


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1              When completed, the project had laid the foundation for a huge variety of biomedical fie
2                         In doing so, we have laid the foundations for a general set of methods to add
3 e implications for CF lung disease, and they lay the foundation for a better understanding of CF path
4 omponents of nuclear membrane remodeling and lay the foundation for a better understanding of how thi
5                                Such findings lay the foundation for a better understanding of the nat
6                       Such work has begun to lay the foundation for a broader, integrated view of mRN
7 geal adenocarcinoma, offering a rationale to lay the foundation for a clinical trial to evaluate the
8                    These studies, therefore, lay the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of
9                                These results lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of group I
10  We discuss various modeling approaches that lay the foundation for a full-scale predictive model, fo
11 e generation by a single enzyme molecule and lay the foundation for a further understanding of biolog
12  rules for the superlattice configuration we lay the foundation for a generalizable approach to the d
13                               These projects lay the foundation for a larger and longer-term effort t
14                      Together, these results lay the foundation for a more predictive understanding o
15 rid speciation (homoploid and polyploid) and lay the foundation for a new framework for understanding
16                                         Vias lay the foundation for a new generation of microfluidic
17 ghts from the animal and human literature to lay the foundation for a new science of leadership inspi
18                                  The results lay the foundation for a novel strategy of dual EGFR/GST
19 high vacuum to create a truly clean surface, lay the foundation for a quantitative understanding of t
20 mmediate biotechnology applications and also lay the foundation for a semisynthetic organism with an
21 enetic alphabet with a third base pair would lay the foundation for a semisynthetic organism with an
22 ber of practical applications and would also lay the foundation for a semisynthetic organism.
23 udies in these recombinant cells will likely lay the foundation for a systems-based genome engineerin
24                                These results lay the foundation for a unique approach toward treating
25 ontrolling cross-presentation, these studies lay the foundation for a unique means to therapeutically
26 ity of lipid biosynthesis in N. gaditana and lay the foundations for a hypothetical mechanism of regu
27 ed to intramolecular mechanical forces, thus laying the foundation for a new class of catalysts whose
28 rom severe mycobacterial infections, thereby laying the foundation for a new therapeutic intervention
29 ng and managing new cases of EVD, while also laying the foundation for a public health network that c
30 pha and beta diversity with the intention of laying the foundation for a unified concept for river ba
31                                Clark's essay lays the foundation for a Bayesian account of the "proje
32                            Our investigation lays the foundation for a better understanding of and po
33 ification of the ArcR and CcpA binding sites lays the foundation for a more complete understanding of
34 tected pyrazoles and N-alkylpyrazoles, which lays the foundation for a new approach to the synthesis
35                                   This study lays the foundation for a new field of clinical USMI in
36 ced by them in momentum space, our discovery lays the foundation for a new field of science and techn
37  integrated graphene plasmon laser principle lays the foundation for a new generation of active, prog
38                                    This work lays the foundation for a novel, and more biomimetic, st
39 ecular, polymer, cellular, and tissue level; lays the foundation for a quantitative understanding of
40                  The approach presented here lays the foundation for a reverse-ecology framework for
41     The system-level approach presented here lays the foundation for a unique framework for studying
42  defects are readily reconfigured, this work lays the foundation for a versatile, robust mechanism to
43                            Such a comparison lays the foundations for a rational design of hybrid met
44                  Early numerical proficiency lays the foundation for acquiring quantitative skills es
45 nisms of CXCL10 induction in hepatocytes and lays the foundation for additional mechanistic studies t
46 acterizing microbial taxa never before seen, laying the foundation for addressing fundamental questio
47                               Charles Darwin laid the foundation for all modern work on sexual select
48 ed selective siRNAs for the three SNP sites, laying the foundation for allele-specific RNA interferen
49                                    The study lays the foundation for an accurate coarse-grain formula
50                                  This review lays the foundation for an array of further areas of ana
51  fold in pathogenic bacteria, this work also lays the foundation for an emerging role of DNA repair i
52 functional analyses of the basal ganglia and lays the foundation for an integrated approach to study
53  functional analyses of the BG and therefore lays the foundation for an integrated approach to study
54                  The workflow described here lays the foundation for analysis of short read sequence
55 he model resulting from our multi-alignments lays the foundation for approximating the number and arr
56                                    This work lays the foundation for assigning the lineage identity o
57                                 Our approach lays the foundation for atomic-resolution structural ana
58 obiota landscape for the research community, laying the foundation for better understanding and predi
59 entifying previously unknown exine genes and lays the foundation for biochemical, developmental, and
60                                  Our studies lay the foundation for biochemically interrogating and r
61                                These studies lay the foundation for biomedical and biotechnological e
62                                These results lay the foundation for bottom-up assembly of nanotubes a
63 diate bulk degradation of cytosolic material laid the foundation for breakthroughs linking autophagy
64 ic features of the extracelluar matrix (ECM) lay the foundation for cellular behavior.
