


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 fferentiation may require direct exposure to laminin alpha5.
2 was essential for the binding of Lu/B-CAM to laminin alpha5.
3 otein mediate adhesion of mesangial cells to laminin alpha5.
4 an Ig superfamily transmembrane receptor for laminin alpha5.
5 a5 LG3 module is essential for Lu binding to laminin alpha5.
6                  MDCK cells also synthesized laminin alpha5, a component of LN10, that independent st
7                           Here, we show that laminin alpha5, a gene up-regulated during neural crest
8 nic mice expressing full length and chimeric laminin alpha5/alpha1 chains.
9             The basement membrane components laminin-alpha5, -alpha3, -beta3, and -beta1-1 were downr
10 ized by the basement membrane glycoproteins, laminin alpha5 and agrin, that promotes formation of a s
11  was delayed in targeted mutant mice lacking laminin alpha5 and arrested in mutants lacking both alph
12 rprisingly, simultaneous suppression of both laminin alpha5 and laminin alpha3 restores directional m
13 PCs) produced high levels of laminin-alpha1, laminin-alpha5, and nidogen-2 in their pericellular matr
14 n in the zebrafish lama5 gene that truncates laminin alpha5 before the C-terminal laminin LG domains,
15                   In the diabetic mouse, the laminin alpha5 chain content of the glomerular and tubul
16 nd cell-binding peptide of the LG4 module of laminin alpha5 chain in adhesion to laminin-10.
17                                          The laminin alpha5 chain is a component of laminin-10 (alpha
18                       Here, we show that the laminin alpha5 chain is required during embryogenesis.
19  an antibody against the recently discovered laminin alpha5 chain showed that in the normal mouse, th
20 cell-binding domain of the LG4 module of the laminin alpha5 chain was analyzed.
21 , which binds at or near the G-domain of the laminin alpha5 chain, significantly inhibited sickle RBC
22 lfate-containing receptor binding within the laminin alpha5 chain.
23 gion for sickle RBCs is contained within the laminin alpha5 chain.
24                    Our findings suggest that laminin alpha5 controls SMG epithelial morphogenesis thr
25                           In vivo studies of laminin alpha5-deficient mice indicate that this laminin
26                     These data indicate that laminin alpha5-derived peptides can induce inflammatory
27                              Embryos lacking laminin alpha5 die late in embryogenesis.
28  that express a chimeric laminin composed of laminin alpha5 domains VI through I fused to the human l
29 cture and function requires podocyte-derived laminin alpha5 during and after glomerulogenesis and pre
30 e inception of glomerulogenesis and then for laminin alpha5 during glomerular maturation.
31  To investigate domain-specific functions of laminin alpha5 during glomerulogenesis, we produced tran
32                            Mice with reduced laminin alpha5 expression show reduced MZ B cells and in
33                          In isolated islets, laminin-alpha5 (found in both layers of the duplex BM) a
34                            Overexpression of laminin alpha5 from a transgene improved the phenotype o
35 minal laminin LG domains, thereby preventing laminin alpha5 from interacting with its cell surface re
36 site for cell and heparin binding within the laminin alpha5 G domain using recombinant proteins and s
37                        Mutation of the mouse laminin alpha5 gene results in a variety of developmenta
38  113 overlapping synthetic peptides from the laminin alpha5 globular domain (G-domain) for cell attac
39      Our results demonstrate a dual role for laminin alpha5 in kidney development, illustrate a novel
40                        To identify roles for laminin alpha5 in lung development, we have generated an
41                         Targeted deletion of laminin alpha5 in mice causes developmental defects in m
42              We investigated the function of laminin alpha5 in mouse submandibular glands (SMGs).
43 ine lung development, and suggest a role for laminin alpha5 in signaling pathways that promote alveol
44 r capillaries by adhering to the G domain of laminin alpha5 in the GBM.
45 eta1-mediated interaction of NF B cells with laminin alpha5 in the MZ supports the MZ B-cell populati
46 d to bona fide basement membranes containing laminin alpha5 in tissue sections.
