


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bition on malignant vascular tumors and have laid the groundwork for a promising treatment of angiosa
2 AC activity and aggresome formation and also lay the groundwork for a direct test of the role of aggr
3 al communication during mouse courtship, and lay the groundwork for a mechanistic dissection of commu
4 structural motifs of this channel family and lay the groundwork for a mechanistic understanding of ho
5  different environmental conditions and thus lay the groundwork for a more complete understanding of
6                                 Our findings lay the groundwork for a new generation of versatile, bi
7 Kyoto Protocol is that it does not appear to lay the groundwork for a self-enforcing treaty).
8                      Together, these results lay the groundwork for a theoretical framework to connec
9 ts to infer community assembly processes but lay the groundwork for a theoretically justified trait-b
10 the synergistic effects of human impacts are laying the groundwork for a comparably great Anthropocen
11 demonstration of an embedding spindle matrix lays the groundwork for a more complete understanding of
12                                This analysis lays the groundwork for a more comprehensive understandi
13 often observed for RNA folding processes and lays the groundwork for a significantly improved underst
14        This electromagnetic forming approach lays the groundwork for a versatile, time- and energy-ef
15                                These results lay the groundwork for AAV-mediated gene therapy experim
16                                These studies lay the groundwork for an improved mechanistic understan
17                                   This study lays the groundwork for an understanding of the mechanis
18 ication is to a relatively simple system, it lays the groundwork for application to biologically impo
19                                  This system lays the groundwork for applications to an environmental
20                                      Here we lay the groundwork for appreciating the mechanisms and c
21 ypes that develop over long time periods and lays the groundwork for by using RNAi in phenotype-based
22                         This study begins to lay the groundwork for calculating pediatric IOL power i
23 e biology of this slit diaphragm protein and lays the groundwork for characterizing the interactions
24 ht on the regulation of Rab12 activation and lays the groundwork for characterizing the regulation of
25 fective therapeutic approaches for CMT1A and lay the groundwork for clinical trials in humans afflict
26 latory modules with tissue-specific activity lays the groundwork for complete characterization and de
27                                These results lay the groundwork for continued translational developme
28 e feasibility of the real-time intervention, laying the groundwork for controlled trials with larger
29                                These studies lay the groundwork for correlating defects in different
30 t TMEM16A is important for hippocampal CaCC, laying the groundwork for deciphering the dynamic CaCC m
31                                   This study lays the groundwork for detailed investigations of the m
32 ies using a simple, cost-effective means and lay the groundwork for developing additional highly sens
33                           These observations lay the groundwork for developing cardiospheres as a nov
34                Taken together, these results lay the groundwork for developing new diagnostics and in
35                            The present study lays the groundwork for developing a systematic and auto
36                                This research lays the groundwork for developing an alternative in sit
37                       This comparative study lays the groundwork for developing improved tools and fo
38 rtinent cancer target, and our studies could lay the groundwork for development of novel cancer thera
39                                   This study lays the groundwork for development of a diagnostic test
40  and differences among prokaryotic SODs, and lays the groundwork for development of antimicrobial dru
41    Results from this study are important for laying the groundwork for discovery and design of high-a
42 igins of interneuron subtypes, these studies lay the groundwork for elucidating the molecular bases f
43 operties of a common polymorphism of CFH and lays the groundwork for elucidating the role of CFH in A
