


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed after the separation of gnathostomes from lampreys".
2 rived enteric neural crest population in the lamprey.
3 ylogenetically oldest vertebrates, the river lamprey.
4 d these questions in a basal vertebrate, the lamprey.
5 gins of jaws that has focused on the jawless lamprey.
6 mologs of the SNr and PPN are present in the lamprey.
7 use and zebrafish to the jawless vertebrate, lamprey.
8 the phylogenetically oldest vertebrates, the lamprey.
9 he MHb and LHb circuitry is conserved in the lamprey.
10  observed in most brain regions of the adult lamprey.
11 g the existence of additional NF subunits in lamprey.
12 ught that only a single NF, NF180, exists in lamprey.
13 lucocorticoid and a mineralocorticoid in the lamprey.
14 mutually exclusive lymphocyte populations in lamprey.
15 Lakes that harbor the invasive parasitic sea lamprey.
16 e VLRB-bearing lineage of lymphocytes in sea lamprey.
17 lated from water conditioned with larval sea lamprey.
18 r to those of rainbow trout but not with sea lamprey.
19 g head skeleton development in the agnathan, lamprey.
20 avior of upstream migrating adult salmon and lamprey.
21 a in both control and spinal cord-transected lampreys.
22 s is shared by all these species, except for lampreys.
23 ed bile salt homeostasis in larval and adult lampreys.
24 role in the respiratory rhythm generation in lampreys.
25 nce of excitatory (glutamatergic) neurons in lampreys.
26 spiratory changes in relation to movement in lampreys.
27 ve identified homologues of these genes from lampreys.
28  we report in this study a BAFF-like gene in lampreys.
29 ed to the mono- or dichromacy found in other lampreys.
30               We also isolated from a single lamprey 13 anti-lysozyme VLRA clones with affinities ran
31 as a partial reduction in the ability of the lamprey 5-hydroxytryptamine1b-type serotonin receptor to
32 lectrosensory inputs, as investigated in the lamprey - a phylogenetically conserved vertebrate.
33 stoma), but occur in Petromyzon marinus (Sea Lamprey), a jawless vertebrate.
34 erged by analyzing neural crest formation in lamprey, a basal extant vertebrate.
35 e discovered the first FXYD homologue in sea lamprey, a basal jawless vertebrate, which suggests smal
36                                      The sea lamprey, a jawless fish, can provide unique insights int
37 regulatory genes, the embryonic brain of the lamprey, a jawless vertebrate, had been regarded as repr
38            Our results indicate that the sea lamprey, a jawless vertebrate, may be in an evolutionari
39 ortisol is the corticosteroid hormone in the lamprey, a member of the agnathans that evolved more tha
40 amphioxus, an invertebrate chordate, the sea lamprey, a representative of agnathans, and the elephant
41 ural networks controlling respiration in the lampreys, a basal vertebrate.
42 the known morphological disparity of extinct lampreys, a chordate affinity for T. gregarium resolves
43                   We discovered that the sea lamprey adapts to biliary atresia through a unique mecha
44 tergic populations reported in the adult sea lamprey , although some important differences were noted
45 commonality of habitats between sturgeon and lamprey ammocoetes, suggests that there may be effects a
46 of the PDE6 family, we have examined PDE6 in lamprey, an ancient vertebrate group.
47 Pgamma2 potently inhibited trypsin-activated lamprey and bovine PDE6 enzymes.
48 e two forces for undulatory swimmers such as lamprey and eels, where most parts of the body are simul
49  many-to-many orthology relationship between lamprey and gnathostome Hox clusters.
50  occurred before the divergence of ancestral lamprey and gnathostome lineages.
51 ation may have occurred independently in the lamprey and gnathostome lineages.
52                                              Lamprey and hagfish are surviving representatives of the
53 nt in these fish, and further studies of the lamprey and hagfish genomes will determine just how expl
54    Adaptive immunity in jawless vertebrates (lamprey and hagfish) is mediated by lymphocytes that und
55 nd jawless fish (cyclostomes, represented by lamprey and hagfish).
