


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s postinfection from a consensus baculovirus late promoter.
2 o replacement alone for TBP-adenovirus major late promoter.
3 ripartite leader sequence (TPL) of the major late promoter.
4 f U2DeltaE4 to activate the adenovirus major late promoter.
5 e II (RNA pol II)-dependent adenovirus major late promoter.
6 t on the non-CRE-containing adenovirus major late promoter.
7 ences in the context of the adenovirus major late promoter.
8 ivated early promoter and induce the dormant late promoter.
9 d the E-box elements of the adenovirus major late promoter.
10 from a similar G-box in the adenovirus major late promoter.
11  a strong early promoter coupled to a strong late promoter.
12 s postinfection from a consensus baculovirus late promoter.
13 lize the binding of TFIID to the INR-mutated late promoter.
14 iption factors and to transactivate the SV40 late promoter.
15 induced levels of transcription of the viral late promoter.
16  in vitro transcription of a template with a late promoter.
17 m of the T7 promoter or the adenovirus major late promoter.
18 31, and ORF34 specifically binds to the K8.1 late promoter.
19 D binding to the TATA box of the INR-mutated late promoter.
20 on of transcription elements of the Ad major late promoter.
21 to be necessary for maximal induction of the late promoter.
22 pon differentiation that was specific to the late promoter.
23  negatively influence transcription from the late promoter.
24 ufficient to activate transcription from the late promoter.
25 ontains the TATA box of the adenovirus major late promoter.
26 ced, allowing LAP-mediated activation of the late promoter.
27 re synthesized from the early as well as the late promoter.
28 cription in vitro of a template containing a late promoter.
29 e-early (IE), early, gamma1 late, and gamma2 late promoters.
30 cally to trans-activate the early and gamma1 late promoters.
31 urst sequences of both the polh and p10 very-late promoters.
32 rom the corresponding sites in the P2 and P4 late promoters.
33 tial for Ogr-dependent transcription from P2 late promoters.
34 on -55 in all the helper and satellite phage late promoters.
35 chia coli final sigma70-RNA polymerase at N4 late promoters.
36  protein for sequences in the IE, early, and late promoters.
37 er early viral promoters and abolished under late promoters.
38 ned their binding sites within the P2 and P4 late promoters.
39  the two very late promoters but not the two late promoters.
40 hile it is initially methylated at early and late promoters.
41 anscriptional activation of bacteriophage P1 late promoters.
42  and mediated by poorly conserved middle and late promoters.
43  is conserved among all six of the P2 and P4 late promoters.
44  an additive activation of the JCV early and late promoters.
45   A template containing the adenovirus major late promoter, a portion of the histone H2a-614 coding r
46 nts that contribute to the activation of the late promoter, a transient reporter assay was developed.
47 uding immortalization, episomal maintenance, late promoter activation, and infectious virion synthesi
48          A phage-encoded early protein, Lpa (late promoter activator protein, formerly called gp10),
49 suggest that ionizing radiation up-regulates late promoters active in the course of viral DNA synthes
50                                The resulting late promoter activities ranged from 6 to 100% of the wi
51  Ad hoc models describing the effects of the late promoter activity on lysis time and assembly rate w
52                      To study the effects of late promoter activity on phage life history traits and
53                             Evolution of the late promoter activity was discussed in the context of p
54 d and was shown to be a direct inhibition of late promoter activity.
55  oriented when bound to the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) and the yeast CYC1 promoter.
56 e of transcription from the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) contained on negatively supercoile
57 ength human TBP binding the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) have been characterized using biop
58  incapable of silencing the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) in neuroblastoma cells, indicating
59 ructure of TBP bound to the Adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) TATA box (5'-TATAAAAG-3').
60 myces cerevisiae TBP to the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) was followed in real-time through
61 ne (yU6 hybrid TATA) or the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) with different affinities demonstr
62  the TATA sequence from the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP).
