


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the prepeptide LctA and export of the mature lantibiotic.
2 ution of the biosynthesis of a two-component lantibiotic.
3 illus plantarum strain of dairy origin, is a lantibiotic.
4 hat sublancin is a dehydroalanine-containing lantibiotic.
5 equired for the production of the mutacin II lantibiotic.
6 fers protection against Smb, a two-component lantibiotic.
7 at display antimicrobial activity are called lantibiotics.
8 ifferences compared with other two-component lantibiotics.
9 ly precluded its use in the synthesis of the lantibiotics.
10 rapidly growing class of bacteriocins termed lantibiotics.
11 ceptor proteins have been identified for any lantibiotics.
12 n that displays a receptor-like function for lantibiotics.
13 igma(X) all contribute to resistance against lantibiotics.
14 ed empirical force-field parameters to model lantibiotics.
15 tection against Smb and structurally similar lantibiotics.
16 in producing more stable, medically relevant lantibiotics.
17 I proteins) for protection against their own lantibiotics.
18 alogue of cystine, is a key component of the lantibiotics, a family of modified peptides bearing mult
19                  Synthetic approaches to the lantibiotics, a family of thioether-bridged antimicrobia
20       The biosynthetic pathway of the type B lantibiotic actagardine (formerly gardimycin), produced
21 ses, and that the PE-specific cyclic peptide lantibiotic agent Duramycin efficiently inhibits the ent
22  phase synthesis of macrocyclic peptides and lantibiotic analogues.
23 dental pathogen, secretes different kinds of lantibiotic and nonlantibiotic bacteriocins.
24                    In particular, and unlike lantibiotics and other defensins, the third position of
25  (a nonlantibiotic), nisin (a single peptide lantibiotics), and three peptide antibiotics (bacitracin
26 NA in the formation of dehydroamino acids in lantibiotics, and serve as a basis for the functional ch
27                                              Lantibiotics are a class of peptide antibiotics that con
28                                              Lantibiotics are a family of antibacterial peptide natur
29                                              Lantibiotics are a group of highly post-translationally
30                                              Lantibiotics are a group of ribosomally synthesized and
31                                              Lantibiotics are a large family of antibacterial peptide
32                                              Lantibiotics are a unique class of peptide antibiotics.
33  to gain insight into the mechanism by which lantibiotics are biosynthesized, the cyclase enzymes inv
34                                   Type A (I) lantibiotics are cationic antimicrobial peptides that ha
35                                              Lantibiotics are complex polycyclic molecules formed by
36                                              Lantibiotics are highly modified peptides that are part
37                                              Lantibiotics are peptide-derived antibiotics that inhibi
38                                              Lantibiotics are peptide-derived antimicrobial agents th
39                                              Lantibiotics are post-translationally modified peptide a
40                                              Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized and post-transl
41                                              Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized and post-transl
42                                              Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial p
43                                              Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized peptides that u
44                                              Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized, posttranslatio
45 ng topology different than that of any known lantibiotic as determined by tandem mass spectrometry.
46 lly good model for studying the potential of lantibiotics as sources of novel biomaterials.
47 f mutacin 1140 to epidermin and an S. mutans lantibiotic, B-Ny266, but it appears to have significant
48           This mutacin (mutacin IV) is a non-lantibiotic bacteriocin which kills closely related Stre
49 peptide transporter, a purine repressor, and lantibiotic biosynthesis had no substantial impact on th
50            The role of the leader peptide in lantibiotic biosynthesis has been subject to much specul
51 resumably ensuring synchronous and concerted lantibiotic biosynthesis in the wider population and, th
52 upon the role of these conserved residues in lantibiotic biosynthesis.
53 enitrificans NG80-2 also contains a class II lantibiotic biosynthetic gene cluster.
54                                              Lantibiotic bovicin HJ50 is produced by Streptococcus bo
55 ry networks that govern the synthesis of the lantibiotics by the producing organisms.
56              Thus, with these new techniques lantibiotics can be rapidly characterized.
57 trum bacteriocin nisin, which belongs to the lantibiotic class of antimicrobial peptides.
58  galolacticin, both of which are two-peptide lantibiotics closely related to Smb.
59            Paenicidin A is a highly cyclized lantibiotic, containing six lanthionine and methyllanthi
60 blancin leader was similar to known type AII lantibiotics, containing a double-glycine motif that is
61 , another residue that is fully conserved in lantibiotic cyclases, to Asn resulted in a protein that
62  formed by the dehydration of Ser/Thr by the lantibiotic dehydratase NisB.
63 vides insights into substrate recognition by lantibiotic dehydratases.
64                                          The lantibiotic efficiently interfered with late stages of c
65 ns resulted in two large deletions, one in a lantibiotic encoding region, analogous to a predicted de
66 g enzyme gene (epiB) for biosynthesis of the lantibiotic epidermin, respectively.