56                                              Lamprey and hagfish, the extant jawless vertebrates, hav
57                                              Lamprey and hagfish, the living representatives of jawle
58  agnathans became cyclostomes, which include lamprey and hagfish.
59                          The relative age of lamprey and human paralogs supports this hypothesis.
60 n fibrin polymerization with fibrinogen from lamprey and humans.
61 ting range in darkness is nearly the same in lamprey and in amphibian or mammalian rods and cones; mo
62 ated through dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in lamprey and in mammals.
63                          Comparisons between lamprey and jawed vertebrates have yielded important ins
64 opy data show the close relationship between lamprey and mammalian collagen fibrils, even though the
65 ew possibilities for studying development in lamprey and other non-traditional model organisms with l
66                             In addition, sea lamprey and sturgeon cytosolic extracts showed concentra
67 new genomic and transcriptomic resources for lamprey and use these to identify hundreds of genes that
68                With the exception of tfap2d (lamprey and zebrafish), all are able to do so.
69 afba), Krox20 (also known as Egr2a)) in both lamprey and zebrafish.
70 hological cladistic analyses have identified lampreys and gnathostomes as closest relatives, whereas
71                                              Lampreys and hagfish are primitive jawless vertebrates c
72 ation of three orthologous VLR genes in both lampreys and hagfish suggests that this anticipatory rec
73 endently in cyclostomes (jawless vertebrates-lampreys and hagfish) and gnathostomes (jawed vertebrate
74                             Cyclostomes, the lampreys and hagfish, instead use leucine-rich repeat pr
75                                              Lampreys and hagfish, which together are known as the cy
76 omes, comprising jawless vertebrates such as lampreys and hagfishes, are the sister group of living j
77 etween these two VLR isotypes occurs in both lampreys and hagfishes.
78 ulation algorithm applied to freely swimming lampreys and jellyfish.
79 e known to be "bad regenerators." Results in lampreys and mammals suggest that the UNC5-Netrin axonal
80 ges appears to be a shared characteristic of lampreys and mammals.
81                       AANATs from Agnathans (lamprey) and Chondrichthyes (catshark and elephant shark
82 unexpected order and linkages therein; e.g., lamprey AP-2 appears to function early as a neural plate
83                                  KEY POINTS: Lamprey are cyclostomes, a group of vertebrates that div
84                                              Lamprey are members of the ancestral vertebrate taxon (j
85 rt the hypothesis that as in mammals, NFs in lamprey are obligate heteropolymers, in which NF-L is a
86                                              Lampreys are extant representatives of agnathans.
87                                              Lampreys are one of two extant representatives of the ea
88                                              Lampreys are representatives of an ancient vertebrate li
89                                  Hagfish and lampreys are the only living representatives of the jawl
90                                   We use the lamprey as a model for investigating the role of this ph
91 at suggest the somatopleure is eliminated in lamprey as the LPM is separated from the ectoderm and se
92 ver a monophyletic Cyclostomata (hagfish and lampreys as closest relatives).
93 mone compound is able to redirect female sea lampreys away from a natural pheromone source and lure t
94             After spinal cord transection in lampreys, axons of the large, identified reticulospinal
95           Like mammalian BAFF and APRIL, the lamprey BAFF-like gene is expressed in T-like, B-like, a
96 e intrinsic organization and function of the lamprey basal ganglia is highly conserved.
97                                              Lampreys belong to the agnathan lineage, and they are th
98 zonol sulfate (PS, 1, a previously known sea lamprey bile acid derivative that is a third component o
99 ey larvae was demonstrated, and treatment of lamprey blood cells with rIL-17D.1 protein enhanced tran
100 nalysis of motor responses to bending of the lamprey body in different planes and at different rostro
101 of this receptor is broadly expressed in the lamprey brain, being especially abundant in hypothalamic
102 ecting neurons has not been described in the lamprey brain.
103 ically, the largest reticular neurons of the lamprey brainstem (Muller cells) showed ASP immunoreacti
104 646,800 synapses) computational model of the lamprey brainstem-spinal cord network.
