


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iltration, whereas the delta subunit forms a large aggregate.
2 ation, Ras molecules assembled into a single large aggregate.
3 oxicity can be dissociated from formation of large aggregates.
4 xpressing only the full-length Po had formed large aggregates.
5 oligosaccharide-independent association with large aggregates.
6 , and the subsequent growth of the foci into large aggregates.
7 protein PrP by excluding bright signals from large aggregates.
8 omes extensively oxidized and converted into large aggregates.
9 on of degraded myofibrillar proteins forming large aggregates.
10 sions, the equilibrium is due to exchange of large aggregates.
11 the cell density increased, the cells formed large aggregates.
12 4-cores that self-assemble in stage III into large aggregates.
13 al unfolding and complete elimination of the large aggregates.
14 able lipid droplets, which coalesced to form large aggregates.
15 ay be more fusogenic than either monomers or large aggregates.
16 unded, whereas the aged nanoparticles formed large aggregates.
17 g circles could lead to the formation of the large aggregates.
18 diomyopathy/myopathy-type Aac2 proteins form large aggregates.
19 6 protein were organized, unexpectedly, into large aggregates.
20  each other at their ends and entangled into large aggregates, also abnormalities, were detected at s
21     All rabbits were ventilated for 2 h, and large aggregate alveolar surfactant was isolated by cent
22 allmark of GAN pathology is the formation of large aggregates and bundles of IFs.
23 ted that neomycin cross-linked coatomer into large aggregates and implies that coatomer has two or mo
24 t, Q80-GFP expression resulted in one or two large aggregates and induced cell death.
25                By 60 min they had not formed large aggregates and were indistinguishable from the con
26 zed to the right hemisphere and located in a large aggregated area, including the right lingual and f
27                   Subsequently, cells having large aggregates, as well as an apparently soluble pool
28 herichia coli are localized predominantly in large aggregates at one or both of the cell poles, howev
29                       Immunodepletion of the large aggregated AT8-positive tau strongly reduced seedi
30  on its substrates prior to the formation of large aggregates because Hsp31 does not mutually localiz
31 cumulate in aging and many diseases can form large aggregates because of covalent cross-linking or in
32                                              Large aggregates become dominant above 40 micromolar, wi
33 yle influences lung injury and the amount of large-aggregate biophysically active surfactant in adult
34                                 Formation of large aggregates caused a change in color of the colloid
35                                            A large aggregate collection of clinical isolates of asper
36                     M3B-Delta196 eluted as a large aggregated complex during gel filtration.
37 s-1 does bind DNA, resulting in formation of large aggregates, cooperative DNA binding by dimeric Dps
38 go direct chemical fragmentation or can form large aggregates due to covalent cross-linking reactions
39 f the adsorbed ELP resulting in formation of large aggregates due to interparticle hydrophobic intera
40   The scattered Golgi coalesce into a single large aggregate during the interphase after the ninth em
41 le to show that EGCG stabilizes nonfibrillar large aggregates during fibrillogenesis.
42                 Although donor factors had a large aggregate effect during this period, individual fa
43 ation, and removal of defunct organelles and large aggregates exceeding the capacity of other cellula
44                                              Large aggregates exhibited higher selectivities to long
45 ressed p62, and the results suggest that the large aggregates facilitated by p62 were not directly to
46  rates decreased at high IS, however, due to large aggregate formation.
47            The percentages of surfactants in large-aggregate forms were not changed by style of venti
48 ls were larger for the PEEP 7 group, and the large-aggregate fraction was increased for the PEEP 4 an
49 t 6 hr mid-sized aggregates (33S to 84S) and large aggregates (greater than 100S) became present whil
50 red that GAPDH has a strong tendency to form large aggregates in certain buffer solutions at a concen
51            NF-L Pro22 mutant proteins formed large aggregates in SW13- cells and cortical neurons and
52 e highly aggregation-prone and accumulate in large aggregates in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of hu
53 ns are particularly unstable and either form large aggregates in the ER or are rapidly degraded via t
54 ot the human protein, has been shown to form large aggregates in the presence of large iron excess.
55 e and release Ag(+) ions, or coarsen to form large aggregates, is critical in determining their poten
56 om interconnected germ cells to generate the large aggregate known as the Balbiani body.
57                        DC separates BAL into large aggregates (LA) and small aggregates (SA); EBDC se
58                   However, at the adhesions, large aggregates leave, forming a hole, during their dis
59               One protein, beta Trcp, formed large aggregates like G beta, suggesting that it may als
60 d to fusion of the protein-depleted LDL into large aggregated lipid droplets, resulting in a previous
61 /gI(-) mutants, which accumulated capsids in large, aggregated masses in the cytoplasm.
62 stacked onto graphene, in strong contrast to large aggregated MoS(2) particles grown freely in soluti
63                  For two compounds that form large aggregates, nicardipine and miconazole, we measure
64              When considering the value of a large aggregate of different items, for example, we typi
65 s of particles then formed, followed by very large aggregates of 500 to 1000 nm diameter.
66                                              Large aggregates of bacteria were observed within damage
67 biofilm containing TspB, human IgG, DNA, and large aggregates of bacteria.
68 me; biopsy of the patient's knee showed very large aggregates of beta 2m amyloid deposits in the tend
69 id colony formation on agar and formation of large aggregates of cells in liquid cultures.
70    Such modification caused the formation of large aggregates of CnA.
71 e subunits, and a mass spectrum dominated by large aggregates of detergent molecules.
72  drop dramatically during embryogenesis, and large aggregates of engorged macrophages carrying multip
73             Membrane tubules are pulled from large aggregates of ER or Golgi by microtubule motors to
74 g MP fused to GFP accumulates in or on these large aggregates of ER.