44               Numerous legal precedents have laid the groundwork for end-of-life decision making.
45 n bacterial type II polyketide synthases and lays the groundwork for engineered biosynthesis of new b
46                                  Our studies lay the groundwork for epigenetic modification and mecha
47                                  The results lay the groundwork for establishing a novel animal model
48                                 Our findings lay the groundwork for establishing gene expression prof
49 exchanger in nutrient absorption in vivo and lays the groundwork for examining integrated acid-base p
50 at establish plaque stability, these studies lay the groundwork for exploration of mechanisms by whic
51 ious role for activated astrocytes in AD and lay the groundwork for exploration of other novel astroc
52 s helps define this class of noncoding RNAs, lays the groundwork for functional studies, and provides
53 across uni-, bi- and multivariate scales and lay the groundwork for further clinical studies that mig
54          Together, the results of this study lay the groundwork for further evaluation of mechanisms
55 e three HFGP studies presented in this issue lay the groundwork for further studies aimed at understa
56  autoimmune subphenotype may exist in MS and lay the groundwork for further studies focusing on the p
57                                 Our insights lay the groundwork for further studies of CNbeta1, whose
58                                 This ability lays the groundwork for further enhancing the assay thro
59                                 Our analysis lays the groundwork for further molecular studies of lun
60 ration of these mutant p53 knock-in mice has laid the groundwork for future studies to elucidate the
61                                These studies lay the groundwork for future enzyme engineering to broa
62                 The results of these studies lay the groundwork for future strategies to therapeutica
63                                These results lay the groundwork for future structural and functional
64                                These results lay the groundwork for future studies aimed at understan
65 ma progression and metastasis, these results lay the groundwork for future studies assessing the ther
66   Together, the results of these two studies lay the groundwork for future studies to determine how,
67          Together, the results of this study lay the groundwork for future studies to explore the rol
68 e broadly applied to study PNS disorders and lay the groundwork for future therapeutic application of
69 an excellent model for giant phage research, laying the groundwork for future analyses of their highl
70 ers of liver function and hepatic steatosis, laying the groundwork for future diagnostic and therapeu
71 ation of the auditory pathway in rodents and lays the groundwork for future applications of cochlear
72                                   This study lays the groundwork for future investigations to identif
73 lot study that provides proof of concept and lays the groundwork for future investigations.
74 e complexity of primary mouth formation, and lays the groundwork for future molecular analyses of thi
75                                   This study lays the groundwork for future molecular studies of Apis
76                                   This study lays the groundwork for future pHis proteomics studies i
77                                   This study lays the groundwork for future research related to the e
78 g of the mechanisms of iNOS dimerization and lays the groundwork for future studies aimed at modulati
79 ith direct, long-range spin interactions and lays the groundwork for future studies of many-body dyna
80                                    This work lays the groundwork for future studies on the functional
81 on to increase gene targeting efficiency and lays the groundwork for future studies using aptamers fo
82                                These results lay the groundwork for identifying genes responsible for
83                                These results lay the groundwork for identifying the Dice1.1 and Dice1
84 g magnetism at the TI-FMI interface but also lay the groundwork for imaging magnetic domains and doma
85 ve begun to unlock this riddle, however, and lay the groundwork for improved cancer therapies.
86                                These studies lay the groundwork for incorporating the effects of grou
87                                     Our work lays the groundwork for label-free drug screening in pha
88                      The data presented here lay the groundwork for mapping the location of one of th
89                                These results lay the groundwork for mechanistic/deconstruction experi
90                                    This work lays the groundwork for mechanistic and structural analy
91                       Overall, these results lay the groundwork for more detailed studies of venom fu
92 s, septal wall formation, and cell polarity, laying the groundwork for more detailed investigations o
93                                   This study lays the groundwork for more comprehensive models that c
94 e enough to detect single locus differences, laying the groundwork for mutation screens for new neuro
