


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 opant and exciton wave functions of the host lattice.
2 is the greatest strain in the gp23 hexagonal lattice.
3  defects (such as domain walls) and with the lattice.
4 itial monoclinic structure to the tetragonal lattice.
5 phabeta-tubulin dimer within the microtubule lattice.
6 oups can covalently bond to the sp(2) carbon lattice.
7 nic crystal (PC) Bragg laser with triangular lattice.
8 cribe such couplings in a generic perovskite lattice.
9 ic orientation of the cubic blue phase, soft lattice.
10 g motion of protein molecules in the crystal lattice.
11 eir highly organized assembly in the crystal lattice.
12  cell-surface glycoproteins for the galectin lattice.
13 fferent degree of allosteric coupling in the lattice.
14 of structural N-motifs generated in the host lattice.
15 nteractions of the tail with the microtubule lattice.
16 e eccentrically localized outside the capsid lattice.
17 sphopeptide in the hydrophilic region of the lattice.
18 iodic Anderson model on a noncentrosymmetric lattice.
19 otein dimers arranged in a T = 3 icosahedral lattice.
20 mers, and co-assemble into the endogenous MT lattice.
21 ansfer between the electronic system and the lattice.
22 ics of atomic population in a momentum-space lattice.
23 ]octane dicarboxylate linker in a Zn4O cubic lattice.
24 rically localized outside the conical capsid lattice.
25 with an effective spin of 1/2 on a honeycomb lattice.
26 amics of the MT tip and the stability of the lattice.
27 eam) contacts by which it regularizes the MT lattice.
28 eorganization of the hantaviral glycoprotein lattice.
29 cal effects due to its honeycomb crystalline lattice.
30 ncoming electrical connections, and the host lattice.
31 for fine structural control of the inorganic lattice.
32 ific protein-protein interface in the capsid lattice.
33 anosheets are crystalline and form honeycomb lattices.
34 g that this DX motif can produce very robust lattices.
35 ks composed of two identical two-dimensional lattices.
36 y coexist in geometrically-frustrated spinel lattices.
37 e structures, such as hexagonal close-packed lattices.
38                       Furthermore, no bubble lattice alignment was observed in the <111> directions p
39 m species but rather from hydroxyls on extra-lattice aluminol species proximate to Bronsted lattice s
40 e for a GTP-type over a GDP-type microtubule lattice and contributes to the interaction of KIF21B wit
41 ides, through strong interaction between the lattice and electronic degrees of freedom.
42  a viscous fluid while retaining its crystal lattice and remaining a strong and stiff metal.
43 el bi-dimensional approach to correlate spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times (T1-T2) including
44  important in the formation of the Abrikosov lattice and the onset of turbulence in superfluids.
45  consideration of the effects of the crystal lattice and thermal motion.
46 w diffusivity of Pb(2+) ions inside the host lattice and to the absence of preferred entry points in
47 howed that NEK6 localizes to the microtubule lattice and to the shrinking plus and minus ends of micr
48 when the geometry of a wedge matches the ice lattice and when such lattice match does not exist.
49 nstruction of objects, 2D and 3D crystalline lattices and devices is prominent among them.
50 s can sustain nanoscale pores in their rigid lattices and due to their minimum possible material thic
51 nic hexagonal boron nitride, plasmonic super-lattices and hyperbolic meta-surfaces as well.
52         As expected, the GGA yields expanded lattices and softened bonds in relation to the LDA, but
53     Here we demonstrate the formation of RNA lattices and tubular assemblies from double crossover (D
54 terial geometries including anchors, cables, lattices and webs, as well as functional materials with
55 n structures due to doping induced change in lattice anisotropy while maintaining the stripe domain m
56 bly because ions initially on the perovskite lattice are displaced during extended electrical stress
57 l magnetic moments that usually order if the lattices are not too frustrated.
58 duction of curvature into the RSV CA hexamer lattice arises predominantly from reconfiguration of the
59 expected body-centered (cubic or tetragonal) lattice arrangements.
60 little apparent connection to the underlying lattice, as evidenced by the small magnitude of the magn
61 frustrated antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice, as originally considered by Anderson.