75 rred using sequence information derived from large aggregates of genomic sequences.
76 d in TREM-2-deficient patients, resulting in large aggregates of immature OCs that exhibit impaired b
77 avel, powders, and pharmaceutical pills, are large aggregates of macroscopic, individually solid part
78                     Klc mutant axons contain large aggregates of membranous organelles in segmental n
79 as a properly folded glycoprotein as well as large aggregates of misfolded proteins.
80 , which was associated with the formation of large aggregates of monocytes and increased adhesion to
81                In primary neuronal cultures, large aggregates of mVAP33 are also detected in short fi
82                    The chimeric embryos have large aggregates of N-cadherin(-/-) myocardial cells in
83 monstrated a propensity to also form similar large aggregates of organisms.
84 vity per virion, leading to the formation of large aggregates of progeny mutant virions on the surfac
85 DH with MPA also results in the formation of large aggregates of protein, a process that is both prev
86 xillin at one side and removal of relatively large aggregates of proteins from the retracting edge.
87 ve antibodies resulted in the development of large aggregates of R. conorii antigens in splenic macro
88                    Mutants lacking CBK1 form large aggregates of round cells under all growth conditi
89 aM-kinase undergoes self-association to form large aggregates of sedimentable enzyme.
90 everal unusual characteristics, including 1) large aggregates of unmyelinated SGNs in the apical and
91 r to be anchored to the microspore and forms large aggregates on the developing microspore and the lo
92            In addition, GroEL cannot reverse large aggregates once they are formed, but it could capt
93                      We found no evidence of large aggregates or oligomeric species of alpha-synuclei
94  All of the gamma-crystallins studied formed large aggregates (or "megamers") in aqueous solutions.
95 emperature and, upon heating, rapidly formed large aggregates over a very narrow temperature range.
96 ed for the PEEP 4 and 7 groups, resulting in large-aggregate pool sizes that were 3-fold higher for t
97 or, where they can potentially interact with large, aggregated proteins.
98                             In contrast, the large aggregating proteoglycan aggrecan was increased.
99 either the hyalectin (or lectican) family of large, aggregating proteoglycans or the decorin (or smal
100           The propensity of tsE NSP2 to form large aggregates provides a possible explanation for the
101 uctures provide a scaffold for generation of large aggregates, resembling mammalian aggresomes.
102 ts correlation with precipitation persist at large aggregated scales.
103                                      We find large aggregates self-organize internally into a core-sh
104 fraction of the TRIM5(Rh)-21R protein formed large aggregates, soluble fractions of the protein forme
105 d anions that are water soluble and can form large aggregated structures.
106 nt at recruiting poly(Gln) peptides than are large aggregates, suggesting a possible explanation for
107    The proportion of [PSI+] cells containing large aggregated Sup35 structures is also increased by u
108              The minimal surface tensions of large aggregate surfactant and the surfactant used for t
109                                              Large aggregate surfactant fractions from hSP-B(mon), mS
110                                          The large aggregate surfactant fractions from the preterm ba
111                                              Large aggregate surfactant isolated from LCAD(-/-) mouse
112                                        In 71 large aggregate surfactant samples that had normal in vi
113                      In vivo function of the large aggregate surfactant was evaluated by treatment of
114 t term), less surfactant secretion, and less large aggregate surfactant.
115 not changed by style of ventilation, and the large-aggregate surfactants had excellent function when
116                                          All large-aggregate surfactants lowered minimal surface tens
117                                              Large-aggregate surfactants recovered from alveolar wash
118        PolyQ-expanded htt accumulates within large aggregates that are found in various subcellular c
119                              HSP27 exists as large aggregates that breakdown after phosphorylation.
120       However, when bound to DNA, CbpA forms large aggregates that can protect DNA from degradation b
121              At pH 6.2 with Ca(2+) it formed large aggregates that did not enter the gel filtration c
122 at include the conversion of tubular ER into large aggregates that revert to tubular ER in later stag
123            However, the fraction of cells in large aggregates that were alive on such plants in both
124 -/-)/caspr2(-/-) mice, these channels formed large aggregates that were dispersed along the axolemma,
125 s of virus-like particles that accumulate in large aggregates throughout the cells.
126 factant converts from highly surface active, large aggregates to less surface active, smaller aggrega
127                                              Large aggregates unable to enter a 4% SDS-PAGE gel were
128            Organisms were typically found in large aggregates, unlike the wild-type and complement bi
129 caused macrophage death, and phagocytosis of large aggregates was more cytotoxic than multiple small
130 prion conformations, and implying that these large aggregates were still active as seeds.
131 Single cell suspensions of RL95 cells formed large aggregates when incubated with antibodies directed
132 d and beta-sheet structures and rapidly form large aggregates, whereas inhibitors induce alpha-helica
133  a small fraction of the proteins form a few large aggregates, whereas the larger proportion of the p
134 nant B-subunit has a marked tendency to form large aggregates, whereas the truncated B-subunit exists
135 e wt S. mutans plaque consisted primarily of large aggregates which did not completely coat the hydro
136 d with an sdk-1 expression construct grew in large aggregates with a simplified morphology characteri
137         In addition, crlA(-) mutants produce large aggregates with delayed anterior tip formation ind
138                          These proteins form large aggregates with different subunit compositions.
139 ct and agglomerated structures outnumber the large aggregates with more stretched chain-like structur
140 tended native microtubules into increasingly large aggregates with the cells eventually lifting from
141 adult lethality, accompanied by formation of large aggregates within the cytoplasm of neuronal cell b
142  and shifts the cytosolic receptor from very large aggregates without steroid binding activity to app

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