65 l changes and unique cell behavior, but also lays the foundation for characterizing other genes ident
66                                    This work lays the foundation for characterizing the role of Rta i
67                                    This work lays the foundation for chemical control of defect quant
68 evels of minimal residual disease in CML and lay the foundation for clinical trials in which IMPDH in
69 e factors both spatially and temporally will lay the foundation for clinical trials that promote orga
70                                         This lays the foundation for competitive transplantation expe
71 multiple materials within this architecture, laying the foundation for completely soft, autonomous ro
72                                    This work lays the foundation for comprehensive experimental study
73 system for computations as early as 1703, he laid the foundation for computing machines.
74                              Furthermore, it lays the foundation for conducting ecological risk asses
75                              The methodology lays the foundation for construction of practical portab
76 ese principles by transplant clinicians will lay the foundation for continued innovation in the care
77  nAChRs and their neonicotinoid-binding site lays the foundation for continued development and use of
78 of functional membrane-embedded AMPARs, thus laying the foundation for correlated structure-function
79                                These studies lay the foundation for creating high affinity, multivale
80                      Together, these results lay the foundation for decoupling changes in sulfate red
81 viously unknown effects on the host cell and lay the foundation for detailed analysis of their role i
82  for catalysis and substrate recognition and lays the foundation for detailed mechanistic analysis of
83  describe is scalable and convergent, and it lays the foundation for determination of the mode of act
84 perspective and model simulations we present lay the foundation for developing empirical research and
85 tem/initiating population, and these studies lay the foundation for developing immunotherapeutic appr
86 imidines and 7-deaza-7-hydroxymethyl-purines lay the foundation for development of a complete set of
87                                  Our results lay the foundation for development of devices based on t
88                               These findings lay the foundation for development of rapid PCR-based as
89                                 Our findings lay the foundation for efficient allele-selective downre
90                                    This work lays the foundation for efficient synthesis of terpenoid
91 n and wiring of SGNs during development will lay the foundation for efforts to rewire a damaged cochl
92                                    This work lays the foundation for elucidating the function of a pr
93      Our time course of expression data also lays the foundation for elucidating the regulatory netwo
94                                 Our analysis lays the foundation for elucidation of the relationship
95                                      It also lays the foundation for engineering synthetic biological
96  resource for muscle biologists, and help to lay the foundation for entirely new hypotheses in the fi
97                                These results lay the foundation for epigenetic complementation studie
98                                    This work laid the foundation for examining the mechanisms by whic
99 cruitment to endosomes and Akt signaling and lays the foundation for examining whether blockade of PA
100                             Our observations lay the foundation for experimental studies of the dynam
101 holander-Irving (S-I) model of heat transfer lays the foundation for explaining how endothermic birds
102 n-specific immune modulation in humans, thus laying the foundation for exploitation of this approach
103                                      We also lay the foundation for exploration of cross-cell enhance
104  by linking of closed singular defect loops, laying the foundations for fabricating complex composite
105                                   My results lay the foundation for fine-mapping experiments to ident
106                                   This study lays the foundation for formal dose-finding studies and
107                                These studies lay the foundation for further analysis of the evolution
108 ow SpoIVFB interacts with its substrate, and lay the foundation for further biochemical analysis of t
109 ictims, both in and out of the hospital, and lay the foundation for further improvements in the futur
110                                   These data lay the foundation for further investigation of factor X
111 nto the structures of the Smc5/6 complex and lay the foundation for further investigations into the m
112 ndent alternative splicing is widespread and lay the foundation for further mechanistic studies of th
113  genomic dataset and analyses presented here lay the foundation for further research on this importan
114 y utilized by EBV-2 to establish latency and lay the foundation for further studies to elucidate the
115                                  The results lay the foundations for further development of Mangradex
116 opical treatment of MRSA skin infections and lays the foundation for further analysis and development
117 ch to Ad vector targeting, the present study lays the foundation for further development of Ad vector
118               Collectively the present study lays the foundation for further investigation of repurpo
119                                   This study lays the foundation for further optimization of these tr
120  in delineating the population at risk, have laid the foundation for future and ongoing studies in th
121 bout this poorly understood brain region and laid the foundation for future cell-type-specific manipu
122                          These findings have laid the foundation for future studies of TLR pathway re
123                                These results lay the foundation for future algorithmic studies of the
124                                These studies lay the foundation for future attempt to develop new age
125                                 Our analyses lay the foundation for future comparative and experiment
126  unrecognized cardiomyocyte progenitors, and lay the foundation for future efforts to harness the car