63 nd a plasmid containing the adenovirus major late promoter and a thymine dimer in the template strand
64 h transcriptional activation of the phage P1 late promoter and acid resistance of E. coli.
65 NA templates containing the adenovirus major late promoter and coding sequences were enzymatically sy
66 rmined that the A30L gene was regulated by a late promoter and encoded a protein of approximately 9 k
67 e regulation of transcription from the major late promoter and in viral assembly is discussed.
68 ys of transactivation of the simian virus 40 late promoter and of the human c-fos promoter showed tha
69  A33R mutants were constructed, one with the late promoter and one with the early and late A33R promo
70 abilize TFIID binding to the TATA box of the late promoter and requires the additional activities of
71  the TATA boxes of both the adenovirus major late promoter and the yeast CYC1 promoter with only a mo
72 ivation of transcription at bacteriophage T4 late promoters and coupling of late transcription to con
73 vation of transcription from viral early and late promoters and regulates transcription from its own
74 on per se or loading of RNA polymerase II to late promoters and subsequent reduction of transcription
75 tinctive characteristics of intermediate and late promoters and suggested that some promoters have in
76 ts site of action, qut at the associated pR' late promoter, and upstream of the analogues of lambda g
77  reading frames (CDSs), 30 tRNAs, 33 T4-like late promoters, and 57 potential rho-independent termina
78 CP0 protein to activate the early and gamma1 late promoters, and deletion of the acidic region enhanc
79                Unlike P1 early promoters, P1 late promoters are not recognized by RNAP alone.
80                             Bacteriophage T4 late promoters are transcribed by an RNA polymerase holo
81 plication, the 21-bp repeat elements, or the late promoter, as well as deletions or duplications of t
82 nfection but in large amounts from the major late promoter at very late stages of infection.
83  which beta-gal was expressed under early or late promoters at levels that varied over 500-fold durin
84 cription from TK, SV40, and adenoviral major late promoters bearing GAL4 binding sites.
85 ensable for ICP4 activation of the wild-type late promoter because ICP4 can substitute for TFIIA's ab
86                           Partially purified late promoter binding protein (LPBP) was capable of stim
87 o show that YY1 copurified with the vaccinia late promoter-binding protein and was present in late pr
88 hosphodiester bond from the adenovirus major late promoter but do not appear to have an additional si
89 lymerase II in vitro downstream of the major late promoter but not the mouse beta-globin promoter.
90 ifically to several different vaccinia virus late promoters but not an early nor an intermediate prom
91 f-1 specifically transactivated the two very late promoters but not the two late promoters.
92 nd specific transcription from late and very late promoters but was not active on viral early promote
93        Unexpectedly, activation of the major late promoter by MAZ and Sp1 was detected irrespective o
94 inding repressed transcription from the SV40 late promoter by preventing the formation of pre-initiat
95  to RNA polymerase II and brings it to viral late promoters by mimicking and replacing cellular TATA-
96 moter, and of the IR5 gene, a representative late promoter, by greater than 20 and 50%, respectively.
97 tivator binding to the upstream region of P2 late promoters compensates in part for poor sigma(70) co
98      Studies of the natural adenovirus major late promoter confirmed these findings, despite the exis
99                             Bacteriophage T4 late promoters consist solely of an extended downstream
100                        In this study, an HSV late promoter consisting of only a TATA box and an INR e
101 s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) K8.1 late promoter consists of a minimal 24-bp sequence, with
102      Here, we show that the expression of JC late promoter constructs containing the NF-kappa B site
103 , VLTF-X purified from both sources bound to late promoter-containing DNA in the presence or absence
104 c mobility in the presence of vaccinia virus late promoter-containing DNA.
105 nscripts initiated at the adenovirus 2 major late promoter depends strongly on ATP, TFIIE, and TFIIH
106             By exploiting adenovirus 2 major late promoter derivatives that contain premelted transcr
107                     It has been found that a late promoter DNA binding activity cochromatographs and
108  various VLTF-X preparations revealed that a late promoter DNA-binding activity cochromatographed and
109 ected mammalian cells and co-purifies with a late promoter DNA-binding activity.