105 lization of glutamatergic neurons in the sea lamprey brainstem.
106  detail in a swimmer using body undulations (lamprey), but in tetrapods the downstream projections fr
107 ebrata, as they are found and/or detected in lamprey, but not in either ascidians or amphioxus (or an
108 )/ventral tegmental area (VTA) is present in lamprey, but only scarce data exist about its connectivi
109 tem and rostral spinal cord of the adult sea lamprey by using ASP immunohistochemistry.
110 y the expression pattern of this receptor in lampreys by in situ hybridization and to analyze the phy
111     Moreover, previous observations on fixed lamprey central nervous system (CNS) suggested that rege
112                     The presence of L-NFL in lamprey CNS may support the hypothesis that as in mammal
113                                      Control lampreys contained netrin-expressing neurons along the l
114 ophenol (TFM), is a primary component to sea lamprey control in the Laurentian Great Lakes.
115  the ecosystem level in streams that undergo lamprey control treatments.
116  axons were imaged in the living, transected lamprey cord with and without application of cAMP analog
117 hylogenetically homologous photoreceptors in lamprey: crucially, the efficient amplification of the e
118 recent report of a new lymphocyte lineage in lampreys, defined by the antigen receptor VLRC, suggests
119 spinal neurons of mature larval or adult sea lampreys detected by in situ hybridization in wholemount
120                              Descriptions of lamprey development, physiology and genome have provided
121                                              Lampreys diverged from other vertebrates before the acqu
122 , via a comparative morphometric analysis in lamprey, dogfish, zebrafish and mouse, we propose that e
123 (CNEs) were predicted in the Hox clusters of lamprey, elephant shark, and human.
124                                              Lampreys emerged from a basal branch of the tree of vert
125 ed protein encoded by this BAFF-like gene in lampreys exhibits higher sequence similarity with mammal
126                                          Sea lamprey extracts produced the highest concentrations (50
127 he single species of the southern hemisphere lamprey family Geotriidae, Geotria australis, possesses
128 d by a lysine (gamma338), but in chicken and lamprey fibrin(ogen), it is an arginine, just as occurs
129 thermore we identify conserved expression of lamprey FoxC genes in the paraxial and intermediate meso
130 1891) described 'granule blood cells' in the lamprey, frog, fowl, horse, elephant and man.
131 ells suggests that visual information in the lamprey G. australis is processed in parallel streams, a
132 dies, indicate that the visual system of the lamprey G. australis represents the upper limit of visua
133 rison, integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) bound to a lamprey gammaC primordial RGD motif.
134 ther species in the genus Lampetra and other lamprey genera.
135 ated in close proximity to each other in the lamprey genome and indicate the interspersed arrangement
136 dies reveal the highly dynamic nature of the lamprey genome and provide the first example of broad-sc
137                                          The lamprey genome provides an important resource for recons
138                                       In the lamprey genome, we identify here about 850 distinct cass
139  we report a CRISPR/Cas system optimized for lamprey genomes and use it to disrupt genomic loci in th
140                      In the present study, a lamprey genomic database was used to identify homologs o
141 11-deoxycortisol receptor extracted from sea lamprey gill cytosol.
142                                           In lampreys, GPRPYam is a significantly better inhibitor, b
143 p progressive disease, the postmetamorphosis lampreys grow normally to adult size.
144 vation of microRNA expression patterns among lamprey, hagfish, and gnathostome organs, implying that
145                        We found that the sea lamprey has a gnathsotome-like complement of edn and edn
146 te its key phylogenetic position, studies of lamprey have been limited by their complex life history,
147                                              Lamprey have two kinds of photoreceptors, called "short"
148 ences that fully support the conclusion that lampreys have a simpler clotting scheme compared with ot
