


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l causes severe abnormalities in embryos and larvae.
2 an previously demonstrated for sea bass post-larvae.
3 . mellonella) and in assays using T. molitor larvae.
4  auditory processing is still rudimentary in larvae.
5 ers of some free-living nematodes and insect larvae.
6 d is responsible for killing tissue-embedded larvae.
7 function were altered compared with wildtype larvae.
8 elerated rate of metamorphosis in uninfected larvae.
9 n queen- than in worker-destined late-instar larvae.
10 rotein six in the gut of intrauterine tsetse larvae.
11 ed by O-linked glycosylation in third instar larvae.
12 s display locomotion defects as third instar larvae.
13 llenging C. roseus leaves with Manduca sexta larvae.
14 single synapses of unanesthetized Drosophila larvae.
15 lls of the somatic gonad primordium in young larvae.
16 ansfection, and in haemocytes of parasitised larvae.
17  and the pairs infect a wide swath of insect larvae.
18 which is considerably less toxic to mosquito larvae.
19 nked to distinct motor outputs in Drosophila larvae.
20 ehavior and circuit physiology in Drosophila larvae.
21 ith similar statistics observed in L1 arrest larvae.
22 (DRG) formation in ouchless mutant zebrafish larvae.
23 counterparts, but the eggs do not hatch into larvae.
24 incidence at 24, 48, and 72 hpf) in red drum larvae.
25 erturb development or are unsuited for young larvae.
26 y differentially expressed between MD and LD larvae.
27  to aqueous zinc, but were 7-fold lower than larvae.
28 Drosophila whole-mount embryos and dissected larvae.
29 vided a context-dependent fitness benefit to larvae.
30 and are significantly reduced in immobilised larvae.
31  sufficient to block hyperactivity in axenic larvae.
32 ed hyperactivity in conventionally colonized larvae.
33 , exclusively attacking sexual female (gyne) larvae.
34 f hundreds of amphibian species with aquatic larvae.
35 of cooperative behavior involving Drosophila larvae.
36  melanotic masses in Drosophila third instar larvae.
37 ciceptive (pain-like) behavior in Drosophila larvae.
38 able, and fail to work on large third-instar larvae.
39 er mortality rates than species with aquatic larvae.
40 before the hatching of fully formed cydippid larvae.
41 tty acids levels in the intestine of treated larvae.
42  of oral gavage with 200 stage 3 H polygyrus larvae.
43  as those observed in Cdk5 inhibitor-treated larvae.
44 metabolites were observed between adults and larvae.
45 ttlement and metamorphosis of benthic marine larvae.
46  head size of F0 mutants compared to control larvae.
47 metamorphosis increased survival in infected larvae.
48 eared unable to efficiently populate anemone larvae.
49 er a wide range of cell sizes in embryos and larvae.
50 asiloxane (D5) were 60 +/- 1.2 (Chironomidae larvae), 107 +/- 4.5 (pea clams Pisidium sp.), 131 +/- 1
51 ssed in leaves, performance of Manduca sexta larvae, a folivore, decreased.
52                                 In zebrafish larvae, activation of the epithelial NADPH oxidase Duox
53 ther the early microbial exposure of tilapia larvae affects the gut microbiota at later life stages.
54 ignificantly decreased the survival rates of larvae after challenge with Escherichia coli and Staphyl
55  genes were significantly regulated in 96hpf larvae after exposure to weathered oil.
56                      TmCactin was induced in larvae after infection with different pathogens and dete
57 e same effects in haemocytes of H. virescens larvae, after TnBVank1 in vivo transient transfection, a
58 ortant for the immune response of Drosophila larvae against wasp infection, but it was not clear how
59 e loss of the long 3'UTR mRNA in CaMKII-null larvae allows us to test its role in plasticity.
60 ion of this new pest from Ghana based on the larvae alone.
61                             Bees infected as larvae also had a more queen-like sting morphology.
62     Fosinopril was also toxic to Ae. aegypti larvae, although the 1(st) instars appeared to be less s
63  to be involved in establishing SSD in early larvae, although they may play a later role.