110 lly expressed YY1 also bound specifically to late promoter DNA.
111 tein having high affinity for vaccinia virus late promoter DNA.
112 fected HeLa cells that binds avidly to viral late promoter DNA.
113 hown to facilitate the binding of RNAP to Ps late promoter DNA.
114  long terminal repeat and adenovirus 2 major late promoter do not appear to differentially influence
115  by gp55 is also thermo-irreversible: the T4 late promoter does not open at 0 degrees C, but once ope
116 n activity of extracts depleted of LPBP on a late promoter-driven template, establishing LPBP as a tr
117 ecruitment of RNA polymerase II to the viral late promoters during lytic infection was significantly
118  which is homologous to the adenovirus major late promoter element (MLPE) and binds the ER to form a
119 al switching, in which both intermediate and late promoter elements are targeted by TBP that recruits
120 tch1 ICD or the Notch3 ICD trans-activated a late promoter encoding glycoprotein C.
121  two DNA templates: (1) gp55-RNAP and the T4 late promoter execute basal transcription; (2) gp55-gp33
122 of other kinetic classes (including a strict late promoter) exhibited no alterations in replication k
123 efine the factors required for late and very late promoter expression, we first determined that the e
124  is responsible for targeting vaccinia virus late promoters for initiation of transcription.
125  first time a promoter element important for late promoter function in the context of the viral genom
126 IIA was dispensable for ICP4 activation of a late promoter (gC) but was required for the efficient ac
127 case of thermoirreversible opening of the T4 late promoter has been analyzed by KMnO4 footprinting an
128 ith the TATA element of the adenovirus major late promoter has been determined at 1.9 angstroms resol
129                     In particular, the viral late promoter has been used as a model for the analysis
130 Z and Sp1 within the adenovirus type 5 major late promoter have been identified by DNase I protection
131  of the TATA element in the adenovirus major late promoter have no effect on TFIID binding affinity o
132  element necessary for the activation of the late promoter, identifying for the first time a promoter
133 ans-activate the IE, gamma1 late, and gamma2 late promoters, (iii) the EICP22 and EICP0 proteins do n
134 ited transcription from the adenovirus major late promoter in a fashion that was dependent on Gal4 ta
135 n mRNA transcription at the adenovirus major late promoter in a minimal in vitro transcription system
136 ognize these HREs leads to repression of the late promoter in a sequence-specific and titratable mann
137 quired for proficient ICP4 activation of the late promoter in the absence of TFIIA.
138 te transcription from the adenovirus-2 major late promoter in the presence of a nuclear extract is re
139 xpression of these constructs under the SV40 late promoter in THP-1 cells showed that the full-length
140 Z or Sp1 activated expression from the major late promoter in transient expression assays.
141 ary for optimal transcription from an AcMNPV late promoter in transient late expression assays.
142 ired for transcription from a vaccinia virus late promoter in vitro.
143       Correct initiation of transcription at late promoters in basal mode requires only RNA polymeras
144 timulating transcription of the Cy early and late promoters in glial cells.
145 ers inducibility to the JCV(Mad-1) early and late promoters in response to extracellular stimuli.
146 cinia virus recognized MOCV intermediate and late promoters, indicating similar gene regulation.
147 rin and transglutaminase was compatible with late promoter induction, expression of the differentiati
148  us to generate a structural model of the T4 late promoter initiation complex.
149 are located downstream from a near-consensus late promoter inside gene 17 and further downstream, unr
150                                       The T4 late promoter is converted to a strong sigma70 promoter
151 In human papillomavirus type 31 (HPV31), the late promoter is designated p742 and includes multiple s
152 ese observations led to a model in which the late promoter is repressed at early times after infectio
153          Ogr-dependent transcription from P2 late promoters is blocked by certain point mutations aff
154 n, consistent with regulation by a predicted late promoter just upstream of the A14.5L ORF.