62 m can be synthesized with La atoms in an fcc lattice at 170 GPa upon heating to about 1000 K.
63         We use clock spectroscopy to prepare lattice band populations, internal electronic states and
64 ibrations as the anhydrous milk fats crystal lattice became more ordered.
65                         Compared to standard lattice Boltzmann models, the DBM presents not only more
66 arrange in a more complex, 2D hexagonal-like lattice but still feature a approximately 190-nm periodi
67 ate that microscopy of cold atoms in optical lattices can help us to understand the low-temperature F
68                   Unlike a simple 1D optical lattice case, T c in the mixed dimensions has a constant
69 occur naturally in a one-dimensional optical lattice clock.
70                            Strontium optical lattice clocks have the potential to simultaneously inte
71 y the groundwork for using fermionic optical lattice clocks to probe new phases of matter.
72  single crystal structures, and experimental lattice cohesion metrics.
73 ective dimensionality of the non-interacting lattice component can evolve from quasi-3D to quasi-1D,
74 ing Harper-Hofstadter model, which describes lattice-confined, coherently mobile particles in the pre
75 l that some ferritin-MOFs can adopt multiple lattice conformations, suggesting dynamic behavior.
76 f how complex interactions on the triangular lattice conspire to form this unique many-body state.
77  constructed from expanded oxide rows with a lattice constant close to that of alpha-PtO2, either ass
78 ound state of LSMO is ferromagnetic, a large lattice constant together with an excess of La can stabi
79 reported nanolattice is the 500 nm unit-cell lattice constant, allowing the film to behave more like
80 based on the comparison between experimental lattice constants and lattice constants mainly obtained
81 , if the relative difference between the two lattice constants for a specific material is greater tha
82 n between experimental lattice constants and lattice constants mainly obtained from Materials-Project
83                   Defects and incommensurate lattice constants markedly change these properties.
84 erior description of experimental values for lattice constants, polarization and bulk moduli, exhibit
85  when entities in a system, subject to given lattice constraints, are hindered to simultaneously mini
86  in the optical spectra is attributed to the lattice contraction that accompanies the Pb(2+) for M(2+
87 e and is observed to scale linearly with the lattice contraction.
88 e Raman data also reveal complex spin-charge-lattice coupling and indicate that the metal-insulator t
89 tor nanocrystals, the controlled dopant-host lattice coupling by dopant migration is still unexplored
90 2O7 and that it exhibits complex spin-charge-lattice coupling.
91 ernate uniform and random orientation of the lattice crystallographic direction enabled by a photoali
92 bsequent fabrication into polyrotaxane-based lattice cubes by 3D printing followed by post-printing p
93 could disturb the crystalline order and form lattice defects.
94                    Treatment of asymptomatic lattice degeneration in an eye in which the fellow eye h
95 he natural course of PVD, retinal tears, and lattice degeneration were used to quantitate the visual
96 acturing and self-assembly techniques enable lattice design at the nanoscale; the scaling-up of nanol
97 iciency of the Ska complex's conversion from lattice diffusion to end-coupled microtubule binding in
98 termine specific swelling limits setting the lattice dimensions at about 15 nm.
99 D bicontinuous cubic phases that swell up to lattice dimensions of 68 nm.
100 mirror-image lattice form) and slip (whereby lattice dislocations are generated and move), but determ
101 only demonstrates the effectiveness of dense lattice dislocations as a means of lowering kappaL , but
102 or is associated with the seriously trigonal lattice distortion of the SnO6 octehedra, under which th
103 ation, and an experimental reconstruction of lattice distortions in a component of a nanoelectronic p
104 iferro-elastic interactions) drive concerted lattice distortions.