64 this gene and caused the death of 90% of the larvae and 100% of adults.
65 n at T3 decreased HTTex1 aggregation both in larvae and adult flies.
66                         No mortality of both larvae and adults injected with dsRNA targeting gene cod
67 coding for inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) into larvae and adults resulted in a significant knockdown of
68                                     Treating larvae and adults with r-bursicon homodimers led to up-r
69  localized to integrin adhesion complexes in larvae and adults, including adhesion plaques and dense
70 ck of a reliable artificial diet for rearing larvae and adults, make them difficult to study.
71 gument and Malpighian tubules of last instar larvae and adults.
72  BPA, BPS, BPF, and BPAF in zebrafish embryo-larvae and an assessment on their estrogenic mechanisms
73 phila neurons altered synapse development in larvae and copper-induced mortality of adult flies.
74 V) accumulates, resulting in female death at larvae and early pupal stages.
75 d phantoms, cells in collagen gels, nematode larvae and embryos, Drosophila brain, and zebrafish embr
76 Bioassays showed that bacteria in nonsterile larvae and gnotobiotic larvae inoculated with wild-type
77 an also delay axon degeneration in zebrafish larvae and in transgenic mice.
78 long-distance downstream migrations of their larvae and juveniles.
79 r secretions are the primary food of growing larvae and of the queen but are also fed to other colony
80 deed 4PBA ameliorated bone mineralization in larvae and skeletal deformities in adult, mainly acting
81 umber of phorid taxa known to parasitize ant larvae and suggests that many others remain to be discov
82 ecific mathematical equations in embryos and larvae and that accurate denticle spacing requires an in
83 NSG mice were then infected with third-stage larvae and treated for 6 wk with methylprednisolone acet
84  antennae were compared between 5(th) instar larvae, and female and male adults by means of RNA-Seq.
85  potentiate viral pathogenicity in honey bee larvae, and guidelines for OSS use may be warranted.
86 ) patterning in developing embryos, tornaria larvae, and post-metamorphic juveniles and show that the
87 ing their ontogeny than species with aquatic larvae, and thus they might lack adaptive responses agai
88 temporal resolution in zebrafish, Drosophila larvae, and worms [6-10].
89 l activity of larval food fed to 1-2 day old larvae; and 2) clinical signs of AFB.
90 and confirm the hypothesis that deuterostome larvae are "swimming heads" [3].
91                                   Drosophila larvae are known to socially aggregate [3, 4] and use vi
92               While foraging in liquid food, larvae are observed to align themselves and coordinate t
93 robability of leaving a food patch which the larvae are populating.
94 ater balance and experimentally confirm that larvae are subject to constant destabilization.
95                              The Axin mutant larvae are transparent and have severe adipocyte defects
96  response can be simultaneously tracked from larvae arranged in multi-well plates.
97  increased hatching rate and produced larger larvae at 5 days post fertilization.
98 neously follow development of ten C. elegans larvae at high spatiotemporal resolution from hatching t
99 ly than wild-type and that socially isolated larvae behave as if they were blind.
100 lands that presently export large numbers of larvae but that also maintain or enhance this role into
101 hitecture of the visual system of Drosophila larvae by mapping the synaptic wiring diagram and neurot
102    Similarly, experiments suggest that coral larvae can distinguish between the water from healthy an
103                                          The larvae can hydrolyze HDMBOA-Glc, but not MBOA-Glc, to pr
104 O, both of which are toxic to Culex mosquito larvae, can be further metabolized by CYP9M10/CPR and CY
105                                 We generated larvae carrying a mutation in cdk5 regulatory subunit 1a
106 unity composition and traits of lepidopteran larvae (caterpillars).
107                                 However, for larvae, clustering of pesticide in the comb can lead to
108 cated incipient host differentiation between larvae collected from sugarcane or maize.
109 Conventionally colonized, axenic, and axenic larvae colonized at 1 day post fertilization (dpf) were
110 rmal activity levels were observed in axenic larvae colonized on 1-6 dpf, but not on 9 dpf.
111 ered NMP recovered as the parent compound in larvae compared to adults.