95                                 Our findings lay the groundwork for new applications of colloids and
96 CMs and other chronic degenerative diseases, laying the groundwork for new therapeutic strategies.
97                  Simple cells are thought to lay the groundwork for orientation selectivity.
98                       all these observations lay the groundwork for our understanding of how a noncon
99 nce to third-generation EGFR inhibitors will lay the groundwork for overcoming the next generation of
100 stic packs for blood collection in the 1960s laid the groundwork for platelet transfusion therapy on
101 perience-dependent plasticity, these results lay the groundwork for probing microanatomical rearrange
102 ks that underlie important cell functions is laying the groundwork for quantitative identification of
103 iants that regulate platelet function and to lay the groundwork for rational pharmacogenetic approach
104 d throughput rapidly increases, promising to lay the groundwork for revolutionizing our understanding
105 y that includes interactions and decoherence lays the groundwork for simulations of the transverse-fi
106                                These studies lay the groundwork for strategies to target essential ch
107 te selection and dephosphorylation by CN and lays the groundwork for structure-based development of n
108                           These measurements lay the groundwork for studying and exploiting spatial a
109 lts explain recent experimental findings and lay the groundwork for studying the hierarchical molecul
110  the transcriptome of an expanding cell, and lays the groundwork for studying fundamental biological
111                                     Here, we lay the groundwork for such a theory, starting with a ke
112 lternative long-range signaling pathways and lay the groundwork for systematic exploration of how ind
113 led residues that direct cleavage of CSF and laid the groundwork for testing whether other Phr peptid
114 ded our understanding of protein folding and laid the groundwork for the creation of unprecedented st
115 ic reticulum stress in myelinating cells has laid the groundwork for the design of new therapeutic st
116 etect DNA mutation with direct visualization laid the groundwork for the future development of detect
117                     This fundamental concept laid the groundwork for the notion of a modular sensory
118 of the two GluRS enzymes in one organism may lay the groundwork for the acquisition of the canonical
119 uction of simple biological systems may also lay the groundwork for the construction of more complex
120                                These results lay the groundwork for the design of effective Cry5B-bas
121  role of tTGase in Celiac Sprue, our results lay the groundwork for the design of small molecule mime
122                               These findings lay the groundwork for the development of assembly inhib
123 f interaction, the results of this study may lay the groundwork for the development of effective clin
124 le identification of Notch target genes, and lay the groundwork for the development of Notch pathway
125 n of the Gal-deficient IgA1 hinge region and lay the groundwork for the development of reliable diagn
126                                   These data lay the groundwork for the exploration of EC therapies t
127                    The results of this study lay the groundwork for the further evaluation of CAR-exp
128 the structural properties of chiral peptoids lay the groundwork for the rational design of more compl
129 nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) and lay the groundwork for the rational reengineering of NRP
130 sors with miniaturized detection systems may lay the groundwork for the real-time, point-of-care dete
131                                These results lay the groundwork for the study of variation in sporula
132                 Therefore, these experiments lay the groundwork for the time course of differentiatio
133 een Homer proteins and monogenic autism, and lay the groundwork for the use of mGlu5 receptor antagon
134 damental understanding of this process while laying the groundwork for the creation of new chemical a
135 ing of enzyme function, while simultaneously laying the groundwork for the design of novel catalysts.
136  a potent cross-inhibitor of PlasmodiumSUB1, laying the groundwork for the development of a globally
137 g PGRN levels and highlight studies that are laying the groundwork for the development of effective t
138                                         This lays the groundwork for the construction of a transcript
139                                This research lays the groundwork for the control of complex elastic d
140 f nanoparticles and block copolymers, and it lays the groundwork for the design of cooperatively asse
141                                    This work lays the groundwork for the design of ligand-based NP fo
142  from unamplified human genomic DNA samples, lays the groundwork for the development of high-density
143 urce for investigating lncRNAs in cancer and lays the groundwork for the development of new diagnosti
144 tanding of siphovirus-mediated HGT, but also lays the groundwork for the development of sensitive aff
145  under aqueous conditions in high yield, and lays the groundwork for the development of sulfinic acid
146                                   This study lays the groundwork for the eventual identification of c
147                                   This study lays the groundwork for the on-going development of imag
148                               Our goal is to lay the groundwork for this technique and establish it a
149 ons, including the foundational efforts that laid the groundwork for today's investigations, and deta
150 ons from 3 types of human breast cancers and lay the groundwork for translation of these measures to
151 e factors unique to hvKP, which is needed to lay the groundwork for translational approaches to preve
152  The design criteria derived from this study lays the groundwork for ultrabright fluorescence bullets
153                 Simple perceptual tasks have laid the groundwork for understanding the neurobiology o
154 emporal production--findings that ultimately lay the groundwork for understanding how more complex mu
155                                These results lay the groundwork for understanding the differential se
156                              In doing so, we lay the groundwork for understanding these elaborate pro
157                                 This finding lays the groundwork for understanding cell-based biologi
158                      Collectively, our study lays the groundwork for understanding the molecular basi
159                           These studies have laid the groundwork for unraveling new enzymatic strateg
160                                  Our results lay the groundwork for using a phylogenetic approach to
161 or liposarcoma clinical characterization and lay the groundwork for using Boolean-based probabilities
162                                  Our results lay the groundwork for using fermionic optical lattice c
163 of the physiological function of PrP(C), and lay the groundwork for using PrP-expressing yeast to stu
164 ith respect to an arbitrary reference frame, laying the groundwork for using backbone residual dipola
165                                   This study lays the groundwork for using alkaline-earth atoms as te
166 NV from infected fish to healthy fish, which lays the groundwork for using LJ001 as a possible therap

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