127                    The models presented here lay the foundation for future experiments to test if bac
128                                  Our results lay the foundation for future improvements in tissue eng
129                                  Our results lay the foundation for future in vivo optical evaluation
130                                These results lay the foundation for future intraoperative studies.
131                                These studies lay the foundation for future investigations of how thes
132                           These new findings lay the foundation for future investigations of in meso
133                           These findings may lay the foundation for future mechanistic studies to hel
134 thway responsible for neuronal survival, and lay the foundation for future neuroprotective glioma tre
135                        These initial studies lay the foundation for future research and have provided
136 on in the pathogenesis of aspergillosis, and lay the foundation for future research into its role in
137                  Furthermore, these findings lay the foundation for future studies aimed to validate
138 obal patterns of retinal gene expression and lay the foundation for future studies defining the genet
139                               This work will lay the foundation for future studies directed towards t
140                                These results lay the foundation for future studies examining the func
141 s in the chicken as well as in the mouse and lay the foundation for future studies of the role of Sox
142 e maintenance of skin tissue homeostasis and lay the foundation for future studies of the skin immune
143 sing in the brainstem is state dependent and lay the foundation for future studies to investigate the
144 e than 20 neuropeptides in sleep and wake to lay the foundation for future studies uncovering the mec
145                 The findings reported herein lay the foundation for future studies where this radical
146                                  Our results lay the foundation for future translation of host pathwa
147 social stress-induced relapse in rodents and lay the foundation for future work investigating its neu
148  their possible role in immunopathology, and lay the foundation for future work to develop vaccines a
149                     In general, the findings lay the foundations for future investigations where this
150 steps and provides key mechanistic insights, laying the foundation for future design of pharmacologic
151 s to prepare SP-containing oligonucleotides, laying the foundation for future SP biochemical studies.
152 ationalizes the available empirical data and lays the foundation for future catalyst design strategie
153 ive ENDOR study of any hs Co(II) species and lays the foundation for future development.
154 atives for active vaccination strategies and lays the foundation for future efforts aimed to understa
155                                Current study lays the foundation for future experimental and therapeu
156 ssociated signals is presented herein, which lays the foundation for future kinetic and structural an
157 es functional evidence of a Mcm2/5 gate, and lays the foundation for future mechanistic studies of th
158                                   This study lays the foundation for future QTL mapping efforts, for
159 r the association of T antigen and Hsc70 and lays the foundation for future reconstitution studies of
160 ns as scaffolds in substrate recognition and lays the foundation for future structure-function studie
161                                   This study lays the foundation for future studies aimed at explorin
162 ion and characterization of cardiac lincRNAs lays the foundation for future studies in this vertebrat
163                             The work to date lays the foundation for future studies that will shed fu
164                                    This work lays the foundation for future three-dimensional studies
165                                     Our data lay the foundation for generating tetrameric molecules t
166  the polymorphism resource we have generated lay the foundation for genome-wide association studies i
167                           These data help to lay the foundation for genome-wide siRNA screens in mamm
168 l abnormalities in the Dax1-deficient testis lay the foundation for gonadal dysgenesis and infertilit
169                                           To lay the foundation for hierarchical map-based sequencing
170                 Taken together, our findings lay the foundation for identifying differences in signal
171 tical to one or more signaling pathways, and lays the foundation for identifying those proteins.
172                                These results lay the foundation for implementation of intraoperative
173 del, help refine classifications, and should lay the foundation for improved clinical care.
174                                    Our study lays the foundation for improved encoderless combinatori
175 emendous body of work in the last decade has laid the foundation for improving palliative care in int
176 yle, speed modulation, and wall interaction, laying the foundations for in-silico experiments of zebr
177 blem of computing the chevron plot, our work lays the foundation for incorporating denaturant effects
178                                    This work lays the foundation for interpreting the range of indivi
179 eotide substrates housing these two lesions, laid the foundation for investigating the replication an
180 e quantitative model presented in this study lays the foundation for investigating the affects of sin
181 or compact THz components is also studied to lay the foundations for its practical implementations.