67  was used to produce analogues of the potent lantibiotic epilancin 15X, in order to assess the import
68 A are peptide antibiotics that belong to the lantibiotic family.
69 fied and characterized mutacin II, the first lantibiotic found in S. mutans.
70              Here, we report a two-component lantibiotic from Bacillus cereus SJ1 with unusual struct
71 in but not against structurally very similar lantibiotics from other species such as subtilin from Ba
72 in which subinhibitory concentrations of the lantibiotic function in a feed-forward mechanism to elic
73 TprA/PhrA) that controls the expression of a lantibiotic gene cluster in the Gram-positive human path
74                                    Thus, the lantibiotic genes are expressed under the control of bot
75  found that it induces the expression of the lantibiotic genes when pneumococcal cells are at high de
76          Many Gram-positive bacteria produce lantibiotics, genetically encoded and posttranslationall
77 tion of both components of the two-component lantibiotic haloduracin was demonstrated.
78  single compound (the Halbeta subunit of the lantibiotic haloduracin), catalyzes reactions with highe
79 c data instead of isolation, a two-component lantibiotic, haloduracin, was identified in the genome o
80 e a synthetic lanthionine ring analogue of a lantibiotic has retained natural activity levels.
81                               Nisin, a model lantibiotic, has a dual mode of action: it inhibits cell
82                                              Lantibiotics have been extensively engineered by either
83 laborate post-translational modifications of lantibiotics have revealed that these enzymes have relax
84 icum C2 was found to produce a two-component lantibiotic homologous to enterococcal cytolysin.
85                  Additionally, SpaI-mediated lantibiotic immunity depends on the presence of a basic
86 ural and mechanistic basis for LanI-mediated lantibiotic immunity is not yet understood.
87 ht on the structural basis for LanI mediated lantibiotic immunity.
88 potential to encode other functions, such as lantibiotic immunity.
89  also showcases the ability to prepare other lantibiotics in the class II lacticin 481 family, includ
90 ring that appears conserved in many class II lantibiotics, including those not belonging to the lacti
91 ctivity spectrum of sublancin was like other lantibiotics, inhibiting Gram-positive bacteria but not
92 e structural and functional diversity of the lantibiotics is much broader than previously imagined.
93 to other modifying enzymes of class I and II lantibiotics, LabKC has a C- to N-terminal processing mo
94 n order during the biosynthesis of class III lantibiotic labyrinthopeptin A2.
95 synthesis enabled the total synthesis of the lantibiotic lacticin 481 and analogues containing cross-
96                                          The lantibiotic lacticin 481 is synthesized on ribosomes as
97  show that fusing the leader peptide for the lantibiotic lacticin 481 to its biosynthetic enzyme LctM
98 to prochlorosins 1.7 and 2.8, as well as the lantibiotics lacticin 481, haloduracin alpha, and halodu
99      The prepeptide showed similarity to the lantibiotics lacticin 481, variacin, salivaricin and str
100            We demonstrate the method for two lantibiotics, lacticin 481 and nukacin ISK-1.
101  testing of diaminopimelate analogues of the lantibiotic lactocin S.
102 ally synthesized peptide bacteriocins called lantibiotics (lanthionine-containing antibiotics) and is
103  the functional characterization of the many lantibiotic-like dehydratases involved in the biosynthes
104     Here, we present evidence that SapB is a lantibiotic-like peptide that is derived by posttranslat
105                                      The sal lantibiotic locus plays an important role in the virulen
106 sent, suggesting that quorum sensing and the lantibiotic machinery may help pneumococcal cells compet
107                              For inhibition, lantibiotics must recognize specific receptor molecules
108 rimary structure of the Streptococcus mutans lantibiotic mutacin 1140 was elucidated by NMR spectrosc
109                                          The lantibiotic NAI-107 is active against Gram-positive bact
110                        Here we show that the lantibiotic nisin exercises its antibacterial action by
111                                          The lantibiotic nisin has been used as an effective food pre
112                                          The lantibiotic nisin is an antimicrobial peptide produced b
113                                          The lantibiotic nisin is an antimicrobial peptide that is wi
114 verproduction of Fst sensitized cells to the lantibiotic nisin, and Fst-resistant mutants were cross-
115              Lactococcus lactis produces the lantibiotic nisin, which is widely used as a food preser
116 but not Gram-negative bacteria; and like the lantibiotics nisin and subtilin in its ability to inhibi
117                                  As with all lantibiotics, nisin contains a number of dehydro-residue
118 otecting the producer strain against its own lantibiotic on the molecular level.
119            Unlike all previous two-component lantibiotics, only one of the two peptides of bicereucin
120 e occurring during the synthesis of class I (lantibiotic) or some class II bacteriocins.
