


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ts performed by atomic force microscopes and laser tweezers.
2 has been measured by Raman spectroscopy with laser tweezers.
3  broadly on their quantitative studies using laser tweezers.
4  DNA and in single-molecule experiments with laser tweezers.
5 t a brief tug on the beads, as measured with laser tweezers.
6  individual ribosome-poly(U) complexes using laser tweezers.
7 loidal particles that can be controlled with laser tweezers.
8 sed at room temperature with force-measuring laser tweezers.
9 asma membrane of HEPA-OVA cells with optical laser tweezers.
10 n in the membrane tension as measured by the laser tweezers.
11  calculated from tether forces measured with laser tweezers.
12 ties were characterized with force-measuring laser tweezers.
13  (dsDNA) were stretched with force-measuring laser tweezers.
14 ne-attached beads are pulled vertically by a laser tweezers, a membrane tube of constant diameter (te
15                          Statoliths moved by laser tweezers against the ER boundary experience an ela
16                                An integrated laser tweezer and microphotometry device has been used t
17                                              Laser tweezers and atomic force microscopes are increasi
18                       We anticipate that our laser tweezers and CE methodologies may be used to more
19  in aqueous solutions using a combination of laser tweezers and confocal Raman spectroscopy (LTRS).
20 n by their ability to fuse when entrapped by laser tweezers and their binding to posterior tethers.
21 nilamellar vesicles have been isolated using laser tweezers and, by measuring the intensity modulatio
22  behavior that more closely approximate AFM, laser tweezer, and immunolocalization experimental data.
23 he subject of atomic force microscopy (AFM), laser tweezer, and other in vitro methods for examining
24                    We used a force-measuring laser tweezers apparatus to determine the elastic proper
25                                         When laser tweezers are used to place and hold cells near a m
26 TIRF) microscopy experiments and data from a laser tweezers assay that measures in vitro microtubule
27 We used transmission electron microscopy and laser tweezers-based force spectroscopy to determine whe
28                                      We used laser tweezers-based force spectroscopy to measure the b
29                                        Using laser tweezers-based force spectroscopy, we observed and
30  to the fibrin(ogen) central E region, using laser tweezers-based force spectroscopy.
31 fibrinogen's Bbeta chain were revealed using laser tweezers-based force spectroscopy.
32        Here we use chemical footprinting and laser-tweezers-based single-molecule approaches to demon
33                                            A laser-tweezers-based, single-molecule structural fingerp
34                  Constraining particles with laser tweezers caused them to fuse into large untethered
35 s, primarily the atomic force microscope and laser tweezers, enable us to measure forces at the singl
36 ecules, we developed a model system based on laser tweezers, enabling us to determine the rupture for
37    We have developed a model system based on laser tweezers, enabling us to measure specific rupture
38       Data from single-particle tracking and laser tweezer experiments have suggested that membrane m
39 ulations as well as by force measurements in laser tweezer experiments.
40 e free energy of unfolding (DeltaGunfold) by laser-tweezers experiments provides compelling evidence
41                   Deletion of talin1 blocked laser tweezers, force-dependent reinforcement of submicr
42                           Previous work with laser tweezers has suggested that optical traps could be
43                                        Using laser tweezers, here, we have described two mechanical p
44              Using mechanical unfolding in a laser tweezers instrument and circular dichroism (CD) sp
45 unfolding and refolding traces obtained by a laser-tweezers instrument, we now provide the first conv
46  sequence in a microfluidic platform using a laser-tweezers instrument.
47 as well as their directed assembly, by using laser tweezers, is reversible.
48                         Here, we have used a laser tweezers method to investigate such interactions.
49 mploy radiation pressure (optical filtering, laser tweezers, optical chromatography, etc.).
50                 Mechanical forces exerted by laser tweezers or atomic force microscopes can be used t
51 ganization in a nematic liquid crystal using laser tweezers, particle tracking and optical imaging.
52  volunteers are nondestructively analyzed by laser tweezers Raman microspectroscopy, and information
53                                              Laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) has been used f
54                             The potential of laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) to study comple
55                                              Laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) was used to cha
56 bility approach, we analyze this problem for laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS), a promising te
57  calcium dipicolinate (CaDPA) biomarker with laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS).
58 d of current Raman-based instruments such as laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy and hyperspectral Rama
59                                Here, we used laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy to monitor the in vivo
60 e microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, and laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy to monitor the kinetic
61                                              Laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy was used to detect the
62  bond strength of three of the mutants using laser tweezers showed that progressive deletion of the c
63                                        Using laser tweezers surface scanning resistance (SSR) technol
64 ure force and the contour length measured by laser tweezers, the simultaneous determination of probab
65 re presented in the context of single cells, laser tweezers, tissue sections, biopsies and whole anim
66                                 Here, we use laser tweezers to determine the dissociation constant fo
67                                      We used laser tweezers to form membrane tethers and measured the
68                           Here, we have used laser tweezers to investigate the structures formed in 5
69            Thus, we found it possible to use laser tweezers to measure the regulation of forces betwe
70 grin alpha v beta 3 for this ligand, we used laser tweezers to measure the rupture force between sing
71 ed view in mechanical drawing, here, we used laser tweezers to mechanically dissect high-order DNA st
72                                Here, we used laser tweezers to mechanically unfold structures in a hu
73 g events upon E-cadherin engagement, we used laser tweezers to place beads coated with functional E-c
74                                  Here we use laser tweezers to show that Tfp forcefully retract.
75  vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) by applying laser-tweezer traction on fibronectin-coated beads adher
76 intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations induced by laser-tweezer-traction at the plasma membrane, providing
77 al growth cones using a force generated by a laser tweezers trap.
78                                        Using laser tweezers, we found that oxygen depletion triggered
79                                        Using laser tweezers, we found that PM tension progressively d
80                Using mechanical unfolding in laser tweezers, we identified six DNA species in a cytos
81                                        Using laser tweezers, we measured for the first time the force
82         Using mechanical unfolding assays in laser tweezers, we observed a minor population ( approxi
83 fibre is stretched at its two ends (e.g., by laser tweezers), while epigenetic enzymes (writers) and

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