpha2 chain-deficient skeletal muscle fibers fr
64  genetic model have shown that a deletion of laminin alpha2 impedes male fertility by disrupting ecto
65           Of more importance, a knockdown of laminin alpha2 in Sertoli cells was shown to induce the
66 rrier by a local axis in the testis: role of laminin alpha2 in the basement membrane.
67                                    In short, laminin alpha2 in the BM seems to play a crucial role in
68                           Here, we show that laminin alpha2 in the BM serves as the crucial regulator
69                                              Laminin alpha2 is one of the constituent components of t
70                                 Furthermore, laminin alpha2 knockdown also perturbed microtubule (MT)
71 t Lama2(-/-) mice, lacking expression of the laminin alpha2 subunit of the laminin-211 heterotrimer e
72 an or increased expression of dystrophin and laminin alpha2 surrogates in mature skeletal myofibers,
73 creases the overexpression of dystrophin and laminin alpha2 surrogates known to inhibit disease.
74 strophy type MDC1A is caused by mutations in laminin alpha2 that either reduce its expression or impa
75 histochemical analysis found deficiencies of laminin alpha2, alpha-dystroglycan, or collagen VI in 50
76 f matrix constituents (decorin, collagen VI, laminin alpha2, endostatin, endorepellin, and kringle V)
77 ves as the crucial regulator in this axis as laminin alpha2, likely its 80-kDa fragment from the C te
78                                 Mutations in laminin alpha2-subunit (Lmalpha2, encoded by LAMA2) are
79  integrin, Ptrh2 expression was decreased in laminin-alpha2 dyW null gastrocnemius muscle.
80 n shown to ameliorate disease pathology in a laminin-alpha2 knockout mouse model of muscular dystroph
81 nin-111 or phosphate-buffered saline-treated laminin-alpha2-deficient muscle was damaged with cardiot
82 minin-111 can restore failed regeneration to laminin-alpha2-deficient muscle.
83          Neuregulin 1 type III (Nrg1III) and laminin alpha2beta1gamma1 (Lm211) are the key axonal and
84                       It has been shown that laminin alpha4 (endothelial laminin) regulates vascular
85  LNs, compared with immune LNs, and blocking laminin alpha4 function or inducing laminin alpha5 overe
86                                 The ratio of laminin alpha4 to laminin alpha5 was greater in domains
87 lycoprotein receptor capture also identified laminin-alpha4 and -gamma1.
88 ng to purified laminin-421, laminin-211, and laminin-alpha4.
89 blocking laminin alpha4 function or inducing laminin alpha5 overexpression disrupted T cell and DC lo
90               The ratio of laminin alpha4 to laminin alpha5 was greater in domains within tolerant LN
91                          In isolated islets, laminin-alpha5 (found in both layers of the duplex BM) a
92       Collagen IV, pan-laminin, perlecan and laminin-alpha5 in the islet BM were significantly digest
93 PCs) produced high levels of laminin-alpha1, laminin-alpha5, and nidogen-2 in their pericellular matr
94 ations in human LAMB2 cluster in or near the laminin amino-terminal (LN) domain, a domain required fo
95                                              Laminin, an approximately 800-kDa heterotrimeric protein
96  important virulence factor interacting with laminin, an extracellular matrix protein ubiquitously ex
97 f oligodendrocytes from NSPCs was reduced on laminin, an outcome likely mediated by the alpha6 lamini
98 GN1 deletion causes an aberrant VE-cadherin, laminin and alpha6 integrin distribution in vessels, alo
99 ation (Ki-67), decreased neovascularization (laminin and alphaSMA), in addition to inflammation and a
100 collagen and alpha2-type IV collagen, gamma1-laminin and beta2-laminin, were significantly increased
101 ty to bind the extracellular matrix proteins laminin and cellular fibronectin.
102      In diabetic mice, Sema3a(+) exacerbates laminin and collagen IV accumulation in Kimmelstiel-Wils
103 as well as the extracellular matrix proteins laminin and collagen V.
104                        The MV cargo proteins laminin and fibronectin interact with integrins along th
105                      Similarly, disorganized laminin and fibronectin surround MZtmem2 cardiomyocytes,
106 filopodia and growth cone F-actin content on laminin and L1.
107                              Lower levels of laminin and neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1 but
108  two independent polymeric networks - one of laminin and one of type IV collagen (Figure 1, bottom).