121 acteria, attributed to the production of the lantibiotic paenibacillin and the colistin peptide polym
122 utacin II is a post-translationally modified lantibiotic peptide secreted by Streptococcus mutans T8,
123                                              Lantibiotic peptides are potent antimicrobial compounds
124 ecule to elicit precocious production of the lantibiotic, presumably ensuring synchronous and concert
125                          Nisin, a 34 residue lantibiotic produced by strains of Lactococcus lactis su
126  an uncharacterized but structurally similar lantibiotic produced by Streptococcus gallolyticus.
127                  Microbisporicin is a potent lantibiotic produced by the actinomycete Microbispora co
128 esized, posttranslationally modified peptide lantibiotic produced by the actinomycete Planomonospora
129           Microbisporicin is a potent type I lantibiotic produced by the rare actinomycete Microbispo
130 ation by CprK-CprR was activated by multiple lantibiotics produced by diverse Gram-positive bacteria.
131 481 is a lanthionine-containing bacteriocin (lantibiotic) produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lacti
132                                       Unlike lantibiotic producer regulation, regulation by CprK-CprR
133 sm of B. subtilis in particular and of other lantibiotic producing strains in general.
134            These studies advance a model for lantibiotic production where substrate binding via an N-
135 d polyol utilization, arsenic resistance and lantibiotic production.
136 s and is homologous to an operon involved in lantibiotic production.
137                   The in vitro activity of a lantibiotic protease has not yet been characterized.
138 transcription in a manner similar to that by lantibiotic regulatory systems.
139      We also found that nisin, a monopeptide lantibiotic, requires LsrS for its optimum inhibitory ac
140 ple method to reliably identify all modified lantibiotic residues with a minimal amount of material.
141 lly used as a food preservative, while other lantibiotics show promising activity against bacterial i
142       Sublancin is an extraordinarily stable lantibiotic, showing no degradation or inactivation afte
143  the enzymes catalyzing the formation of the lantibiotic signature structural motifs, dehydroalanine
144 us mutans strain GS-5 produces a two-peptide lantibiotic, Smb, which displays inhibitory activity aga
145 ntaining morphogenetic peptide suggests that lantibiotic structure and function may be more diverse t
146           The S. tendae peptide, SapT, has a lantibiotic structure and molecular modelling predicts t
147  biosurfactants is conserved, their specific lantibiotic structure is not.
148                          SapB has an unusual lantibiotic structure.
149  mechanisms are also effective against other lantibiotics such as mersacidin, gallidermin and subtili
150 e is in agreement with other closely related lantibiotics, such as epidermin.
151 r to enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of lantibiotics, suggesting that it might be involved in th
152 tected by TIGR04085, significantly outnumber lantibiotic synthases and cyclodehydratases combined in
153 d to serve as alternative substrates for the lantibiotic synthases that dehydrate serine and threonin
154 transporters, oligopeptide transporters, and lantibiotic synthesis.
155                                              Lantibiotic synthetases catalyze the dehydration of Ser
156                                          The lantibiotic synthetases LctM and HalM2 are bifunctional
157 nsporter and its regulators are relatives of lantibiotic systems that evolved to recognize multiple s
158  the similarities between the Cpr system and lantibiotic systems, we propose that the CprABC transpor
159 ins and tridecaptins, in addition to a novel lantibiotic termed paenicidin A.
160 n against haloduracin, another two-component lantibiotic that is structurally similar to Smb; SmbFT i
161                     To date, no analogues of lantibiotics that contain nonproteinogenic amino acids h
162           We identified a motif within these lantibiotics that is likely required for activation of c
163                              However, unlike lantibiotics, the cytolysin is lytic for eukaryotic as w
164      To protect themselves against their own lantibiotics these bacteria express a variety of immunit
165                                  For class I lantibiotics, thiopeptides, and goadsporin, this dehydra
166 anB proteins involved in the biosynthesis of lantibiotics, thiopeptides, and goadsporin.
167 of several bioactive cyclic peptides such as lantibiotics, thiopeptides, and microcystins.
168                    It is unprecedented for a lantibiotic to contain a disulfide bridge.
169  nisin and the most cross-links found in any lantibiotic to date.
170 conserved in the leader sequence of class II lantibiotics to direct other biosynthetic events, such a
171  this activity is not due to expression of a lantibiotic-type bacteriocin, but proteolytically proces
172 lational modification enzymes that carry out lantibiotic-type dehydrations of Ser and Thr residues to
173 vant for the biosyntheses of other class III lantibiotics, underlines significant differences of this
174                                Two-component lantibiotics use two peptides that are each posttranslat
175 al diversity of this ribosomally synthesized lantibiotic, we now report the recombinant expression of
176                   The fluorescently modified lantibiotics were added to bacteria, and their cellular
177              The results showed that it is a lantibiotic, which we have named mutacin 1140, and that
178 he structural and functional analysis of the lantibiotics, which are ribosomally synthesized peptides
179                             The discovery of lantibiotics with alternative lanthionine and methyllant

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