105   We find that every use of FIB causes large lattice distortions.
106 , despite the small variation in the crystal lattice during lithiation, pronounced structural transfo
107                                              Lattice dynamics and elasticity for the high-temperature
108 kappa of MgSiO3 perovskite (pv) by ab initio lattice dynamics calculations combined with exact soluti
109 rstanding the nature of chemical bonding and lattice dynamics together with their influence on phonon
110 ar how and where volumes with nearly perfect lattices evolve from structures filled with dislocations
111 examining the real and imaginary fields on a lattice exhibiting chiral symmetry, which form two stran
112  the lattices, which results in simultaneous lattice expansion and fine nanocrystal size control due
113 ent microbial experiments with concepts from lattice-field theory and non-equilibrium statistical mec
114 atches (active puffs) from an ordered vortex-lattice flow state.
115 ng (whereby crystallites with a mirror-image lattice form) and slip (whereby lattice dislocations are
116           In a previous study, the hexagonal lattice formed by the capsid protein (CA) of human immun
117 earching data structure in our code, i.e., a lattice-free cell list, with a time and space cost linea
118 letion also caused loss of pre-assembled Gag lattices from the PM.
119 Motivated by this we construct non-Markovian lattice-gas cellular automata models for moving agents w
120 d onto the low energy subspace of a spin-1/2 lattice gauge model with quasi-local four-body parity co
121 fracture due to the complex coupling between lattice geometry, interfacial structure, and mechanical
122 cs of particles in a ladder-like, real-space lattice governed by the interacting Harper-Hofstadter mo
123 stal of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, has attracted a great amount of attention due t
124  phonon heat conduction in SLs and RMLs with lattice imperfections.
125 ein responsible for the organization of this lattice in beta-type carboxysomes of the freshwater cyan
126     The crystals grew with a type II crystal lattice in contrast to the typical type I packing seen f
127                            For the Euclidean lattice in particular, hysteresis and switching only occ
128 d hollow-site C atoms with respect to the Co lattice in the Co-NGC structure is a vital rate-determin
129 Rb or K incorporation into the 3D perovskite lattice in these systems.
130 ler A-site cation can distort the perovskite lattice in two distinct ways: by tilting the MX6 octahed
131 ing synthetic orbital angular momentum (OAM) lattices in degenerate cavities.
132 -200nm), arranged in a periodic metamaterial lattice, in direct and Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)
133 radigm for strongly correlated fermions on a lattice-in the presence of a Zeeman field and varying do
134 ts show the importance of selective electron-lattice interplay for the ultrafast control of material
135 ce nodes by centring image subsets about the lattice intersections.
136 ium and Caesium atoms in a bipartite optical lattice involving laser-dressed Rydberg-Rydberg interact
137 ee text] isotopes, whereas NMR of the "bulk" lattice is nominally unsplit.
138 lf-assembled at close distance on an ordered lattice, is a fascinating fluorescent material.
139 e MX6 octahedra or by simply contracting the lattice isotropically.
140 ing ultracold atoms and molecules in optical lattices, Josephson junction arrays, and certain narrow
141 s-substitution but only a contraction of the lattice, leading to progressive reduction of the band ga
142 r was compositionally engineered into single lattices, leading to the discovery of high-entropy alloy
143 cal base-pairing interactions in the crystal lattice leads to predictably modified crystal habits.
144 l changes in single nanocrystals and extract lattice level information through in silico correlation
145                                       At the lattice level, the basic mechanisms of plastic deformati
146                         We used confocal and lattice light sheet instrumentation and an imaging infor
147                        We therefore employed lattice light sheet microscopy to perform three-dimensio
148                                      We used lattice light-sheet and quantum dot-enabled synaptic con
149                 By quantitative fluorescence lattice light-sheet microscopy, we have shown that ESCRT
150                           Here, we introduce lattice-light sheet imaging of MDA-MB-231 human breast c
151 into a universally conserved 12-nm hexagonal lattice linked by CheA/CheW rings.
152 planted Eu as a 'spectator ion' to probe the lattice location of Mg in doubly doped GaN(Mg):Eu.
153 rtical stacking of two-dimensional honeycomb lattices made of strongly bound boron and nitrogen atoms
154  wedge matches the ice lattice and when such lattice match does not exist.
155  nitride (GaN) DBRs, consisting of perfectly lattice-matched non-polar (11-20) GaN and mesoporous GaN
156  (APBs) are observed for films grown on near-lattice-matched substrates MgGa2 O4 and CoGa2 O4 .