109 PoT) printing technique enables fibronectin, laminin and other proteins to be applied to biomaterial
110                        Among those, specific laminins and dystroglycan complexes contribute to Na(+)
111                      Our novel findings that laminins and nidogen-2 drive CPCs toward chondrogenesis
112 of this study was to investigate the role of laminins and nidogen-2 in osteoarthritis (OA) and their
113 ize the vitreoretinal junction (fibronectin, laminin) and vitreous gel (opticin) markers.
114 M-2, junctional adhesion molecule-B (JAM-B), laminin, and cellular fibronectin, supported binding of
115 s of four matrix proteins-collagen I and IV, laminin, and fibronectin-in skin biopsies of patients wi
116 ure and composition in terms of collagen IV, laminin, and fibronectin.
117 ) proteins, including fibronectin, entactin, laminin, and insoluble elastin, as potently as matrix me
118                                      PrP(C), laminin, and metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5)
119 y to adhere to VK2 cells, to fibronectin and laminin, and to fibronectin-coated ME-180 cervical epith
120  with increases in collagen IV, decreases in laminin, and varied changes in fibronectin.
121              We demonstrate that subunits of laminins appear in OA cartilage and that nidogen-2-null
122                                              Laminin appeared to be a critical component in regulatin
123 hat neural stem cell biological responses to laminin are dependent on topographical context.
124                                              Laminins are constituents of the extracellular matrix an
125                                              Laminins are differentially expressed upon immunity or t
126                                              Laminins are extracellular matrix proteins, widely expre
127                                              Laminins are major constituents of the gliovascular basa
128                          We hypothesize that laminins are required for proper trans-synaptic alignmen
129                                              Laminins are trimeric proteins that are major components
130 g of host cells and purified fibronectin and laminin, as well as Yop delivery, three mutations, F80A
131  a model of melanoma in vitro tumorigenesis, laminin-associated networks developed in association wit
132 rowth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha) and laminin beta 1 (LAMB1) expression.
133 fied a rare single nucleotide variant in the laminin beta 4 gene (LAMB4) that segregated with disease
134 dation of extracellular matrix nidogen-1 and laminin beta1 in tumor xenografts.
135 ane biofunctionalized with a fragment of the laminin beta1-chain to modulate the expression of MMP2 i
136 nd neurologic defects caused by mutations in laminin beta2 (LAMB2), a major component of the glomerul
137 glycan can be co-immunoprecipitated with the laminin beta2 chain, demonstrating that they may bind la
138                        In the absence of the laminin beta2 chain, the expression of many pre-synaptic
139         Mice with a targeted deletion of the laminin beta2 gene (Lamb2) exhibit retinal disruptions:
140 ing from defects in GBM structural proteins (laminin beta2 or collagen alpha3 IV), the GBM is irregul
141 of human nephrotic syndrome caused by mutant laminin beta2 protein-induced podocyte ER stress and AKI
142 mma localization of utrophin, restoration of laminin binding and amelioration of disease in the mdx m
143 We demonstrate in vitro that mAgrin enhances laminin binding to primary myoblasts and fibroblasts fro
144 uced a decrease of alphaDG glycosylation and laminin binding, even in WT animals.
145  we found that association of sarcospan into laminin-binding complexes is dependent on utrophin and a
146                                          The laminin-binding integrin alpha3beta1 is highly expressed
147 in, an outcome likely mediated by the alpha6 laminin-binding integrin, whereas similar effects were n
148 nd also appeared to bind collagen type V and laminin, but not other proteins, such as transferrin, he
149 RNAi, we further demonstrate that astrocytic laminin, by binding to integrin alpha2 receptor, prevent
150 utations in the extracellular matrix protein laminin cause severe consequences in glial wrapping and
151 a cells expressed increased alpha4 and beta1 laminin chains and alpha4 laminin expression was confirm
152 y biologically active peptides released from laminin chains.
153  composed of collagen IV + heparan sulfate + laminin (CHL) or collagen IV + gelatin + heparan sulfate
154 d (dcEF) when cultured on a poly-L-ornithine/laminin coated surface, while the fetal-derived neural p
155                                           On laminin-coated tracks (3-10 mum), these cells used an ef
156 mentin) and extracellular matrix components (laminin, collagen IV) correlate with tissue softening.