182 RNA-controlled processes in Sorghum and also laid the foundation for manipulating miRNAs or their tar
183  within the subspecialty, which had arguably laid the foundation for many of the current and evolving
184 sing kinetic insight into expression changes lay the foundation for mechanistic understanding of auxi
185 d community-level fitness driving forces and lays the foundation for metabolic-driven analysis of var
186  was validated against experimental data and lays the foundation for model-driven strain design and m
187  scientific enzymology and microbiology that laid the foundations for modern biotechnological industr
188                                  Our results lay the foundation for molecular modeling of the dynamic
189                                    This work lays the foundation for molecular mass separation in bio
190 utational analysis of our time-resolved data lays the foundation for more precise analyses of how car
191 -dependent expression of this mosquito gene, laying the foundation for mosquito-specific expression c
192 dentification of the Val617Phe JAK2 mutation lays the foundation for new approaches to the diagnosis,
193 ul for applications involving PCR arrays and lays the foundation for new strategies for diagnostics,
194 f human cell models of human disease and may lay the foundation for novel approaches in regenerative
195 ter of the cyclic peptide-polymer conjugates lays the foundation for on-demand control over phospholi
196           In combination, these studies have laid the foundation for ongoing studies aimed at a compr
197    In addition, we show how this information lays the foundations for ongoing and future endeavors th
198 demonstrated by the Prx superfamily results, laying the foundation for potential functionally relevan
199                                    This work lays the foundation for preparing other members of this
200 , grassroots foundation, and government will lay the foundation for productive collaboration and a su
201 intermediate within intron domain 1, thereby laying the foundation for productive folding to the nati
202 encing of the first human genomes, which has laid the foundation for profound insights into human gen
203  on ammonia-induced skeletal muscle loss and lay the foundation for prolonged ammonia-lowering therap
204 res of HA in pre- and postfusion states have laid the foundation for proposals for a general fusion m
205                                  Our results lay the foundation for quantitative risk assessment and
206 ies at single cardiac myocyte level that can lay the foundation for quantitatively understanding the
207 al shift dispersion, this RDC-based approach lays the foundation for rapidly determining RNA conforma
208 insights into the E. chaffeensis surface and lays the foundation for rational studies on pathogen-hos
209 ant excitation, strain, and electric fields, laying the foundations for realizing a single-spin reado
210 trates a range of biochemical properties and lays the foundation for relating the activities of prote
211 erentiating "self" and "nonself," as well as lay the foundation for resolving the long-standing quest
212 d Temin revolutionized molecular biology and laid the foundations for retrovirology and cancer biolog
213                Microscopy image segmentation lays the foundation for shape analysis, motion tracking,
214 es treated with radiotherapy and, hence, may lay the foundation for significantly increasing the effe
215 o, the field of intraspecific phylogeography laid the foundation for spatially explicit and genealogi
216  for antibody discovery and optimization and lay the foundation for studies on the structure-function
217 oire of sweet taste receptors in the fly and lay the foundation for studying Grs in mosquitoes and ot
218 s will guide PRMT5 inhibitor development and lay the foundation for studying how the activity of this
219 n ventral forebrain development in vitro and lays the foundation for studying cortical interneuron in
220     The "reverse ecology" approach presented lays the foundations for studying the evolutionary inter
221                  The record of Drosophila in laying the foundations for subsequent studies in mammals
222 ment of linkage within each of these regions lays the foundation for subsequent investigations using
223 These self-organizing, competitive processes lay the foundation for successful collective action, i.e
224                        Previous studies have laid the foundations for such comparisons and demonstrat
225 brain and gut development in the rat neonate lays the foundation for sustained increases in blood pre
226 us isolate B522 on carrageenan agar that may lay the foundation for swarming studies of snake-like, n
227                                    This work lays the foundation for tailoring molecular properties l
228 he consequent oncogenic fusion proteins have laid the foundation for targeted cancer therapy.