112 s adults respond more strongly to C. elegans larvae compared to other nematode species and this effec
113 ues-12 or 16 d, depending on the size of the larvae, compared with 2-3 d for embryos or dissected tis
114 ell as 15,841 putative CRMs in the L1 arrest larvae containing 32,685 TF footprints.
115 arning in larvae (lower dose of 0.033 microg/larvae/day over 6 days) and, in a separate experiment, a
116  Its eggs are desiccation resistant, and the larvae develop rapidly in subtropical and tropical envir
117 five different fungal pathogens and rootworm larvae (Diabrotica balteata).
118 nge in environmental illumination, zebrafish larvae display a rapid locomotor response.
119                            For example, many larvae display little or no movement.
120                       By contrast, flt4 null larvae displayed hypoplastic facial lymphatics and sever
121 we observed that blind and socially isolated larvae do not integrate effectively into wild-type clust
122 iability: (a) loss of milkweed resources for larvae due to genetically modified crops, pesticides, an
123 vior is organized in Drosophila melanogaster larvae dwelling in hydrogels mimicking their natural hab
124              We show that GRNs of Drosophila larvae employ a surprisingly different mode of gustatory
125       New research indicates that Drosophila larvae engage in coordinated digging to feed collectivel
126 ur results present evidence that Onthophagus larvae engage in niche construction, and that this is a
127 ted combination formulation on second-instar larvae Ephestia Kuehniella was 68.89%, while the same pa
128                                              Larvae escape by backward locomotion when touched on the
129 exploit species whose dispersal distances as larvae exceed the home ranges of adults, decisions on th
130                                              Larvae exposed to caffeine in diets showed increased mor
131 citotoxicity damages hair cells in zebrafish larvae exposed to drugs that mimic excitotoxic trauma.
132                                However, even larvae fed ad libitum eventually underwent metamorphosis
133 ine in diets showed increased mortality, and larvae fed antibiotics and hormones showed signs of slow
134 given the choice between two types of insect larvae, females prefer the type they have not recently e
135 e of TH-levels and TR-expressions in pelagic-larvae, followed by a decrease in recruiting juveniles.
136 were identified and quantified in adults and larvae following chronic exposure to NMP.
137              Our experiments show that blind larvae form fewer clusters and dig less efficiently than
138                                              Larvae from all three of these species have never before
139 een temporary ponds and permanent streams in larvae from both salamander species to establish gene se
140        In coral reef-fishes, the movement of larvae from planktonic to reef environments (recruitment
141 assess preference of 28 pre-settlement stage larvae from reef fish species for seawater with DMS.
142 lel habitat adaptation or acclimatization by larvae from S. salamandra and S. infraimmaculata to temp
143 acC strain in topical insect bioassays using larvae from the greater waxmoth, Galleria mellonella or
144 ptimized hybrid protects Galleria mellonella larvae from the lethal effects of MDR P. aeruginosa.
145 have specialised setae from dermestid beetle larvae (hastisetae) attached to their bodies, likely ind
146  Several genes expressed in parasitised host larvae have been isolated and their possible roles partl
147 amatically reduced hind wings in adults, and larvae have extremely elongate, slender legs with pectin
148     However, specific chemicals used by fish larvae have not been identified.
149      By contrast, methods for staining whole larvae have rarely been reported, are unreliable, and fa
150                                  Platynereis larvae have segmental multiciliated cells that regularly
151 ich actually cause the damage, and therefore larvae have to be reared through to adult for authoritat
152 appears to suppress sugar food intake in fed larvae in an acute manner, and neurons expressing this O
153 plain the widespread occurrence of resistant larvae in Bt fields across the main area of maize produc
154 ce of large numbers of adult and first-stage larvae in S. stercoralis-infected NSG mice, no hyperinfe
155 ve at United States (U.S.) ports of entry as larvae in solid wood packaging material (SWPM).