47          Conversely, neural folds exposed to laminin alpha5 in vitro show a reduction by half in the
48    Here we investigated the binding of Lu to laminin alpha5 in vivo and in vitro.
49       Collagen IV, pan-laminin, perlecan and laminin-alpha5 in the islet BM were significantly digest
50 all, these findings indicate that epithelial laminin alpha5, independent of its structural function,
51                                              Laminin alpha5 is a widely expressed chain found in many
52  lacked one or both kidneys, indicating that laminin alpha5 is also important in earlier kidney devel
53  to the GBM, suggesting that the G domain of laminin alpha5 is essential for this adhesion.
54                                              Laminin alpha5 is prominent in the basement membrane of
55 eudo-knockins", so called because endogenous laminin alpha5 is replaced by transgene-encoded proteins
56                 Our studies demonstrate that laminin alpha5 is required for the proliferation and pol
57 erfamily transmembrane receptor specific for laminin alpha5, is also known as basal cell adhesion mol
58 l mice, integrin alpha6beta4, a receptor for laminin alpha5, is strongly localized at the basal layer
59    Sol-Lu did not bind to tissue sections of laminin alpha5 knockout embryos, despite the fact that t
60           Here, we have examined the role of laminin alpha5 (Lama5) in tooth development using lamini
61 ssette in an intron of the gene that encodes laminin alpha5 (Lama5), a major tubular and glomerular b
62                In mice that genetically lack laminin alpha5, laminin alpha5beta2gamma1 is not assembl
63 uggest that the binding site for Lu/B-CAM on laminin alpha5 may overlap with that of integrins alpha3
64 ed glomeruli demonstrated significantly more laminin alpha5 mRNA in Alport mice than in wild-type con
65                                           In laminin alpha5 mutant mice, neural crest migratory strea
66                       During gangliogenesis, laminin alpha5 mutants exhibit defects in condensing cra
67 ect the glomerular phenotype that is seen in laminin alpha5 mutants, alpha5 null embryonic day 12 met
68 in alpha5 (Lama5) in tooth development using laminin alpha5-null mouse primary dental epithelium and
69 blocking laminin alpha4 function or inducing laminin alpha5 overexpression disrupted T cell and DC lo
70     Incubation of mouse macrophages with the laminin alpha5 peptide AQARSAASKVKVSMKF resulted in mark
71 rs were increased >3-fold in response to the laminin alpha5 peptide.
72             Podocyte-specific restoration of laminin alpha5 production using two distinct strategies
73                     In developing glomeruli, laminin alpha5 replaces laminin alpha1 in the glomerular
74                 Whereas the total absence of laminin alpha5 results in breakdown of the glomerular ba
75                  These data suggest that the laminin alpha5 subunit functions as a cue that restricts
76                                              Laminin alpha5 subunit-containing laminin-10/11 (LM-511/
77               Recently, we reported that the laminin alpha5 synthetic peptide A5G27 (RLVSYNGIIFFLK, r
78                            In the absence of laminin alpha5, the basement membrane in the inner denta
79  Although Lu/B-CAM binds to the LG domain of laminin alpha5, the binding site has not been precisely
80 synaptic proteins, including laminin alpha4, laminin alpha5, utrophin, and NCAM, were expressed along
81 re, we examined the role of podocyte-derived laminin alpha5 via podocyte-specific inactivation of Lam
82               The ratio of laminin alpha4 to laminin alpha5 was greater in domains within tolerant LN
83 n addition, labeling of entire glomeruli for laminin alpha5 was significantly greater in Alport mice
84 showed a markedly stratified distribution of laminins: alpha5 was found only on the inner endothelial
85           To identify the Lu-binding site on laminin alpha5, we prepared modified alpha5 cDNAs encodi
86 to hybrid GBM, immunofluorescent signals for laminin alpha5 were quantified: Hybrid GBM contained app
87                              We propose that laminin alpha5, which is concentrated at the distal ends

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