155  -10" sigma 70 promoters, which, like the T4 late promoter, lack "-35" sites, have been subjected to
156 h DNA replication and transcription from the late promoter, leading to expression of late genes and v
157 iTE) antibody under the control of the major late promoter, leading to generation of ICOVIR-15K-cBiTE
158 ructure and function of the adenovirus major late promoter (MLP) can be analyzed genetically in its c
159 nes are maximally expressed, while the major late promoter (MLP) is minimally expressed and transcrip
160 mong sequences predicted to encode the major late promoter (MLP) of adenoviruses from a wide variety
161 p300 to the non-repressible adenovirus major late promoter (MLP) renders it repressible by E1A.
162 s of transcription from the adenovirus major late promoter (MLP), and the immunoglobulin heavy chain
163 Va2 protein is a transactivator of the major late promoter (MLP).
164 ripts (126) initiated within the baculovirus late promoter motif (TAAG), and late transcripts initiat
165 y at late times, consistent with a consensus late promoter motif adjacent to the start of the open re
166       Primer extension analysis identified a late promoter motif, ATAAG, at the transcription start s
167 inding site upstream of the adenovirus major late promoter (NFI-Ad), and 2) the more complex mouse ma
168 suggest that chromatin remodeling around the late promoter occurs upon epithelial differentiation and
169 at a specific site downstream from the major late promoter of adenovirus.
170 us 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein activates the major late promoter of JC virus through a Tat-responsive DNA e
171 transcriptional initiation site of the major late promoter of SV40.
172  are also required to transactivate the very late promoter of the polyhedrin gene, polh, but expressi
173 TA Binding Protein (TBP) to the E4 and Major Late promoters of adenovirus (TATATATA and TATAAAAG, res
174                       Transcription from the late promoters of bacteriophage P2 and its satellite pha
175 cC-dependent S. marcescens promoters and the late promoters of P2-related phages.
176 endent Serratia marcescens promoters and the late promoters of P2-related phages.
177                                       The T4 late promoter only opens above 15-20 degrees C, but once
178 nucA) and to the sequence upstream of the P2 late promoter P(F) is accompanied by DNA bending.
179 lambdaQ activity is restricted to the lambda late promoter P(R').
180 Consistent with these requirements, the four late promoters P(lys), P(I), P(P) and P(mom) have recogn
181 a family immediately downstream of the phage late promoters (p(R')).
182  is a transcriptional activator of the four "late" promoters, Pmom, Plys, PI and PP.
183 age lambda strains that differ only in their late promoter pR' sequences.
184        The affinity of these factors for the late promoter probes is identical and late promoter-spec
185  promoter-binding protein and was present in late promoter-protein complexes in gel supershift assays
186 xpression controlled by the adenoviral major late promoter provides a viable approach to noninvasivel
187 uired for transcription activation of the P1 late promoter Ps in vitro.
188 iven at high temperature while the TBP-Major Late promoter reaction is entropically driven over virtu
189 at the biochemical role for VLTF-X may be in late promoter recognition.
190 rated that this binding was specific for the late promoter region of the probe and that late transcri
191 l sequence within the simian virus 40 (SV40) late promoter region, nucleotides (nt) 255 to 424, capab
192                                 Although the late promoter regions of HPV type 16 (HPV-16) are still
193 scriptional regions tended to be softer than late promoter regions.
194 ic T lymphocytes, whereas similar rVV with a late promoter-regulated gene did not.
195 er or transcription from an adenovirus major-late promoter remained unaffected.
196 driven late gene transcription factors and a late promoter reporter gene into ts25/T7-infected cells.
197      In this model system, the activities of late promoter-reporter fusions are measured following tr
198  cellular factors, called IBP-s, to the SV40 late promoter; repression is relieved after the onset of
199 rative experiments with the adenovirus major late promoter revealed that, while the overall mechanism
200 among oligomers bearing the adenovirus major late promoter sequence (AdMLP) and five single-site vari
201 cation, a finding consistent with a putative late promoter sequence, and was packaged as a non-membra
202 nfection, consistent with putative early and late promoter sequences.
