


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  for concentrations of either H2O2 or ODI in large excess.
2  more pronounced when MAH is the reactant in large excess.
3 ns containing various competitive cations in large excess.
4          For gas mixtures where NO is not in large excess, a mixed layer with (2x2) structure is form
5                                              Large excess addition of F(-) promotes deprotonation of
6  crystals of the wild-type were grown with a large excess aspartate while the cross-linked crystals w
7                   These results suggest that large excess capacities found in some biochemical and ph
8   Moreover, our data demonstrates there is a large excess capacity of liver ASGR for the effective up
9                 The J-aggregation requires a large excess CMA concentration; the J-band maximum appea
10 ange the encoded amino acid, were found in a large excess compared to nonsilent sites among the editi
11                         In the presence of a large excess concentration of metbox DNA, the effect of
12 tioned as a highly active DNase to destroy a large excess DNA substrate, which could provide a powerf
13                         Interactions produce large excess free energy that dominate the properties of
14                 In the presence of oxygen in large excess, however, traditional three-way catalysts a
15 ted catalytic domain after incubation with a large excess of 7, 8-dihydropterin, DTT, and Fe(2+).
16       Reacting [(Me(3)tacn)Mo(CN)(3)] with a large excess of [(cyclam)Ni(H(2)O)(2)](2+) produces a [(
17 for the detection of HZ in the presence of a large excess of a common active pharmaceutical ingredien
18                                            A large excess of a single-base mismatch oligonucleotide h
19 f larger DNA components in the presence of a large excess of a smaller DNA component or in a DNA mixt
20 fied protein by addition of a phosphine or a large excess of a thiol.
21 tion between adduct-containing sites and the large excess of adduct-free DNA distributed throughout t
22                                            A large excess of ALDH3A1 also protected glucose-6-phospha
23 d for activation and that is stable toward a large excess of ammonia.
24 phosphate (AMPPNP) promote ADP binding and a large excess of AMPPNP is required to displace ADP from
25 reaction conditions, and avoids the use of a large excess of an alcohol nucleophile.
26                    In each case, there was a large excess of AT-->GC compared to GC-->AT mutations (r
27 palladacycle catalysts required the use of a large excess of benzoic anhydride (which is very difficu
28 ing protocols that use this enzyme require a large excess of both substrate and sortase to produce hi
29 electivity toward Con A in the presence of a large excess of bovine serum albumin (BSA).
30 e for human thrombin even in the presence of large excess of bovine thrombin, bovine serum albumin, c
31 proximity to each other in the presence of a large excess of buffer.
32 eased 2.5-2.7 fold after pretreatment with a large excess of C225.
33  enhancement is reduced by the addition of a large excess of Ca(II), indicating that these ions bind
34 t number of anionic charges, were added to a large excess of cationic surfactant (dodecyltrimethylamm
35 40-fold by a single-pass cell sorting from a large excess of cells expressing WT antibody with a slig
36                         In the presence of a large excess of Cl(-) ([I(-)] approximately 10 mM and [C
37   We detected the BSE prion protein within a large excess of classical, atypical, and CH1641 scrapie
38 working in the presence of added water and a large excess of CO2 (40 atm), in addition to CuCl2 and T
39 rB/Hg/DTT complex, even in the presence of a large excess of competing cysteine, has been demonstrate
40 a(Hg) reduction in acetonitrile containing a large excess of cryptand[2.2.2] exhibits a Hush-type int
41 sts that catalyst deactivation occurs with a large excess of cyanamide over longer reaction times.
42 ric, unspliced viral RNA in the context of a large excess of cytosolic human RNAs.
43     In the absence of CO2, the addition of a large excess of DBU to [(LCu)2H](+) results in an equili
44 to stromal feeder cells in the presence of a large excess of differentiated OE neurons.
45                                       When a large excess of divalent metal ions is absent, the charg
46                                       When a large excess of divalent metal ions is present, the char
47                                Addition of a large excess of DMS to the oxidised enzyme in solution c
48 n many species and explain, for example, the large excess of DSBs over crossovers and the repair of D
49 on of bacteriophage MS2 in the presence of a large excess of E. coli.
50 ion up to 10(-7) M, and of the addition of a large excess of EDTA.
51  complex is formed even in the presence of a large excess of EnvZc, OmpR binding to EnvZc is co-opera
52 onditions where free template was present in large excess of enzyme.
53 is formed by the reaction of an amide with a large excess of ethyl isocyanate at elevated temperature
54 ersion of creatine to phosphocreatine with a large excess of exogenous ATP, conversion of all ATP to
55 e complemented for pyocyanin production by a large excess of exogenous N-butyryl homoserine lactone (
56 xtent where it cannot be prevented even by a large excess of external H-atom donor.