157                                              Laminins colocalized with NP41 within nerve sheath, part
158 20 was potentiated on rigid matrices at high laminin concentration.
159 acellular matrix (ECM) composed of collagen, laminin, Dally and Dally-like (Dlp) proteins that are st
160  over PCP mutant cells had reduced levels of laminin, Dally and Dlp, and whereas Dpp-receiving ASP cy
161 of active MMPs, facilitating fibronectin and laminin degradation, and likely contributing to the vari
162 ivating priming injuries, stimulated robust, laminin-dependent sensory axon regrowth past scar-formin
163 urther structures of FXI in complex with the laminin-derived peptide EFPDFP and a DFP peptide from th
164        Our results indicate a novel role for laminin-dystroglycan interactions in the cooperative int
165                              With the use of laminin-enriched extracellular matrix (lrECM), we were a
166 g the globular domains, and also attached to laminin expressed on respiratory epithelial cells.
167 e used a reverse genetic approach to disrupt laminin expression in the vascular basement membrane and
168 pread small vacuole formation, and increased laminin expression underneath lens capsules suggest impa
169 d alpha4 and beta1 laminin chains and alpha4 laminin expression was confirmed by in situ hybridizatio
170 ctive oxygen species generation, and, matrix laminin expression.
171 ular matrix proteins, including those of the laminin family, formed regions within the LN that were p
172                     Influence of BL proteins-laminin, fibronectin, collagen type IV, agrin, and perle
173 itary neuropathies associated with decreased laminin function are characterized by focally thick and
174 red primary human glioblastoma (GBM) TICs on laminin-functionalized ECMs spanning a range of stiffnes
175                                      Using a laminin-functionalized hydrogel system designed to mimic
176 st signal, controlled by cadherin, EGF-like, laminin G-like, seven-pass, G-type receptor (Celsr) 2, C
177 ain (Val243-Ser635; chimera III) or the SHBG laminin G-type 1 subunit (Ser283-Val459; chimera I), res
178 ti-CASPR2 antibodies in the CSF targeted the laminin G1 and discoidin domains of CASPR2 in all patien
179 in these patients targeted the discoidin and laminin G1 domains of CASPR2 and always included IgG4 au
180              We demonstrate that loss of the laminin gamma subunit (LanB2) in the peripheral glia of
181 echanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 and laminin gamma1 accumulation in an AMP-activated protein
182 s (BMs) through high-affinity binding to the laminin gamma1 chain.
183           Autoantibodies against recombinant laminin gamma1 were detected by immunoblot in 8 of 12 pa
184                       Autoantibodies against laminin gamma1 were determined by immunoblot.
185 alafil effect on high glucose stimulation of laminin gamma1.
186  global protein synthesis and matrix protein laminin gamma1.
187 ed P value < 10(-7)) and minor enrichment of laminin-gamma1 and collagens I and VI.
188                Proteolytic processing of the laminin-gamma2 chain is a hallmark of basement membrane
189 r alpha3beta1 in promoting the processing of laminin-gamma2 in cultured keratinocytes in vitro and in
190 membrane assembly/maturation through reduced laminin-gamma2 processing via mTLD/BMP-1.
191  critical regulator of alpha3beta1-dependent laminin-gamma2 processing, thereby expanding the role of
192 al density is significantly increased in the laminin gamma3-null (Lamc3(-/-)) retinal superficial vas
193  based on a stretch of 50 amino acids within laminin-gamma3 domain IV, could reversibly induce the im
194 pithelial cells cultured within collagen and laminin gels proliferate to form hollow and polarized sp
195 ith glycan structures functional for binding laminin globular domain-containing proteins.
196                                        While laminins have a critical structural role, recent evidenc
197            This basement membrane is rich in laminin-III (L1), which plays a critical role in salivar
198                                              Laminin immunostaining and quantitation of tissue extrac
199                             Also, they bound laminin in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner.
200 l migratory and morphological reactions with laminin in different topographical contexts.
201 ble knockout (DKO) mice display disorganized laminin in meningeal fibroblasts and a cobblestone lisse
202        These data support a critical role of laminin in the regulation of PDGFRbeta(+) cell stemness,
203 investigate the function of pericyte-derived laminin in vascular integrity.
204                     Finally, the role of the laminins in autoimmune diseases and transplantation will
205 od-brain barrier (BBB); however, the role of laminins in BBB development remains unclear.