229                                   This visit laid the foundation for the blossoming of medical care i
230         These little remembered institutions laid the foundation for the blossoming of surgical care
231 eninsula and Canary Islands to the Caribbean laid the foundation for the development of American creo
232                        The ancient Egyptians laid the foundation for the development of the earliest
233                                Those studies laid the foundation for the field and revealed the epige
234                      These principal studies laid the foundation for the field of senescence/immortal
235 logy, led to the discovery of oncogenes, and laid the foundation for the molecular mechanisms of carc
236 the importance of the composition of IVF and laid the foundations for the balanced solutions in use t
237 asis for molecular therapies, these advances lay the foundation for the clinical care of deaf and har
238                                  The results lay the foundation for the design of novel aromatic poly
239                                  Our results lay the foundation for the development of a DNA nanoproc
240                                These studies lay the foundation for the development of a new class of
241                     Common chemical features lay the foundation for the development of agents that co
242                               These findings lay the foundation for the development of antimicrobials
243                                   These data lay the foundation for the development of effective pred
244 dge about the kinetic mechanism of NTMT1 and lay the foundation for the development of mechanism-base
245 ce of phosphatase overexpression in TNBC and lay the foundation for the development of new targeted t
246 cross the CDH anatomic severity spectrum and lay the foundation for the development of risk-specific
247 specialist within the athlete care team, and lay the foundation for the development of Sports and Exe
248 tatically and dynamically heterogeneous, and lay the foundation for the direct characterization prote
249                                 Our data may lay the foundation for the future design of GTPase-selec
250                                These results lay the foundation for the generation of human model sys
251                                           To lay the foundation for the genetic and biochemical chara
252 the modular nature of Ab-Ag interactions and lay the foundation for the rational design of active CDR
253                                 Our findings lay the foundation for the rational design of PDT regime
254  these GEMMs model human responses well, and lay the foundation for the use of validated GEMMs in pre
255                           These results thus lay the foundation for the various routes to learning ge
256           The results we obtain in this work lay the foundations for the quantitative analysis of fut
257 unting and gathering to sedentary societies, laying the foundation for the development of modern civi
258 these mechanisms will be elucidated, thereby laying the foundation for the development of more target
259 bitor of MRSA and fosfomycin-resistant MurA, laying the foundation for the development of new scaffol
260 hot-spot architecture and cluster structure, laying the foundation for the full exploitation of their
261 ng of the molecular basis of fibre formation laying the foundation for the genetic improvement of jut
262 s of nanomaterials on distinct immune cells, laying the foundation for the incorporation of single-ce
263 can mediate targeted gene knock out in mice, laying the foundation for the potential application of t
264 date the causes of this inverse correlation, laying the foundation for the rational design of improve
265 gration of palliative and critical care, and lays the foundation for the articles published in this s
266 e distinct from those of nitrogen, this work lays the foundation for the development of a new class o
267                                    This work lays the foundation for the development of a new class o
268                           Thus, our approach lays the foundation for the development of immunologic "
269                                    This work lays the foundation for the development of inhibitors fo
270                                    This work lays the foundation for the development of new classes o
271                                This research lays the foundation for the development of new therapeut
272                                    This work lays the foundation for the development of uridylpeptide
273  study describes a powerful methodology that lays the foundation for the discovery of potentially new
274              The establishment of this assay lays the foundation for the discovery of selective inhib
275 NA-binding specificities for ApiAP2 proteins lays the foundation for the exploration of their role as
276 o exhibit obvious antifungal activity, which lays the foundation for the further study of MAF-1 biolo
277 as a photosensitizer for hydrogen generation lays the foundation for the future exploration of other
278                                  The article lays the foundation for the subsequent articles in the s
279  generalization dating back to Pavlov, which lays the foundation for theoretical and experimental app
280      In 1908, Oluf Bang and Vilhelm Ellerman laid the foundation for theory of oncoviruses by demonst
281 ontext for combinatorial integrin signaling, laying the foundation for therapeutic strategies that ma
282 his review, we discuss past discoveries that laid the foundation for this fundamental area of platele
283                             The new strategy lays the foundation for this quantitation platform to be
284                                These studies lay the foundation for understanding both the biochemica
285                               These findings lay the foundation for understanding the molecular basis
286  These high-resolution architectural details lay the foundation for understanding the molecular mecha
287                                These results lay the foundation for understanding the molecular patho
288                                     Our work lays the foundation for understanding fundamental issues
289                                 This finding lays the foundation for understanding how multiple SLF g
290                                    This work lays the foundation for understanding the pleiotropic ro
291                                    This work lays the foundation for understanding the role of host d
292                                 Our findings lay the foundation for use of the dectin-2 promoter in L
293                                  The results lay the foundation for using chemically synthesized GNRs
294                  Taken together, our results lay the foundation for using fluorescent dC analogs to f
295                                These studies lay the foundation for using SDF1 to induce mobilization
296       The success of MUPPETS in this context lays the foundation for using it to study exciton-excito
297                                   This study lays the foundation for using V. fischeri as a model sys
298                                    This work lays the foundations for using genetic engineering to pr
299                         The results obtained lay the foundation for utilizing the alpha-HL ion channe
300                           These results also lay the foundation for whole genome scans with dense set

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