149                    It had been believed that lampreys have only one subunit, NF180.
150 gents, we found that proper formation of the lamprey head skeleton requires two phases of FGF signali
151                                    In larval lamprey, hemitransections were performed on the right si
152 s drive segmental reporter expression in the lamprey hindbrain and require the same transcriptional i
153                                  We isolated lamprey homologs of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF receptors and ask
154 ry selective, fibers densely innervating the lamprey homologue of the mammalian medial nucleus, but n
155            Interestingly, CNEs in individual lamprey Hox clusters are frequently conserved in multipl
156      Compared with gnathostome Hox clusters, lamprey Hox clusters are unusually large.
157                                 We find that lamprey hox genes display dynamic segmentally restricted
158                        Third, mRNA levels of lamprey HVA calcium and SKKCa channels in axotomized RS
159        We identified five members of the sea lamprey IL-17 family (IL-17D.1, IL-17D.2, IL-17E, IL-17B
160 re we report robust plasma VLRB responses of lamprey immunized with hen egg lysozyme and beta-galacto
161 ucture of a high-affinity VLRA isolated from lamprey immunized with hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) in u
162                               A new study in lampreys indicates that the pharyngeal epithelium of the
163 d similarly to those previously described in lampreys, indicating that the anatomo-physiological feat
164 ats and humans, simulations of locomotion in lamprey, insect, cat and salamander, and active vibrissa
165                                              Lamprey is incapable of elongating C22 substrates.
166                                              Lamprey is one of only two living jawless vertebrates, a
167 genetic study showed that the Y1 receptor of lampreys is basal to the Y1/6 branch of the Y1-subfamily
168 forces the view that the branchial basket of lampreys is probably derived.
169  genomic structure of the VLRA/VLRC locus in lampreys is reminiscent of the interspersed nature of th
170                     Three animal models, sea lamprey, lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), and rainb
171 rinus), L. camtschaticum, and European brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri).
172 repeat sequence and number in a nonparasitic lamprey, Lampetra aepyptera.
173           Moreover, further investigation of lamprey larvae revealed that these domains are also pres
174 A.1-expressing B-like cells and monocytes of lamprey larvae was demonstrated, and treatment of lampre
175 equencing of genomic DNA samples of injected lamprey larvae, were 68/69, 47/56, 38/39, 36/37 and 36/4
176 VLRC, has recently been identified in arctic lamprey (Lethenteron camtschaticum), and our analysis in
177 or at least six Hox clusters in the Japanese lamprey (Lethenteron japonicum).
178 isrupt genomic loci in the Northeast Chinese lamprey (Lethenteron morii) with efficiencies ranging be
179                       This suggests that the lamprey lineage has experienced an additional genome dup
180    However, recent studies have revealed two lamprey lymphocyte subsets so closely resembling B cells
181                                              Lamprey lymphocytes express two putative deaminases of t
182                   It has been suggested that lamprey may represent an intermediate state where nested
183 that a unique molecular switch occurs during lamprey metamorphosis resulting in distinct gill carboni
184          Utilizing extensively characterized lamprey motor circuits, and the unique access to reticul
185                                          The lamprey neurohypophysis was not innervated by Galphat-S-
186 ion of glutamate and GABA, suggest that some lamprey neurons may co-release both excitatory and inhib
187 e C-terminal region of the larger of the two lamprey NF subunits (NF-180) resembles these mammalian p
188 udy provides evidence for the existence of a lamprey NF-L homolog (L-NFL).
189 units could form filaments in the absence of lamprey NFL (L-NFL).
190 ssemble, suggesting that like mammalian NFs, lamprey NFs are heteropolymers, and that additional NF s
191 e two sidearm domains in the organization of lamprey NFs, we generated plasmids lacking the glutamate
192                      In some tissues such as lamprey notochord, the collagen fibrillar organization i
193 the biochemical properties of AID from a sea lamprey, nurse shark, tetraodon, and coelacanth: represe
194 the genomes of the jawless fish (hagfish and lamprey) offer the best possibility for finding systems
195  finding of T-like and B-like lymphocytes in lampreys offers new insight into the evolution of adapti
196 ated the organization of these nuclei in the lamprey, one of the phylogenetically oldest vertebrates.
197 sal ganglia in all vertebrates including the lamprey, one of the phylogenetically oldest vertebrates.
198 ulatory network underlying Hox expression in lamprey or its relationship to hindbrain segmentation.