206                 The retina expresses several laminins in the outer plexiform layer (OPL), where they
207 oteins bound at the heparin-binding sites of laminin, including the globular domains, and also attach
208 lls to fibronectin, but not poly-d-lysine or laminin, induced YAP nuclear accumulation via the FAK-Sr
209 ne, we report that PDGFRbeta(+) cell-derived laminin inhibits their proliferation and adipogenesis, b
210 glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan disrupts laminin interaction with alpha-dystroglycan and the extr
211           Enzymatic cleavage of intraretinal laminin is a biologically plausible mechanism for acute
212                                              Laminin is also found throughout multiple retinal layers
213 er, these data suggest that pericyte-derived laminin is involved in the maintenance of BBB integrity
214                   The unique architecture of laminin is not currently amenable to determination at hi
215 evels at the sarcolemma, where attachment to laminin is restored.
216                                              Laminin is thus a highly important target for PF ortholo
217                                      Sixteen laminin isoforms have been described, each with distinct
218 d pericytes synthesize and deposit different laminin isoforms into the basement membrane.
219 ant P4 displayed a high binding affinity for laminin (Kd = 9.26 nM) and fibronectin (Kd = 10.19 nM),
220 store function of a polymerization-defective laminin, leading to normalized muscle structure and stre
221 mouse line, we report that loss of pericytic laminin leads to hydrocephalus and BBB breakdown in a sm
222                  Netrin-1, a chemorepulsant, laminin-like matrix protein, promotes inflammation by pr
223         We report that breast CSCs produce a laminin (LM) 511 matrix that promotes self-renewal and t
224                                          The laminin (LM)-binding integrin alpha3beta1 is crucial for
225                                              Laminin LN domain mutations linked to several of the Lma
226 ch as Evans blue (EB), isolectin B4 (IB4) or laminin (LN) are used alongside simultaneous immunofluor
227 reduced in rapidly migrating growth cones on laminin (LN) compared with non-integrin-binding poly-d-l
228         Here, we investigate the efficacy of laminin (LN) isoforms preferentially expressed in the li
229 with extracellular matrix proteins including laminin (Ln)-332, produced by hepatic stellate cells (HS
230                                  Endocytosed laminin localizes to lysosomes, results in increased int
231       These results indicate that astrocytic laminin maintains the integrity of BBB through, at least
232 t embryonic/neonatal stage, while astrocytic laminin maintains vascular integrity in adulthood.
233 d GPR179 become dissociated, suggesting that laminins mediate scaffolding of post-synaptic components
234 sults demonstrate a novel mechanism by which laminins modulate vascular branching and endothelial cel
235 malities reminiscent of GAG biosynthesis and laminin mutants.
236               We show that netrin-4 disrupts laminin networks and basement membranes (BMs) through hi
237               These independent collagen and laminin networks are thought to be linked by several add
238 G1, an aGPCR with two domains [pentraxin and laminin/neurexin/sex hormonebinding globulin-like (PLL)
239 y unidentified domain that we term Pentraxin/Laminin/neurexin/sex-hormone-binding-globulin-Like (PLL)
240 h muscle-specific expression of alphaLNNd, a laminin/nidogen chimeric protein that provides a missing
241  detectable fibronectin and the decreases in laminin observed in vivo.
242      A peptide mimicking the binding site of laminin onto PrP(C) (Ln-gamma1) binds to PrP(C) and indu
243 sulting in inverted polarized cysts, with no laminin or type IV collagen assembly at cell/extracellul
244 ber detachment, in association with impaired laminin organization and ineffective fibronectin degrada
245                             Collagen IV, pan-laminin, perlecan and laminin-alpha5 in the islet BM wer
246 al data indicated that this mutation impairs laminin polymerization, which we hypothesized to be the
247 issue of the JCI, McKee and colleagues use a laminin polymerization-competent, designer chimeric BM p
248               Large-fiber topography without laminin prevented cell migration, which was partially re
249 alled ImmunoCloak, consisting of a matrix of laminin, proteoglycans, fibronectin, and collagens.
250 sstalk between these two signaling pathways, laminin-PrP(C)-mGluR5 or AbetaO-PrP(C)-mGluR5, as well a
251  methods, to address key questions regarding laminin quaternary structure.