57 s, we show that what is now seen as normal-a large excess of female life expectancy in adulthood-is a
58 Spiroplasma infection continued to produce a large excess of female progeny, while females that had l
59 cess of males, among trisomy 18 live borns a large excess of females, and among trisomy 21 live borns
60 ctively than the beta2AR co-expressed with a large excess of G(s alpha).
61     These results indicate that, despite the large excess of genetic potential of the mammalian mitoc
62 ly specific for 5caC even in the presence of large excess of genomic DNA, a property that can potenti
63                         In the presence of a large excess of H2O2, this intermediate rapidly decays w
64 allow HA synthesis even in the presence of a large excess of HA-degrading enzyme.
65  the observed mutation spectrum, which has a large excess of helical domain mutations.
66 thiol-stimulated ATPase activity, although a large excess of heme inhibited activity.
67 fied by NMR in the reaction of BH4(-) with a large excess of HN(NO2 )2 .
68                However, in the presence of a large excess of Hsc70, refolding of pmAAT is still arres
69 r cells were treated with hyaluronidase or a large excess of hyaluronan, indicating that hyaluronan o
70                                       When a large excess of imidazole is added to this five-coordina
71 he assay is carried out in the presence of a large excess of inactive variants of AATase.
72          However, the lysates also contain a large excess of infectious phage particles which complic
73              This suggests that the reported large excess of inverted repeats is due to repeats found
74 served upon treatment of siliconoid 5 with a large excess of iodine in refluxing toluene, thus provid
75 h these structures even in the presence of a large excess of linear duplex DNA.
76 cancer (34 cases: SIR 2.41, 1.67-3.36) and a large excess of male breast cancer (five cases: SIR 15.0
77 requires cocrystallization of analyte with a large excess of matrix, which must be mutually soluble i
78 n vitro solid MnOx formation when there is a large excess of Mn(II).
79 r amyloid deposits even in the presence of a large excess of monomeric Abeta or its precursor.
80 or RA, this therapy is not associated with a large excess of mortality nor with an unusual spectrum o
81                               We find that a large excess of muscle agrin failed to inhibit either th
82             Interestingly, coexpression of a large excess of N- or C-terminally deleted P with wild-t
83 e functionally coupled to H(+), owing to the large excess of Na(+) in physiological settings.
84 e restored by reacting aqueous OXA-24 with a large excess of NaHCO(3), which recarboxylates Lys84.
85 ceedingly rare sites of damage embedded in a large excess of nearly identical undamaged DNA, while ca
86 response is insensitive to the presence of a large excess of non-complementary DNA sequences.
87 that the identified de novo mutations show a large excess of non-synonymous changes in schizophrenia
88 ies of their RNA genomes in the context of a large excess of nongenomic RNA.
89 ates DNA annealing even in the presence of a large excess of nonhomologous DNA.
90 hose found in vivo, and in the presence of a large excess of nonspecific competitor DNA.
91 , with an effective discrimination against a large excess of nontarget proteins.
92                        Under conditions of a large excess of ODI, the reaction is more than 1 order o
93                                       With a large excess of oil, diffusion was also limited, as only
94  obviates the need for directing groups or a large excess of one of the coupling partners.
95  reagents, and does not require the use of a large excess of organometallic reagent.
96 heterocycles that compete favorably with the large excess of PC alkyl side-chains that make up the mi
97   Recent analyses have shown that there is a large excess of perfect inverted repeats in many prokary
98 D(50) and PMCAb(50) values could be due to a large excess of PMCAb-reactive prion protein seeds with
99             As prostatic epithelia produce a large excess of polyamines, the androgen-induced polyami
100  the sortase reaction reaches equilibrium, a large excess of polyglycine nucleophile is often employe
101 y identify functional mutations from among a large excess of polymorphisms, incidental mutations, and
102               Despite their importance and a large excess of precursors (i.e., DNA double-strand brea
103 , with extremely low genetic diversity and a large excess of rare polymorphisms.
104 ce proteins of interest in the presence of a large excess of relatively abundant proteins.
105 ored over monomeric interactions even when a large excess of saccharide was present.
106                           Finally, we find a large excess of singleton polymorphisms in the full data
107 ghly alkaline solutions containing extremely large excess of sodium cations as well as in acidic envi
108        In particular, materials presenting a large excess of soft elastic modes, the so-called boson
109 ecies at neutral pH and in the presence of a large excess of spectator ions.