199 mans, together with gene trees incorporating lamprey orthologues, indicates that although GDEs can ac
200                               In contrast to lamprey, our findings support an LPM contribution to the
201 rtue of this deeply shared ancestry, the sea lamprey (P. marinus) genome is uniquely poised to provid
202         Previous studies have shown that the lamprey paratrigeminal respiratory group (pTRG) plays a
203 , we recorded from photoreceptors of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and show that their rods have
204 ytic subunit transcript was found in the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus cDNA library.
205 le to catch up to 75% of tagged invasive sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in free-flowing streams.
206 e genes Tyrosinase and FGF8/17/18 in the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, and detail optimized paramet
207 this regard, the NCBI Trace database for the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) contains more than 18 milli
208                                      The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is a genetically programmed
209 stem in the basal jawless vertebrate the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to gain insight into its ev
210 d tracks and two animal trajectories - a sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) tracked for 12 h and a wolf
211                                          The lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) undergoes developmentally p
212                   Here, we show that the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a jawless vertebrate, unde
213 tic and comparative genomic maps for the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a representative of an anc
214                  Here we discovered that sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a representative of extant
215                     Here, we show in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a vertebrate invader of th
216  pesticide for the population control of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), an invasive species of the
217 ogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) and the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), exhibits broad-spectrum an
218 hat VLRC sequences are well conserved in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), L. camtschaticum, and Euro
219 f cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrases in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), that has a complex life hi
220  at giant reticulospinal synapses of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), we found that this NEF inh
221 thologs in all vertebrates including the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus).
222 receptors in the jawless vertebrate, the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus).
223                             Here, we show in lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) of either sex that increme
224 tified brainstem muscarinoceptive neurons in lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) that received parallel inp
225                     Here we show that in sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) VLRA and VLRB anticipatory
226 noreactive (ir) system in the CNS of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus.
227 iculospinal (RS) neurons in the brain of the lamprey, Petromyzon marinus.
228 ebrate, and places it on the stem lineage to lampreys (Petromyzontida).
229 isol is the active corticosteroid present in lamprey plasma.
230  U.S. dollars annually, and help restore sea lamprey populations in Europe where they are native, but
231                                              Lampreys possess different types of lymphocytes, akin to
232                                              Lampreys possess two T-like lymphocyte lineages that exp
233  the connectivity and neuronal properties of lamprey pretectal cells.
234                                  The jawless lampreys provide a unique opportunity to constrain the t
235 ess vertebrates (cyclostomes), hagfishes and lampreys, provide scarce information about the profound
236  on isolated brainstem preparations of adult lampreys provides a more precise localization of the pTR
237                                              Lampreys recover from complete spinal transection, but o
238               After spinal cord transection, lampreys recover functionally and axons regenerate.
239 have previously shown that rods and cones in lamprey respond to light much like photoreceptors in oth
240 od-type Pgamma2, have been identified in the lamprey retina.
241                                 We show that lamprey rods and cones respond to light much like rods a
242         We cloned RPE65 and LRATb cDNAs from lamprey RPE and demonstrated appropriate enzymatic activ
243         We verified the presence of RPE65 in lamprey RPE by immunofluorescence microscopy, immunoblot
244  residues found in all authentic RPE65s, but lamprey RPE65 contained all of them.
245              We demonstrated previously that lamprey RS neurons in culture extend neurites, and calci
246 x vivo experiments showed that aductular sea lamprey secreted taurocholic acid into its intestinal lu
247 lity to respond to soluble protein antigens, lampreys seem to have evolved a B cell-like system for a
248 at Cyclostomata is monophyletic: hagfish and lampreys share 4 unique microRNA families, 15 unique par
249  populations with those reported for the sea lamprey, Siberian sturgeon, and zebrafish revealed some
250    We monitored regeneration of back-labeled lamprey spinal axons after spinal cord transection and d
251       Thus, cAMP accelerates regeneration of lamprey spinal axons without inducing formation of growt
252 sed the giant reticulospinal (RS) neurons of lamprey spinal cord because they readily regenerate, are
253                     In this study, using the lamprey spinal cord in vitro, we first report that 2-AG
254                                       In the lamprey spinal cord, they surround the central canal and
255                                       In the lamprey spinal cord, we demonstrate that, although presy
256 uidance molecules during regeneration in the lamprey spinal cord, we examined the expression of mRNAs
257 in the mechanism of axon regeneration in the lamprey spinal cord.