252 noma cells acting via 37/67 kDa non-integrin laminin receptor (LR/37/67 kDa) and downstream ERK1/2, P
253 are cross-reactive antigens that bind to the laminin receptor of the blood-brain barrier as a molecul
254 esin choline-binding protein A that binds to laminin receptor on vascular endothelial cells and bindi
255 ss of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, a laminin receptor that connects the myofiber to its surro
256 endently of choline binding protein A (CbpA)/laminin receptor, CbpA/polymeric immunoglobulin receptor
257                            Another potential laminin receptor, dystroglycan, is at the post-synaptic
258                                  A potential laminin receptor, integrin alpha3, is at the presynaptic
259 -3-gallate (EGCG) signals ECs via the 67 kDa laminin-receptor (67LR) resulting in protein kinase A de
260  neuropathies, results attributed to loss of laminin-receptor signaling.
261 ly, myotubes lacking integrin alpha7beta1, a laminin-receptor, also show a significant increase in pS
262 ns act as links among pre- and post-synaptic laminin receptors and alpha-DG and pikachurin in the syn
263         Further RNAseq analysis reveals that laminin regulates PDGFRbeta(+) cell differentiation/fate
264  been shown that laminin alpha4 (endothelial laminin) regulates vascular integrity at embryonic/neona
265                     We hypothesize that this laminin-related function is essential for the previously
266                         Netrins, a family of laminin-related molecules, have been proposed to act as
267                                  Netrin-1, a laminin-related secreted protein, displays proto-oncogen
268 e that glioma migration under confinement on laminin relies on formins, including FHOD3, but not Arp2
269  of breast cancer cells in three-dimensional laminin-rich extracellular matrix (3D lr-ECM).
270 r cell migration and cell invasion through a laminin-rich matrix.
271 visible to the unaided eye but retain hollow laminin-rich tubular structures.
272 al muscle, agrin binds with high affinity to laminin(s) and alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG), an integra
273 rophy, acting as a link between alpha-DG and laminin(s).
274  of the subunit order typically presented in laminin schematics.
275  physiological consequences of disruption of laminin secretion in glia included decreased larval loco
276 te collagen secretion, is also important for laminin secretion in glia via a collagen-independent mec
277 ion of glial morphology due to disruption of laminin secretion.
278  However, the expression of fibronectin- and laminin-specific matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), parti
279 overcome polymerization deficits to increase laminin, stabilize BM structure, and substantially ameli
280  the patient, the presence of both PMCA3 and laminin subunit 1alpha mutations appears to be necessary
281 es two missense mutations in LAMA1, encoding laminin subunit 1alpha.
282 ency coding variant rs2076349 (V527M) in the laminin subunit beta3 (LAMB3) gene showing strong associ
283     Glial-specific loss of the beta or gamma laminin subunit disrupted glia morphology and led to ER
284 e identified the tyrosine kinase FAK and the laminin subunit LAMB3 as functional targets of miR-1298.
285                The retention of the unpaired laminin subunit was key to the glial disruption as loss
286 ion, resulted in light-induced enrichment of laminin subunits alpha4 and alpha2, nidogen 1, and decor
287        Prior studies have found that loss of laminin subunits from vertebrate Schwann cells causes lo
288                    Real-time PCR analysis of laminin subunits showed that spheroids formed from ancho
289  This review will summarize the structure of laminins, the modulation of their expression, and their
290  of Tango1 blocked secretion of the complete laminin trimer but did not lead to glial or locomotion d
291             However loss of secretion of the laminin trimer does not disrupt animal locomotion.
292 required for extracellular polymerization of laminin trimers and basement membrane scaffolding.
293              Adhesion of epithelial cells to laminin via integrin alpha3beta1 was previously shown to
294 associated with enhanced fibrosis (collagen, laminin, vimentin, periostin).
295 lpha3beta1 and alpha6beta1 to subendothelial laminin was a critical prerequisite for successful trans
296 d islets, yet a significant reduction in pan-laminin was seen during the initial 24 h culture period.
297                          Collagen IV and pan-laminin were present in the disorganized BM of isolated
298 2-type IV collagen, gamma1-laminin and beta2-laminin, were significantly increased in patients with d
299                                           On laminin, which binds APP and beta1 integrins (Itgb1), DS
300 tion of polymerization-deficient recombinant laminins, with retention of collagen IV, reiterating the

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