


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1  field defect and the optic nerve head morphology, however, led us to a vascular evaluation by a simultaneous fluorescein
2  and in phrenic motor neurons of the central nervous system led us to address the individual contribution of these Hoxa5
3                                       This unpredictability led us to an expanded search for treatment options, where we
4 nts based on CHARMM36 force field with standard TIP3P model led us to an unexpected finding that in silico Abeta10-40 and
5 on of small fragments of cone outer segments within the RPE led us to characterize the third band as the cone phagosomes
6 ith diverse BTX phenotypes of N1584K/A/D/T mutant channels, led us to conclude that the conserved N1584 residue is indisp
7                                                This insight led us to develop an approach to quantum mechanics which reli
8 the ethical need to minimise the use of laboratory animals, led us to develop tools to maximise the amount of information
9                                              These findings led us to discover that up to 8% of wild-type sporulating cel
10  AvrRpt2 is directly expressed in planta These observations led us to discovery of a network-buffered signaling mechanism
11                                       The commentaries have led us to entertain expansions of our paradigm to include new
12 te lymphoid cells (ILCs) regulate adaptive T cell responses led us to examine the regulatory potential of ILCs in the con
13  between HIV fusion to host cell and sperm fusion to oocyte led us to examine whether these fibrils promote fertilization
14                                            This observation led us to explore the possibility that resident macrophage/mo
15                                     This anatomical feature led us to hypothesize a functional segregation within the VS
16 humans and other species that benefit from free mate choice led us to hypothesize that it also confers reproductive benef
17                                                        This led us to hypothesize that MIF may have the capacity to inter
18                                                 Recent work led us to hypothesize that this tropism may reflect pathogeni
19                                                        This led us to hypothesize that Tregs may affect the trafficking o
20                                               This evidence led us to identify a subset of peripheral blood CD14(+) CD1c(
21                                            This observation led us to interrogate the human genome for dCn runs.
22                               These contrasting differences led us to interrogate the mechanism by which Mdm2 SNP309 regu
23 istone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors to treat skin diseases led us to investigate HDAC's role in the regulation of AQP3.
24                                This serendipitous discovery led us to investigate the chemical nature of the unknown comp
25                                                        This led us to investigate the connection between migraine and the
26 e lower temperature (200 K) considered in the present study led us to observe that the molecular centre-of-mass dynamics
27 d those derived from Li-non-responsive (NR) patients, which led us to partition our BD neurons into two sub-populations o
28                                          These observations led us to propose a metabolic model for autotrophic growth by
29 sation of a synaptonemal complex (SC) protein, SYCP3, which led us to propose a model for its role in chromosome compacti
30                                              These findings led us to propose a model to explain the interplay between l-
31                                                This finding led us to propose general mechanisms of dependency on plastid
32                     A physical model of cisterna morphology led us to propose that sphingomyelin (SM) metabolism at the t
33 host or the presence of lifelong protective immunity, which led us to question this dogma.
34 ef mention of a single joint in a conference abstract, this led us to question whether the original concerns about Dolly'
35 ents a novel effective vdW potential energy function, which led us to re-parameterize hydrogen bond and electrostatic pot
36 est towards high-band gap absorbers for tandem applications led us to reconsider this attractive 1.95 eV material.
37                   These apparently conflicting results have led us to reexamine the effect of PGE2 on IL-1beta production
38                                                        This led us to reject the hypothesis that anammox is more cold-ada
39 epancy between catalyst speciation and product distribution led us to report the first direct, noncatalytic quantitative
40 e role of the phytobiome in plant abiotic stress tolerance, led us to sequence the transcriptomes of herbicide resistant
41                                            This observation led us to speculate as to whether our data may form the basis
42 ation of botanical folk medicines for wounds and infections led us to study Schinus terebinthifolia (Brazilian Peppertree
43 pectroscopic data between synthetic and natural nhatrangins led us to synthesize six more diastereoisomers of the propose
44   The ability of EW murine RV to inhibit multiple IFN types led us to test protection of suckling mice from endotoxin-med
45                                Comparing the two structures led us to the hypothesis that sugar translocation could be ac
46   Immunoaffinity purification of AtMC1-containing complexes led us to the identification of the protease inhibitor AtSerp
47                                The role of hydrogen bonding led us to the rotation of NH4(+) within its solvent cage and
48                                    approximately 3000 ppmv) led us to the use of the less-sensitive but spectroscopically
49 he equatorial range edge of a variety of woody species have led us to understand that widespread growth decline and distr
50 ainty, found in 88 families (8.5%), if excluded, would have led us to withdraw of only 21 cases (23.8%), and only 1 mutat

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