157 resence of extraneous elements or particular lattice-matched substrates.
158 he terminating grain surfaces rather than by lattice matching between grains.
159 the basal plane of ice, it was proposed that lattice matching between ice and the surface controls th
160 dustry, but is often limited by the need for lattice matching between the two material systems.
161 exagonal and square honeycomb structures and lattice materials based on repeating unit cells composed
162                                     Such low lattice misfit (0.03 +/- 0.04 per cent) decreases the nu
163 c strain field in the matrix, created by the lattice misfit between the matrix and precipitate phases
164 stic deformation), and we envisage that this lattice misfit design concept may be applied to many oth
165 his class of steel alloy is based on minimal lattice misfit to achieve maximal precipitate dispersion
166  high-density nanoprecipitation with minimal lattice misfit.
167 plications is challenging because their high lattice mismatch and different thermal expansion coeffic
168 at the interface arises from strain based on lattice mismatch between the GaAs and ALD-deposited alum
169 he first-order phase transition with a large lattice mismatch between the involved phases, spinel LiM
170                  In this work, the effect of lattice mismatch of CdS/ZnS core/shell QDs on Mn(II) dop
171 ms exhibit a Moire superstructure due to the lattice mismatch of Pb and IrTe2, which produces strong
172 ure of substrate including catalysis effect, lattice-mismatch-induced strain, and roughness, and grow
173     Growth of epitaxial nanocomposites using lattice-mismatched constituents also enables strain-engi
174  extensively to study stress distribution in lattice-mismatched semiconductor heterostructures.
175 cross-sections possessed a symmetric, smooth lattice misorientation with respect to the c-axis orient
176 in the crystalline fraction, observable as a lattice misorientation.
177  capacity has been extensively studied using lattice models and theory, numerical estimates for real
178 racks the light-induced femtosecond coherent lattice motion at a single phonon frequency, and photoem
179 Cu interface drives the collapse of the Cu2O lattice near the interface region, which results in a ti
180 ented that tracks small displacements of the lattice nodes by centring image subsets about the lattic
181 tween the electron spin accumulation and the lattice nuclei is observed.
182 acting Fermi gas on a two-dimensional square lattice of about 80 sites at a temperature of 0.25 times
183  Cs and Rb incorporation into the perovskite lattice of FA-based materials.
184 m the template comprised of a closely packed lattice of monodispersed microspheres.
185 triangular oxide can also form on the square lattice of Pt(100).
186  deterministically achieve a two-dimensional lattice of quantum emitters in an atomically thin semico
187 hragmoplast assembly thus provides a regular lattice of short overlaps on which a new cell-wall segme
188 arly Cambrian arthropods showed the external lattices of enormous compound eyes, but not the internal
189 tected by Northern blotting, and crystalline lattices of viral particles of approximately 26-nm diame
190  a relationship with O2 evolved from the TMO lattice on the first charge.
191 ddition, the role of the induced nonmaterial lattice on the image contrast is investigated.
192 n transition characters in the one framework lattice (one- (1.(H2O,EtOH)), two- (1.3H2O) and three-st
193 emerges from couplings between charge, spin, lattice, or orbital degrees of freedom, giving rise to r
194 riodicity in all dimensions and well-defined lattice orientation.Conventional fabrication approaches
195                                       Mutual lattice orientations dictate the types and magnitudes of
196 dentified at 1.1-1.3 eV and 2.1-2.3 eV above lattice oxygen, respectively.
197 R on some highly active oxides can come from lattice oxygen.
198                                 The in-plane lattice parameter (a) also remains the same in films gro
199 f a highly strained BiFeO3 that includes the lattice parameter as well as the basis atom locations in
200                                              Lattice parameter changes during ion exchange suggest th
201 in the P213 space group, though with a cubic lattice parameter of a = 9.11176(8) A that is significan
202 hilst still allowing for modest increases in lattice parameter of up to a nanometer.
203 ne electronic defects and reducing overall a-lattice parameter, it increases superconducting-ordering
204 m display a giant elongation of out-of-plane lattice parameter, which corresponds to a polarization o
205 e cobalt dopants and giving larger overall a-lattice parameter.