156                           The Chaoborus spp. larvae, in addition to potentially releasing sediment me
157                  In the developing zebrafish larvae, in vivo monitoring of pigment cells suggested th
158                     The peculiarities of the larvae include features principally found in spider-asso
159  gene expression data from intact Drosophila larvae, including transcriptome measurements from a smal
160                                              Larvae initiated pupation <24 h after food was absent.
161 ulation of Diap1 mRNA levels in M. domestica larvae injected with D. radicum Diap1 dsRNA, despite the
162 duced midgut oxygen levels below 5%, whereas larvae inoculated with E. coli mutants defective for cyt
163 acteria in nonsterile larvae and gnotobiotic larvae inoculated with wild-type E. coli reduced midgut
164 ater three-quarters of the Chironomus cucini larvae (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae) living in the ha
165 cherichia coli, rescue development of axenic larvae into adults.
166 arval recruitment, the transition of pelagic larvae into reef-associated juveniles, is a critical ste
167                                    Parasitic larvae invade the human brain, establish, and eventually
168        Recruitment via settlement of pelagic larvae is critical for the persistence of benthic marine
169                 Transport of coral reef fish larvae is driven by advection in ocean currents and larv
170       The reliable production of marine fish larvae is one of the major bottlenecks in aquaculture du
171 genetic ablation of radial glia in zebrafish larvae leads to a complete loss of the bilateral vertebr
172                            We used wood frog larvae (Lithobates sylvaticus) to investigate how chroni
173  of FLU on Apis cerana olfactory learning in larvae (lower dose of 0.033 microg/larvae/day over 6 day
174         We also found that laboratory-reared larvae maintained chemical defenses nearly three-fold gr
175 rious levels in eggs, 1(st) and 2(nd) instar larvae, mature larvae, pupae, male and female adults.
176   Taken together, these results suggest that larvae may be less able to detoxify xenobiotics encounte
177           eDNA concentration fell rapidly as larvae metamorphosed and left the ponds.
178 urons and synapses in fruit flies, zebrafish larvae, mice and ferrets in vivo.
179 educed spatial distribution of fish eggs and larvae, more homogeneous ambient environmental condition
180 iated with a significant enhancement of host larvae mortality triggered by B. thuringiensis and a Cry
181  require tedious manual observations because larvae must move to develop, and existing immobilization
182    However, for swimming to be advantageous, larvae must use external stimuli as guides.
183               From 2012 to 2015, we obtained larvae of 338 longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) and 38 m
184 ecies we studied is an endoparasitoid of the larvae of A. chartifex, exclusively attacking sexual fem
185 od for antibody staining of whole Drosophila larvae of any developmental stage.
186 A were influenced by abundance of adults and larvae of great crested newts (Triturus cristatus).
187  choice and regeneration success in cydippid larvae of M. leidyi.
188 transcriptomic database from the embryos and larvae of mahi-mahi exposed to water accommodated fracti
189                                              Larvae of Manduca sexta grew faster when consuming inver
190 ination is achieved, we studied the ciliated larvae of Platynereis dumerilii, a marine annelid.
191 converting enzyme (ACE), are insecticidal to larvae of the mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles ga
192                                        Dauer larvae of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans exhibit a
193     Through biopanning using gut tissue from larvae of the non-target insect Aedes aegypti, we isolat
194 cies, with a higher virulence when attacking larvae of the same species as the previous host.
195                                              Larvae of the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans can
196  We report the fast bio-degradation of PE by larvae of the wax moth Galleria mellonella, producing et
197 geographically wide distribution of eggs and larvae on fish recruitment may be insignificant compared
198  We detected a 100-fold increase in LC50 for larvae on optimal versus carbohydrate-biased diets, and
199 the majority (54/57) were up-regulated in MD larvae, one of which encoded for an ShKT-domain containi
200 behavior of small animals such as Drosophila larvae or C. elegans worms has become an integral subjec
201  and brain-wide pathways through which these larvae perceive and process auditory stimuli.
202 indings from the immune system of sea urchin larvae potentially provide insights into immune signalin
203 lts described the first settlement for coral larvae produced from cryopreserved sperm and established
204 vation did not affect settlement success, as larvae produced with fresh or cryopreserved sperm had th
205  Chymomyza costata Fully grown, third-instar larvae programmed for diapause by a photoperiodic (short
206 d by the dispersal third-stage nematode LIII larvae promote beetle pupation by inducing ecdysone prod
207                                              Larvae propel in swim bouts that, we find, tend to stabi
208 al electrophysiology, also conducted in 4dpf larvae, provided additional measures of neural activity.
