


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gnoses and 690 with non-PDD diagnoses (e.g., language disorder).
2  chronic serous otitis media, and expressive language disorder.
3 s in adulthood with an isolated, progressive language disorder.
4 ion of the FOXP2 protein causes an inherited language disorder.
5 pmental verbal dyspraxia, a human speech and language disorder.
6 entify a consistent neural substrate for the language disorder.
7 t be central to the FOXP2-related speech and language disorder.
8 at mutations in human FOXP2 produce a severe language disorder.
9 have AD, while the female sib has expressive language disorder.
10 ctual disability, coordination disorder, and language disorder.
11  protein P2 (FOXP2) is associated with human language disorders.
12 lioration and/or prevention of developmental language disorders.
13 tor that plays a role in the pathogenesis of language disorders.
14 EAS), a spectrum of epileptic, cognitive and language disorders.
15 pment of standardized clinical assessment of language disorders.
16 ave reported an involvement of this tract in language disorders.
17 o determine its potential as a biomarker for language disorders.
18 nding and perhaps ameliorating developmental language disorders.
19 pathways that may be disturbed in speech and language disorders.
20 severe, persistent, developmental speech and language disorders.
21 actor on 7q31 contributes to both autism and language disorders.
22 ophrenia who had a high rate of prepsychotic language disorders.
23  associated with an increased risk of speech/language disorders.
24 rocessing disorder, expressive and receptive language disorders (71% of individuals >3 years old with
25 n factors--age, cognitive level, and type of language disorder--account for variability in the report
26  memory impairment, personality alterations, language disorder and facial paralysis have all been app
27    Dyslexia is the most common developmental language disorder and is marked by deficits in reading a
28 aired in some individuals with developmental language disorder and/or dyslexia.
29                 A link between developmental language disorders and atypical cerebral lateralization
30  understanding of the etiology of speech and language disorders and enable us to better understand th
31 that has been implicated in human speech and language disorders and plays important roles in the plas
32  one's differential diagnosis for speech and language disorders and understanding the link between ea
33 nvolvement in autoimmune disease, speech and language disorders, and lung development.
34  a transcription factor implicated in speech/language disorders, and that this interaction is disrupt
35                                Developmental language disorders are highly heritable with substantial
36  idea that some individuals with reading and language disorders are impaired in their perception of n
37 y progressive aphasia (PPA) is a progressive language disorder associated with atrophy of the dominan
38 of this gene causes a rare severe speech and language disorder but does not appear to be involved in
39 ription factor cause an inherited speech and language disorder, but how FoxP2 contributes to learning
40  neurological pathways underlying speech and language disorders, but such investigations are only jus
41 rs of the KE family suffer from a speech and language disorder caused by a mutation in the FOXP2 gene
42                            Are developmental language disorders caused by poor auditory discriminatio
43  special senses, conduct disorder, receptive language disorder, chronic serous otitis media, and expr
44 ded oversimplified accounts of the nature of language disorders, classifying patients into syndromes
45 d a significant 37% increased risk of speech/language disorders compared with offspring in the unmedi
46                     Developmental speech and language disorders cover a wide range of childhood condi
47 ported a similar phenomenon in developmental language disorder (DLD).
48 gh-functioning autism and with developmental language disorder (DLD).
49                                Developmental language disorders exist in 5% to 10% of preschoolers an
50 o be implicated in the cause of a speech and language disorder (FOXP2).
51 truncation mutation, segregating with speech/language disorder in a second family, yields an unstable
52 only known cause of developmental speech and language disorders in humans.
53 nderlying biological nature of listening and language disorders, inform treatment strategies, and pro
54 n pedigree, KE, in which a severe speech and language disorder is transmitted as an autosomal-dominan
55 2, the first gene causally linked to a human language disorder, is implicated in song acquisition, pr
56 me 7 which co-segregates with the speech and language disorder (maximum lod score = 6.62 at theta = 0
57                                     Although language disorders occur in about 50% of patients with a
58                                 Prepsychotic language disorder predicted abnormal planum temporale as
59 ses of brain structure in genetic speech and language disorders provide an opportunity to identify ne
60                           Genetic speech and language disorders provide the opportunity to investigat
61             The protean nature of speech and language disorders requires careful consideration of sev
62         A popular view is that developmental language disorders result from a poorly lateralized brai
63 a unique family in which a severe speech and language disorder segregates in a monogenic fashion, at
64                       A common developmental language disorder, specific language impairment (SLI), a
65 ons between auditory processing deficits and language disorders such as dyslexia; but whether the for
66 fied as the basis of an inherited speech and language disorder suffered by members of the family know
67 imer's disease (AD) display a characteristic language disorder that resembles LPA, or if LPA is a cli
68              The cumulative hazard of speech/language disorders was 0.0087 in the SSRI-exposed group
69 subjects with a neurodegenerative speech and language disorder were prospectively recruited and under
70 embers are affected with a severe speech and language disorder which appears to be transmitted as an
71 ncoded by SLC6A8), which leads to speech and language disorders with severe cognitive impairment.

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