206 ensional artificial spin ices with different lattice parameters (rectangular arrays with horizontal a
207 ize in the triclinic space group P1 with the lattice parameters a = 7.0832(2) A, b = 7.1346(2) A, c =
208 is demonstrated that opposite changes in the lattice parameters are observed until the inverse Li con
209 similar platinum nanoparticle shapes, sizes, lattice parameters, and cluster packing on both supports
210  the negative thermal expansion in all three lattice parameters, suggest this material is an antiferr
211 caging imposed by an inert matrix, an active lattice participates in the reaction, however, little ev
212 e reaction, however, little evidence of such lattice participation has been gathered on ultrafast tim
213 -lattice PC Bragg laser with the rectangular-lattice PC Bragg laser fabricated from the same wafer an
214 We compare the performance of the triangular-lattice PC Bragg laser with the rectangular-lattice PC B
215 locally unfrustrated, but frustration of the lattice persists due to its topology.
216 electrodeposited film that exposes a Ni-rich lattice plane as the terminating plane, as well as incre
217            The atomic defects present on the lattice plane of 2D MoS2 nanoassemblies are due to atomi
218 int of the lattice to any other point in the lattice plane, in such a way that the wave amplitude is
219 handedness of the vector triad formed by the lattice polarization, Burgers vector, and dislocation-li
220 cted grain boundary structures while keeping lattice properties fixed.
221                Artificial magnetic honeycomb lattice provides a two-dimensional archetypal system to
222 he nonlinear crossover to the chiral soliton lattice regime from the chiral helimagnetic phase.
223                                   Using spin-lattice relaxation (1)H solid-state NMR at 29.49 and 13.
224           Variable-temperature (1)H NMR spin-lattice relaxation (VT (1)H T1) data revealed rotational
225 solid-state NMR line-shape analysis and spin-lattice relaxation at 76.78 MHz obtained between 6 and 2
226 ances, also referred to as plasmonic surface lattice resonances (PSLR), are not always compatible wit
227  that disrupt the cubic symmetry of the GaAs lattice, resulting in quadrupolar satellites for nuclear
228         Hence, deformation of the CA hexamer lattice results from the variable displacement of the CT
229 in boundary is favorable compared to further lattice rotation.
230 the one-dimensional structural constraint on lattice-scale depolarization dynamics; whereas Smax in r
231 d of group IVA atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice - similar to graphene but with varying degrees o
232 ex of molecules) is taken to occupy a single lattice site that cannot be shared with another molecule
233 ttice aluminol species proximate to Bronsted lattice sites, i.e., a small population of highly deshie
234 h form two strands that interleave along the lattice sites.
235 ron diffraction, these results show that the lattice softness has a striking influence on the ionic t
236 diagram including a supersolid phase where a lattice solid coexists with a superfluid.
237 monstrate a method for measuring the crystal lattice spacing in a single shot that contains only 10(
238 roscale muscle filament overlap and filament lattice spacing.
239 tangular arrays with horizontal and vertical lattice spacings denoted by a and b respectively).
240 ts are used to quantify the variation in the lattice stiffness and Debye frequencies.
241 g regions during the MIT and the coupling of lattice strain to the local transition temperature of th
242 modynamically driven process to minimize the lattice strain within the nanocrystals.
243 welling in the vicinity of the boundary of a lattice strip.
244                                      This 2D lattice structure also develops substantially more slowl
245 ron and open new ways for the control of the lattice structure during formation.
246 the symmetry presented in wurtzite hexagonal lattice structure of III-nitrides.
247                                          The lattice structure of the block copolymers can be transfe
248  molecular bonding C/N/O coordination or/and lattice structure reorganization in GO:Nx.
249 emperature leaving "scars" in the underlying lattice structure, giving rise to a local increase in th
250 on of Tc(IV) has little effect on the spinel lattice structure.
251 te by spectrin tetramers, forming a quasi-1D lattice structure.