209 at burs alpha and burs beta are expressed in larvae, pupae and newly emerged adults.
210              This evidence can include eggs, larvae, pupae, and puparial casings.
211  eggs, 1(st) and 2(nd) instar larvae, mature larvae, pupae, male and female adults.
212                                           In larvae, Rbpr2 expression was detected in developing inte
213                                    Simulated larvae recapitulate observed postures and movement timin
214                                 In untreated larvae, regions associated with autonomic functionality,
215 he higher percentage of unmetabolized NMP in larvae relative to adults may be due to lower cytochrome
216 ies to improve the transparency of zebrafish larvae require the use of either highly toxic chemical c
217   Like most animals, Drosophila melanogaster larvae respond to a variety of nociceptive stimuli, incl
218                                              Larvae respond to near-freezing temperatures via a mutua
219    Changes in social preference of amphibian larvae result from sustained exposure to kinship odorant
220             Knockdown of psenen in zebrafish larvae resulted in a phenotype with scattered pigmentati
221 f the THSD7A ortholog, thsd7aa, in zebrafish larvae resulted in altered podocyte differentiation and
222 oduction of Symbiodinium into naive Aiptasia larvae results in a decrease in NF-kappaB expression.
223  that a total loss of foraging expression in larvae results in reduced larval path length and food in
224                               How Drosophila larvae select one behavior or a sequence of behaviors, a
225 contrast to wild type siblings, disc1 mutant larvae show altered crh levels, fail to upregulate corti
226                               cdk5r1a mutant larvae show similar branching defects as those observed
227                      Furthermore, cystinotic larvae showed a significantly increased rate of apoptosi
228                            Cystinotic mutant larvae showed cystine accumulation, delayed development,
229 of dsTmELO1 but not dsTmELO2 RNA into mature larvae significantly increased mortality although RNAi d
230 own of NR4A2 and NR4A3 homologs in zebrafish larvae significantly reduces the absolute neutrophil num
231                    In Caenorhabditis elegans larvae, sleep is associated with a turning behavior, cal
232                  In unstimulated conditions, larvae spend most of their time digging.
233              Expression of isl1 in zebrafish larvae staged 48 hpf was detected in a small region of t
234  level of expression of mJHBP in Ae. aegypti larvae suggests that it is primarily active during the a
235  showed that symbiotic gut bacteria from CPB larvae suppressed jasmonate (JA)-induced defenses in tom
236  measure gene expression and viral levels in larvae taken prior to observed mortality at metamorphosi
237 is at least 20 times more toxic to honey bee larvae than to adults, but the underlying cause of this
238 ial germ cells (PGCs) of emergent starved L1 larvae that correlate with compromised reproductive fitn
239                                 In contrast, larvae that have a symmetric, left-isomerized dHb, or in
240 ons, which shows larger and fewer tubules in larvae that lack reticulon and REEP proteins, consistent
241 or a pheromone signal produced by C. elegans larvae that modifies the behaviour of adult animals in a
242  held in in situ cages with predators, those larvae that previously favored their left-eye exhibited
243 e as a natural defense against Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB)
244 f acute starvation in Caenorhabditis elegans larvae, the master metabolic regulator AMP-activated pro
245                   In Drosophila melanogaster larvae, the prime site of external taste reception is th
246 oordinate precise movements between pairs of larvae, therefore increasing the degree of cooperativity
247 exposing 5 days post-fertilization zebrafish larvae to 1 mM ACR for 3 days.
248 hould export 30% or more of locally produced larvae to adjacent fishing grounds.
249 ision and social experience allow Drosophila larvae to assemble cooperative digging groups leading to
250 rval dissections and by allowing hundreds of larvae to be batch-processed.
251              Therefore, we exposed damselfly larvae to chlorpyrifos and cues from predatory dragonfli
252 the muscle contractions that allow fruit fly larvae to crawl.
