


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  due to their similar material chemistry and lattice constant.
2 ced a dose-related decrease in the hexagonal lattice constant.
3 s whose size can be controlled by tuning the lattice constant.
4 antized in odd multiples of the Si substrate lattice constant.
5  particle array have an approximately 200-nm lattice constant.
6 charge filling (the level of doping) and the lattice constant.
7  laminar growth, despite a large mismatch in lattice constants.
8 hick TiO2 simple cubic photonic crystal with lattice constant 450 nm was fabricated and used to exper
9                                     33) with lattice constants a = 11.8653(11) A, b = 5.8826(6) A, c
10                                     60) with lattice constants a = 8.3155(7), b = 13.3176(11), c = 11
11 rmal to the fiber (a-axis) direction, having lattice constants a = 9.69 A, b = 6.54 A, and c = 18.06
12  This observation is enabled by a very small lattice constant (a = 50 nm) of the nanofabricated AG pa
13 reported nanolattice is the 500 nm unit-cell lattice constant, allowing the film to behave more like
14 repeat distance between them matches the ice lattice constant along the (1102) direction.
15  determine the array geometry, including the lattice constant and arrangement.
16  plasma frequency red-shifts with increasing lattice constant and blue-shifts as the network filling
17 The cell's dynamic control over the apparent lattice constant and dielectric contrast of these multil
18      Photomodulation of pitch, polarization, lattice constant and handedness inversion of chiral LCs
19 th increasing film thickness, affecting both lattice constant and MnO6 octahedral rotation.
20 two Pt(111) surfaces, one at the equilibrium lattice constant and the other laterally compressed by 2
21 culations for the HEA structural properties (lattice constants and bulk moduli), relative stability,
22 based on the comparison between experimental lattice constants and lattice constants mainly obtained
23 hin 3D plasmonic photonic crystals that have lattice constants and nanoparticle diameters that can be
24 f their response as a function of changes of lattice constants and refractive index contrast are illu
25 try of the molecular distribution (i.e., the lattice constant) and the photophysics of fluorophores (
26 igher carrier mobilities than Si, a tuneable lattice constant, and a tuneable bandgap.
27 h the Cu-O bonds, with a periodicity of four lattice constants, and exhibits features characteristic
28 auses localization of electrons within a few lattice constants, and highlight the critical need for p
29 ped to target desired lattice symmetries and lattice constants, and the occurrence of features such a
30  have similar crystallographic structure and lattice constants as NiFe2 O4 .
31 that cubic CdE and HgE have nearly identical lattice constants but very different band gap energies a
32  constructed from expanded oxide rows with a lattice constant close to that of alpha-PtO2, either ass
33 at the thinnest films are constrained to the lattice constants corresponding to the temperature at wh
34  evident from significant differences in the lattice constants, crystal packing, and overall conforma
35 dic one-dimensional diffraction grating with lattice constant d will be spatially refocused at distan
36 Cl, the dose-related change in the hexagonal lattice constant decreased but persisted.
37 h-BN) have similar crystal structures with a lattice constant difference of only 2%.
38           However, constraining the in-plane lattice constants diminishes the energy gain associated
39                               The calculated lattice constants, equation of states, and atomic coordi
40 , if the relative difference between the two lattice constants for a specific material is greater tha
41 (E(o)) ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 eV at a fixed lattice constant identical to that of Ge, as required fo
42 ry was obtained from the measurements of the lattice constant in the AFM images and from gel electrop
43   Peptide-induced Q(II) had strongly reduced lattice constants in comparison to the Q(II) phases that
44 roximately 8-10 A (where a, b, and c are the lattice constants in the H-bonding, chain, and intershee
45  a periodicity nearly commensurate with four lattice constants in-plane, eight out of plane, with lon
46 d charge separation, in contrast to a global lattice constant increase and lattice angle variations a
47 stalline and perfectly epitaxial layers with lattice constants intermediate between those of Ge and a
48 observed InP concentration dependence of the lattice constant is closely reproduced by DFT simulation
49 , solid solution of ZrTiN was formed and the lattice constant is increased comparing with TiN and dec
50 n between experimental lattice constants and lattice constants mainly obtained from Materials-Project
51                   Defects and incommensurate lattice constants markedly change these properties.
52  a two-dimensional triangular lattice with a lattice constant of 17 angstroms.
53 Square ice has a high packing density with a lattice constant of 2.83 A and can assemble in bilayer a
54                        However, the observed lattice constant of 5 nm was much larger.
55 ive voltage was applied; and (iv) the c-axis lattice constant of the film did not change in spite of
56 lts presented show how the modulation of the lattice constant of the LCP (triggered by the addition o
57 uctures can be tuned to 5.3% by altering the lattice constant of the matrix material, illustrating th
58                                              Lattice constant of the planar Sb honeycomb is found to
59 acile formation of Im3m and Pn3m phases with lattice constants of 30-50 nm and 25-30 nm, respectively
60 the intrinsically distinct symmetries and/or lattice constants of each layer.
61  will be shown that the mismatch between the lattice constants of the nucleating crystal and the subs
62  0.1% and 62 degrees C, but no change in the lattice-constants of the lamellar or cubic phases.
63 erior description of experimental values for lattice constants, polarization and bulk moduli, exhibit
64 otal plane and proved that the change in the lattice constant produced by the proteins resulted from
65                                It also has a lattice constant similar to that of graphite, and has la
66  the proteins had no effect on the hexagonal lattice constant, suggesting that the proteins fail to i
67 tria-stabilized zirconia substrates and have lattice constants that are a few percent larger than tha
68                  We show how to optimize the lattice constant to achieve efficient phase matching bet
69 ound state of LSMO is ferromagnetic, a large lattice constant together with an excess of La can stabi
70 d contracts with temperature; thus the array lattice constant varies with temperature, and the diffra
71         This results in changes in the IPCCA lattice constants, which shifts the wavelength of light

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