252 rystal superlattices have been produced, the lattice structures and chemical compositions of which ca
253 fabrication of nanolattice materials, namely lattice structures composed of nanoscale constituents.
254 erimental characterization of wave motion in lattice structures is currently of great interest due it
255 gg reflections are typically associated with lattice structures, in our strongly correlated quantum l
256 er of intact IBDV virions were arranged in a lattice surrounded by p62 proteins, some of which lay be
257 ional structures with more than 30 different lattice symmetries.
258 ment and are most profound if the underlying lattice symmetry changes.
259 ation-dependent superlattice does not change lattice symmetry over the course of continuous growth, w
260 rials exhibit isotropic behavior due to high lattice symmetry; however, lower-symmetry 2D materials s
261  occur experimentally in spin ice, a dipolar lattice system.
262                        In mixed-valent Kondo lattice systems, such as YbAl3, interactions between loc
263 ng (the sudden re-orientation of the crystal lattice), takes over as the dominant mode of dynamic res
264 reproduce the observed ultrafast increase in lattice temperature and the corresponding conversion of
265 ct control knobs to vary carrier density and lattice temperature, and find excellent agreement with t
266 oms are trapped in a two-dimensional optical lattice that enables cycles of compression to increase t
267 n also form polycomplexes, three-dimensional lattices that recapitulate the periodic structure of SCs
268                     Here, we report ultralow lattice thermal conductivities of solution-synthesized,
269 come the primary strategy for minimizing the lattice thermal conductivity (kappaL ) in thermoelectric
270 ermoelectric performance of GeTe is the high lattice thermal conductivity (kappalat).
271                              This leads to a lattice thermal conductivity as low as 0.4 Wm(-1) K(-1)
272                              To minimize the lattice thermal conductivity in thermoelectrics, strateg
273  acoustic phonons that likely causes the low lattice thermal conductivity in TlInTe2.
274  of coherent phonons and thereby reduces the lattice thermal conductivity kappa l .
275                               We investigate lattice thermal conductivity kappa of MgSiO3 perovskite
276 rder that causes the additional reduction of lattice thermal conductivity.
277 y decreasing the thermal conductivity of the lattice through the design of either interface structure
278 exploited to send a wave from a point of the lattice to any other point in the lattice plane, in such
279 A genome and IN within the protective capsid lattice to ensure subsequent reverse transcription and p
280 re, the authors use synthetic momentum-space lattices to engineer spatially and dynamically controlle
281 ation of a bipyridine ligand into the UiO-67 lattice transforms the crystallites, upon metalation, in
282 r selenide exhibit a disordered cationic sub-lattice under ambient conditions unlike larger nanocryst
283 ectron microscopy of the formation of bubble lattices under He ion bombardment.
284 emplate-assisted preparation of high-density lattices (up to 11 .
285 e corresponding conversion of photoenergy to lattice vibrations.
286 nescence emission arising from F8BT membrane lattices was thorough investigated, highlighting a non-L
287 ectrocatalytic activity than CTGU-6 with the lattice water.
288 magnetically ordered materials, analogous to lattice waves in solid systems and are often described f
289        With time-dependent changes in trimer lattices, we can generate two dimensional (2D) phases, w
290 icial frustrated system, the dipolar trident lattice, where the balance of competing interactions bet
291 hese topological edge modes in a 2D photonic lattice, where these propagating edge states are shown t
292  well as increased covalency of the selenide lattice which decreases the Ni(II) to Ni(III) oxidation
293 nfluenced by the dopant site inside the host lattice, which determines the host-dopant coupling from
294 obalt insertion in the MoS2 crystallographic lattice, which induces the formation of cavities and thr
295 growth of individual nanocrystals within the lattices, which results in simultaneous lattice expansio
296 l motion of protein molecules in the crystal lattice with an 3-5 degrees amplitude on a tens-of-micr
297  pyrene knots at regular intervals into a 2D lattice with pi conjugations extended along both x and y
298 imately resulting in a controllable photonic lattice with predefined spectral behavior, with a result
299 rtian photoluminescence emission of membrane lattices with respect to F8BT films.
300 the energy is efficiently transferred to the lattice within one picosecond.

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