253 d that exposure of adult beetles, as well as larvae to dvvgr or dvbol dsRNA in artificial diet, cause
254 olated from C. elegans embryos and L1 arrest larvae to generate high-resolution maps of TF binding.
255 , we integrated DNA barcoding and rearing of larvae to identify wood-boring insects in SWPM.
256 nificant energetic advantage that allows the larvae to migrate via passive buoyancy rather than more
257              Therefore, the ability of coral larvae to navigate to reefs while in the open-ocean, or
258                     This transition requires larvae to rapidly identify and respond to sensory cues t
259                       We exposed the aquatic larvae to the pesticide esfenvalerate (0.11 mug/L) durin
260 y by facilitating both the delivery of coral larvae to the substratum and settlement.
261  fine scale structure is required to deliver larvae to the substratum even in conditions mimicking ca
262           Here, we use transparent zebrafish larvae to visualize the earliest events of M. leprae-ind
263 trations measured in one insect stage (e.g., larvae) to assess risk to wildlife that feed on subseque
264 ion to the open-ocean, disturb A. triostegus larvae transformation and grazing activity.
265                                              Larvae treated with sub-lethal concentrations exhibited
266 nt of zebrafish, Danio rerio, and found that larvae turn toward each other from 7 days postfertilizat
267 , wild male robins preferentially shared the larvae type that their mate was most likely to desire an
268                              We propose that larvae use low-threshold sensors in the brain to monitor
269         Here, we demonstrate that Drosophila larvae use the metabolic conditions established by aerob
270 gurgitant of field-collected Helicoverpa zea larvae using 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing an
271  accumulation of hydrazine in live fruit-fly larvae using epifluorescence microscopy.
272 ean sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) yolk-sac larvae was explored.
273  increased for E. mordax, as the presence of larvae was observed throughout the majority of 2015-16,
274 ter IL treatment of 5 days postfertilization larvae, was recorded.
275 rm time-lapse imaging with intact Drosophila larvae, we found that dendrites grow into HSPG-deficient
276                             Using Drosophila larvae, we found that nociceptive rolling behavior was t
277           Anopheles gambiae and A. stephensi larvae were bred under different combinations of tempera
278                                    Resultant larvae were exposed to low and ambient pH conditions in
279                                              Larvae were injected with conidia (asexual spores) of tw
280                      The venlafaxine-exposed larvae were less active and covered shorter distance in
281                                              Larvae were reared on artificial diets spiked with conta
282                                         When larvae were reared on different hosts, defense suppressi
283                                 Ninety-three larvae were reared to adults and identified morphologica
284  (7.9 and 9.8 cm in diameter) on which coral larvae were settled.
285 ngs and morphology of adults, and not on the larvae which actually cause the damage, and therefore la
286 d this effect is absent in C. elegans daf-22 larvae which are pheromone deficient.
287 chovy) and Sardinops sagax (Pacific sardine) larvae, which are normally summer spawning species in th
288       In addition, autoinfective third-stage larvae, which initiate hyperinfection, were found in hig
289  pentascolopidial (lch5) organ of Drosophila larvae-which plays a key role in proprioceptive locomoti
290 owed significant activity against A. aegypti larvae while another induced mortality at the pupal stag
291 and acquired high-speed videos of head-fixed larvae while simultaneously recording underlying field p
292                      Drosophila melanogaster larvae whose primary nociceptive neurons were reduced in
293 -day old adult workers that were infected as larvae with 10,000 (10 K) or 40,000 (40 K) live N. ceran
294                        Also, feeding neonate larvae with IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis) or COP (COPI co
295                        Here we use zebrafish larvae with pan-neuronal expression of GCaMP6s, combined
296 ) mice by treating infective H. polygyrus L3 larvae with PLA2g1B, which reduced larval phospholipid a
297 s transported and processed to siRNAs by EAB larvae within 72 h after ingestion.
298 together, our results suggest that zebrafish larvae xenografts constitute a promising fast assay for
299 t-derived cell lines, we show that zebrafish larvae xenotransplants constitute a fast and highly sens
300            Aquatic invertebrates (chironomid larvae, zooplankton) provided indicators of MMHg bioaccu

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