110 roduct, rather than being intercepted by the large excess of starting propargyl alcohol.
111                                  There was a large excess of studies replicating the first positive r
112  limited conditions, such as when there is a large excess of substrate over enzyme.
113 d at relatively high concentrations (mM), in large excess of substrate with respect to metal complex.
114 e complex can be dismantled by addition of a large excess of tetra-N-butylammonium cations.
115 plex with widths for the individual peaks in large excess of that caused by shot noise.
116            In antisense transfected cells, a large excess of the antisense transcript was produced an
117                                 A reasonably large excess of the cadmium precursor, which is less rea
118 slow, requiring multiple minutes even when a large excess of the challenging protein is present.
119                                       With a large excess of the deuterated olefin the first exchange
120 ntly monoaryl siloxanes, without requiring a large excess of the electrophile.
121 lasmid DNA were labeled in the presence of a large excess of the helper duplex to compete with the fo
122 alently bound to IgE after incubation with a large excess of the ligand.
123                                   However, a large excess of the monomeric protein was needed for max
124 w that the formation of the 1T phase under a large excess of the NaBH4 reductant during synthesis can
125 s Ar(2)CH-PAr(3)(+)X(-) in the presence of a large excess of the nucleophiles.
126 Three relaxation processes are observed at a large excess of the nucleotide, while only two relaxatio
127 next correct dNTP, even in the presence of a large excess of the other dNTPs and rNTPs.
128 pecies (the enzyme or the substrate) is in a large excess of the other species.
129 oor regioselectivities and the need to use a large excess of the radical-accepting arene have hindere
130 hen the Fe(III)(ppq) complex is exposed to a large excess of the sacrificial electron-acceptor ceric
131                                            A large excess of the selenium precursor, with 5-10 times
132                                Addition of a large excess of the soluble mAb subsequent to stimulatio
133 AR) expressed in Sf9 insect cells requires a large excess of the stimulatory G-protein of adenylyl cy
134 (58) modification, even in the presence of a large excess of total tRNA.
135 T which could be reversed by dilution into a large excess of tRNA substrate.
136 tial sorption of Pu(IV) in the presence of a large excess of U(VI).
137    Mixing the cells of a single clone with a large excess of uncloned cells from a subline that was r
138 ility to locate 8-oxoguanine lesions among a large excess of undamaged DNA.
139 in these extracts, even in the presence of a large excess of undamaged DNA.
140 onor ssDNA was monitored after addition of a large excess of unlabeled acceptor ssDNA by using either
141 d DNA fragments were dissociated by adding a large excess of unlabelled calf thymus DNA.
142 Finding and repairing oxoG in the midst of a large excess of unmodified DNA requires a combination of
143 chromatography using N-His-tagged FliH and a large excess of untagged FliH confirmed that FliH forms
144  5-HT(2C) receptors were co-expressed with a large excess of untagged, non-fluorescent 5-HT(2C) recep
145 x in a 1:1 complex even in the presence of a large excess of VCA.
146 ing a few mutated cells in the presence of a large excess of wild-type cells requires a sensitive and
147  of additions to unactivated alkenes require large excesses of alkene.
148 paration difficulties and without the use of large excesses of alkylating reagent.
149                                              Large excesses of hydrogen peroxide generated oxyferrous
150 (2+) in the ER and is no longer perturbed by large excesses of native calmodulin.
151 Contrasting with the usual practice of using large excesses of one component to compete with the unde
152 es particularly easy even in the presence of large excesses of other cations, e.g. magnesium.
153 ic and natural organic compounds obscured by large excesses of other components.
154  aqueously altered CV3 chondrite Mokoia have large excesses of radiogenic chromium-53.
155 njugate in good yield with no need of adding large excesses of soluble reagent.
156 tion which normally arise from having to use large excesses of the conjugate.
157                                         With large excesses of these reagents nearly all thiols of Ke
158 h G1/S cyclins in vivo, and it is present in large excess over G1/S cyclins during the precommitment
159                       Flux capacities are in large excess over physiological flux rates in low-flux m
160 ncentrations of RNA polymerase (1-123 nM) in large excess over promoter DNA.
161 ity to create a concentration of NaHCO(3) in large excess over the OXA-24 that is present in the crys
162 orated or unbound probes that are present in large excess over the target.
163         Because solar energy is available in large excess relative to current rates of energy consump
164            While 2:1 binding is observed for large excess TDG concentrations, our findings indicate t
165 ding to the formation of crystal nuclei with large excesses (up to 95%) in the component of higher co

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