203 or the late promoter probes is identical and late promoter-specific based on competition experiments.
204 oters but not when lacZ was regulated by the late promoters (spheroidin or ATI).
205 d an oligo containing the adenovirus 2 major late promoter strong USF binding site.
206 nclude transcription from previously silent, late promoters, such as the IV(a2) promoter, and a large
207 alysis of the GC-rich sequences in the major late promoter suggested that a primary target of MAZ act
208  found in similar locations on several other late promoters, suggesting an important regulatory role
209 ion mutagenesis of the Inr of the SV40 major late promoter (SV40-MLP).
210 A constructs containing the adenovirus major late promoter TATA box (TATAAAAG) separated by a variabl
211             Exposure of the adenovirus major late promoter TATA box to a high dose of UVC irradiation
212 and efficiently transcribed adenovirus major late promoter (TATAAAAG) or its inosine-substituted deri
213  two hormone response elements (HREs) in the late promoter that contribute to this delay.
214 -promoter DNA fragment, the adenovirus major late promoter, the adeno-associated viral P5 promoter an
215 BI-1 binding sites in the adenovirus 2 major late promoter, the c-fos gene, and the c-myc P1 and P2 p
216 rent effect on early expression of the major late promoter, the next active promoter downstream of E1
217 nd to activate transcription from a phage P1 late promoter, thereby supporting the lytic growth of ph
218 n marks on viral chromatin at both early and late promoters, thus reducing both viral replication and
219  representative early, late, and INR-mutated late promoters (tk, gC, and gC8, respectively).
220 ical role in the observed inactivation of Cy late promoter transcription in glial cells.
221                      gp55-dependent phage T4 late promoter transcription is also resistant to gp2.
222 4 h was sufficient for the activation of the late promoter, transcription of late genes, and amplific
223 , a recombinant expressing VP5 from a strict-late promoter (U(L)38) exhibited an increased 50% lethal
224 y co-transcribed from several near-consensus late promoters upstream from gene 16, and processed at m
225 tore transcription from the adenovirus major late promoter using HeLa cell nuclear extracts that have
226                             Intermediate and late promoter utilization is normal in G2R mutants, but
227                    The activity of the viral late promoter was noticeably increased by both GF-1 and
228  genomic fragments, and the adenovirus major late promoter was used as an internal control.
229 me containing the E2a gene and its early and late promoters was transfected into 293 cells.
230 rations of yeast TBP to the adenovirus major late promoter were conducted at a series of constant TFI
231          E3-10.9K transcripts from the major late promoter were detected at late time points postinfe
232 udy, representatives of the intermediate and late promoters were characterized at the nucleotide leve
233                                              Late promoters were ineffective regardless of their dete
234 e control of the early promoters even though late promoters were intrinsically more active in other c
235 ld repress transcription from SV40 and major late promoters when recruited directly to DNA.
236 erleukin-2 promoter and the adenovirus major late promoter, which exhibit different rates of transcri
237                             Bacteriophage T4 late promoters, which consist of a simple 8-base pair TA
238                                           T4 late promoters, which consist of a simple TATA box, TATA
239                                           T4 late promoters, which consist of a single 8-bp -10 motif
240                                           T4 late promoters, which consist of an 8-base pair (bp) TAT
241 on under the control of the adenoviral major late promoter while retaining expression of the adenovir
242 transcription; (2) gp55-gp33-RNAP and the T4 late promoter with its mobile enhancer, the T4 sliding c
243 TA element of the wild-type adenovirus major late promoter with nanomolar affinity.
244 nto a complex formed on the adenovirus major late promoter with the TATA-binding protein, TFIIB, and
245  in synergistic transactivation of the viral late promoter, YB-1 alleviates T-antigen-mediated transc

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