258 rotonin-mediated inhibition of exocytosis in lamprey spinal neurons.
259  show that SCI induces delayed cell death in lamprey spinal-projecting neurons and suggest that the r
260                                           In lampreys, stretch receptor neurons (SRNs) are located at
261  Hedgehog- and Nkx2.1-positive domain in the lamprey subpallium was thought to be similar to mouse mu
262 the limited variation across some species of lamprey suggests that functional constraints may further
263 nal activity is fed to a mechanical model of lamprey swimming.
264 ds also induce Omega-profile accumulation at lamprey synaptic active zones, suggesting that actin may
265 ffective than GPRPam, indicating that in the lamprey system the same tyrosine-arginine interaction ca
266 for specified coagulation factors revealed a lamprey system with a smaller number of components than
267                                              Lamprey T-like and B-like lymphocyte lineages have been
268 intestine, and gills and by the two types of lamprey T-like cells.
269       Here, we interrogate the NC-GRN in the lamprey, taking advantage of its slow development and ba
270           Indeed, in Xenopus, zebrafish, and lamprey Tgs, key residues, including the hormonogenic ty
271                             Here, we show in lamprey that a separate evaluation circuit, which regula
272 olated a conserved exonic hox2 enhancer from lamprey that drives segmental expression in rhombomeres
273                             In contrast, sea lamprey thrives despite developmental biliary atresia.
274                  To understand how the adult lamprey thrives without the ability to secrete bile, we
275 lts confirm that a Y5 receptor is present in lampreys, thus being highly conserved during the evoluti
276 nents of the migratory pheromone used by sea lamprey to guide adults to spawning grounds was recently
277 in early vertebrate progenitors by comparing lamprey to other vertebrates.
278 of early vertebrate progenitors by comparing lamprey to other vertebrates.
279                                              Lampreys, together with mixynes, belong to the oldest br
280           These findings indicate that adult lampreys tolerate cholestasis by altering hepatic bile s
281                    Here, we cloned three sea lamprey UNC5 (UNC5L) receptors, and phylogenetic analyse
282 ceptors in which the diversity region of the lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor (VLR) has been fuse
283 icity containing the Ag-binding portion of a lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor specific for PE fus
284       But instead of Ig superfamily domains, lamprey variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs) consist of
285 situ hybridization study with probes for the lamprey vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) provides
286 the unique hagfish VLR is the counterpart of lamprey VLRA and the previously identified hagfish "VLRA
287 ree types of these anticipatory receptors in lampreys (VLRA, VLRB, and VLRC) are expressed by separat
288                        Surprisingly, we find lamprey VLRB and mouse Ig responses to influenza A virus
289  previously identified hagfish "VLRA" is the lamprey VLRC counterpart.
290 swimming animals, a computational model of a lamprey was developed.
291 afish, and physical fate-mapping in frog and lamprey, we find that NECs are not neural crest-derived,
292                                           In lampreys, we recently showed that brainstem networks als
293 d whether this includes neurogenesis, larval lampreys were spinally transected and injected with 5-br
294 stantially advance integrated control of sea lamprey, which threaten a fishery valued at 7 billion U.
295                   Here, we present the first lamprey whole-genome sequence and assembly.
296 t CRISPR/Cas9 is highly effective in the sea lamprey, with a majority of injected embryos developing
297  is widely expressed throughout the brain of lampreys, with some regions showing numerous positive ne
298               This broad distribution of the lamprey Y1 receptor is more similar to that found in oth
299                 In phylogenetic studies, the lamprey Y5 receptor clusters in a basal position, togeth
300 eny, and brain expression pattern of the sea lamprey Y5 receptor.

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